ial Dol bca i Singers entertainment. Iny, April 1G, 8:15 p.m., fcs' Hall. Tea, Civic Centre, April Ladies' Tea and Sale, Intrc. April 18. Be Dance, Masonic Tchi- Icd. 13. Sojourning brcth- of thc Moose tea and 111 30. Church Spring Sale, ICamp Tea, May 3, Mr3. Novelties. let's Spring Sale, May 8. f Auxiliary Sale. May 9, r's Day Tea and Sale ping. S.O.N. Sonja Laid, May 10. Lutheran Ibascmcnt, 2:00 to 0.00. fat Chapter Spring Tea, Concert, civic Centre, till Cathedral Channel (ca, May 22, Mrs. Nora oinos Intribulions to this section will be welcomed) liar Prince Riiperl Girl l of Member for Allin hrwwv.w i'Snccial' to Dailv News') First jJ J I v "i,w.ii Wn. was the scene at 8 o'clock Sat- fening, Rev. Dr. Albert Paul officiating, of the t t Mis Katncnne janei waison. oniv P Ul AJm J " l . f Mr mifl Mrs. John Watson of Prince Ui and William Duncan; Smith, also of Prince L of Mrs. Smith and ft. o. Smith oi wm- fotland, and memDcr tislatlvc Assembly for given in marriage tc, Davie, formerly or crt, wore a lovely LI,.. and I long sown oi "u frepe wttn silver ocuu h fashioned on prln- Inith Ions sleeves, ncr If " ' ... I of rose blue wium flowers and veil. Her fc-as of pins roscouua Inths, Itron of honor was Mrs. LfAuzhan who wore a E pink sheer dress, tur- It and s'oves ana dou-Lak and white carna- R. Mitchell was grooms- f thc ushers were Alex and Itcid Mitchell. mi tne ceremony a ic-- Iras held at the Angus fcne of the groom's fcnd slstcr-ln-law, Mr. WF- i a. o. Smith. Guests liouncemeiil Itirrju-nt in tnw column Mrriu lor iuii uiuuvu lit 25ora. I Card Farty, Thursday, , Catholic School Hall, lursday, March 27, 1224 ! Avenue. Mrs. Gomez. to BcUiunc Peace Hos- Strcct School Choir ,hm Band present opcr-t Centre, March 28. in Spring Sale, March Mary W.UE. Tea, April 'arklns. Brew's W.A. Easter Sale, I Ic Orange Tca'and Sale, were received by Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Robert Davie. Toast to the bride" was nro posed by James R. Mitchell and responded to by the groom. The bride's table was centred with a handsome wedding cakej which was duly cut by the bride.' Presiding at the pouring table' were Mrs. Alex Smith of Sum-1 merland, aunt of the groom, and I Mrs. R. II. Dover. Servltcurs were the Misses Margaret Smith, Audrey Mitchell, Mac Tully and Mrs. B. Hastings. Out of town guests at the wed ding and reception included Mr. and Ms. Alex Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smith of Sum-mcrland; W. II. Wilson-Murray, K. P. Harding and Ernest Unwln of Prince Rupert and Col. John McGregor, V.C., of Powell River. There were telegrams of con gratulations from well-wishing friends in various parts or tne province. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left on the midnight boat for Victoria and will be at the Empress Hotel until the end of the session or the Legislature when they will leave for a honeymoon trip to California after which they will return to Prince Rupert to re side at least temporarily. The bride's going away costume was a thfce-plcce brown suit over matchine dress with dusty rose blouse. The hat was a brown stetson and accessories were to match. The bride was born in Prince Rupert and lived all her life in that city. She held a responsible position in the executive orficc or the Northern British Columbia Power Co. and has long been active in the affairs of First nantlst Church. She is an ac complished pianist. Tiic groom is a veteran of two World Wars i l,tfn.. ' ir .1l -Jntlfl W.1S formerly manager ai -. . ... ! cm rf. for llm Northern B.C cnan aa.e. ' spring now bdllR ln thc scrv. ! iirr. nf the comnany at Prince Ru- Nurses' Association ft WM clcctcd m.L.A. lor !rrd ivic Centre, Tliursday.l' , t u ,ast ,,r0Vicial clcc-P"ni1ra rroli tl iirn .. ... , 41. - ""i""1" ui Hi. enmi e win nave wic hearty congratulations and best wishes