i i i i r i i i kasonaoie igeas ror nouseKeepers Suggestions To Make Bolter This New Year 'varied. Perhaps there r .-,iVfr who re- ien nw" , . L serve better meals to LniP in 1947. I -fhe hcnne 1 are ngnv Mu ,;ik Imln- i.estlons for nvaiunB Lai Department of Agrl- bullcun "Foods lor me hi hppn used In j hmnps for the , past . e una iiaruware ut uie uuojtukr ill n i ' ' 3, aluminum pots from used 3-piece beds $10. 'from $2.50, smoking 5 SiV !.ri.AA V1vam cAt all wool, new price $35, MM; palls for coal or from 45c B.C. Furnl Co. Black 324. ru .r.. i ii o m nil ta m n r TP toi v - . lit. W- ... MACHINERY Knrn, (14) vaientln Dairy. (15) &pare lire. Ceillns nrlce A rw.Ut r rvi iixon, Arrow TIM A . f S i BOATS FOR SALE anze our serv ces. the n V"n . . xuilUi L.1II11WU, aepartment, have now wj itw station Street arm PaaI.. m Oasoline Engines as well WITJ ... -" .iuin i.nis nanr i - tiU A VK- - TY ILiV.ll l Vivian D ftse nnH urmted, 16G0 Vancouver. B.C. j-achic OIW. (15) lumoer morn -"..,, use me modern uP-t0-date tVDft Nat.lnnnl -uuiea, Vancouver. M ANn n r. a . . rates, r'e Red 710. " u ii ii. -n r i a ...j, ,iUm name. .deferable. 622 Fraser A ton nr "" Oraipe Sponsc Custard Sauce l.umhrun J I Cheese and Vegetable Scallop Pickled neets Canned Fruit Dinner 1 Apple Juice Pot Roast Mashed Potatoes Turnips and Onions Chocolate Cream Dinner II Vegetable Soup Daked Sausage and Apple Rings has been reprinted Scalloped Potatoes, Carrot Sticks roe revisions, aaaiuona ornvements it contains adlngs as "Foods we have ,w best 'o use tnem, Hints ana "aaving ere are also good Ideas n? looo anu menu ouj- for the three dally These pattern.? are a guide to planning well-j interesting meals that at lea 't a minimum of itntial foods. They do not the extravagant use or ;y scarce foods. are some sample menus cheon and dinner. It is . ...... tm curved uHfh nil iov Luncheon I Savory Spahgettl Fvl ftrepti Rnlftd frfi (32) nPPiy Box 185. LOST T.L . (tf) AVCmin n H ll-. Milium K1J fill "'ue tiny. -...uCr niM ! " tiers - 1 1 tt i if r I -Set nf fin. " r Ta ta '"la uctroia Reward (15) Jellied Fruits Cookies . Savoury Spaghetti 3i pound liver cup chopped onion 2 tatoleipoons ffct 1 teaspoon salt Dash of pepper 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 cups tomato Juice 8 ounces spaghetti ' cup grated cheese. ScaU liver in boiling water 5 minutes. Drain and grind. Brown onion in fat. Add liver and seas onlngs and cook slowly 10 minutes. Add tomato Juice, simmer 20 minutes. If mixture"Tecomes teo thick during cooking, thin with a little water. Meanwhile cook spaghetti In boiling, salted water until tender. Drain and rinse In hot water. Pile spaghetti on a deep platter. Pour tomato Classified Advertising - - r I - . T.Av.la rtnth Ua, MB nfn,a1 Knlliu, WaIaaa tnd Engagement Announcements: t2. FOR SALE AL&--40 ft troller com- lncludlng halibut gear. (19) a , i zi 1TP -Vctrf t M t 1-11-1- 5 use new a jjiecc ..- A A Ave East (15) For Alaska FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished 3-room suite with oil burner. Apply 940 Ambrose Ave. (15) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite. Apply Suite 7, Washington Block. (19) FOR RENT Comfortable room Phone Blue 967. 427 5th E. (19) FOR RENT Heated office spac. Apply G. P. Tinker Co. Ltd , Phone 57. (tf) FOR RENT Warm, comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 806 Frascr Street, after 5 pjn. (tf) FOR RENT 2 housekeeping looms, private entrance. Also 6-room ftat, partly furnished, 5th Ave. West. Apply suite 1, Helgerson Blk. (15) WOKK WANTED VETERAN. 23. married, needs work immediately. Must earn at least 80 cents per hour. Do anything honest, anywhere. Box 197 Daily News. (17) HELP WANTED WASTED Women for filleting shed, work starting Immediately, union wages. Apply in person to superintendent. Canadian Fish St Cold Storage Co. Ltd.. Seal Cove. tf Steamship Sailings For Vnnconvet Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coqultlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 11:15 pm. - Friday ss Catala, 10 pjn. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coqultlam, p.m. Monday sa Princess Adelaide. pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, pjn. