l! Prince Ktiiicrt Daily J3rlu$ Tuesday, May 27, 1947 Criminal Case Hanson, John Frank, Herbert W. Leach, Allan Morgan, Hal Nlck-crson. The trial may possibly conclude today. The taking of evidence was jj, preceded by the question of ob-ITtainlng prooer Interpretation, , Henry Castillou, K.C.. counsel lor defence holdii.- that there was a. difference In the tongue used by the Fraser Lake and the Bablne natives. He suggested f that it might have been advls- aoie 10 nave nact a suitable Inter preter here He had not had to pay Boys' Lonir Pant Suits (Continued from rage 1) pact came almost at the moment. his axe hit the tic wood and he was looking downward In that direction. In spite of his condition he lost little time in looklne for aid although his sight had become impaired through the flow of blood. Nevcrtlnless. he did not collapse. There was blood in his mouth, which he kept spitting out It was his kiwraaslon that the bullet had come from a westerly direction. When he iiett the cabn tnat v. .win Wl.ik ftev uy, lie wt JP.ll U sufficient ..Mi.: L time, t, when . en route . to it wtrrf 1,1, ..... r,... t'tf Prince Rupert, to aire the mat-Jm his absence some one had ... yv.ouuai a.vcuuuu iiiui-1 oeen there. tsen. Alter further discussion, a latlve woman. Mrs. Martha Wil- Pson. with a knowledge of Ene- .ism. served as Interpreter j Tv,W. Brown, for the Crown. addressed the Jury, outlining the Mrcumstances of the case, tell- ping of what, aconites to the .prosecution case, happened Feb- tary 19 near the Interior town rof Topley. when Luwrmee Kvl. ling was vounded in the head by a rifle bullet. ?INJITKEI) .MAN GIVES EVIDENCE Kylling, from the stand, told his story. witness He Is a 4. slight, elderly man, walking 1 3t smartly and answering all ques- :uuns reaoiiy. He wore a blue shirt the same he had on when shot. On the afternoon of Frt- tuary 19. he was ma k toff ties In f the woods. Ths was handy to his cabin and truck, and convenient to the Bablne Late mart va,,. j . . . : r nc afcnoasiraiea to trie Jury bc-w he was standing, and In - What. U'.T V h tte ntttw, V ( c -v. ; . J ...j ual rhe moment the shooting oc- -urea, i ne Dan entered the side of his head com!n out the 1 lowe r richt side of his Jaw. As far cs he could recall, the Im- When he tried to telephone, the instrument failed to work, because the wie had been cut. He made an attempt to start his truck, but. In the shape he was In. could not r!de far. The car keot going off the roadside. Then he started on foot for Topley. Not lor titer this he met two Indian youths one of them the accused. He told them he needed aid. arxi asked that one go for heh and the other aiay wun nun. Tnts aid was teadlly given. The witness said the Indians told him there were two white men around one with a sun. Kv'line declared he had noticed no whit mn i witness sam ail tnis was ined by Mr. CasUUou. One of the two young natives had carried a gun in a strau on his shoulder. Kylling said he had always been on friendly terms with the accused, and with the Williams family. j At this point, counsel for defence had a number of questions o ask rejecting past relations between people living there, the Topley -Richfield mmin? property, a desire to establish a crusher, and certain charges ! from $5 50 to $14.95 Boys' Long Pants from .... $2.25 to $6.25 Boys' Short Pants from .. $1.50 to $1.95 Boys' Shirts from 95c to $2.25 Boys' Socks from 35c to 70c Boys' Sweaters from 75c to $4.25 Boys' Loafer Jackets $13.95 Boys' Summer Underwear 55c Wc carry a compute line of clothes for boys of all ajes. Boy ear that utars and wfirs and wears. II RUPERT mil sl wr ' i , i IB MENS' STORE if THE STORE FOR DAD AND LAD' FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS - DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATEIt SHOES 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Boot m FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates jlven for any type construction. Phone 5C3 M bt-Red 603 ftk V. Wlm 6 ... -mmmm mm sz mm r,ii 'ilk- i U; "DO.VT KNOW WHY I DID IT SOO MURDER ,SUSPECT A 19-year-old caretaker, Edgar Simons, has been held by police in connection with the double slaying of Mts. Katherlne Rupert, 24. and her two-year-old son, Frederick, both above, of Pancake' Bay, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. The bodies were found in their blood -spattered cabin by Frederick RuDert. a war vPr Ills return from a shopping trip. Rupert had brought -his wife from Altoona. Pa.. In 1945, and purchased the lodge, which he operated as a tourist resort. Police quote Simons as saying- "I don't know why I did it." alleging gun play, and allegations usually denied. The witnes said all this was ncne of his business. He had had nothing to do with any of it. It came oufln Ue testimony that the Indian boy had asked that in a message sent. It be represented that they had loft the bunkhouse that morning when It really had been In the afternoon. Warren Robert Innls. mining man. livir.? at Tcoley-Jtichfield. told cf learning abo'.tt tho shoot-:nsr cr Kyllirg. He was cross-qucsticned by Mr. Castillou. It