RUARY HOOD E il rm r ill I L. L N I3 rr 1 S1.69 ib tins 22? E JUICE 29c Nbbb r.'j cz Un DATES 14c 35c CHICKEN 53c S.0.S.2 SALE PUDDING POWDERS OLD ENGLISH WAX No-Hub or Hard, 1-lb. tin ROBIN HOOD OATS Re? pkt PKTS. 25 PKTS. 25 42c ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT Size 100 SlVn 5 COLGATE'S TOOTH PASTE 2 tubes 4:5 CUT MACARONI 2-lb cello GRAPEFRUIT i5c 20-oz. JUICE 2. 29c "FAIR DEAL" IS WANTED Municipalities to Declare War on Government if GoUlenberc Report Unfavorable VANCOUVER, Oi The execu tive of the Union of B.C. Muni cipalities have reported strong pictesls threatened by munici palities if the forthcoming Gold enberg rciport does not provide a fair deal for them. Mayor W. C Hamilton, unlcn president, says that municipal councils might strike against the various prov incial requirements. Premier Hart previously an nounced that the Goldemberg commission report on provincial municipal financial relations will be available to the public next week. Mayor Hamilton said that the creation of a municipal party in opposition to the old line poll tical parties may result from dissatisfaction of the munlci palltles at the hands of the provincial government. .MINISTER I IS amazed VICTORIA, , Amazement at the threatening attitude taken by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities on municipal finances before the Golden-berg Comlmssion recommendations were seen was voiced Wednesday by Minister of Municipalities R. C. Macdonald. Mr. Macdonald commented on re ports from Vancouver which said that Mayor W. C. Hamilton of Pert Aberni, president of the Union, had talked of "open revolt" by the municipalities If the Golder.berg report, expected to be made public next week, does not prove a fair deal for them. Tli? minister Indicated that lh? municipalities might look for '.substantial" assistance. 011X400517 1WITI ATC ' IT i W W O nil 1 11 I L-i Good Jan. 31 to Feb. 5 Inclusively NEW MEMBERS a i i i mill i m i v mm i it 1 1 T-'N. 29c 33c ert Part 1-lb. cello TANG Phone 644 29c SALAD DRESSING TOILET TISSUE Wrt.m aster ROLLS 25c .........MIIJIllllltlt Tnu nrm ir r m nrU C mi? OTHER SPECIALS cgetables and Quality Meats the Month Right Save at LIMITED I'llONES .-iS5 ."S )clivcrv - Kvcrv Way Every Day LENTINE Card Make tlus a COUTTS Valentine Day for Old .Mi s a motor you can rely on Hili... . uuvJ'J . . . another shiinnt-nl ol inc Hue Kililmii Champion oulboan! motors t'liampion, an unhurried precision-built outlioanl "R" yu permanent, certain starlabilily . . . 'Ml'lc flow of ,,wer ... a pel forma mc thai fills ('H fXliii laliiii... 'I'lwiCATiov 4ji:iniiii:niiousi:roni:u 1 M)());) VOSITIVi: C-OOMMi At one of the largest meetings of the Prin;e Rupert Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose held in recent months, 27 new members were Initiated Into the order by Governor rj, O. Wood. About 100 members were present at the rrrr monies. Following the m'eet- i ing, the members enjoyed games Sr. the various rocms of the Mdbse Temple and concluded the, rvcninp, with refreshments pro vte'eel by tlvc entertainment com- Itn'ttno under the chairmanship t of William Terry, j In tribute to his 34 years of membership in the Moose or-Kanlzatlon, Glllis Roycr was pre-1 I sented by James Bacon with a I miniature mounted moose, the l gilt of Steve Slonskl, a former 1 number of the Prince Rupert I lodge, now In Fori William, On- itnrln Mr RlnnyVi nlso nrrroiltpa I the lodge with an action picture ! of two bull moose fighting In the woods. Tills picture will be framed and hung In the Moose headquarters. According to the publisher of the big Japanese newspaper Yomiurl, "If there had been free dom of the press In Japan, there wouldn't have been any war. " f IN SltVERPtATE 3 "The A, Ttt plr 1, A1-r,", tf mmoy. tin knt word In if""' plon will b. dm t)oi .1 mony d'Kftmino'O C.nodiort ma - lor ' 'tituwlV Your". No fintf poftfn riot mn bn ptoduttd. "tlf noil Youn" It btoutiful, fuolity-lull