mm if 4 rfnrc Rupert DaUp JQcUis Friday, February 21, 1947 THIS AND THAT "And now a rollicking song by the three stevedores." VETERANS IN CHURCH PEWS Clerics Praise From Returned Servicemen OTTAWA CP Veterans and their families are returning to church life and duties "surprisingly well," a survey of leading Protestant tihurchmen in the capital indicated. Rt. Rev. Robert Jefferson, Anglican Bishop of Ottawa, said he was "very pleased with the way our men have returned from j the war and taken up their church duties where they left . Ofi'.w ' ' "I have found veterans exactly the same as other people," lie added, "and the fact they put on a uniform made no difference in them." Rev. Stuart Ivison, minister "of a Baptist church here and ' himself a veteran, said hii church had had "a wonderful response from servicemen." "In my experience any approach which Is made to them -Is always greeted with the uU most cordiality and, to a decree, success." Rev Robert Good, Presby """ I- . r Keys!" i S Th Tower of I on do Tlirongli tlie darkncsn of the prrat arch of ihi Ulooily 'J'owrr, in the ilim liplit of an old candle-lantern, comes a figure clad in a long fcarlrt tuuic, carrying a hunch of keys. It is the head warder of the Tower of Isimlon, escorted by a sergeant and four men. "Halt,. v,hn coined there?" cried the guard. "The kev!" the warder answers. VflmHelvry?" "King (dirge's Keys!" "Advance King George' Keys -all' well!" . The warder and hit I O TrfE -V r-ua terian minister, said more veterans were returning to the church after the Second World War than alter the first and tlw response of war brides was particularly encouraging. Churchmen generally agreed there was no need fof discouragement over the post-war religious situation. Some blamed housing difficulties as the reason many veterans and their families had not joined. This was chiefly because they had to move about from parish to parish in temporary homes. Once settled, the ministers said, many will affiliate themselves with a neighborhood church. EMBARRASSING MOMENT FORT FRANCES, Ont. O A woman passing through the customs and Immigration office here suddenly yelled: "I've lost my skirt." Sure enough she had Telephone calls between Canadian and United States officials successfully located the garment. No, It wasn't the one she was wearing. PRIMEVAL .TOOTHACHE VTt'S.-in recofes or cental treatment have been found dating back to 3700 BJC rriii. TIm- lirarKkinm Thus do the mediaeval ceremony, night in ihe jKiiiilerous gate, safely for the Tower, Old England, caslie and cottage, it i still siihstaiitially .irma r, nriore . advance to tl guard- Oversea and Auto Club Protesting Gas Raise Prince Rupert branch of the! British Columbia Automobile Association last night added its voice to the chorus of protest raised by other automobile groups against the recently announced provincial Increase of three cents a gallon for gasoline and joined in a condemning an increase In car license fees. At Its annual meeting In the 'Commodore Cafe, the association endorsed a brief submitted to Provincial Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb by the PC .Automobile Association which deplored hath Increases on he-half of motorists in all parts of the province. The brief objected tQ the vincial government imposing a further three cen( gasoline tax after the wartinie federal tax of three cent,s a gallon had been withdrawn. The boost in car license fees to the same level as that prior to.twp years "asq was scored added, unfairly to the heavy puden borne by motprlsU, wh.q are nqw alsi faced with a 15 percent Increase In the price of cars.. Election ot olficers resulted in only one change in the slate, the election pf Hugo Kraupner as secretary-treasurer In place of Fred Conrad. The officers for 1947 are: President, J. Harry Black. Vice-President, J. E. Boddie. Secretary - Treasurer, Hugo Kraupner. Executive S. El Parker, Douglas Frizzell, Mrs. A. A.. Rochester, W. J. Scott, N. E. Gerrard, A. D. Ritchie. W. Q. Murray, George Dibb, C. O. Ilam, H. T. Lock. President Black, In his an nual report, said that member-i ship in 1946 was 93 and that renewed memberships so far this year total 39. He told of local assistance given in organ-r izing a branch of the association at Terrace, and of conferences with; Public Works Mln ister Carson, in which the latter assured that every effort would be made to maintain the Skeena Highway in good condition. A telegram from If. S. Hipweil, guard, in niwlft tuiilci and high prcM-nt arms. learer of "Tlie King' Key", with still make their round every Tower of London, locking iiii the and Cnallj depositing the keya nigLt with the Governor of the Meejed in the storied past, with hi cathedral, it old inn and quaint age-old tradition and fine luiitallty, the England of pre-war davi. ion", v oil II lie ahle to lonrnev . . . . 