It it . .' i t '4 J , V. 1 A. 2u r B f 4 Pn'ncc ttuuctt Daily j3cujj5 Tuesday, March 4, 1947 INTEREST IN EOCAL AFFAIRS Largc Attendance at Chamber Oi '.Commerce Meeting Five Nw -Members Elected l Continuation cf renewed Interest on the part of business ifim .of Prince Rupert In matters pertaining to the promotion and development of matters of business and public concern was manifested at the monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last rjlghpjvhlch was marked by an attendance of 40 members and at which there were four new elections to membership. Climax cf the meeting, which 6ea::.with a wMc-rarictv of matters of interest under Tieadinjrs of correspondence and committee re-portswas a stirring and cpti-Mstlc address toy II. G. Perry. Hfe honorary president of the Prince George Board cf Trade, who spoke with high confidence cf the future of Prince Rupert the great central and northern interior hinterland and Canada is a whole in lha bright now world. President G, A. Hunter was in thccflalr and he welcomed, besides Mr. Perry as a guest, Hawthorne "Graham, representative of Che' Prince Rupert Junior Chamber cf Commerce, and re- S for spring Shcct Metal Firm Coming lo Rupert Announcement was made at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce last evening that the A. W. Thomas Sheet Metal Works of Vancouver is to open an establishment in Prince Rupert, having purchased the building oh First Avenue near Market Place formerly occupied tj Frank Murphy. The concern will engage in the manufacture of tanks with a small crew of men. TONIGHT'S TRAIN LATE Due to late connections at Jasper, tonight's train, due from the East at 10:45, is reported to be seven hours late. There was a small derailment of two freight cars at Rearguard, 18 miles west of Red Pass Junction, but this was not the cause of delay to tonight's train. ccntly elected new members in the .persons of Earl Gordon. L. M. Felscnthal and Harold Wha- len. Richmond E. Mortimer, Wil liam Cruickshank, Arthur Mur ray and George L. Roric were elected to mcmbcrshlo in the chamber. Membership of Orme G. Stuart, who has b?cn away on active service, was renewed. You saw it in The News! At WALLACE'S ani of course an n H n B n u a B B I B the softer, more feminine, . IT'S the elongated silhouette . that marks our Spring frocks as new and high styles. A complete selection of f r e s h new dresses with more arriv-ing every day. I?rices? They're no secret. It always paid to buy for cash. PHONE 632 FOR PROMPT SERVICE ON JANITORS' SLTI'LIES DUSTKANE - PAPER TOWELS - WAX SOAP - lmUSIIES - MOPS - ETC. Prince Rupert Supply House We are here to serve you and 'guarantee you will he pleased F R E E I) E L I V K R Y O V A L L O R 1) K It S BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS " 'HONE 517 P.O. Box 171 2000 Records NEW USED OLD STRICTLY CASH SALES NO EXCHANGES - 15c Each - - 8 for $1.00 fL: ... ALSO . ? SPECIAL PRICES on I , Books, Pictures and Photo Frames Snap Albums B B B B - - Classified Advertising - - CluiKiricds: 2c T worU n-r Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. With Notices, 50c; Cards ol Thank3, Drain Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements; $2. J AG KM KNT N OTIC K Mr .and Mrs. John Watson announce the engagement of tiheir only daughter, Kather-ine Janet Kay), to William Duncan Smith, second son of Mrs. J. O. Smith and the late Mr. J. O. Smith of Edinburgh. Scotland. The wedding will take place at 8 p.m. on March 22 at the First Baptist Church, Vancouver. FUNERAL NOTICE SANDISON Died in the city, Thursday. Feb. 27, 1947, Christina Campbell Sandlson, beloved sister of Charles W. Houston. Funeral services will be held in First Presbyterian Church at 2:30 pjn. Wednesday. March 5. Interment will follow In Falrview Cemetery. B.C. Undertakers in charge cf funeral arrangements. FOR SALE FOR SALE Eclipse range with cilburner. Phone Red 914. (55) FOR SALE Two lots on Graham Avenue; beautiful view. Phono Green 253. 54 FOR SALE '31 Nash coupe, serial No. X3529; spare tire. $300. Sec Frank Morrison, Long Motors. (54) FOR SALE 1938 combination radio, 9 tubes; good condition. $60. 