...rvrlllH WOT HI AIM -.a'A 7, -I'resiuciw, iru- tiie farewell to Canada 31?M after wuinz a pw- UWltatlon 10 me nunc Iter, .a,.' Uton again, ai an can- Lg conference, the Prcsl-oid the over-riding aim of States was peace una tilttd jjhip with every nation In Lwdownls proaching Iaawmnf, arc freely Dipiom-,jlhorif.le3 prc-, !-day ,vwt Russia will , miert outright or try to rm the UnlKd States de li jf a Bis Three Inquiry I tbe Communist grab in fxiju dcclarca in either Lthe United States would nrcbablWv carry the case jtUnltnl Nations -'perhaps ,nx manner designed to :Sihe ;otllght on boviet vitcs '.iroushout the Bal- hAmei -ans laid the found- la of auch an appeal last hthn hcv made public a lirinc pr ''test charging Mos- with fla-rant interference Hur-'ar.an affairs, and dc- - a three-power lnvrsti-...I. jiti .. If l 0 pOllMCiH CUIIUIWl'u: lit arv ..a a matter w urg- T!.? document said there I.: t ice an adequate irrvest- by an Anglo-Amcrican- Irjn commission. The Unl- r.3 a signer of Hie '.".ration find armlstlct In jHl: arv ad as a member p United Nations, would con- It tttthcr action. CURTAIL- ISH TRAPS ' A!;"-"-3110N 0-- Lcsisla- .it!!i? and licencing mi ll an ': In Alaskan wat- proposed In Congress I" ,ir Secretary of In: lot Krug. phi prpc.3cfl legislation k ild require that sites be ! t ike Department of Intc-ior with u royalty to Department by each oper- five oc. cent for the '. 500,000 .almon caught, flnd :nt)cr cent for a:1 additional IILOTAGE FEES U INCREASED Ittawa, 0 Plictasc charg- ! meat Eastern Canadian ! have been Increased thirty -nt and on the west coast rccm In a move to step up - financial returns to ito pilots, n Department of !c Pcri spokesmun said on I'iay T'st csasf night rates urc Increased t Porta of Vancouver, Vic- I'1 and Prince Rupert. Pokc-:man said the pilots I'tigct the nmlor nart of the I'tasc io stabilize Incomes. 1(Jia to Have lore Divisions IEW nW.m TB, flm Ml!llll of l3abad, India's largest state, and the Maha-Jh of Travcncorc, a maritime to with rlili Ihnrlnm denoslts. tlVll IIIIWtlHItl ' itcrday declared for lndepcn-e when Great Britain quits The Nizam, In an edict JCo In Hyderabad city, said i "uld not loin cither Hindu- I'n or Parklstan. contsltucnt mbllc8. Local Tides Saturday. Juno 14. 1047 I5ll 0.-J7 Ifl j feet 21:59 19,2 feet I Lio ISO fp.nt u,uu - 15:31 7.2 feet lMls Betty Smith, sister of Art Berg of this city, is iV'ng on this evening's train ; "er return home to Zelma, ''S. aft nr. nHJI Cf Tnr. HAINES NOW ACCESSIBLE FROM JUNEAIHJARGE SERVICE the Alaska j?Jry. Aside Passatre" bv way of the Haiiie. 0 3i-47 available from either Juneau or Skapway, . vrding to a message .n.um uic iiauiuo imamum ui ituiniuerce to me rnnce 3 Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Thus another step Mf, Is made towards bringing about Jfet jfc'? fuller use of this highway route which has been confused by several obstacles and uncertainties. Only a few days ago, information was received that the Haines cutoff was being opened to tourist traffic as from June 20. The messaec from Haines states that the barge service is available from Juneau to Haines i and Skagway provided trips are warranted, this presumably referring to amount of traffic av at the local C.P.R. JAPAN'S TRADE DOOR REOPENS Business to Be Permitted On Limited Scale After August 15 WASHINGTON (CP) The International trade door lo Japan will be reopened to I private business on a limited scalcAueust 15, the state and war departments have announced. On the eve of the Second Great War trade had an impoit and export value listed at $1,300,000,000. This announcement followed the return to the United States of the trade mission from a conference with General Uour-las Mac Arthur and Allied headquarters staff In Tokyo. CROP DISASTER IN EAST IS SEEN C -aster for eastern particularly In Ontario. Quebec ard icw Biwrawlck, H H Han-mdpitt jf the Canadian Fcderat'on of Agriculture said yesterday. He