W, ITU streaming eyes and hoarse throats a nation thundeced its pride and joy on ..... their return. Hut the "tumult and the shouting" died. Life assumed its normal routine ... J Jic War is over . Veterans Affairs Hospitals arc giving treatment to an average of cS,()()0 patients, each with an average of days' stay. To lighten their tedious days, Red Cross workers regularly visit these lads, taking them candy, cigarettes, hooks and other comforts.. are in ntx-ration across Canada adjacent to Veterans Affairs Hospitals They provide an escae from hospital routine. Here the hoys, may relax, en: )' quiet games and music, and entertain their friends. The Ked Cross Lodges also provide overnight accommodation for the patients' out-of-town parents and next of kin, without which many visits would not he possihlc. ' ' ' . . - Perhaps you cannot personally visit these veterans, hut your dollars, the . money you GIVJi is your direct share in helping the Ked Cross carry on this . ,,. work. ' '' ' .' " lr. The CanadiatKed'cmss urgently needs money to carry on their vast undei lUMngs . . . won t you give as much as you can spare CANADIAN RED CROSS The work of mercy uever ends GIVE i . K, ---St rr1 This appeal made possible by: NORTHERN B.C. POWER CO. LTD. LONG MOTORS MRS. H. S. PARKER Exclusive Ladles' Iteaily-to-Wear THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. SMITH & ELKINS LTD. DYBHAVN & HANSON LTD. ARMSTRONG AGENCIES BRITISH-AMERICAN OIL CO. LTD. J. H. CARSON CO. LTD. NELSON BROS. FISHERIES LTD. Ptfntc tttiperf DaH? rectos Tuesday, Marrtj 4, 1947 Red Cross Canvass Under Way TubHc canvass for tunds for the Canadian Red Cross drive In Prince Rupert got under -way today with 13 canvassers seefc- lns subscription.; In two zones arranged "by Campaign Chairman Stanley SavIHe. Prlnre Ru pert's quota for the $54)03,005 nationwide campaign Is $5,000, The .two zones to which the canvass got under way .today as'e the Ilrst of several ntb which the city will be divided lor stra tegic purposes. Canvassers for the latter have not yet been ap pointed. One of ttie zones in whkh the canvassers are active embraces the area between Fourth and I Ninth Avenues from McBrkle Street west to the Morse Creek Bridge. In this area there are 10 ladies taking subscriptions. They arc Mrs. Alex Mitchell, M's. W. J. Richard, Mrs. Frank Ellfcron. Mr. W- Geddes, Mrs. W. Graham, Mrs. Robert Parker. Mrs. J. A. Frew. Mrs. K. Dafoe Mrs. ;V. W. rwiectcn, Mrs. Ray McLean. . . In the Westview areas, the canvassers are Brs. T. B. Black. Mrs. II. D. Thm and Mrs, Howard Hill. Mr. Saville recalled that l3Sl year Prince itupert ;filled Its nuota and he hopes for a similar responfe this year. Tile need for the Red Cross has not diminished just because the war is over,!' he said. "Tin' humanitarian work still Roes on and it needs public support. I hope that the people of Piinre Rupert will respond courteously and generotisiy to the volunteer canvassers who call on them." OPEN SCHOOL FOR TOTS WEST VANCOUVER, B.C. 0). A co-operative play school for pre-school children has been opened here with 1G mothers pooling their time and talents. Each mother spends one morning weekly at the school and at least three are ou duty at all times caring for the 20 chll dren. COCKERMOUTH, Eng. O) - Cracker, a three-season hound, was killed by a train when hs chased a fox across the 'railway near Bassenthwite Lake, but the rest of Blencathra pack Preserve those Baby Memories Something New in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little bootees . . To grace your mantel and be alwdys a fond reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. THE COST IS SMALL BRING THEM IN TODAY Guaranteed Watch and Jewelry Elepairs. Special attention given to mall order wink. MANSON'S JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jewelry Doctor Addresses Nurse Asso'ciatidn An ad (tress p 'TtfodeK) MedU cine" was delivered to tf regu lar monthly trieeun?; ci the Pr'n-Je Rupert' "Kiirsfs Afsrfa-tion in the Hums' Heme last nlsht by Dr1. Yfv 6. Kergin fol lowing a business session ih which routire af tairs were disposed of by the group. Dr. Kergin's address was en-Joyed by the 30 member's present, and he was thanked, by thf association president. Miss Inga Jensen. Following; the meeting;, refreshments were serve'H. ' WONDER HEDGE TRIMMER LOWDON J) A nev?, hed&e trimming machine which will trim a half mile of hedge in one hour has been demonstrated by a London firm. The machine can cnt horizontally, across the top of the lycdze and, IX .necessary, reach over and trim the far .side. It can also Operate across ditch banks. Hotel. . . Tuesday si Coquitlara, I arrivals W. J. Deans. Vancouver; A. Unsworth, Vancouver;- - J. ' A. FliKtlay, Bella Coola. - Show Keen Interest In Public Affairs AUCKLAND, NZ. '9) "the thing that struck me u'lost at the assembly was the Keen interest iakta in public affairs by the women representlng wtiat we have always considered the backward countries," tfcelafed Miss "jan Rattray after attending the International Women'i Assembly in the United States as New Zealand delegate1. ''All over the world women are beginning to realize 'that, if the human race Is to maKe a,ny real progress, they must' play u far more attlve pjrt in1 public affairs than ever before. This attitude of mind was particularly noticeable: Jn the case of women from the smalt' coun tries." Steamship Sailings For Vanronvrl-- 1:30 P.m. : Thursday ss Prince 'Jlupert 11:15 pm it Friday s Catala.'lOjplm. Saturday-5-ss Camosua, 9!15 pm From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coquitlam, pm Monday ss Princess Adelaide. pm Wednesday ss Prince-Rupert, 10:00 am Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 pm ,:. Friday ss Camosun, 3' p.m. Friday ss Catala, pm For Alaska ; Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss Prince .Rupert, midnight. From Alaska-Thursday ss Prince Rupert, 1 pm Saturday ss Camosun 7 pm BLACKHEADS tmvt di ! and disappear bj'.thil on Implt, aa( and aura method.. Get twr ounwa of proxina powder from aay drug More, aprlnkla on a hot. wet -Mh. and pply enU every blackhead wil I ic. We Serve Vou Nothing But the Best ... SI'ECIAL KEI) HKAN r.i:i'' ? CHOICEST VEC.CTAIII.KS AM) FKI'ITS COMI'LirTE LINE OF (1KOCEICIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meals Roast Chicken Meat I'ics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS riione 21 Third Ave,, West Yes, the worst is over but it is no time to let your coal bin run low Yon get speediest possible delivery of your favorite known brands of coal from us. But PHONES 11C and 117 don't leave orderln- too ion;. Courtesy and Service ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS I m Hit JhW