1343 Overlook. FOR SALE English pram. Phone Black 255. (541 FOR SALE 6-room house with basement, on 2 lots; 7 fruit trees; Section Two. Only $2600. Apply Collart & McCaffery Ltd. (58 FCR SALE Logging out;t with timber, as going concern. Consists of float with she? and house, furnished; complete set cf tools; small open powerboat and skiff. Everything new. Gocd reasons for selling. Investment of $1500 can be recovered In quick order. Box 2C5, Daily News. . (55) FOR SALE 33-It. beat, 15 h.p. heavy duty Vivian, new cylinders arjd piston. Can be used for trolling, gill netting or logging. Good accommodation. $1500 cash. Box 207, Dally ' News. (55) FOR SALE One electric vegetable juicer with salad maker. One sunlamp. Phone Green 937. (54) FOR SALE Three-piece chesterfield suite and other articles. Apply 318 Sixth St.. afternoons. FOR SALE Lovely home In Section 2, Close In. Apply Grand-view Hotel. Phone Black 412. (54) FOR SALE Axminstcr rug, 9x12; McClary range, enamel and steel top, fitted with Imperial oil burner and coil; kitchen set; full size bed, mat tress and spring. All in good order. 1317 Overlook St. Red 701. (53) FOR SALE New and used fur niturc at the lowest prices. Used 5-piccc kitchen-set, $14 radios, good players, $17.50; beds and springs, like new, $12; hassocks, $2; bicycles, first class shape, $3; c-plecc din ing room set, $30; pails, 50c; baking tins, good shape. 10c: new scatter rugs, lovely designs, $1.05 drlnkfng glasses. new. 10c; all kinds of other useful goods. Come and look them over. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. U FOR SALE Chevrolet panel dc-" livery, 1930 model. Serial No. 9131580C86, one spare tire. Ceiling price S337. Phone Red 411. (53) FOR SALE-lloiisehold furnishings. Plionc Red 218. (54) (NOTICE OF SALE FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the purchase of an Undivided one-half Interest In Parcel "B," S.D. of part of Lot 431, Range 5, Coast DHrlct, to-Rc'tbcr with an undivided half-interest in the Improvements siuatc thereon, up to . noon on Thursday, March 20th. .1947. Highest or any tender not ncscssarlly accepted. Terms: Strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, administrator of the E'Aatc of Paul Brodln. deceased. (GO) TI.MIJER WANTED WANTED 'Cedar, Fir, Pine and Larch Poles, All sizes, Quote f.o.b. shipping polnt; earliest shipment Niedermeyer-Mar-tin Co. Snaldlne Bide.. Port HELP WANTED ' WANTED First class sawyer, to take full charge of sawmill. Gocd wages for right man. State age and experience. Job open April 15. II; G. Olsen Sawmill Co., Burns Lake, B. C. (53) HELP WANTED Reliable party to operate cafe. Phone Red 441. B'ox 1001-B. (53) WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Sitter evening, public stenography days. Telephone Black 126. (57) FOR RENT FOR RENT James suite upstairs in Boston Cafe. Ask for Mr. James in cafe. (tf) FOR RENT Two-roomed apartment, 221 5th Ave. East Phone Red 807. (57) FOR RENT Three rooms, one kitchen furnished. 336 9th Ave. (57) FOR RENT Furnished apart ment, Grandview Hotel. Phone Black 412. (54) FOR RENT Single sleeping room 221 5th East. Phone Red 807. (55) FOR RENT Three-room fur- nished suite. No. 7, Washington Block. (54) WANTED WANTED March 15, three- or four-rcom suite, furnished or unfurnished, for couple. Box 205, Dally News. (54) LOST AND OUND FOUND Keys In brown leather case. Owner may hive same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) LOST Brown Parker fountain pen, Saluraaj afternoon, vicinity 5th or 8th West. (541 PERSONAL GUANANTEED roller Jromge?-zema, psoriasis, impetigo, heat rash and kindred skin afflic tions. Mail $1.00 for large Jar to Peacey's Drug Store, Victoria, B.C. ' (53) DUE SSMtA KING, Altera tions and repairs. Women's hose repaired. Phone Blue 273. (72) TENDERS SEALED TENDERS will be re ceived up until noon, Marfjh 7, for painting the Pioneers' Home. Specifications may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer. The lowest nor any tender not necessarily accepted. (53) MACHINERY ro SAW better lumber more economically, use the modem and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufac tured by National Machinery Company Limited', Vancouver, B.C. (tf WAR-SHOCKED TOTS GET AID I'nilitrb.n Committee Send Cash viiul Goods to Children OTTAWA ffi A total of $230,' 000 was raised last year In money and clothing , by the Unitarian Service Comcnittce of Canada for, the relief of war- ihcckrd children of Europe. The amount raised included $7(',000 in cash and $180,00C worth A goods Including mcd clothing, pharmaceuticals, food blankets and textiles. Under the committee's foster-parcht rvhemc. 