'. per Insertion, minimum charge. Me.- Birth Notice. p,I Thinks. Death. Notles, Funertr Rotlces, Marriage" - and Enygm'lrA?n.?u,??T?!?t?; " Sit, ij"ti.n; rtiiope.'Ap- jth Aye- LBix-room house on tp circle. fWi? V. fool. Three WWW,?. pm, etc. I'M" P" infection or inese vi- . kail AKMSTiioNu 3, phone 342. nai ofl.tt Irnllff. COmi -ju .,(.,. ulpped. At Imperial Phone BiacK on. at) 1932 Chevrolet 1 PtU. UIWV spare tire. Admin- mve Circle. (") ... i. .... Tenrtpra will rr- 'the undersigned ...... t, u UJ, f int n Rprtlon 1. City of ..i.nil it r nnanr . strictly cash, oor- 1 - f i!n..W wamrrtr? ' i MO i Moot nnrt USM n r -i.iii.' 11 Tfno. rs new iihj" At Ae a i . . t u . . (Mil JI.UJ. llLUllllllUlll from 60c. All kinds Ihem over. B.C. Fur- Bllck 324. - - - floor '1G'x24', JBh'eet- Inno ntirl riflro 1W I rpi.. i j I i Restaurant range, i r 1 1 milii w a a,r a L.ii a tv SIlex stoves two, I'p.q rp.isuii.inip. Ann v rnnp msiprs nji Phonf Blue 860. (73) iron grille: also good j r m iv im van ni r m T f1 ' " . I M3ke. offer tO Dally "(tf) -20-roonr lrotet: -hot alllll 1.' '1 IffinnfaU T.fljo 11 M TO! One Cifoot Cold well ,xs new; one 'f -III tie -Crosley radio; pnfe barrelled 12 guap;e one electric coffee ty vj 1 1 r- rirr n ai.ti i i.im pi nnmn , Anrvltr-iLllrl. no 1 ?i-ln6h bronze d left han4 propellbr1. (75) a IE '31 Nash coube,. i. A3529: two snlte mn's, .service Sta hi in mw we-w wiwr lumber more OS Will 11 T TTl flTIIITan. National Machlnerr Limited, yahcouTer, Mrnan(n . DhftnA TllttA oik innt , , yy. t iuf privileges. 221 5th til) It DIL T ic, nesi, it.ii V" tAWiC - Mwav i mm nnmp (80) PARTY who- awl. Picked un 2.nlm uyn iur neckn'ieca r . . .o5Va viuonpuse 'sin. n ease rot,,,,. ' news nr. (73,) r children aftemnAnc "S" Phne Qreen 588. (tf) uTr "- women's .(72 help wanted. WAITED, - Carrier, - for' :siin r,r)ute, Section 2. Phone 840. '' Uf) HELP WANTED-Woman"for al- ' '"" ' (71) WORK WANTEIJ WORK-WANTED -Experience il woman wants housework. Write Box 155, City. (70) WORK WANTED- Young man. veteran, Single; just oiit of ac-rountirig school, would like to start wllli reliable firm. Box 72,7. City. (71) WANTED" WArfrro.-fflmrid-hand inetro-' nonie' 'wlth Jbe'll. Leave alniusie store jdn'.3rU' Aye.-' WANTED TOf'BUY Coach or sedan, 38 model or. later. Apply suite 5, Exchange Block, (7() WANTED 3 "or 4 roomed house before end of March. Reliable party.,Box.215. Dally News. G) lost And found LOST Ara Ewls.f movement walch, gold case. 'Reward. Finder, please leave at ' Dal(y News office. (72,) FOUND Car Jack; Owner may have' Information by calling a$ Dally News arid paying' for this ad! (tf,) SteannjhiD Sailing Fur VncotiTf Tuesday .s Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert, ' 11:15 j)jn, Friday ss Catala, 10 pxn. Saturday &s camosun, 9:1 p.m. From Vancouyer Sunday--ss 'Coquitlam, p.m. Monday as Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pin. Friday ss Camosun. 