HBBiniBBIBIIIlBinOF) RUPERT MENS' & BOYS' STORE BOY'S CLOTHES... at prices you expect jor Boys ! v i lli 3 niCKS FRASER HOUSE Modern. Quiet, Comfortable - :il FHASER STREET Phone Black 823 We Serve You Nothing Bet the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cookrd Sleats Roast Chicken Meat Fies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 - Third Ave. West B n B O C B - n a B B B n Bi fl B B B a a n B a B a B B a a ,i B a a a B B B H a u B B B a a a a a B a a a M fl1 "I was true, he said, his wife had suggested that he go and take him some wine, but he hart doubted the advisability nf hu Counsel emphasiied there was a white man severely wounded, and he was entltltd to prompt personal attention. Defence counsel read pvtrarf from a report of the Drcliminarv examination. Certain reports and assertions were reDeatprf hut these had no direct bearing rm ithe shootirur. Virornn? jwas given by Innls to much, if : not all of the assertion made. Counsel for deler.ee once made ; use of the expression "claim ! itnming.- which brouit a ! -aution from H's Lordshtp. The Court also warned Mr. Irmis to how more restraint In the force rl his contradictions and denials. He certainly would per-: "nit no more profanity. ' Court adjourned about 4:30. CFPR Rnrlin Dial 1240 Kilocycles 'Subject to change) TUESDAY PM. 4:00 Giselle La nechc 4:15 Stock Quotations. 4:30 Let s Play 4:45 Pain;ec Arrows, Wpg. 5:00 Melodies For Juniors 5:30 String Stylings 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Dinah Shore 6:30 Tommy Dorseys Orch 6:45 Recorded Interlude 6:50 Fish Arrivals and InL 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundun 7:30 Leicester Square ta om Broadway 8:00-Atomic Energy, Wpg. 8 :30 Record Album 9:00 Piano Recital, Wpg. 9:15-Tlk 9:30 Design for Listening NBC 10:00 CBC News 10:10-B. C. News 10:15 Music by Shredntk 10:30-Hollywood Barn Dance 11:00 Weather and Sign Off . WEDNESDAY AAL 7 .30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns 9 00 DEC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30-LitUe Concert 8 59 Time Signal 10:00 Moraine Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time I0:45-ScandlnTlan Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11 :33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy listening P.M. U OO-B. c Farm Broadcast tt:!S Program Resume 12:S0-CBC News H:48 Recorded Int l:15-Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hr 1:30-Muslc Styled for Strings 1:44 Commentary and Summer HoJday J 08 Feature Cbneert J IS Family Favourites 3:36 Songs to Rememoer 3:45 Messer's Wanders S.-OO-Coatjoy Irt- ssdor Cal Steamship Sailings For Yanronm ' Tuesday as CoqoiUam 1:3a p.m. Thursday ss rrtnee Rupert 11:15 pm. Friday -ss CatjLa 10 p.m. GARDEN Club Notes Furnished by Prince Rupert Horticultural Society Proper preparation of the soil Is the first fundamental rule of good gardening. A knowledge cf local soil conditions is necessary as raw muskeg requires a good deal of corrective treat ment to break I; down into productive humus. Local swampy eroend contains a great deal cf decayed cnrunlc matter and an excessive condition of acidity or sourness pre vails. The first important operation is digging. Every newly-dusr garden should be da? to a depth of 18 inches or. belter still, two feet in order to gel below the plant bed. Make an Initial trench 2 feet deep and about 3 feet wide. Then, tacklln? the adjoining strip, throw tin? sods in first, grass side downwards bottom soil on top and proceed thus across the entire plot. The second important sten Is drainage. The dramace system should be lower than the denth cf soil required. I.e. St or 2ti feet. Drains should be frequent enough to quickly carry away TTTTTTTTTTrrTTT-TTMTTTTTt Timely Recfae TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTr i CHEESE DISH TASTY Not only Is a cheese dish a tas- ty item on the supper menu, but it is one of the most nutrition : foods that can be served. Canadian cheese is a food of quality and should have a more prominent place In meals. Be cause like milk, cheese Is an al most perfect food, home econom ists say that main cheese dishes are good for children as well as adults: Because of Its high protien con tent cheese Is in the same class as meat, fish, poultry, and eggs -an,d since it is usual to depend upon the main course to supply the protein for the meal, the principal use of cheese should be In this role. Canadian cheddar. the principal type made In Canada. Is a hard cheese. Prvcess cheese sold e-xtenslvely In package form U made from a cheddar base which is ground and heated to j pasteurization temrvrat then poured Into mould's or pack aires and allowed to solidify This controlled process assures uniformity of flavor, texture and body of the cheese. An uncooked mixture of chees eggs, and milk, to be baked, should be oven-poached In a moderate oven. Scalloped or other cheese dishes made with cooked foods should be baked! In a moderate oven for only suf ficient time to heat the mixture ' thoroughly. For a cheese sauce the cream sauce should be thickened before be cheese is added