mad.e this state ment in his opening rcmao a conference called by the Federation to study the seriousness of the feed grain stuatlon as It affects 'both eastern and western Canada. Vancouver Bralornc B. R. Con B. R. X. Cariboo v Gold Calinont C. ft E Foothills Home Toronto Athona 11.75 .CO .10 2.30 ID ' Dcntonla Cariboo Gold Dcntonla Mlnto f Pcnd Oreille z ior Pioneer 4 !,'' Premier (Border Premier Gold Al Privateer Reeves McDonald l-0l) Reno i '2 fin A .21 cmiuiun Sheep Creek Taylor Bridge Vananda fask) Congress Ucdlcy Amalg'tcd (Ask) fpud Valley fAsk) Central Zcballos (Ai'k) Oils A. it. P. Con MURDER TALE TOLD Oliver Terpenlng, above, of Imlay City, Mich., Is shown after he 1.13 .50 ,38 VA, ,t0 .15 ,0314 .23 2.45 2.75 4. 06 .27 Aumaque 73 Convert Commercial Beattle was captured by police. He confessed he murdered four playmates for a thrill, but was disappointed with the experiment. He faces life Imprisonment If convicted on a first degree murder charge. TREATMENT ailable. Tnerc arc "reasonable .rl,iru rates for cars and passengers I Jr rAVrN from Juneau to Haines." According to word from Haines OTTAWA, (P1 Jlcward Green the steamer Princess Louise, due (progressive-Conservative. Van-here next Monday northKund, , couver South i charged in the Is to make a call at Haines on ; House of Commons that Canada June 18 but this is not confirmed ! is "Shamefully" ticatin? her merchant seamen. The Minister ot Transport, j Hon. Lionel Chfvrier. retorted thait Canada Is treating her sea men quite as well as the United Kingdom or tlw Uritcd States. He said that Mie Bill amending the Merchant Sramcnls Compensation Actt timed to ensure that no seamen would suffer loss of computation dup to repeal of the war measures orders-ln-coun'cll Opposition speakers iid com Moose, who are developin into a rampaging threat In the i night by Watts and Nickcrson In their delayed game against j Savoy. Last night the clothiers j went under before the Loyal OTTAWA One of the Brethren by a score o- at nuu-worngs in alory has velt Park grounds. brought the projects en a 0-OPERATIVES "PERNICIOUS" WINNIPEG, , Co-opcrat-lvcs endanger free cnterpr.'se and are threatening to become "a pernicious influence" in Canada's economy, Fred Morris, president of the Manitoba division cf the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association said Thursday. ATS STOCKS : : TOD . . i r t IA rmirlriv S IJ. JOnilSlUll ovi. TlrtUlirt .to Eobjo u Buffalo Can. 22 Con. emeltcrs sa5 Conwest 89 Donalda , Fldona 41 t?m 78 Giant Y'knl'fe c-20 God's Lake I-10 Hardrock 40 Harricana 09 & Heva Gold -sl Hosco -39 Jacknlfc 08 Jollct Quebec 40 Lake, Rowan - -20 Lapaska 29 , LHtlc Lon Lac I'80 10 Lynx Madscn Red Lake 3.40 McKei!c Red Lake .... .62. MacLeod Cockshv.tt 1-75 46 Moneta 2,10 Negus (Ntoranda 46-25 Oslsko Lake l-50 Pickle Crow 3 00 Regcourt 35 San Antonio 4-05. Senator Rouyn 40 Sherritt Gordon 3.35 Steep Rock I-85 Sturgeon River 22 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BJUXlBll 'COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER TTTYTTT! A rTTTYYYTYYTTVYYTTj m 1 yi.r T nor X - V ill 4 Blue nunc Zj MtJ i nmiCj foe STAR L.v AND NIOHT SERVICE Btana: t Cabs 1 old Emprew ,Ioiei' in,ra ATei Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-'Trincc Kiipcrt, the Key to the Great Northwest" A A A A A A A T.A AA AA AAA AAAAAAAAA VOL. XXXVI, No. 138. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 5. I ' ---4. : art I loday, ine village can De ac- thM Duncan taklng a portlon curately described as almost a Annette Island. residential suburb of Prince Ru pert, because all the commerce of its residents is transacted here. However, it contains a re mote and .historic, charm which will remain ltsvown despite ine advance of time and the prob able forthcoming enfranchise ment of its people. In Dlace of the huge, old, St. : Paul's Church, which was built In 1903 and was even smaUcr than the original church which burned down at the turn of the century, is a smaller church nearby. This third structure adequately serves the spiritual needs of the shrunken ONE OF MOST ADVANCED GROUPS , Surroundine this monument to its past is a village of well-kept houses, served by a central electric lighting plant and protected bv a water system which projects five hydrants at almost every corner of its narrow streets. Its residents are proudly describ-pd hv Tndfan Aeent F. E. An- 1 tA nc "nnp nf the most ad- variccd native groups on the north coast." Visiting the village Thursday as a Father Duncan in 1808. At that time, lt was the home of some 37oOO Indians. He outlined the later religious pnntrnversv which resulted in Alaska, where he formed a vil lage known as New Metlakatla In both villages, the names of Ryan, Prevost, Leighton and Leask, .predominate. Fame of the progressive attitude of New Metlakatla has : become widespread while its older namesake has been all but forgotten. However, while ' New Metlakatla has been grow ing, Us Old Metlakatla cousins have also been on a progress match of their own. Their enfranchisement as a band has been before the government for two years and may be approved in the hear future. The village school is directed by Miss Cora Merrett, who after more than 20 years of Indian work, still enjoys her duties. She teaches the 21 school-age youngsters, and lives alone in the huge Agency house which overlooks Chatham Sound. Her major complaint Thurs day was that her pupils were annarcntlv taking too mucn aa- i c in,rl!nl-,tca vtntT limp. I Secret Weapon As Powerful As Atomic Bomb is Developed pcnntion. shouki for retroactive I f t m present-day residents, to the oulbreak.-0'f thr waror cA , - . jn.i-r'Ttrr ortFe earlier $zir'&ZS:, least to 104.1. MOOSE DEFEAT CLOTHIERS 6-4 o rinrirnr mp in Lne par- . n " & 1 - i mg. ment of victory woven iue.suny iiu Crisis Complex Is Hampering Solution of Peace Problem ERNEST BEyN SENSITIVE OF RESPONSIBILITY LONDON (CP) The Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevinaid today: "I sometimes think if we could pet out of the crisis complex, we mightsettle the peace problem." To ine foreign rrcss usui:ia- an a tlon. Mr Bevin said: "FnrcignUvo secretaries really are internaffcf tional Incidents now. Anythlngtt they say may lead to a great crisis." He rcpcaCcd crlticifun of the press coverage at the recent Moscow conference, saying: Actual facts are far better than the imagination of the (press men." PUELIC ENEMIES Individual blucllsh arc credited with having destroyed 1,000 ether fishes in one day. Melluhilla Village Living In Hislory of lis Lively Past (By JACK McLEOD) The native village of Metlakatla, once a thriving fontn. nf nnrth pnast. nctivitv. is now little more than a sleepy Indian village dozir.g in the warm memory of its past and receiving littiejaisturDance irom any RUSSIANS KILL ' RELIEF AGENT Incident Occurs Near Czenhosloyaklan Frontier VIENNA. A high Austrian government offlcisl reported yeoterday that Russian troops had fired on a Swedish relief agency party last night, killing automobile omer ana mnding Torst?n Arnaus chief itrfifi he Swediita mlas'ion to Aus- Ark .Austrian Informant paid the dead man vas named Carl-sen, and added that kt mi?ht have ibeen Arnaus. the- deputy. as 'Well as ihis driver. Alio, in the car were Arnaus' wife and child mho sViontinff Is remorted to have taken plac; at Berg, about 25 miles east eff Vienna, near the Chechoslovakian border. The Russians who did the ihootiPg were said lo be guards at a large frearby Russian am munition dump Arnaus and the family were reported at first taken into custody and later released. The brdy cf Carlsen was krat by the Russians. The Soviet com mander said that hhe party was d"-lvir'7 along a restricted road toward an ammunition dup. NORTH HIGHWAY nlmrnT n) rin MAPPING SURVEy HIIPFRT CLEAR ACROSS PACIFIC ottawa -n , Armv hfnd-i,1', 1 W