3 p m. Friday s Catala, p.m. For Alaska- Friday sa Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska Thursday--Rs Prince Rupert, 1 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 7 p m. "Personally," said the young college girl. "I'm going to have a go at literature, mother. No-nonsense about artistic -Ideals. I'rn going to write for money." "My dear," said her mother, "you've been dolrgthat for four years." HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 488 Red 894 PAINTING and PAPEItllANG ING Phone Black 823 ' H. .1. LUND JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Paperj " fMftgazlne3 SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Serving the Fisheries Industry Weljf (P.R.) Ltd. CARTAGE JlLUE.i80 FIRST LADY LOVES HOME SYDNEY, AUS., Ji-JUrs. Wtt-llann John McKell, who be comes Aiistralla's first lady 'as wneoi ine newiy-appomted and Austraan4wrn Eovtrnor-gener-al.' hai playeti anv' unobtrusive part in he husbkhd's career as Labor'' Premier or 'New South Wales. ' WlthJier hu.band. two riaimh. terk and one son. she has KvpH quietly 'In an elgiit-roomed brick npuse in me t?y.qney su&urb or lledffrn for'the 2t years of 'her marriage, .entertained oh a Email scale, and appeared at only a icw ijuuiic iiuncupni. j ssLsted by her daughlera and occasional dornestfc help, she has tlone tye cooking and housework for, th? jTamlly and for. 'dinner parties, ancl made some of her dauahter's clothes. tyra. McKell, who vlslied Ens-Ian and the United States with her husibariti In 194'5, scares his loye of country life and his spent much time on the family's propert'at Ooulbdurn, 100 miles southwest of Sydney. Her keenest Interest is in day nursery and kindergarten work and she has raised large sums of m'ohfcy 'for a day nursery in Red-fern. "During the war she was' a tireless charity worker. A-smlstress of yaralumla, lux- uriiius residence of "ttie'd loo much. (oyer- nor-gene'ral in Canberra, and' of Admiralty House. T'-foom' vice- non-support, tase Brown riieek ly admlUed his oiillt and offer ed nothing in extenuation except 'That's no excuse for deser- lion, Muse," said the Judge. Vpon'.t you knoy that ihe law gives .a wiimah the rls'itrto talk ali'she' wiiiits to?'' "Yassuh, JedgV. J knows Jt do. Only Lucy she never stop alkirv. ' She Iceeps it up stlddy, nVo'-nin, noon and- nlht, day (a ' and' day out, 'till i;' git so'J calii'i start it no more', Jedge." ' ''Slie does? What does she talk about?" Mo'e wagged his: head sorrowfully. "Jedge. suh," he said, "shs don't say." Business and professional J. V, MQLLEK PHONE BLUE 15i t24 4 th Aye. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY" SHOP Permanent Waving. t Beauty Culture In all lis branches. 200 4tli Street ;':; Phone 655 - PRINpE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR PHQNE RED 410 ... We buy . . . PPRFEX P.EER BOTTLES BOTTLES All Sizes WHISKEY, GIN, AND WINE BOTTLES Prompt and Courteous Service GEORGE L. RQRIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block - Plipne337 p. N. KUborn W. Peterson BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber, - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants : ' " Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone 777, 300 3rd Aye PAPERHANGING INTERIOR AND EXTEfUOR, PAINTING "For Good, Lasting Work" "JERRY" VREBQSpH PHONE 372 COllMiUOPTjCALWl- Council Reyises (Continued frqm Page 1) now, it would be setting "a precedent that would have to be rvfcKeli wilt jfiaye lb entertain on ; followed in the future, no mat-a'much largerscale, attend many ter how much land values ap- pupuc juncnons, ana manage tne predated." who kpt prices so liiglv that the I business district eventually cen trfd'bh Third Avenue. There Is that the lady In question talked i soinK to be a cbmm'uhltyTit