si A ! H 4 I Diiiut Uupcrt Djilp J3cU)f T;.'xL, Jitu;j- 30, 1&I7 PROTEST BOOST SALLY ANN RENT Incrrase in Hostel Kates at Victoria Axou Sittcr Indignation of Gufsti VICTORIA. ! Forty-ix dormitory residents of a Salvation Army baste! here ha?e bitterly j protend at a new rental hed- ulf which became eJfeetrfe for February here Wednesday ana 1 which which they they Claim Claim would would raise raise the mnnthlv rental nvrr (A rwr 1 cent viator Richard Sbmv, superintendent of the- hostel, said the Imitates were baaed on increased costs of laundry, coal, soap and other commodities. Yon saw it in The News' IIIIIIIIBnilllllllBIIIIIBBBlBIIIIISllI m ST H B B Blouses you Adorable feminine frills or dressy tailored styles in the materials you want. too. Just browse through the hundreds of blouses at Peoples. It s a veritable shoppers paradise. RUPERT PEOPLES STORE BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaCBaBBSBBBBBa LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while you wait. PHONE 648 - 220 Sixth Street rr JsuJjanu FOR A FRESH COMPIEXIOM .S!ifc.Llcao.lfragraijU)uIirryJace I'oHilrt s of medium texture . i i idrl) l-yuhr Utau it gently tVmp to a Jry lin ... ill nt r4Le on an ojy lin...Ly JUJuuJ lludttul.. 2. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY MMITEI Wc Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL KKIJ IJKAMI beep CHOICEST VEGETABLES AMI I1UHTS coAii'Lirn: line or (UIOCEIUES UKLICATESSKN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chit ken Meal Pies and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Tliird Ave. West Holly woo cottae to which Charles Lamb! pen7h la year. U to be W. . Mi Jeie Smith! who bought I the cottage when she retired from borfne. "beauK I bad no delre to le akme and knew I bod h.,e lot, of torV ' to "u 8tnUn u I f"8 any in the world, Lk . k 1 ""'J Kenneth Dmry. editor we hnreh J1 of the Vancouver New-HeraM. KMllrau,n' mMBeH na !sa:d that the ores. ff 22 Ji! uaauv wvstv ItUUI WIv WIIIWW seat at which be wrote his last essays. Some of the furnishings belonged to' Charles and Mary Lamb. Legend says the dark oak cupboard in the dining room is where Mary Lamb hid when he Irit one of her attack of insanity coming. mm B j a 1 U '.' a For Women Who Know waul SINGER Rrpairs and adjustments to all makes oi .-ewuii$ maehiiies. Free estimates given. Sewing .Matliinrs for tale and rent. Enroll now for Singer Sewing Classes. PHONE (! Singer Sewing .Machine Co. 639 Third Avenue West m Charles Lamb Home Now Is to Be Sold V J"V Tr sm, uw a a I - Ni I PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CniNESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CnOW MEIN FOR OUTS1DF ORDERS PHONE 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST STANDARDS OF PRESS ARE HIGH VANCOLR O - Three tf" t'L?" 'T thbC 2 lIon,,n ff a5 fif5 TnTJTh T of U Dominion had been in a heller mtftinr '0 abide by its own principles. He was answering criticism of Colin Cameron, provincial president of the C.C.F.. that the nress would never be free as long as 1 it represented pressure group. ( Dr. J. M. Barinv nriiwiml nt Victoria College, felt that professional journaHKn should have higher ethics but agreed that :ne quaint of reoortln is ex tremely high because the news i sen-ices, such as the Canadian Press and the Associated Press, j v-ere responsible legally and financially for the news thev i ' provide. HOUSE CtEANING HINT To c:-an waHs. move the biu:-. I rr. .e bottcm up. not the top j . , . " " - kuu Mi- v. rdrri-U-r. XV it cfr without