oavt.atto. OAKLAND. Calif. Calif. W f-Twe Twenty ahlTButle of tlii 'J miw4aii4 n t A relict energy quarters annoupjeed yprtertiay small community which lies oaff ' t a Wers I are conducting a four months of Am-1 afternoon in company Tsimosean ximpoean Peninsula fcnuuu.a aumt some iuUI four .maca,lne .tcr Richard ma7?in? survey which ccm- mlles northwest or Prince Ru- p r r! AriVlcld recalled J menced June '1 .long the North pen, is vue vuv uiu ov. ruiua h,.tP sln(,p lt was created vvesi nrgnway sysiom. Church, which has fallen into a state of disrepair and disuse mainly because the dwindling n..1tn .m iniiroocintrlir lift.. local baseball picture. last nigiu ; aWe tQ support so large a buiW. vaiuagc ui uaj"&-""'"'is i controls playing outdoors so late in the long evening that tney are "cranky" In school the next day. NOTICE GIKLS 17-18 Years of Age Having One Year or More High School Enroll now for one-year course In Practical Nursing at the Prince Rupert General Hospital. An excellent opportunity to begin a congenial ajid worthy pro-fossion. Accommodation is available for a limited number only. COURSE TO BEGIN AUGUST J5 Salary $70.00 per month with meals and accommodation. Write P.O. Box 219, Prince Rupert, for application form and other particulars. UGANDA COMING HERE MONDAY The Canadian cruder HMGS. Usanda. a famllfar visitor to Prince Rupert, will dock here at 10 o'clock Monday mrtilng, remaining until 8 'clock Wednesday morning, according to in formation received this morn- lnc bv Lieut. Eric Jones, R.C.N., executive officer H.M.CJS. Chat ham. INDECENCY IS CHARGED Prominent Labor Leader Arrested in Vancouver VANCOUVER, W Daniel O' Brien. 57 year old Vancouver Labor Leader and regional dir ector of the Canadian Congress ol Labor, was arrested at his home Wednesday night. Police state he is charged with an in decent act. The case was adjourned one week in the police court Thursday Police say further that O'Brien was arrested fnllovlng investigation of complaints from three yotmS'jgins wno weir piaying u:i triesidcwalk in front ol his heme. MB lRjk Vft BW . .. i... 1 vpv fnrms nart of the "DrOETam "cnnstian vinage oy i ------- - cf milttary mapping whirih be-ran with aerial photographs Of the region when aerial -photographs were taken by the R.C-A. F. for the Dcipartmtnt of Mines and Resources In 1946. Controlling Atomics At Least Some Progress Now That Russia Has Made Proposal LAKE SUCCESS, P) 'Russia and the western ipowers are still Doles apart in their views on atomic control but some of the Unitsd Nations delegates said Soviet proposals submitted wca- nctsdav at least offered a oasis for a new approach to the prcb- 1 cm whiilp .there are no Signs SUGAR RATION IN STATES IS ENDED But it Will be Retained in Canada for a Long Time Ottawa Says WASHINGTON. O1 Secretary Cf Agriculture, Anderson, announced ths end of sugar ration ing to the United States house holders hotels and restaurants ctffectlye Wednesday midnighit, but reenKon ot price controls. Industrial users are suu iw-Oionedj (In Ottawa. Canadian government officials said there is little hope of lilting sugar rationing In Canada for a long time to come because of the world sup-p1y situation W AlKUKAr I Prince Rupert has been added to the list of ports at which seaplanes ariving Irom and departing for foreign destinations can report to customs for entry or clearance, this applying to both commercial and pleasure craft, the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been advised by Hon. James J. McCann, minister of natfunal revenue. Necessary instructions have been issued, the minister states. Thus is finally cleared up a situation tinder which it had been necessary for foreign aircraft calling at Prince Rupert to both enter and clear by way of Massett on the Queen Charlotte Islands. This requirement was lifted a couple of weeks atio as far as private aircraft were concerned. Now the same privilege has been extended to