Port Edward and we niust be Careful to see that W do hot force local business to move oiit there."' Alderman Youngs suggested Uiat It might be a'good idea fort the city to hold land auctions to dispose of city-ownfd lots.' Such ft policy Is being followed In'thp pnsn of tlio Steele Block. on Third Avenue for whlcK ihel city hastreceived thrt'e bids. Th auction Is. to be held nexl'TJuirs-i ...... f Alderman Youngs's motion granting deorge lloss (he right to purchase the Second Avenue lot . for Us, assessed value was approved by council with' Aldermen Brooksbank and Ca;y How to give QUICK RCS1 to tired eyes MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY fYES TIHDT Eootho and refresh thorn in seconds with two drops ol safo, genUa Murine In each eyo. You get ' QUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eye3 feel re-Jreshed Murine skilful blend of 7 in gredients "cleanses and soothes eyes that' are tired irom overwork or exposure to suh, wind and dust. MURINE FOR YOUR EYES -I . 1 - . . UIMI0 UIMM? f f t TO Wm Uh muiio and laufhtvr, Intrit '''I 1 1 lA Apply llilt on-roat oil Aniah wwmr kl mlav, plailvr. -walla barl or atapvr. Hnf Prince Rupert Dealers Gordon & Anderson Federal Block Phone AG wm WHO'S NEW IN THE ZOO! Here is' one coiffure that milady won't' copy. Fj:om it the little cotton head marmosets get their name. They come from South America arid actually are monkeys of the caliitrlchid'ae family.' 'Tliey are much smaller than the name implies, the photo showing them at about twice their normal size. Thy are comparatively new residents' at the !New York Zoological Society's Bronx zoo." N EW II A B B Y "TO OS " CALGARY, Cargary's "'finest" are due 'or, a break come summertime. Instead of having to swelter silently In high-buttoned lunlcs while the public cavorts in sport shirts, policemen 350 CASES. Of use COMMUNICABLE 'DISEASES HERE A Prince Rupert hat 350 reported ' cases of communicable diseases I during lOIJ, accprdjlii' 'to' tlie j annual report of ine ftrjtoce Ru-. Pert (llealt'ri United Issued re cently V 'fprmer Sa'iiarla'n arid iiealth Uriii'''S.ecxJed'ri',''Kj. "X Haiiper. jcadhj t he ' list waa gonorrhea, of wlUch'ihc're were ii ieportcd cases! whlie chlck-ei&oi 'was second wllli 13i"'re-ported cases, A'lliting'of the reported cases of conimunfcable diseases showed i3t' cases if cliicenpOx, 14 cases of measles, one Of typhoid teyer ;ty,Q 'oi' iwhooplng cougli ahi( one St salmonellosis, "a food-borne dlseasje 'tyiilcji' Was cbh-. Irac'j'ed In ya'ncpuler. i'epOrt'ed y,eieVeat disease cases , totalleci '$ "i o'j vjwjKicli were pflriorrriea' $nq 20 syplilLsV The units lmmu llz.atlon re port sljowed, thal'dnrinj tijc year l.f2!? miinjrHlo:!were com' pleted' "against ' cbmmu'nic'a'bie diseases diphtheria, 101'; small pox, 820; whQonlng cough, 84; fcarlet fever. '1'4';' typhoid and tetanus, 4. Laboratory tests done ly. Dr. U. cr'c,olemari " pf the Prince Rupert ; General .Hospital in behalf ofthe Health. Unit to-laUed 2,785. . . ' will be sportingf new summer uniforms' trial feature opBn'-hecked tunics. ,vo resiaences, a pi? proDiem; Alderman Ham, supporting! Ri.