of a wide circle of friends. Jnm.Ki:i, uNiumr.n WINNIPEG, tf' Luck left . . . L I Echerba battered cut unaaumcu. Twice within five oays he has made news. The first time he burned his hands rescuing his young brothers and sisters from their, flaming home. Thc second time he bounced on a car auu u, truck. A truck stopped at a red light, so did the car, but Michael's bicycle did not. His Injuries were minor this. time. Hotel. . . ley, Vancouver. THIS AND THAT arrival Prince Rupert j s rinrkcr. Vancouver; J. E. McrryXIcld, Vancouver; O. II. Murphy, Vancouver; N. D. Bent- You saw H m Thc Ncwsl BBBBBBJ ' BBBBBBBMBB "ffBrrnTm TOTjBiBlmffnBPJMBjBBTt ' W bbbbbbbbbVe i ' sbbbV fmnryPSKBKKML AN UNHAPPY .AMERICAN ABROAD Paul Petroff, 13 months old son of Paui ;Petroff and Nana Gollncr, international ballet artists, is exercising his, inalienable American right to squawk loud .andvo.ciferQU5lywhcn .coitditions do not suit his fancy. In this case he finds himself caught in the midst of London's transportation headaches," and subsequent food shortage. He Js getting the last drop of 'his; ration and not get more until his mother, -who'Js' holding ;him-,- visits the food of rice and collects the crilld's speciai:rati6n;card. Mrs. Gollner surrered from polio as a child and took, up. dancing to strengthen her leg muscles, and 'so gained, the. proficiency which made her in Internationally, iamous ballerina: The husband, Paul, Sr., will appear with his wife In London ;as;gucst artists. London holds memories for them. -They, first'.mct';lri,Covcnt!Garden. He. is. a Dane awaiting Amcrlcan';'nat6rallins: ' REGULATIONS' ON Season jOpcnsAjainuir- . Slay '1 So'me-Chansts'" , Arc Made . Tlic hallbui rishlnj season is agaiiVopcned iiraTliicas'on'rMay require a limit. There 'arc. no catch lunus,.ior. Areas i aiw. iu. To provide -for thc return or tagged haibut, the 1947 rfg.vila-' lions allow- VcsWls! regarllcss of thc :typt of igear '.uscd'andi the scason;cr, UlP ycar.'.tp.Tctainand inAA Innnrl Imllhllt niDldded laiiv n'pn." . ....--.-. ir . j such' tagged' halFbut at c brought to (ho attention; bf:tHc' Cbmmls- ,loiVor chforccncnt.oliflcci: while the ta; Is still attached... Thc Ccmmfsrion ..anticipates llwt thc-catch of halihut orr the Pn'riric on!!t. in 1347. will amount to;55,000,000, ail increase df ihorc than 25 per cent over' the catch that thc unrestricted fishery took; in the year before regulation began. Tliis greater catch will be taken with one-third less fishing effort than .was required to take .the smallcr catch of that earlier year. , , The '1947 regulations arc similar In most respects to 'those of last year. Only two Important 'lanxcs have been made,.namely the relocation of the boundary lino between Areas 3 and 4, and the setting of a catch limit for Area 4. The Coast is divided into five areas for regulatory purposes. Area 1A Includes waters south of Cape Blanco, .Oregon. Area IB lies between Cape 'Blanco and . ....... rl I. -vr nnnfnhi.nmM1T. I unil.. TTi.tmi Wnch lllTlnn or the IhVcniatkinal' Fisheries prior to 11)46 bcsc ,wo areas to rAinmlccInn Conunlsstoru;.Itchd'lh'.'lB Tf'iihHofln Atfitm, IB i aether rintlmr formed. fnrmprt a.;5Anglc n .!s1ii"1p nrpa area, and i wncn tne.rca cawii iuir It is takcn.;ana hiAreas : A and 1 ,i li.f llin X'rr!l 3 Vaill flmit is , reached. Area 4 closes' at the. tame time as.Area.3; unless u has been closed .'earlier byv.rea-son or the attalninent'opvs- ' owri ' ' J ' .ntMi limit. i Area 1. Area 2 Includes ihc waters betwccn.VVWajia Hajbpr and Cape.Spcncer. Alaska. Area 1 covers, thc twatjys ironv Cape Silencer, to. a line running true west rrpra Cape Sarichern Un-mak Island. Area 4 "fnclides I those waters ol thc BJlfka, 1 l j x'L jn. t it t ' L l ! . .. icATea2 catch'jlmlt''or .24,- lying nbrtli or thc lihe ruAnln 500,000' pouud and! Jho Area 3 j from Civpc