3m piintc uuyea Dailg iMva? Tuesday, March 25, 1947 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd. 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. u. a. nur itM.; .Managing bailor, n. u. rratKi, Managing Director. 4f:MBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION .dependent daUy newspaper devoted t6 the upbuilding of Prince Rupert T"i all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bj city Carrier; per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c; Per Tear, 17.00; By MaU, Per Month. 40c; Per Year, 14.00. Road Reopening Soon IN. 'SPITE of the heavy sn,ows of the past winter, r opinion of those who. have just seen the sitiia-rl don in the lower Skeena' Valley is that the r-Prince Rupert Highway might well be open again by the end of April, providing, of course, that something unforeseen does not occur. Now that the . public works department is evidently undertaking - to'moye out the snow westward from Shames, nope &4& expressed that snow-clearing operations from H2Tthis end 'will be carried out with equal dispatch. T Soft spring weather conditions are already aidfng the department snow clearing equipment. Prince Rupert people are gratified with the . prospect that the highway within the next fey, weeks will be open, again and are hopeful that th department will be, 'so organized before another -winter rolls around that it will be a'11-vear road with 1 jssj -no winter lnteiTuption. I FROM PRESIDENT E.V,ERYBQp,Y will approve of the idea which is "peing 'acted upon by city council and chamber pi commerce tnat rre.siaent jruman ol the. United States, in the cpiirse, pf a prpjected cruise to Alaska early, this summer, be asked to make' a call at Pj-ince"'Ruper't.'Th,e city. would be" highly, honored if the invitation were accepted. It would be something really distinctive to have an bent chief executive of the United State's make a call. Before the several visits, to panada pf the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, such call's ivef& very. rare. It would be a. highlight event indeed for this city. There is good enough reason, of course, for Mr. Truman to come here! He would se.e the American sub-port of embarkation which' played such an important part in connection with the prosecution of the recent yar 'in . ihe Pacific and which appears to Joe on the eye of assuming an important role in rdonhection with the commerce; of Alaska through Joeing the transcontinental railway 'terminus so strategically situated in relation to the territory now aspiring to statehood. And. in addition to that. '.- there is the attention," indicated by recent events, that United States capital and industry ; arc paying 4ua U ta. lr r .......... -A?0.. iu me ucvciuuiiicjiL vi luuurai resources in inis 'area. ' f UNPRECEDENTED PURGE THIS is no witch hunt but an impressively large gcale purge that President Truman has ordered in the Royalty test of 2,20Q,00Q employees of the administrative, and executive branches of the Am- )i encan civil service. In fact, it is something quite M,: unprecedented and would suggest that there is jKffei eJf y jibr of the griyernrxieiit o scalp l'vw, 'SfcT suusiaiiuai proppruons. W'l T1 It is sierriificaht that fiimilnv plpnn.nnss nnnonv . V?&'be under way'ih otlier countries such as Britain Pisna anil Australia. 'All,' it' has been suggested;' has been 'rj " 'to-some degree at 'least insnired bvWnacla's esnirv! m&SlL nage disclosures of Ias(t year. fe.: t fPjgl WOOING FOR GOVERNMENT piilNGE GEORGE CITIZEN carries an interest-Yi&L:FlW editorial about a small business man who m l-ST' ; found that he had to spend so much time meet- BlAii, mg Wtth government r ft uk sra iff VALENTIN DAIRY YourDly" ALL-WEATHER . 