1 . - ' j explore old England iu jK-riton W.&A.GILIIEY LIMITED $rif f 'omnti, fint,iHf i fit TuiMttttt, .yf.yo rnnto, fltttt ! z2zl-l jz r'TTT - m samtiBBi. APPLE PIE WAR BRjDES' FAVORITE-Sixteen war brides, believing In the old adage about the way to a man's heart, are learning, to cook "the American wiy" In Chicago, ill. From their Red Crass nutrition service instructor. Frederica Brlnert they learn to bke apple pie. tjietr No. request as well as other staple articles of American diet. Shown in action at the school, left to right. Ann Murphy from Scotland, Frederiea Binert of.the Red Cross. Sonla Cervuntis from England and Maria Ringgold frfm Egypt. The happiness evidence by their interest belies the few tales of dissatisfaction among war brides. president or the B.C. Automobile Association, stated that a djie-li gatlon from the assoclatlo.i would meet In the near future with. Premier Hart and Finance Minister Anscomb and. would take up the matter of the provincial government taking over th.e whole highway between Piince Rupert and Prince George in addition to pressing its claims for removal of the threocent gasoline tax Increase and the 1Q percent increase in motor licenses. TREE FRUITS IN INTERIOR Observations made during the summer pf 1946 by the staff members of the Dominion Ex-pcilmental Station at Prince t George, over most districts of the Bulkley, Nechako and upper Fraser Valleys Indicate that It Is safe to say that hardy varieties of apples, plums, cherries and pears can be gTown in these ,;rejs, N: med varieties of apples sirh as Wealthy, Yellow Trans-prc.i! and Mcintosh were s;en r ?w. 'p? fruit at Qussnel. Mc- Er and Fort Fraser. The first a mentioned matured well, iu-h the latter may be late .Tie areas. Many chance d'.inrs were also found carryr ' 1: re crops of good quality f uits. These had been grown f c;n seed of culinary apples In mc.-t cases and competed with ri''t''i;e. Seme grovn in a gar-tte.i frim planted seed were pi ducln? heavily when 15 years i cf ne. The apples.observed were 'mo.itly on clay land and ap peared to do as well or better than on loam or sand. Plum-, were observed in many rardens but never as plentiful si t anples. Opata and wild plums cf a-rs:ir.?nt eastern origin were seen fruiting at many points "and Pmlbina carried a good crop in one case. The lack of olum trees may be due to the fact thut most growers are situated on heavy, land where plums do rot appear to thrive. Sour cherries were seen grow-in" in several gardens and some carrying good crcps of fruit. A Be sarablan type and English Morello were observed. The Mor eno was carrylr--j a very heavy crop of excellent fruit which ripened well. Two sweet cherry trees were seen carrying ripe fruit at Dunster and a large, healthy Bins seedling seen -at Australian. The only pears seen carrying fruit were of the Tate Dropmore type. These trees produced good crops of small, poor quality fruits. General variety recommendations from one season's observations are: Apples Yellow Transparent, Wealthy, Haralson, Blushed CaU vill-p. Moscow Pear. Duchess, An tonovka. Crabs Transcendent, Robin, Florence. Osman, Dolgo. Qlga. ' Plums Opata. Pembina. Cherries Bessarablan, English Morello. Pears Tate Dropmore HI-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing. Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 404 McBrlde iriT f tf TT i SHORT SPORT A Chris Newton cf Toronto won the Canadian lightweight boxing championship 20 years ago, beating Cliff Graham, also of Toronto, lp a I0-ro,und bout at Toronto. Two months lat'T New ton dropped the title to Leo tKldJ Roy at Montreal. Los Angelf s AH-Stars defeated Fords at Windjor, Ont., 15 years ago to win a two-game sede billed as the world's amateur basketbaU chamnionslip. Th." ! Californi-ans 193o Qlympir tlti-ists followed their 40-31 yict-tory oyer the Canadians In thn first contest with a ?S-lfl vcr diet In the second game of the best-cfthree series. i HQVV.MAN BAGS COUGAR ' TRAIL. B.C. o Dr. William; Leonard of Trail, brought downj a 110-pound cougar with a bow! and arrow. Though long an ex-i pert with, the primitive weapon,) he had never previously bagged such large game. ITCH CHECKED or Money Back For qu ck relirf from Itchuii eau wd by roi J"'""--Jgr. ;"". inedi. .ued. lu,J ttaialeu. Swmhw. couWwu and viickly r:.'::.-ilay for p,D. O.fRESCRIPTION. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 Business and J. P, MOLLER rilQNE BLUE 155 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all its branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 I ) A Q i ?rPIA I I J' ' J SCHEDULE j February 22 B. C. Packers vs I High School. February 25 High School vs. 1 Savoy. J March 1 B.C. Packers vs, High School. March 4-Savoy vs. B. C. Pack-1 ers. March. 8-B.C. Packers vs. Sa-! voy. March fl- Savoy v? B.C Packers. For clean, comfortable, good -looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price A for 10 c- 12 for 25 P81 Professional GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled, Besner Block - Phone 387 JERRY VREBOSCIl PAPERIIANGING and PAINTlNa PHONE 372 P. N. Kilborn w. Peterson HERTS TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber - Coal - Wood - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Green 077 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MrtnEnATP pnifM Prompt attention to mall order?. uuAotu, j-uuiie in, ouu ora Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry WELLS (I'.K.) LTD. ! AHTA O K Certified Weighers Sample Recondltlonerg Labelling Contractors BLUE 980 K PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVK Mil Hour qUit t 00UIMBIA OPTICAL C0.LH ( Tallysticks Once "aise I Burned Burned Parliament rarJiament " LONDON (Reuters) Tally-sticks- survivors of a form of financial reckoning used exten-tively in Britain until the early lfith century-Jwe returwd t th: lr glass ce in the House or ! mmons from a wartime hldim place The stick., many dated as fur back .i 1?B1, resemble old wood en toothbrush with notclu;. ! cut in the handle. The notlu 1 loiq iniwriau: ihw many puunns. shilling and pence were Involv rd in transactions between th crown or government and ih Pltople.- Onodry from old age they caused the fire whleh burned down the old Houses of Piirllu ment in 1K34. But even today, despite an A tempt to aUolUli thwn In 127-' tallysticks utc still sonwtlmi . u l to rt'oi'd payments The luriKkt Win ru-ortkd by .he exiling stteki is 30 '$80 A rorfliuK to one tally Uek tin .. uiU't of HlnUiiuUut luul to ' :.w '13X). kaci: I OR HKST foam Lake. mu. 0-com 1 mercial travelers lowing ,t : train at this east cenirij aas kjiti lM'wn towp iiiMitatrty , ! broke Into a raee. Tlie winner who reached the only l ,u hole first, obmuwd 4 pnv.rf ro)in, others slept two to a hid IN EYERY CORNER Of THE WORLD PIAYIR'S NAVY CUT CICARITTIS HATCH COVERS f EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL I I'hone IlLlli: I'-IO ICO East Third Are NcrfliSI SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert The v'-i, r ' 1,1 It K HI 3 1 ditl BRAKE I 4. r. m em t litre1 the una I vtlopmtntiabnkiJ h i the NIT CI lOMPRIUXDRii;! . . . deitloped )cJ Kinetn. tndtfiesl UIRYCO MAU hue proven dmk.1 lacrciKi ikeir (ficul Red fur all font lit! with better QiRVCSJ CtmeimnJiei CHRVC0,'IUW'J Iridc Dime tuttt Im II 1 uvkwti ittua nowh. UWu tn. fir in ud CtJ KLTERT 11 UMITCl I'rinrt Upl rnnneo'i SKATE ai TERRA Transfen Stow WE MEET All SERVICE TO 1! IN THE DC' (II 5 P.O. Box 167 AMDll PP1NCE fffif EASjii Fill tctif Bob Parker Limb I OKI) AMI MdV'AltCII SALES AM' SUj "The Home of Friendly Service" Wl'i UA1CKX i lll'i JjAKWIJ COMPLETE STOCK OF C.EN'W FORI) PARTS AND ACCESSOR IN NORTHERN U.C. Out-of-Town Orders Olven Prompt AtW-j We have just received a shipment of SMOKED Haddie Type Ask for them today at jour b"' CANADIAN FISH & COLD COMPANY LIMITS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C I