niBBBl BiPTf?riTBsM j MVX deons to3etj better end fatter. Jjst a few drops quickly ! diorms owo ell stolm and mokes it white, cs the driven snow. Dmrtfects and deonses bourn, baths and drains. It whitens refriyerctors, sinks and tile in double quick time. DEALER'S jjjljj . . . o r i e , THIS AND THAT 1 tPj L c Sure you said yu were bringing home a friend for dinner but you didn't say what kind of a friend." CAPT. WALLACE, btIS COMMAND Is Named .Master of Canadian Constructor on Indies Jtun MONTREAL Appointment of Cap'.. D. C. Wallace DS.C. OS. E to command the CUSS. Canadian Constructor wad an-1 :u- ved here today by Capt. R. A c;uke. general manager. C .. .a chan National Steamships. ; TI:e Canadian Constructor 1j j r ih:rd of three new motor for the Canadian Nation - 1 ... t:cam-:hips. Bailt at North V.::coi'ver by the Burrard Dnr Do; k C .mpany, the vessel is now ' 2c: going trials on the Pacific ; ibu . ' r?is expected early in ! rori ary un her maiden voy-j ; he will sail from Vancoa-v j : for ports of call at Kingston, Ti r.idad. Barbados and Dem-r ra. returning to Halifax. Captain Wallace was born ln!.rhr Piciou, N5., in 1904 and Joined ;.he marine department of the ;SSsttiiB !t prvrrf a uvnr.rt nttLir- tt, Canadian Profpector, Canadian Honeer. Canadian Fisher and Canadian Pathfinder. He was made chief rfficer on the Ladv Somtrs in 1923 and tranfferred in the same capacity to the Lady Hawkit:s in 1935, during the three years he served as 'hirf officer on the Prince David l-r;y Drake and Ladv Somers r. -r n.ade mailer of the latter h;p in January, 1939. In September, 1939, Capt. Wal-.jc w.s.s granted leave of ob-r . e for war service with the RC S.I1. He was awarded the Bi auiihed Service Cross for ...antry and distinguished ' : ic bef jre the enemy while a c mmand of HAI.C. ships and as oetuor efficer of a convoy rort group. His leadershiD and agrrrcsi ve attacks provided an I Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE Phone Iilue 737 We buy ... ALL SIZES I'crfcx Hecr Whiskey, Gin and I I II II ote. . . f - arrivals Prince Rupert O. D Marson. Vancouver; O. Wolanski. Cedarvale; J. Dunlop. SmUhers: R. Ostrom, Butedale: P. S. Tennant, Vancouver: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Osborne., Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. L. A BDlman, Vtrnon; Mr. and Mrs. J. Gould, Houston; Mrs. A. Gihb and daughter, cltv: . H T AnHrnn ........ o V - Edmonton; Mrs. W. Gronzy. Smithers; Mr. and Mrs. D. Main. Sunned; Miss G. W:har. Burns Lake; R. Johnson, Pcwei: River; E. F. Devine. Vancouver lupiration to those serves ui.- der hi3 comnand. He returned to the CUBS. .i October 145 tfnd was ma :' ter of the Chomedy Hc wa tp-j pointed in May 1946, to r:m-, mand the Oanidian C.u. r 1 first of th mmmnv'. r- w. RHEUMATIC Pain 1 A' yonr toinn arvl mmrli tiif a rut rf , Hri with Temi .-. t k-i t tvd are fuAv rr. j.J.- to rWieye Khruimtic Arthritic arid Neurit v. mn and stifl-new. i i-umiu.. rr Oct a box lo.l j MX . 1 Jr L'tsut. 7-3 1 ' Build B.C. Payrolls" j X ipApTFIf'll The best testimonials to Pacific Milk quality are the healthy, happy babies who uss It regularly in their formulas. In the baby's bottle it's ideal . . In your cooking too, it adds richness and nourishment. PACIFIC MILK A TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtnj S. D. Johukton Ca Ltd 1 .'.V.VAV.WAV.V.VAV.V Vancouver Bralorne 1300 B. R. Con .0 B. R. X. .12, Cariboo Quartz ...... 2.85 Dentonla Vs Grull Wihksne .13 Hedley Mascot Ul Minto . .05 Pend Oreille .. 