crtolion of tin. tlNtnmjlriing. "Eurrioll Youn" onjoifl outitondin thorcttfhlitl-poud b no eihtf tihfo'p'oio pormn, 10 molt H truly Conodo'l f in-it Silvorploto. ChooM H fol youritll. ours 1847 ROGER BROS. Canada's Finest SilverphtB rd Ofc Mmi MANSON'S JEWELLERS Home of Hotter Jewelry1 Local News Items T. W, Brown, local barrister, has accepted chairmanship of the local St. John Ambulance campaign which will be held next week. At the National Film Board Forum at the Civic Centre to night the film to be shown will be "Life In the Sahara," "Lib rary on Wheels" (a British Col umbia picture) and "Re-Estab lishment Report." W. D. Smith; M.L.A. for Atlln, returned to the city vn the Co qultlam Tuesday from a visit to his constituents at Stewart, and will leave this Saturday evening on the Camosun for Victoria to attend the forthcoming session of the Legislature. While at Stewart, Mr. Smith had Intend ed visiting Premier but was unable to reach there on account of the road being blocked by heavy snow. The irreplaceable part that daily newspapers play In everyday lives was .amply Illustrated during a newspaper strike In one centre when 50,000 telephone calls, representing 50 of the families In the city, flooded the newspaper office within 12 hours of the commencement of the strike. FUNERAL NOTICE ALEXCEE Died on January 29, Peter Alexcee, beloved brother of Frank Alexcee. Funeral service to be held at 2 pm. on Friday. January 31, at Gren-vllle Court Chapel. Rev. R. A. Wilson officiating. Interment in Falrview. B. C. Undertakers In charge of arrangements. Announcements All aclvcrlLsciumts lu tw column ulll bo charcrd tor a full mouth Rt 25c a word. Ski Club Dance, Clyic Centre, Friday, January 31. j Conrad School P.T.A., Bridge, Whist, Cribbagc, Friday, Janu ary 31. Refreshments. 35c, Hill 60 Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Borden School Rummage Sale, Feb. 12, 13. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, February 13, 8 pm. . Cambral Valentine Dance, February 14, Civic Centre. Job's Daughters piano concert, presenting Joe Franky, Presbyterian Church, Wednesday, February 19. Orange Ladies Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. IN THE SUntEME OOUIIT W MUTISM COLUMBIA IN PKOHATE IN THE MATTER OK THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" IN THE MATTER OK THE ESTATE OK NOEL LAVERDlEltE. DISEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE Unit by Order of tit., iimmii. w I? Vlvlinr mnrln nil Uic 17th Uuy or Jiuiuary, AD. 1947,' I whs rippoliilcd Administrator with j Will unnc.wl of the cNliite of NiicI la veld lore. Uwiiswl, unci till purtli'h having rlalins uguliuil thu said ostte nr.. 1n.rt.llV Ml 111 hwl l.ll flirillsll WinHV T propiTly vtrlllcd. to mo on or Iwforv tho 15th day of . March. A D. 1U47, und till parties Indebted to tho eistute ro rcriulrcd to pay tho amount or their Indebtedness to mo forthwith. DATED ot Frlncc Kuiiert, B.C., tbla J3rd ilay of January, A.I). 1917. CIEOROE II. IIAIiLKTT. Ofriclul Administrator, Atlln, B.C. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Fhonc Black 823 MANSLAUGHTER CASE BAIL IS SET AT $2,000 Fred Spitzl of Haaelton, who has been committed to appear at Assize Court here in May to answer to a charge of manslaughter In connection with the death of Mrs. Leslie H. West while on a hunting expedition near Hazelton last November 27, was granted $2,000 ball by Judge W. E. Fisher In County Court Wednesday afternoon. Spitzl must provide one $1,000 surety himself and two outside sureties of $500 or one outside surety of $1,000. FORMER LOCAL PASTOR PASSES Rev. XV. F. Price Passes Away in Toronto at Age of Eiehty-eight Former friends In Prince Ru pert will learn with regret of the death which took place recently at his Toronto home of Rev. Wll Ham F. Price who was pastor of First Baptist Church here in 1928 and, 1929. Eighty-eight years of age and born in Nouingnam, England, he had been- In