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. Friday ss Camosun, midnight From Alaska- Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 7 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 7 p.m COMMENCING JANUARY 17 mixture over it and sprinkle with grated cheese. Yield six servings. Cheese anil Vegetable Scallon 4 tablespoons fat 4 tablespoons flour Salt and pepper 2 cup.) milk 1 cup grated cheese 4 cups, cooked vegetable Bread crumbs Make a cream sauce of fat. flour, seasonings and milk, When cooked add grated cheese. Place alternately layers of cooked veg etable and cheese sauce In greased baking dish. Cover with erumibs and bake in a moderately hot oven 375 degrees F. until thoroughly heated, 30-43 minutes. Serves six. Grape Sponge 1 tablespoon gelatine 2 tablespoons cold water 1 cup unsweetened grape Juice Vt cup sugar (less if grape juice is sweetened) 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Dash of salt 2 egg whites . Scak gelatine In cold water. Heat grape Juice and sugar to boiling point, add soaked gela tine and stir until dissolved. Add lemon Juice. Chill until partially set. Add salt to egg whites, beat until stiff and beat Into the gelatine mixture. Chill until set. Serve with Custard Sauce. Six servings FOOD IN HAND How much food to have on hand is the biggest problem of the lousewife who has been appointed head chef for the church bano.uet or club social. Whether she's managing the making of .sandwiches, or the cooking of a three-cour. meal, this problem of how much to prepare hangs heavy over her. A group of "old hands" at this game of cooking for a large number of people has come up with a general lht cf amounts. To serve 100 people: six gal lons milk, 18 pounds meat, 50 pounds potatoes, four gallons soup, three pounds butter, si: long loaves bread, 10 pound cheese, 18 pies. Sandwiches, one large sand uvich loaf cuts 65 sllcesrone small sandwich loaf cuts 20 slices, one largo loaf requires one-half pound butter and three-quarters pound filling. Tea to serve 100: one pound tea, five allons boiling water. Tie tea loosely In cheesecloth and place bag in a large kettle of boiling water. Cover tightly for five to eight minutes, but den't allow to boil. Remove the bag before serving. Coffee to serve 100: l'i pounds coffee, two eggs, one teaspoon salt,- five gallons boiling water. Beat the egg and add the crushed shell and salt with half cup cold water. Boll .gently for 15 or 20 minutes and remove coffee bag and the shells. BACK TO SIMPLE FARE After he surfeit of holiday focd It may be difficult to tempt the family with more simple and less expensive dishes. The secret lies in subtle seasoning, whether it be a meat stew, an oven dish' or custard dessri. It Is the flavor and aroma that coaxes the Home economists oirer certain rules which, if followed, give best results. To hold the maximum flavor dried herbs such as savory, sage. celery leaves and thyme should be kept in a tightly-covered tin box and in a cool spot. As dried herbs are several times stronger than fresh herbs, they should not be added too generously. As most flavorings are held in volatile aromatic oils therefore HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Phone 289 HOVIS BREAD Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. WILL BE MADE REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERI" HOTEL Chop Suey Chow Mcin Chinese Dishes our specialty. - Open 0 aju. to 3 aja. PHONE 173 y TO RENEW CAREER Paralyzed from the hips down ever since a hunting accident two years ago, Susan Peters, promising young film actress, is advised by her physician that rhe can resume her career. MANCHESTER, England Industrial concerns have been asked to build student residences at Manchester University In rnem&ry of scientists and. Inventors whose work had been the foundation of the country's Industrial progress.- The Experts Say - - they should not be added until near the end of the cooking time of pot roasTT stews or soups. The best way to extend and hold their flavor Ls to add them to the fat. With herbs, heat them with a little cooking fat for sauces or gravies, add orange rind, vanilla, or other essence, to the fat in making a cake. A blend of flavorings produces i th? most delectable flavors. Use a little more cf one so it will be more pronounced and combine one or several with it. Train Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. HOW CAN 111' By ANNE ASIILEY Q. How can I make a good toilet perfume? A. A good toilet perfume can be made by, mixing two ounces of alcohol