8gRVICE eaturements' in connection with carrying on the business that he' eme to conclusion he better tret out Pf business and rnstlp - lumself n gbyeigment job. . ' The Citizen enumerates no less than 2Q time-requiring jobs of nuisance work that the Exasperated business man hail to do for the government before he could get around to do something towards carrying .pn his own work. There were the jobs in connection with federal, provincial1 and municipal licensing, the Prices an$ Trajje Board, ..the Labor Board, the income tax, the unemployment insurance, the sales tax? the Workmen's Compensation Board, the Mining Wage Act', the " " ' ' ' Hours pf Ybrk Act.' Thpre wre' what were mentjoned for this parr ticular small business. 'Qtner small businesses have such other requirpnts, to. mejt as'thp ripturnsior the p.pminion' Brekq of Statistics, the pr.ovihcial and federal suryey? of manpower, wages, equipment, costs of doing business, capital, ' tp. No wonder we cry in exasperation for relief from all these ihng which' are just as much a .charge and .a, brake'p.n business enterprise ah' in: ,;itiatjve although' possibly not quite as apparent as our almost confiscatory income and excess profits .. .taxes have been. -'-""- " " r w T UNew Crejimefl Fjresh Made XT INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MQBTIMER 324 2nd Aye. Phone 3 at From the Kut Uty Aroroved a Board ol Works commhdation that .the City Engineer be authorized to work in collaboration; wlh Hi L. New com'be. to eliminate a water riul sanceon Seal'Cbve" Circle. Wa ter" from the street Hoods" "(he basement of Mr. Newqombe's nome ana proper arainage r.e quires that a culvert he laid un der Mr, Newcorntoes land. Amiroved a erant of $9,000 re- quested by the school Board to cover ordinary expenses for the schools for March. Similar re quests are made monthly by the school boad until the city's estimates are'broughVctowri'. Authorzled paymenjts ot accounts totalling $46,522 for trie city during February. ' AuUiorlied the granting of ap option, on recommendation of finance committee, to W. ti. Col lins, to purchase lots 15, and 16, block 3, Secto2 jojaliarn Ave nue; ai me assessea yaiue oi $600. The option, tp run one year called; for, 'a down payment of '"' $C0, Adopted a finance committee. recpmmeridatlon that lot 19, block 5. section 'i (Witer sireetl be sold to M. J. Saunders for il50j cash. Whiffet i c -n . & -1 Frn? T-hf? Waterfront J Herring, have been runnlng'ln substanUal "quantity during the past week in Eddye Pais around Ue north end of Porcier Is- lana. ftfie nerrin ppuna a J&p Inlet, iorjciefijr optated by" Mc-Fa,dden ' Bros.,' and "takeri oyer' during thV list yeat- by Martin, is lull now with, 150 topi of fish. They ae, kep thefe' for, use of halibut bait later In the season. Capt. John Boden Is back, on, duty as master- of the Union, SUamship.Co.'s cjaital liner. Cq-'- i av.auuii Which' he trav elled io 'Atberia. ile'ouhd $t cQw.couritry pretty well cluttered up with snow but the 'trip wa2 n lnvlgoratng change. The ol4 uwne w we jracmc, noweveri fmelt good'lh the riostrlliTof the popular coastal kipper and 'he's really gjad, tq .bq back' , Train Schedule t-t 'f. -.-7 t- jir For the Eatt MohdayWe'dneaday, Friday-. 