hi Jit'' &rfiirc Hupcrt Daflp jftctos Tuesday, March 4, 1547 ' SAVOY-TAKES ' BOWLS LEAD Scored Three Games to Ntl Victory Over Watts & Nickerson Last Night Saroy took over first place in the Teri Pin Bowling League by winning a three games to nil victory over Watts & Nickerson lasfnlght. NCne Nine Taxi also won three games to nil from Geheral Motors and Imperial Oil bested British American Oil two games to one. Scoop Bury was , fligh single scorer with 222 and also had. high three games of 561. Imperial Oil had the high team .aggregate of 2C01. Individual, scoring: . SAVOY Sparks 144 202 135 Smith ..." 157 1C2 1C7 J. Ciccone 129 V. Ciconne 1C6 170 Simundson 154 174 167 Bury 222 184 155 Handicap . 23 14 14 825 902 803 W. & N. -.Irving f . 145' ICC 143 " L Gainer 116 110 136 Dumas 1C5 Pierce : 131 138 Anderson 132 163 105 E. Oalner 125 170 122 .Handicap 32 32 32 055 T7tT 739 IMPERIAL OIL Dell 190 180 157 Hcwe 155 196 170 Currie 159 159 172 Arney 158 1G8 174 idlnderson .,211 170 171 Handicap 10 10 10 ' 894 883 854 . . ; B. A. OIL Wick 120 138 167 . .Ktnslor 199 169 171 Windle ..!..... 141 145 174 . Comid'dia ... 168 1 46 171 McMeekln 144 160 153 Handicap ...i 41 41 41 813 799 877 99 TA5I Morrison 151 200 161 Etoimdahl 116 163 193 Many failures with seeds are caused by sawing them too deeply. Even experienced gardeners may do this. But it is not necessary to measure exactly the depth that seeds are placed in the open garden; they are net that particular. The rule so often quoted, that the depth" of sowing should be four times the diameter of the seeds, is best discarded; since on small seeds such accuracy of measurement would be impractical, and large seeds, like peas and caricts, are covered more than four times their diameter. In light sandy soil, seeds can . be placed more deeply than In heavy coll, containing lots of clay. The average gardener deallrg with flower and vegetable seeds will get along quite well If he uses three kinds of drills, one for largo seeds an inch or two deep, depending on the soil, and made by using the coiner of a hoe; one for me- . dium sized, which will be made with the hoe handle, and one for tiny flower seeds, which Is best made by merely pressing the edge of a board into .the ground. Beginners should be told that .a .drill, In gardons, is the shal low trench IfTwhich row crops are sown. And it is vital that drills be straight and parallel to each other. W'ggly drills. lunhing at angles to each other, - not only stamp the gardener as careless, but they double the work of cultivating the garden. The entire garden should be outlined so that the rows can be squared with the boundaries. Then place stakes for the first rcw and stretch a line between Ihem. .Some gardeners use a straight "Harrow board as a ruler to make the row straight. A garden line Is likely to be more convenient; heavy lines wound cn Iron reels are handy, but any strong cord stretched between . two stakes will do. For small seeds such as rad-"iihes, onions,' carrots, lettuce and endive, a drill half an Inch deep Is enough. A little deeper for beers and Swiss chard, and an Inch lor peas, beans and sweet corn will be sufficient. Make drills a little deeper when hot weather comes. BalUle 171 157 168 A. Ccmadlna 164 145 163 M. Comadina 124 164 133 Handteap 37 37 37 763 866 842 GENERAL MOTORS Davis 137 129 113 J. Haugan 132 142 103 Murray 116 132 Holkestad 135 133 I3S N. Haugan 147 212 131 Stetta 126 Handicap 58 73 73 735 835 707 flUUJ' 'jf 'ALU Saturday night's big show at the Civic Centre had something that has not been publicly mentionedas yet. But right here Is a good place to express many, many thanks to the members of the Civic Band that helped make Bo-Me-Hi night such a success. When those martial airs filled the gymnasium some thing very vital was added to the night. A feeline of excite ment was. added to the already keyed-up crowd. Yes it put bas ketball for Prince Rupert into the big-time by having that band there. When those march ing tunes are heard it ndds tha extra thrill. Many thanks are due to the band members and here's hoping we can hear them again in the very near future. Tonight will be the first or three straight games Savoy and B.C. Packers are going to be having during the next week. And the way