Sarlchcf. '' ' ' limit or 28,000,000 pound's remain ; ' --- -1 ' thnsanwas-in-ioiG. Acatciviimlt Council Refers .' of 500.000.has bccirset'f6rArca 4 j r... 17 ' ,v,,.ri, .hrWofe- lix not becn 4 rui.iic UslicU ccnvmerciaHViandjdid not i Arrow Bus Lines' application. for .an exclusive. operating franchise in the city was t ho subject of a report by a soeclal Comimlt- tec' of tlty council last night which recommended that "no sy plication for franchise be con sidered unless it-carry with It a pcrccnto!!c or the gross revenue. Thc matter was rererred. to committee ot thc whole. Arrow Bus Lines' application offered thc city a flat .rate of $100 cr bus . for exclusive operating rights. . Pat and Mike were obliged to halt their heavily loaded cart to make way for a funeral. Gazing at the procession, Pat suddenly remarked: "Mike,- I wish I knew where I "was goln to die, I'd give five hundred dollars to know the place where I'm going to die." ''"Well, Pat, what good would It do If ycz knew?" '.'Lots," said Pat. "Shurc I'd never go near the place." Hollywood Cafe rRiNCE nurEitrs newest ani most UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Evcry Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. ', - - lU I j CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY j" " I . WE CATER TO PARTIES i CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN LocaT News Items . . . ON 11. Crlbbazo Club Crlb- bagc drive, Tusday, Marcli 25, 8 pan., Civic Centre Cafctria. Everybody welcome. (71) Will Robinson, after a brief week-end visit to the city, left by last evening's train on his return to Terrace. THE NATIONS BUSINESS Hear Hpn. John Bracken, M.P., leader of Progressive Conservative party. CFPR, Wednesday, March 2, 8. pm. (72) T. A. McKeown left on last evening's train for a business trip to Smithers. He expects to return to the city at" the end of the week. A. S. Morcton. making his an- I nual visit to the city on behalf of the British Columbia Tuber culosis magazine, "Your Health," Is sDendlnz a week here. He ar I rived from Vancouver at the end of the week. Brisadier and Mrs. JoscDh Gil Ingham of the Salvation Army, returned on the Princess Norah Monday, alternoon from a week's visit tn Ketchikan. Brlsadler Gil llncham rpmortrd that activity in the. Alaska city, had quietened down since' he last . visited it three. years, ago. j Simplicity Patterns; Needlework Patterns: 15-20-25c. at THE VARIETY (STORE. (a8 ATTLEE SAYS SML ill ,7. ZsMfr), K, .. . W-zL-lL u,;-- . Ditto r.KIIN i J, - - - Ian 1 the telephone book for a second, dear" NO ELECTION Denial Given of IUportcd Plan To. Dissolve Parliament LOSDON. Renorts circu lated today: that Prime Minister Attlee's cabinet, facing a dark-cnlnz economic crisis, nlanned to dissolve Parliament and order a new general election, but a press officer of the Prime Minister said "there .la no 'truth' at all tq these rumors" which were de-' scribed, as 'wishful thinking'' on I thepart ot Ihe Opposition BLACKHEADS Gt two mrsm of-MroilM tndr from ywir drugrilt. SprinkU on a hot. wt eloth nd upply to tht iBtl. Eery bUck. kd will b diuotrxl. Th on. nit. tit nd timsl r to rmo lilukhtvli. Txsnitr EASIER I . FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering Slip Covers Drapes Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered i Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Fhone Green' 74 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Ccntr V- ! BASKETBALL PLAYOFFS Tonight, Civic Centre. (It) Andrew Messer, Jr., returned to the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide from a business visit to Vancouver. Moose Lodge, Tuesday, March 25. Important meeting followed by social evening and refreshments. All members please attend. (71) Stanley Cameron. Standard Oil Co., or British Columbia, manager here, sailed on the Princess