with one-half ounce of orris root. Keep in a bottle, tightly corked, and shake well before using. Q, How can I bleach a scorched spot? A, Rub the spot Immediately with a cloth dipped in diluted peroxide. Then run the iron over it and it will be as white as orig inally. Do not use this method on colored material. Q. How can I test eggs for freshness? A. Place the egg in a pan of water. If fresh, it will He on its side. IX a few days old, it will tilt ipward. If stale, it will stand on end. If very old, it will float. Q: How can I successfully iaunder t'es? A. B;fore washing ties, baste them carefully, to prevent the lining or padding from becoming lumpy. Remove the basting before Ironing and the ties will look like new. ELEANOR SUSPENDED NEW YORK The driver's license of Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt has been suspended as a result of ia,n accident last summer In which .Mrs. Roosevelt and five tithers were injured. Geo. J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Rns Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George Smartness combined with guaranteed comfort make the Murray Heel-Huggers definitely a shoe of distinction! SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT BrownWood Formerly (CUT RATE SHOE STORE) 50C Third Avenue Fone Green 595 Why a . . . Self-Winding Watch? Many people wonder if a self-winding watch could be reliable, These watches are not really new but it was not till about 1930 that they came Into quantity production. The timekeeping parts are similar to the regular watch with the addition of the self-winding attachment which Is a swinging weight which operates by a ratchet when the wearer's arm is moved. Some advantages are that the watch is always fully wound making a constant tension on the stem mainspring, preventing breakage of springs and stem. There Is a special device to keep the watch from overwinding. We have a very satisfactory model at $37.50. Also the famous Mido at $60.00. Omega has recently produced their master at $82.50. All plus tax. S II Women's Council Names Officers The Prince Rupert Women's Co-ordinating Council elected Mrs. George Rudderham president at the annual business meeting held in the Civtc Centre Thursday afternoon. The former president, Mrs. J. J. Gillls, was named honorary president. Mrs. Glllls, who was absent due to illness, was replaced In the chair by Mrs, Rudderham during the meeting. The full slate of 1947 officers consists of: Honorary President, Mrs. J. J. Glllls. President, y.'rs. George Rudderham. Vice-President, Mrs. A. Haines. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. D. Orchard McLeod. Publicity Chairman, Miss E. Kinnalrd. Visiting Committee Mrs. J. S. Black, Mrs. T. Boulter, Mrs. L. Dolron and 'Mrs. G. Hanley. The next meeting of the council win be held in April. (those HUFfy light) AUHT JEMIMAS ( ALWAYS TASTE I V LIKE MORE IH rAXCMCS 01 BUCKWHUTsflj Tbe Qtukfr Oztj Cwnpanf f Cauda Limited SINGER Sewing machines for rent by the week or month PHONE 864 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 3rd Ave. West ! COTTAGE CHEESE iNew Creamed Fresh .Made I 'VALENTIN DAIRY I Your Dally I ALL-WEATHER SERVICE CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yon wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street pdnct ntipctt'Dnflp jTMus Friday, January. 17, 1947 The Quality Tea 0RAN&E FEK0E SENSATIONAL VALUES AT OUR Bargains Galore DRESSES GLOVES PURSES COATS SUITS HATS BUT AND SAVE ON OCR BUDGET PLAN NATIONAL JUNIOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WEEK . . . JANUARY 15 - 22 0c Mavwe h jillyow prescription Place your prescription In thi slutted hands t Nyit Drtif ist. ind rtceivt til tha professional cart tnd exadinj standards, ttiat the Nyil Druutsts ol Canada have maintained lor over three fenerations. For satisfaction brinj your next prescription to US. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED 3rd Ave. at 6th St. Phone 79 A Rtghltrti PhamecUl Afvvayi On Duty To Srve You t a DON'T LET Whs m m Prince Rupert Bottle Collector also messenger service Phone Blue 737 We buy . . . all sizes Perfcx Beer Whiskey, Gin and Bottles, Bottles Wine Bottles PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE nil ib YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not so good. You are advised to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS r i