8 pJn. " rueway. jnursaay4 eaturaay Account GB-4031 8-5121 8-459t 8-3051 8-5142 13-2681 13-4421 NORTHERN V3 15- C31 1 1M950I Name Council Old , Approved the acUoQ of the Healtri! Committee iri awarding' a contract to paint the iadies' rest ro'epi wMt. Jardine. Adopted a Health Committee repo'rrihat'the 'Sanitarian has been authorized to detroy any untenanted rhacks south'oit fe'o-piox Avenue with the assistance of, the city fir.e.ch:. This policy wa'Vlly. approved bjf th CQunclsejrera ZSfititya aga(. Referred to a special meeUng of council the matter of appoint lng ah' accountant to replace s. B. McCafferty, whose resighitlon becomes ef fectlve'Xirril 15. Annll. catlp'n are now belng.'con.?l'4ered by Ihe'iflnance ctffiniltee."4. Approved a finance committee i iwpmmendation that the agtee- ment for sale between -the city and Ea'rlt Gordon oofeHng lot 3 and the west half of lot' 4, block i, secuon troufin Avenue tastJ be transferred 'to Martin K. TEr-rlcksen. al?6 ii'n ex - senHoernan desiring td'build a homV. Is Like Tapeworm BmKlINGHAAI. Eng., JT Pre sent-day" nbureaucracr,'' said W. Sucharian-Tayiol, president of the Incorporated Soclety pf Ad-vertlsernehV' 'Consultants', re-mindsM' him" ol the'Red'Cestoda a speiles' of tapewfirm. "The CeclO(Ia."'he said. "11 furnished with suckers and hooks has a complete set of reproductive organs, male, and female, and forms fresh p'roglotildes. to replace those which' 'are ' lost. "Something very like it Is to blame (or the restrlctlY.e meas-iirjes and unlnlerpr.'etable jar-gbq o'bureacrajcy." F4RHC EST; TlffiEATfVS VICTORIA, W,-Jr. C. Carl, di rector of the 'pfovinclal museum sys thlt British Cglumbla ,far-i in'ers rnaj ; soon' havahoihr6r- ch'ard' ipeit 6 comfaa t the starting. Ke jald'.fhli Etopean bird. lhtroduced to,. the east around ff0,:has gr;adualty extendr'd"',iB range to th west. WARTIME DEVICE '- LONDpJ, smpke-elim-ihalor invented during the' war to prevent' 'DVb;yi.':rey'ealihg th'eit pfc;! Clpns t6' U-'boa ts how is lnz .jied'lnr merchant; vessels to 'etieti ; a f rye'Tbef cent saving lh.cdaiThe method' tnVoiveS admitting alfver a"boilef .flFe'lo mix wlilv volatile or5utlent5 whTirtake hut'a'thltdlof. ihe- )alan3 enable them tdi?urri in 'ih? boiler r ijisf eicjf ' being carried vour .in' the xhait?t Itfeam, . B.G, mm LIST OF P.EPQS.ITS HER JICTURfi J.ATP QFE-flOflLD, MlfflS-Thjs sounds like something out of Hans Andersen, the1 te(ex bf fairy tales, but actually is a true stfiry about Randl Andersen', glrl'pTtiotographer who went to canaaas siiD-Arciic goia rieias on an assicnmeni arid came back owning nine golr mlhes; They calf Ranl "The uikine'' because of her Norse birth wid, ability; tb lake'sub-Arctic hardships lh hVr 'str'Ide. How she gV tli g'oid rntnes was In a trade. She "met an old prospector, Fernle Caverly, wanted some pictures of an area where he had Just made a spectacular gold strike near, Blsset. Man. He showed Randl where nine claims were'open nex (o his and helped her to stake them in exchange for. her ptctur.es. It' was a deal. Come spring. Randl' will know wheUier she's rich or Just the" owner'of somS real estate In the wilderness. CITY SELLS MANY LOTS- - A V to' The city council last, nlgty an,-jr'oVed fhe ale' of. thf roilowlhg vflnance. cnmlee; 20. black 34. section 'J (Eight 'Afehue EaiE), fo "'A'ntoi.i Ifalveison for. $150. "'Lots 31 33 and'l, block 5. sec- Ui,r67znd eS.HV half ot block 5 block' 27, sectlbn CVSeyenlhA venue 'Ea'stI to '"TA. 'ya'Iker "Jor". " A ": ''" ' $375.' 