commercial aircraft. that the twelve-months dead- L j qj xcel lock In the unutea fixations awn-i lc commission is any nearer ailn. OCtlOOl OtUdieS solution, for the first time the delegates had before them a de tailed Soviet plan for atomic control. This plan would separate the atomic prcfelem into two pants an tamediatc convention or a treaty .to outlaw atemtc weapons and' a convention or a treaty est- Eibllfh'lng international atomic Two local girls liave disting uished themselves in studies at Ontario Ladles' College at Whit by near Toronto. They are Miss Peggy Large, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large, and Miss Dorothy Kergln, daughter of Dr and Mrs. L. W. Kergin. The for mer has obtained her A.T.C.M. in music with honors, also winning a school medal. The latter has won the medal for general proficiency In senior mat riculation. THE WEATHER Prince Rupert, Queen Charlottes and North Coast Cloudy With widely scattered rain showers today and Saturday, occasionally becoming clear in DEVELOPED IN NEW ZEALAND No Hint of Details Is Yet Revealed AUCKLAND, New Zealand (CP) A secret weapon that may play a vital part in world affairs because it is so powerful that it is said to have capa bilities -approaching the atomic bomb in effectiveness Is reported to have been developed In New Zealand. Although there is no hint of what the secret weapon may be, It Is stated that one means of application would have some similarity to one method ol using the atomic bomb. Reports of the powerful weapon have been made In the press which published accounts- on "excellent authority" of development and work during the war, on this weapon, the nature of which is still a top secret. The project was originally the idea of a Wellington. New Zea land, man who communicated his plan to Great Britain and the United States. Both court- tries immediately went ahead with laying the foundation for research. FISHERMEN 'unt FLY Vi". ,a fishermen from San pearo ana. Seattle have left by air for Shanghai, the objective of, the flight being to teach Chinese how to operate purse seiners. CHINA PROTESTS AGAINST RUSSIA Against Border Violations in Sinkiang Province NANKING. 'Of The Chinese government has instructed .the Chinese ambassador at wosco-w to protest both, to the Savlet government and the- outer Mon golian Minister over auesea violations on lthe border of remote Sinkiang yrovinco of China. A foreign office spokesman said this action indicated the Chinese government consider the Soviets responsible Ifor the attack on Chinese territory. Mailings on planes are dc clared to be those ot bcviet, Despatches from Sinkiang .say-fightin'g has been raging up-fbated between outer Mongol-Ian forces and the Chinese after four days struggle. A cavalry battalion had dipped 50 miles Into China on a punitive CANADIANS ; CATCH MOST Their Halibut Take Almost Double American Canadian 'h.ilimit flsherme set a new modern fishing record this year by almost doubling the catch of the United States fishermen. The International Halibut Commission repjrt that Canadian boats landed over eleven million icour.ds of halibut. United States vessels lanaea the afternoons and evenings. nh0Ut six and a naif million Westerly winds 15 m.pii. Little pounds. change in temperature. Mini- The Canadians vere helped, mums tonight: Port Hardy , i because Seattle's 'iieet remaineo. n-o-ntt ak Prinre Runert 45 iviaoc v ti , ---- Maximums Saturday: Port Hardy 62, Massett 60. Prince Rupert 60. D. C. Stuart, having been taken ill earlier in the week, will be compelled to remain quietly at home for some time. Today he was reported to be resting as easily as could be expected. n nort, through'tho dispute be tween fishermen and owners over the division of profits. SEATTLE Seattle's halibut fishermen were still hopeful of getting some Pacific fishing this season. Nsjcatiatlons have been s:hed.uled for a meeting. Only Area3 remains open. I: urn