Adelaide last night on a business trip to Ocean Falls and Bella Coola where he will arrange for the orenlnz or his company s marine oil stations for the fish ing seasons. CITY INVITES TRUMAN HERE Invitation of the city or Prince Rupert to United States President Harry S. Truman to visit this city during his Alaska tour in June was dispatched by wire this morning over the signature or Mayor Nora E. Arnold. The Invitation was approved by city council last night. To President Truman, who will come north rrom Seattle on a yacht, was sent the fol- lowins mcssaGe: "Mayor and rlty cordially Invite you to visit Prince Rupert during your Al-'askari. trip, in June. In view o! rnrHlnr'rMaHnnshtVi fvctn'hllsh- 'ed here while tfils city was used as a sub-port or embarkation by American troops, which we hope will be augmented by proposed large investment or American capital In immediate vicinity, such a visit would be deeply gratifying and sincerely appreciated." The Prince Rupert Chamber or Commerce also sent a wire joining heartily with the city In the Invitation to the chief executive "in view ot the intimate association ol this port wlth,the. United States in war and peace." The acceptance would tic deemed as a great honor, the Chamber's message Minute "ode bvil! aaiu. mi Cr5fJell.0 New, Simplified Single-Saucepan Method Combine in Mut-rpan all of the fol lowing called for hjr the recipe - Minute CicUtinc, liquids, seasonings, sugar. Heat 2 or 3 minutes, stirring until gelatine dissolves. Plain gelatine recipes are readr 'of mnldinc: fancr ones ready for th addition of fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Rtcipt letilti in ptcktit. MG-II7 A Product of Gtnarol Foods fWA FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 13.1 . . y I .' V 71 1 THIRD A V EN UK WEST VM l ' k V - ' "rrn - .mnFQk Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPER1 to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT General Contractor : We do liasements, resliingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings. 19 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 010 and wc will give an -estimate. P.O. BOX 654 -: PRINCE RUPERT Prince Hupctt jDallp iBcto Tuesday, March 25, 1017 Let the Spring rains come. Be all set in one of our rugged, smartly styled English Waterproof; Heavy Paramatta Cloth $18.00 Leading Canadian makes In. Poplin, Zclan and Cotton Gabardine $19,50 ... $28.50 iii.bijin.iidiij.iu.r.i Headquarters for Your SPRING NEEDS GARDEN TOOLS, SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, LAWN MOWERS. PAINT CLEANERS, . WALLPAPER CLEANER, WAXES, POLISHES. A complete line of quality ipaints for inside and outside use. 1 McBridc Street Movinjf, Packinf, Craliiiff, Shipping: and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 rhones 60 and 68 "WE DKL1VLK" Phone 311 t ' . SINGER a Treadle Sewing Mariiiurs Available Now! Machines For Kent .rtEl'AIKS AND PA UTS Sewing Classes i , iy. Buttons,' Trims' ,' IJress Accessories, etc. PHONE l ,' Singer Sewing Machine Co. ifi39 Third Ave. West I iW YeS, f the tiff rmliirini? enduring Iirailtv beauty llf of SlcrlinC Sterling IS w yourj VOUfJ fof forMv all tint time ulirn when v,1ll you tlwn own these these exclusive exclusive Wallace Wallace V, Ball patterns. nattcrns. For For vour your own own table, table, for for the the ideal ideal gift gift for for J the bride-to-be, choose Wallace Sterling, possessing as it docs, loveliness to behold tilt thc end of time. Conic to our store, ask to sec Rose Point and Stradivari.. You will be delighted to sec, in Sterling, that hand-wrought quality, exclusively Wallace, true Third Dimension Beauty. You. 'will be delighted,' .also, ti learn that these patterns are priced within your budget. Eos;e mm and On Dhplay at Mb THIRD DIMENSION BEAUTY IN WALLACE STERLING Bulger's Ltd. 1 ... i