- ,w. tC4; tastier breadj uri,j Sweeter, because of the shortage of do- Aiderman :YOMgS, said: "I think, mesne nefp. that ,the city should be the last Mrs. McKell and her daugh- j to raise its land values." lera, Betl'y, 2.4, and Pat,'22i dress i Alderman Youngs asserted with quiet taste. Mrs. McKell i that, if the clty ' beg'an a policy p?efer,s soft aytsses, plain bidet, i 0f raising prices, '"we will end black and wilte. or pale shades, i by forcing business to move out Iter daughters are fph of tall-j to Port Edward." ored clothes. ..j have neard," he said, "that In' the early days, Second Avenue ! was Intended to be the main i Before .the court on wife- street of the city, but that it fell orougiu caarges oi aeseruon ana , int0 the hands of speculators, Y,ou saw )t in The News) FLEISCHMANN'S NO WAITING no extra steps! Full-ttrengtb Fleisciimann's fresh active. Yeast goes right to work. Makes sweeter, finer bread! Ami makes it faster '.Yon can be sure of tender, smooth texturr, lightness delicious flavour every time IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, insist on rieisclimann's fresh Yeast with the 'familiar yellow label. It's dependable Canada's tested favourite for more than 7.Q years. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert LING THE TAILOR We are taklne cleaning and pressing and iteam pressing while you wait. PHONE 84li 220 Sixth Street Gifts for EASTER OXFORD BIBLES Beautifully bound In white leather FOUNTAIN PENS Waterman Taperltfc 100-year sets Parker 51 Lifetime sets BOXED STATIONERY Beautiful assoitment for all requirements NOVELS All Hie latest titles LEATHER WALLETS KEY CASES - WRITING KITS Also PLASTIC ZIPPER WALLETS See Our Windows Now I REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy f Chpwtyein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 a.m. to 2 ajn. PHONE 17.1 Tuesday, Jdarch .25,.1947 It's so, cmy Ip OUTFIT FOR Just use 'our. convenient BUDGET PLAN Nft in(erest farryiig cHarKCV transient Koorui CAFE j In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONB P O ET i C JL I N E S have :beri achjjjeved in this suit's :ong '. jacket, slim as i' rttiX to 'your waistline, p e p 1 u m - t u 1 1 from H tliere on. OTHER B EA U T I J S ; NEW RRINT; " PRESSES DeLuxe Wall Tint An Improved Sanitary Kalsomine SOLD IN MANY TLEASiyGTINTS. YOU CAN;' MAKE YOUR HOME BRlfaIT, -CHEERY AN0. , INVITING WITH' D E LTT X'E WALL; TINTS. Easy to Mix Easy to Apply 5-lb. pkg., 75 cents THOMPSON HARPARE CO. LW Be Sure o( the Best Bjilkley MarKet CENTRAL HOTEI Weekly and Monthly Ratei for your convenience . , . NRWLY DECORATED WE DELIVER BRITISH PQIIUMBI'S Ye&i the. worst is over but it is no time to let ' your coal bin ruifc lovi ' 'You get speediest passible ide- ' t. a i II r j . , 3rd .Avenue Phone i78 . Yr i-rf' " duality ': in : Si-.;:ii. jr T 1-1 1! M FINEST SAjMdtfPf livrrv nf Tniir.'fivorlte' known' il brands ot roarlrfrorn us. .iBiif.iJ PHONES lit an 111 don't leave ordering too long? '" "" " ' "''; Courtesy and Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUIllLViijq yATERUL . a I r Having Fish fer Kememoer: ash r or i: .vi -' xlll: .'Ml t 1 10 : b T ' ' 1 ''" M IWI! ' 1 . . : m ri ' 14 fi" mm "nnncnT Dniun" i Tap. l u r l l I v k A n u c Sf- Will add taste.an;(l qualjf our e nJu 0- For variety try our t Smoked Black Cod, Salmon aniUKinner apic, uiKi ami ouuuuu iiicis Frozen; Halibut and SjUmon 'D 1 1 D C D T D D A VI $iW ML 1 .-i.. Jiuai,. t : K t : 1 II: as" "i m $mu rupert Company Unitec coLUMgi I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmm i II w