the Packers feel-now is their big moment to get cracking. Losing four league games was a little too much for the Packers and coach. Nell Ross puts himself on the spot by stating that this game tonight will chalk up a win for the Packers. Who knows they might at that! The way things look on the Savoy Squad all Isn't rosy and bright in their camp. And with the Packets bringing Dan Fitch back into ine line-up, Savoy will be up against a pretty determined bunch of players. In the Senior "B" division, Co-ops are getting a little tired of the way Macey's have been rolling up victories. So it seems Macey's will have to watch their step if thcV are to stay up on their lofty perch atop the "B" league. It's anyone's guess as to what is going to happen in the Ladies' department. With their coach on his way south with the Rainmakers, High School might be In for a little trouble tonight. Sweet Sixteen, on the other hand, Is gradually getting the feel of the ol' maple court and they might just upset the powerful Rainblrds. - The Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers are on the way south now and, after all the hussle-bussle of the past couple of days, the two-day trip on the boat will be devoted mainly t0 resting up. Trying hard not to appear too excited. the students nevertheless, are Business and J. P. MOLLEIl PHONE BLUE 15S 124 4 th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S HEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 200 4th Jitrect : Phone 655 HANDYMAN ' HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 LADIES "B"' BOWLS March 6 WatU & Nickerson vs. W.P.T.B., Khatadas vs. Whirlwinds, Co-op vs. Atllh, Bankers vs. Dockettes, Peoples vs. Reven-uers. March 13 Khatadas vs. People Co-op vs. W.P.T.B., Bankers vs. Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Allin, Watts & Nickerson vs. Dockettes. March 20 Co-op vs. Dockettes, Bankers vs. Peoples, Whirlwinds 1 vs. WP.T.B., Watts & Nickerson vs. Revenuers, Khatadas vs. At- !ln. March 27 'Bankers vs. AtHn, Whirlwinds vs. Co-op, Watts & Nickerson vs. Peoples, Khatadas vs. W.P.T.B., Revenuers vs. Dockettes. April 2 Whirlwinds vs. Rev enuers, Watts & Nickerson vs. Bankers, Khatadas vs. Co-op, Peoples vs. Dockettes, Allin vs. SCHEDULE OF FIVE-PIN BOWLS March 10 Moose vs. North North Star; Co-op vs. Post Of fice; Gyro vs. Burns; Malklns vsj Morgdns; Peoples Store vs. Stones; Fish Dock vs. Grotto. March 17 Peoples Store vs. Malkins; ayro vs. Stones; Morgans vs. Co-opj Post Office vs. Fish Dock; Grotto vs. North Star; Burns ys: Moose. March 24 Post Office vs. Morgans; North Star vs. Peoples Stpic; Malklns vs. Grotto; Gyro vs. Moose; Fish Dock vs. Burns; Stones vs. Co-op. March 31 Stones vs. Fish Dock; Grotto vs. Gyro; Co-op vs. Moose; Peoples Store V3. Burns; North Star vs. Morgans; Malkins vs. Post Office. April 7 Morgans VS. Grotto;: Burns vs. Co-op; Peoples Store vs. Fish Dock; North Star vs. Malklns; Post Office vs. Gyro; Stones vs. Moose. April 14 Co-op vs. fceoplcs Store; Malkins vs. Fish Dock; Burns vs. Post Office; Stones vs. Grotto; Morgans' vs. Moose: Gyro vs. North Star. . April 21 Grotto Vs. Burns': Stones vs. North Star; Fish bock vs. Morgans; Moose vs. Post Office; Gyro vs. Peoples Store; Co-ope vs. Malklns. well, aware- of the hopes of all Prince Rupert, 'invading tthe tight' clicjueifn. the 'south they are all out to make our south ern neighbors realize the north' is not to be dealt with lightly. According, to "trig Vancouver Daily Province,, Prince Rupert is expected to lose In their opening game. That's what the sotlri thinks! . . Ketchikan canie forth with a compliment last hlght, when Earl Leding, sports announcer for KTKN, mentioned Rupert's hospitality and their keen interest in sports'. Thanks Earl! The same Is very true of Ketchikan! He also dropped a word about the forthcoming visit of Prince Rupert's Men's and Girls' All-Star squads which are td be Journeying north soon. He mentioned that they would be Jn Ketchikan this Friday and Sat urday. But according to word in Prince Rupert, a date has not been definitely set ,as yet. Still the trip north is. to come 6ff but officially, no one seems lo know when. Professional GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled Besncr Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kllborn W. Petersoh P.ERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal Wood - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls tireen 977 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODERATE PRICES Prompt attention to mall orders. Box 516, Phone .777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry Well (P.R.) Ltd. LABELLING CONTRACTORS BLUE 980 Mt prompt m vnaurr Mil tat fUUM t COLUMBIA OPTICAL COi IP Si miies.;n Mike Clancy had been working' cn New "York harbor tugboats for 50 years when, he fell overboard arid was - drowned. This brought rrfbout a very fine wrike. at which the highest praise was given the deceased nhd all the traditional" ceremonies were observed. ''' During -the proceedings, a friend of the widow asked lv?r: "Did Mike leave you wejl Hx-ed?" "Shure, an" he 'did that. Tis 50 thousand he's after leavln' me;" The friend rolled her eves heavenward. "Tch, teh, tch." she said. "Th'nk of that. And him 'that couldn't read nor write." "Yes." agreed the widow; shak ing her head seriously; "nor sIm." Cpl.: "They say in China you can buy a wife for $5." Pvt.: "Why. that's frightful!" Cpl.! "Oh, I don't know. A good wife may be worth It." The minister arrived back in town Just In time to prepare a hurried sermon, lie started off by saying: "If my sermon isn't i') to standard I aoolurize. An hour before I came td th piil-fl't. 1 s it. down to write my text for today I did not know'tvhat to writ. But wlMi God's help I managed to arrange a sermon but I'll see that this doesn't happen again." As the chorus girl said as she danced out onto the ftage: "Guess I'll .put the motion before the house."' BASKETBALL SCHEDULE March 4 Savoy vs. B.C-Pack- ers. March 8 B. C. Packers vs. Savoy. - .-4nt Mar!h II Savoy va B.C. Packers. '' March 15 Savoy vs. High School. March 18 High School vs. B.C. Packers. March 22 Savoy School JUarch 25 High School' vs. fl.C. Packers. CANT PAY 'WAY ' LONDON 0-Batterse.a' General Hospital, which, fott mcre than.50 years has been conduct ed on voluntary 'contributions. is to ask the government for financial help because it no longer is paying its way. VARIED FLOWER There are about 100 species of sunflower. IS YOUR CAR OR TRUCK Our expert mechanics will put It on its feet at low cost! Has jour ear or iriuk lost itr 'Yep" - ilocs it Jireak lown frequently ost too much to run? You'll le AUrprjKcd liow iiiik Ii of it original elfici. ency ami M oiiomy taii lie retoreil ly our expert mechanic, using factory, engineered iart! J'r a simple -"tune up" or a major ovcrliuul-at reason-ahle font t-otnc in or plume for an ajijiointinciit TODAY! RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 566 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Blxth Street Dlack 289 Chuckl es As two brokers passed the Zlegfeld Theatre, out stepped one of those ravishing, alluring Follies beauties. "I feel ilke taking her out again." whimpered one. "HaVe yon had her out?" asked the ottier. "No but ohce before I felt like it." Sandy M;Baln had to give an Edinburgh friend a wedding present-so he sent him a pair of his homing pigeons. Australian, entering hospital: 'Ullow. Bill!" "Ullow, Steve!" "Come In to die?" "No, yesterdye." A woman rldlne In a trollev car was anxious not to pass her destination. She tioked thp con ductor with her umbrella and asked: "Is that the National BanTc?" "No. nia'ani," replied the con-ductor.."Thafs my stomach." A Greek who operated a small restaurant. was notrd among his patrons for ills excellent service and liis unconventional manner cf spelling. Recently the placard In his window advertising Ws dally fecial carried the item: "Lam Stew." A patron pointed out to Nick that "lamb" .had to have a "b" on the end. The little restaurant keener expressed his thanks for the Information and promised to remember it. A few days later Nick demon strated that he had really taken tiie counsel io .heart. qx on his dally soeclal announcement he carried the noticed "Clatnb Broth." The greatest undeveloped territory lrt the world lies just under j'our hat. One night near Christmas last year, Mrs,. Smith looked out of her window and exclaimed, to Mr. Smith: "Why, hew picturesque! Look, the Browns are carrying in the Yule log!" "Yule