the Baptist Church ministry In Canada and England for over sixty years. He and Mrs. Price had celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary last summer In Toronto. During the First Great War Mr. Price served in England with the Y.M.C.A. War Services. He concluded his ministry In Trail where he moved after leaving Prince Rupert. Mr. Price Is survived, besides his widow, by three sons and one daughter. He lost a son In the First Great War. Classified Advertising Pays! Willi! "llrisk is a goo J word . ,4 a satisfy ing word ... a word that means top tea enjoyment." Next time fob see your grocer ask him for brisk tasting Lipton's Tea . . . the tea with that brisk flavour . ; 1 never wishy-washy . . 1 always fresh, tangy and tislying. 1 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 ASYLUMS TO BE IMPROVED Mental (Institutions in British Columbia Will Not le Surpassed Anywhere VICTORIA, : Provincial Sec retary G. S. Pearson said last night that, as soon as materials and labor are available, the I provincial government will have groups of mental Institutions that will not be surpassed anywhere on the continent He said that many of the province's in stitutions had outgrown their existing quarters but blamed previous administrations for neglect of buildings and war and postwar conditions that made' It Impossible to catch up on the needs for accommodation. Mr. Pearson was commenting on an article in Liberty Maga zine devoted to conditions In Canadian mental Institutions In which Colquitz and Esson dale mental homes were brought under fire. Train Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday NOW mjjk 10:45 DJn. You saw It in The Newsl SINUS PAIN Relieved Fast This Easy Way! Put a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril and Cf ! it go to wort bringing quick, a-v soothing relief from miserable VIUS 'v sinus pain. VATRONOL Sefiveenusfwo Venetian Blinds Steel or Wood Slats CLOTH WINDOW BLINDS Made to Measure and Installed DELIVERY IN TWO WEEKS Free Estimates Gladly Given EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works Phone Blue 12G P.O. Box 302 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Daily ALL-WEATHER SERVICE DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LAI t! Orders arc piling up and the supply Mliialion i not so Rood. You arc adfiscd to keep your orders well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS IMwtt Eupctt Daily J3cUi$ Thursday, January 30, 1947 UUV AND SAVE ON OUIl BUDGbT TLAN Harvey Woods HATCHWAY AND P. D. Q. Underwear-Comfort . . . Fit . . . Durability . . . Medium weight, buttonless com cotton and wool mixtures. Prices $2.75 - $3.25 - $3.75 .3 binations, In fine rib cotton and A. MacKenzie Furniture .-. I.1MITII) "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" Floor Polishers, weight 15 lbs., felt protected, ea... $5J0' Corn Brooms ... Industrial Brooms, Special .. J.tI5 Heavy white cups and saucers, Special 10. Curtain Rods, Extend, to 48" .15, .20 and .25 Window Blinds, green only. 3G" 1.25 See us for your Beds, Springs and Mattress, All sizes in stock; felt and spring filled Mall orders filled without delay. , Phone 75 327 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Maybe you do not know 1 wc have some LOVtLy DRESSES AT AT OUR THEY ARE REAL BUYS .UMtT. AT LAST Community and Rogers SILVER SETS We have received several large shipments in most patterns including . . . jcvcral or the popular LOVE, ADORATION, ETERNALLY YOURS, LADY HAMILTON, FORTUNE, etc. Some sets have 26-piecc service for six. Some have 34 pieces tor eight people, and some have service for twelve with 54 pieces. These are mostly in chests but wc have some bulk sets for those who do not need the chest. WE CAN SUIT ALMOST ANY POCKET '1 TOR THE PRICES RUN FROM ... ' $15 95 to $G4.0I) plus tax These arc all at the approved ceiling price, the same as all over Canada. Might be well to look early though. mi m M silt .4