1,100 Europear fhildrrn r.iave been adopted Ir Canada 43rin British Columbia, 81 in AHjcrta, 217 in Manitoba, 17C in Saskatchewan, 71 In Hamilton, 43 in Toronto, 83 In Ottawa and 23 In Montreal. Rrrponsibillty of the committee is growing clilly, said Dr. Lotta Hitsehmanova, cxecutlvc-dirrctor. who ha Just- returned from a Dominion-wide lecture tcur. "I fhould like to find fos-tT-r-arents for 2.003 chtfdrcn within the r.c::t three months." Britain Pays High For French Corsets LONDON Qi French corsets and brassieres are back in .British shops after a lapse of more than six years. Retailing at prices up to G ($24), the garments arc deemed superior to the British "utility" models Into which British wo-1 men had to squeeze during the , war land 4, Oregon, (53) Advertise in The Daily News "BRIGHTEN UP" CHURCHES TOLD . Urges Electric SijTns, Modern Interior Color LONDON 0) The church should take a lesson from movie theatres and pubs and take advantage of electric signs and flood lighting- to make Itself known and attractive, says Uie Methodist Church, department of chapel affairs. These are some other sugges-jens in the report: Old stone walls around churchyards should be removed. A "proper, modern use of color" could replace the black-android lettering of notice boards Inside church .bulldlngs.'sim'plej color could with advantage replace the stencilled dcsl jas and texts which often "disfigure" the walls. Provision of a church canteen lids the fellowship life. The church with a stage for production of cheap comedies A-ould be better off without it, jut effective use of suitable dra-na makes a contribution; td the ife and spirit of the church. BBC SEEKS HOME FOR TELEVISION LONDON 0 The DEC' mcy of mammoth Alexandra Palace headquarters, o telcvl-;ion broadcasts has expired. Palace trustees plan to. recrc-, ate the building for, its original purpose as an entertainment centre with a rebuilding scheme costing several million pounds. Meanwhile, the BBC is seeking a new home for television.. which has suffered from lack of space since the service reopened last summer. SHIP OF DESERT LOSING TO PLANE MONTREAL, 0 The ship of the desert Is being replaced by. the ship of the sky. Mohscn Shcbajb-El-Dlh, Egyp-tion delegate to the Provisional International Civil Aviation Organization's council, advises, that if you wish to visit the stone Sphinx or labor-built pyramids, take an airplane. It's got. it all jver the camel. . In the subject of . aviation gen erally the Egyptians delegate said: "Cairo is the fiub of avia- lon for the Mediterranean area and the Middle East. We have 10 commercial airlines operating in and out of the city and there Is a great deal of military flying." TORQUAY, Eng. Sir Hen y Martyn, former surgeon apo thecary to the King's Household it Windsor Castle, died In Dev m, at the age of 58i RADIO "HAMS" ORGANIZE HERE Abuut 40 amateur radio enthusiasts have responded lo a call by Frank Parlctte to organize a group of "hams" in Prince Rupert, Some of those who responded are holders of operating licenses while others are men whose Interest In amateur broadcasting has Just been recently aroused. The group will hold Its organizational meeting In the Civic Centre tonight. THE WEEK AT Civic Centre Rooms Tuesday (tonight) 8 ip.m., SvftiRhony Orchestra (auditor-Ium7; 'Co-operative Educational and Welfare Group (committee room) ; Radio Amateurs' organization meeting (cafeteria); Teachers' Association (ladles' lounge); Citizens' Forum (common lounge). Wednesday 1 pjn.. Gyro Club (cafeteria). 