and then cooked only until the cheese Is melted. And for a quick cheese rare bit try: One U;ht ounce pack age pf process cheese and half a cup of milk. Melt the cheese slowly in the top of a double-boiler and gradually add the milk, stirring constantly until the sauce is smooth. This quantity jtfiould make 1 cups of sauce which may be served on hot toast as a rarebit, or as a sauce for vegetables, hard-boiled eggs, macaroni, noodles and so on. Classified Advertising Pays! INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 83 excess water bnfort It has a chance to become stagnant. Next step, Incorporate plenty of coarse-sifted coal and wood ashes (coal ashes should have been exposed to the weather' for several weeks) and sand If avail able. This lightens and cuts the soil making it more porous and friable. Then add a liberal treatment of garden lime or even unslaked lime. Lime corrects 'excessive soil acidity, improves root de velopment and Increased re sponse of plants to fertilizer. The lime must dissolve ir. rain water and percolate into the soil. Anril is the best month to apply It nere. , After this, aeration becomes Important that is soil should be spaded again and cultivated to expose It to the air as much as possible. Keep a como-jrt heaD to sun- Dly your fertilizer. Mor ahnnt this later. Until It Is ready, use commercial fertilizers or manure if you don't ml".d weedlne. The manure Is an advantage in that u ouuds up more scii If v.- mil Is thin. , enough for this time Bv the time your soil Is rttrtv up tttn be ready with more advice. HOME GARDEN CONTEST Home gardens will be inspected at intervals during the summer. Judging will be by points on the following: 1. Neatness. 2. Freedom from needs. 3. Color arrangement. 4. Condition of walks. 5. Quality of flowers. 6. General appearance. Gardens will be divided Into four classes: 1. Gardens 25 and under. 2. Gardens 50 and under. 3. Gardens over 50. 4. Vegetable Gardens. This contest open to all amateur gardeners. Sponsored by the PRINCE RUPERT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY U24 Johnny's Snack liar i Under Nw Manasraent) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee VViines Lunches "A Plnuure to Benre Tcu' ran Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays. l;30 pniv Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sunday, 10 pja, QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 7 and 19. June 1 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Pruve Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5M WHY GAMBLE YOUR LIFE . , or those of your family and friends by driving on smooLh. thin tires? A BLOWOUT might mean the difference between a happy week-end holiday trip and a disaster you wiU never forgive yourself for. Replace those old tires now with GOODRICH SILVERTOWN Life-Savers or the new ate S Mileage-Ribbed Tread. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 5C SpecisUiing in Marine and General Sheet Metal Work Electric and Atetylene Welding BmI Tanks - SUtki Ventilators Mntners THOM SHEET METAL LIMITED ERIC SPEERS. Manager F.O Box 1.19 PRINCE RUPERT On the Stage 8:50 n.m 11-Year-Old EDWlw un, . 'THE ACCORDIAN KID t I THE 9 ,nLiainu..t Pftrninrurr Aft --S JOAMLORRING IXTRA! MUSICAL AND CARTOON' MAT WED. 2:30 1 PM. -9P.M. I ' DEMOLITION AND SALVAGE (124) Roosevelt Gymnasium Tenders for the demolition and u . , ,., building known as the Roosevelt cvrntal'"-, i cated at Roosevelt Park, will be re'eeived by undersigned on or before 12 noon, Monday jJnei The contract will be awarded on a price ta based on the complete salvage Job OK on a tr thousand board feet of salvage basis. Inspection, of the building may be arranged with w the undersigned. I). FORWARD, General Secretary wiwv cturc Association, Box 340, Prince Rupert. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Tort Edward. B.C. CHOP SUEY cnow MEIJi 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. WE HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY F01 H. C. LITTLE VAPOKIZIMi TYPE OIL BURNERS CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNEH3 ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 1138 (Station B) BUILDER ; We have the most complete stock ! SASH. WINDOWS AND FRAMES In Western Canada available for Immediate delivery. Write for complete catalogue to RURAL SASH & FRAME CO. P.O. rtOV 5377 North Vancouver. B.C. Phone BUCK K FILMS Superpan Press FUna Developing Pij::t!.,g, ing Portrait1? Pls. ll Photo SappUts Prompt .Mail Order Ser Chandler and Cowrl 216 4th St B3xfc PRINCE RUPERT BC Sanitary Efficient C0MM01WI.I CAM Wc Arc Most Anxious to Serve You BREAKFAST MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hall we serve Luncheons. Dinners. Hannnets :cd cater to parties of all kinds. (Call 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAViNV W. T. C00PFR Manage- Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AM. TO ( A-M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to S p-ia CHINESE DISIIE5 A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MELX FOR OUTS IDF ORDEKS PHONE 133 71S THIRD AVKNU1 WX8T