Jog!" said Mr. Smith "That's no Yule log. That's 0 town," The' nudlsts'were planning a costume iparty and the ladies were worrying over what to wear. "Well." said one, "with my varicose veins, I think' I'll go as a road map." Get ALL the Vitamins you need G0NIMN VITAMINS All li C D plus IRON and LIVER CONCENTRATE VpaVFm MULTIPLE CAPSULE Don't be confuted ai to which Vitamins to buy. When you tale just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsule (one of the toWen and one of the black) each day, you aupplement the Vitamins in your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day lupply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM MMpl, is 0 NjmI Quality FrtJucti n!J ,nlj Hysl Drat Suru. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY ' I.lSlITEl) Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL nt'KNni SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarclli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. IJox 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Ladies 'A' Bowling March 4 Savoy vs. Big Slaters, Orange vs. Tollers, Ideal Cleaners vs. Lucky Strikes. Moose vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Miller Bay. j March 11 Orange vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. An-1 hettes, Moose vs. Miller Bay, Tuilers vs. Big Sisters, Variety j Vs. Savoy. J March 18 Ideal Cleaners vs. j Moose, Lucky Strikes vs. Miller j uay, Tollers vs. Suvoy, Variety vs. Big SJtew, Orange v Annettes. March 25 Annettes v. Miller Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sisters. Tollers vs. Variety. Orange v. Motse, Lucky Strikes- vs, Savoy. April 1 Lucky Strikes v Variety, Tollers vs. Miller Bay Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners. Moose v. Big Sisters, Annettes vs. Savoy. BOLIVIA'S TIN One-quarter of the world's isupply of tin is mined in Bo I livla. Weak, Tired, Nervous, Pale or Underweight? Get Rich, Red Blood! Ymt Im9M how poor bUwvl otV-n muef llrrtt run town condition ; Imioeth ilcbr-HHtn, nervouKitrM. You know ihi "lilV-titnm" ncetlft IKON U W rich, ft 1 ntrth-gt viii. I ffive H Irftn, I tot try Iran (he tairrn whv. j with hflpfut union lit of vitamin tti.rn! ! Hum, phopphnrw. VK nil four in (JUi x. 1 Arc you thin, too 7 Will. 0-;x isn't tk- , lftnrH to ntHke ( iki )(- ;'" I"' Hi irn ; trlp reftlurc ppftii". ue tU,ttei, jt j thmtrancln. once Kiriny". r ; '--W to IHI but hotfciWN : rin not rti-l '.- II n Imrmul hritk. J.u- i-1 . v V'-f-t Try Mrvx Joc'e T: I 4 ' Oi Y U JMr. Will '. vim. i' vi r. i mn w iyht. fur Mile tit ftU SO"- UiV tWic tvrrywh'-rr. EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be In the office by 10 am. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male I'lippies For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 ;r ' n 11 won 1 jjc Long v"1 u-jscn 1 and rcmr.nre B true, operawrs win nave to have dcixr.db:? t:.f n iree wryice jrom uieir equipment We SuPfrest 71121 vu come m tr.j p J . . the necessary rrpiir. X0W!t prevent corny ue-iips later on. OlJIt AinCIIANICAL AMI ISODY KITAIK DEMml are wen equipped and fully staLrd j:: t promptly and efficiently. i All Work Guaranteed Bob Parker Limim rOItll AMI MONARCH DHAIKS riionr n:i lYmt Ropsl Until Yon Get a New Car... take Rood care of your present car' Rrmrmkl today means a higher resale prirt lomortui SEE US FOR KEdULAK SERYlCll We are staffed and equipped to handle all nail ami repair work on all makes of vehicles. Iiriitkl TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND Gill GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Our PEN "Mo. dear-I brought two Mends L- lL l 1 n I TtiHI .V,. Mighty Good Aid For Your Business! While people are reading our news the i reading your advertisements. Don't try to get along without advert!! Don't be the forgotten business. i k A VHP. nnn onll .-ill the lllCrC you can get these days. Hut these ft won't last forever. A year from now lines of merchandise will be plentiful then it will be the customer's W It will then cost you a lot or money . . . , . nnl f J0" regain iosi roouwin " j I nmrrs wii" vertlKing. A Retailer Must Sell the I " Ills Firm Ak Well As On Hb Co THE u 'B Ilstlmatps GhJli DISTT.ICT DAILY NEWS REACHES THE CUSTOMERS IN PRINCE RUPERT AND YOU KNOW THAT YOURSELF