7 ipjn., Kinsmen's Club (cafeteria); 7:30 pjn., Cooperative Badminton (auditorium); 8 pm., CoToperatlvc Educational and Welfare meeting (committee room). Thursday 2 p.m., Co-operative Educational and Welfare meeting (committee room); 7 pjn.. National Film Board Forum (cafeteria); 8 pjn., Hobby Show (common and ladies' lounges) 8 pm Co-operative Educational and Welfare meet-In? (committee room); 8 p.m.. Tceji Town Council (board rocmW Friday 10 a.m.. Parents-' Study Group (committee room): 7 pjn;, Kinsmen's Amateur Night (auditorium,); 7 pm., Camera Club (committee room); 8 pjn Hobby! Show common and ladles' Jounces). , .Saturday 10 ajn.. Teen Town Playschool. Gymnasium TucscTiy 3:30 pjn.. Junior Girls; ,6;30. League Basketball. Wfdiicday 4 p.m., hcnooi Girls' Basketball; ft p.m.. Watts k Nlckerson Basketball; 7:30 p.m.. Badminton. Thursday 2:55 ip.m.. King Edward School; 3:30 p.m.. Junior Boy3; ?5:30 p.m., Oyro Basketball; 6:30 p.m., Grotto Basketball; 8. p.m., ladles' Keep Fit; 9:30 pjn.. People's Store Basketball. ,. . . . Friday 0 a,m., Tiny Tot; 2:55 pjn., Kins Edward School: 3:30 pm... Junior Girls; 5:30 pm., High -School Basketball; 7:30 p.m. Archery; 8:30 p.m., Men's; Gym Clafs. Saturday 9:30 a.m Boys' Baskciball; 10;30 a.m., Baskct-b-lll School; 2:30 p.m., Gyro Basketball; 3:30 pjn., Grotto Basketball; 4:30 p.m. Sweet Sixteen Basketball; 6:30 p m League .Ba'skctball. Here's sweeter, tastier bread We have the most complcti stock of I SASH, WINDOWS AND FRAMES In Western Canada available ' for Immediate delivery. Write for complete catalogue to RURAL SASH & I ItAAlli CO. I'.O. BOX 2373, North Vancouver. B.C. rith FLEISCHMANN'S FRESH IT r IT'S FULL STRENGTH so it goes rieht to work. No waiting. No extra steps. Flcischmann's frcsli active Yeast makes bread that's more delicious and tender, swectcr-tasting every time! IF YOU BAKE AT HOME Get Flcischmann's active fresh Yeast with the familiar yellow label Dependable it's teen Canada's' favorite for more than 70 years. BUILDERS It ,J-2swSV.'. III TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MELT ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O.jBox 167 Terrace SAILS HATCH COVKUS SKATE COVKRS EDMONDSON AWNING k SAIL WJDRKS Phone BLUE VM 160 East Third Ave. (Next to Shcnton's) I I Unreserved Auction of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE To be held on Thursday, March 6ti Coniniciicinc at 2:30 p.m. Sharp, in Auction Room Claim lilock fopposile Civic Cmlrt) NOTICE: On instructions of the ownei tore vtsi-tb our customers I, have caused to be moved fe above premises for tale 1 3-pieec Clicstci field Suite (wine); Lleclric Hi-nun najrf, i naiiim r.mroom Suite (lomplcttl-1 ISruslirr SnxoDhnlir. () Mrlodv Junior ... vi..i: 'I 2 only New Lin. Rugs, !)12'; 1 New Dressing Table (J miii; uoai aim nmni isange; uiesi uf Drawers; CtaJ field Table: Simlc and Doulilo Knl nmr,i-i.! .Tl "'-v, nutu Coffee Table; Table Lamp; Axniinstrr Itug, 6Ti'i stij Couch; carpenters laiiie, 3u.inch; Viitrola! l.Nny rtli Set: Jaiknife Table: f. Chairs :m,l n,,(fi. n...l - ..uiui, fcKU"! Toaster; "Set of Dishes; Pillows; Rlankels, PoUandfJ These goods arc not to be held over and be Kid oy auction. GE0RG.E J: DAWES The Auctioneer Terms: Cash Available Again . . . McCIary RANGES - in full while enamel 4 finish Mm y .Millride Street Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (I'owcll River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PUINCK RUPERT Cli(tp Suey riionc Knl H1-BI1 Don't I'mgtt Hull men's Amateur M jy Marth Tth Geo. I1i I J. Dai Tin; AiCTiosi Sales livery Sal wi: sh.l tvurw Goods Sold On Cost Household Sales CW at Your Convento' FURNITURE AND hold aooDS p 1'ACKKD AHU v: Bsllnialcs Given r (Ol.i,i(e Civif i'fn," I'HONW: j 11,... I5I..C II.'. Rcl,1 Ask for DJ2J REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PIUNC'Ii RUTErT (WWW CHINESE II I S II 12 S Olli: Sl'LCl Oiicn 0 a.m. lo 2 a in nioNi; i7;s Hollywoo ntlNCE RUPERT'S AH' A Cafe .Mn MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAUAn . i7 in i .rniiRSE fcial Dinner Every Sunday - J qiiKCIA CHOIVM CHOP SUEY-' FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS vll0rl,j 7 a o iiuitu