'lot 12. block 30, section 0 (Eighth AvehUe East)," o '6tto' ' Jerstaa; foj iiiol " 'Wt? 2f an' 26, Wgek 29, jBec-tloh C Ninth' Averiue East) (or $550. q George and' Violet Bag-shaw.. subject (9 SJt'bef cent 'discbunt fr ex-servlcemeo. Lot 16,T)lock 13, section 7 Am-1 brbse Ayenue) ty'JJ'. brjme, for $150. sub'iect to ex-s'erjlcemeh't ' discount'. The expectant young father, registering his wife In the maternity ward, turned to her and asked anxiously, "Darling, are you positive you want to jjo thrpugh with this.?" BttwtM'AII Su'lioniTn tintdt ONE-WAY FARE nd ONE-THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP (Mlnlmurn'ru. SOc) GOING: APRIL3 tdZp.rh., APRIL7 If no train April 3, tickets will brsol4'ri April 2 ' RETURN LIMIT APRIL S IX 'no service April 8, take first available train. ' : ',ti LEVINa nd PARLOR CAN PMVfLiatC AT USUAL RATK8. r--- .l . mi.. irformatUm rom " any Agent. " ..." 4)t COMPANY 1 nj YA P,?.?,?, l,a?,f ? whw serrlce arrountfare nll and on which no transaction has taken place since December: 31:1914. . " " - V..,nnT 1 rJ'in -. -TJ Deposit Aqqount Name N53 Cfl76t . Addresi H.'iy. Dunn..; 7th Ave, E.. A- ?hUU.w.v...i3;iti'.ATf.' W. .. Address Deposit 13.00'.' 5.00.. 3.00 Deposit Paeof l,asj Tiransactrbh Oct. 44 m Date of Last Transaction Y?e . ...3rd Ave.' E........ .';:....41.25 Dec. q. SIate...'......,..........::....;..'...jJNb; 32 inlander.....!1... : .20 .. Dec W.-LTttolmM:.. (,5 D. C. RockL...:. . ;..(09 1st" Ave. VV". (Rear) .73 Dec. fiodwiu:;;...;. ..:......:v.2h'a Ave. w..: no Dec V- Knr. - . 441 7th' Ave. W ;13 Oct. HuMon........ Hfl 1 7th Ave. E.. 3.03 July . Certified correct, NOftTHFjg L pOVV f (!?AX LOOTED. T- B- BLACK, 'Oeneral Manager. 224.4 3144 3144 3114 3144 3144 3144 " We serve, Yof Nothing 1 g!?t i Best . . J11. L. Atf 1TI - WS'or' JWfcW&pN CHEMISTS " rVVXtt "r i , GROCERIE8 -t f-jy.- - - DELaCATisSEK , fjftg. RECALL STORE Choicest Cooked Meata . .- ' Meat lgnd UWW ifafo Dato PHONE r!iyn6 II" Vatly, Deltyery Service RUPERT' SfW'W Uoxti'iih- till o pro. f gxcquer. our A session or the Excl uer C,ouri'''jina'da, which ' was to have been heW 'here yesterday 1 to 'jheaf ap" ' appeal" by w. C. ilttlV of Woodcbck" agalns't' the expioprlatioiV .61 VU land' lor a ' the wee n. The postponement, ef'ec'ed hy 'aBr.eemeiH'gf the so licitors, iprbbably will set the" hearlrife back until the fall. W. Fulton 'fs solicitor for the appelant. Whllf' a ' VaiVcpiiver ' flrtn represents 'tlvie".Crow. Justice Ctarl.fjS.ci. O'Connor of Ottawa was! to have preside at the ses- sion. " Don't w0Ty. If your Job Is small, And your rewards are few; Remembef (hat the mighty oak was once a nut like you". mm f- ac vD r-. will your PHIU1PS' messarp 9 Of n MERCHANT 4re You Helping Her. fro Smile? I 7- . 9 r pi M'UI Many vo(ivn hecomc cross i . patches , . when it comes ..... to , , fiBiirinj; ou.). their shopping problems. They do not know where, and wha( to buy. . . Are you helping; the wnmrn Make No Mistake what you have to Kelt, your advice of how and t hat to buy? r . i . The women of Prince Kiipcrl read the Daily News. They are the pilncipal buyers for the home, for the children, even for their husbands and, or course, the Rifts. CITY OF niUNCp iN U 1 ICE Take notice that 1 will at 1 PyiJLip AUCTION, TI!l'USI).Y,M.iRfJ ai wie uiy hall al 19 am. ine premises Knowi as STEELE KLOCK, third ttj consisting 01 Dusiness premises on the ground nj iour nuiit-a uoove. Minimum lerms: m, caih, balam,; H. I). TII.U.V, City Clttt GREETING CARDS IjT HE M0 h Prince Rnpcrt's most effect yc and most econom" advertising' medinnv ARE YOU UBINO TIIS SURE AND SIMPLE MEANS OF KEEPIi10 ' ymI the market or city and distil ical