3.00 Pioneer 3.90 Premier Border 074 Premier .. 1.29 Privateer . .57 Reeves McDonald 1.50 Salmon Gold JSS Sheep Creek 1.51 Taylor Bridge 68 Whitewater . Mi Vananda .25 Congress 11 Pacific Eastern 57 Hedley Amalg 10 Spud Valley . J20 Central Zebattas 03 Vz Oils Caknont .25 C. and E 1.90 Foothills . 2.25 Home 3.05 Torento Aumaque .66 Seattle .80 BobJo 21 Burfak) Cdn 2i Corn. Smelters ...... 88.75 Eldona 76 Elder -r 1.12 GlanfYeiHrnkhife . 650 Jackalfe .10 Hardrock 60 Joliet Quebec 75 Little Long Lac 215 Mad'cn Red Lakr 3C5 ' - TRY THIS TONIGHT! Life it mnrfi Kriohf. if -- scan chr dav with a smile. If j-ihj wjucn urea, anu Useless hr run do as thousands IlmJjt are doing iusi drink a cup of Orattine a' bednme each night. For (altioe acts in three wajrt, to help make you alert and fcl'd to be alite. rim, taken warm at bedtime, it lusters sound, relrcsbmg sleep, unovui armgt. Second, it sunnlies esunrial frA elements to rebuild vitality hil you sieep: Third, it alMjfurnihe imrwirtant vitamins and minerals in a delicious, more natural way fol all-round health and shtour. So why not try Uvaltint bcitinninK lonitbl and get off to a good start in the morning. Iloltlcb HoltlCb liottlcs JJottlCS Wine Wine Bottles Bottles Irradiated and Vacuum Packed U llfliTIIP ' CENTRAL fMIiB HOTEL PROMPT prompt AND and COURTEOUS courteous SERVICE service ----NNs'j 77" ; j ' Weekly and Monthly Rates BLONDIE The IUsrher Classirs. That Is! .-. v i - " 7 Ltjr vfiiu a uunm tor , your convenience . . , ifc,,,,-- , the yln r- NEVLY DECORATED , Qnr v-r- 5nw ' r - RNggr BOOKS ; ntF.SAV Ll ' iJ nu'L- iS'1 ,h cEs"l; J - AHJITt ESSAYS -p TEACH -OU nCLASr5 f EEWVO V a (NOW I CAM) cafe V-'' , Hj IV .H 1 .Vv r0 It to Connection ' fUl) Ij ! LICENSED PREMISES T P . j W - kJ ' SWV) U V.drC mir- The Kiijfgcd Type. am, this IS FINE ? , fc'rfrifi' Vr3MS3B3 PUTAKE (a mot bath ) iU-wasm mv BctesA . 1 PV.V hF VI KX JBSf&lm -- Jk? , i VIENNA NOW ON WAY OUT VIENNA, f - Beautiful and historic Vienna, oi.-'e the political centre of a great empire which dominated the most of Balkan lands, Is threatened wit a lingering death. Many believe the city Is doomed physically and economically. The population has decreased and few young people are coming along. In 1S32 close to li.000 people practised trade. In 1944 there were only 1.500. MacLeod Cockshutt 2.05 Meneta .65 Omega 15 Pickle Crow . 3.05 San Antonio 450 Senator Rouyn M Sherriu Gordon 3.70 Steep Rock 2.21 Sturgeon River 22 Lysnx .23 Lapai-ka 42 Gods Lake .86 Negus 2.17 Aubelle 22 lima Gold ...... .83 Harricana .18 McKenzie Red Lake .85 Donalda 1 43 TODAY 'Hi MATINEE EVENIKo k (FA I ixm!! COLOItlJ) n-EtJ CAKTOOX CfffiiB mib mmj January SI OVERCOATS and TOP COATS 20 Off Look At These Names'" VELTAV HEAVIR SMOM ISAAC CARK HAL.MOKAL IllGlimi TWttlJS ImporteiJ TIIIKU AIS A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT j A. cme KXCHAXOE BLOCK For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at fort Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY C1I0 Vi MII 7:00 ajn. to 11:00 pm. NEW CONSTRUCTION HEl'AIHS ALTEKATIOI GREER I BRIDDB Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 561 P.O. Box 1308 phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. SAVOl Horn Carl ZareUi, Fr? Phone 31 P PHASER STKC prince I is- m General Contractor m We do basements, reshingling, build fel siuevvaiKs, remodel your nw"-Demolish or move buildings. 100 SATISFACTION GUAKAN'11' CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINC1 EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE