CONTEST' NED BY GROUP) public Rela- in:, to Inflate a eJc f;o-c ?era ; . . .11 l n . articuiiuriii ou- otn the pro as cnecl ievera( l ,hts counc Tji- ' the rity, sible appearance paeon, feted plans lor rity'i bid if or jur'.it centre lot Northern Exhibition In i the Civic Cen-kui;j)ort of the r of Commerce k up' c jnpaign ; Is a toui :l in- I In conjunction iu: uin, ar a ' a: den ill 1 ls eacr'y ; be-uti:'yin the ri It fewer y Cf Wtll Kl )t ' f ' ' U-;it PTOUp to ! U' Mia ii' ul Eucle'y and tbe r.: ;"d along Lf he city al;;o :r Arnold In Ian ber af Corn- up x:int up" pli v, II be ron- by the Junior Enforce on of miblicity til if throughout p Uniled States m the Public Re- tso that ihey will s zj travel a?en-s ,. t'jne for the )iu Council Sta-! -abject for dls-t .03 ;iU" 'C - tiOil N Youngs, a it r the most ( 1 "Cf'T- lo :spl8 of the be msii- H M Dag- ' i'f in-r. committees e cted at ilsr c Thein-e csr.-i:;t of Al aa Allan Arm. e A P Craw- n;er The exter- m je j. airman, Rudolph i? end J K. Mc- handle the "onery con- It A!d:'rman T. N. JrLtDd, Rudolph Silversldes was pr Daggett Do meetinir were Daggett, Mayor Mderman T. N. Iry E, T Apple- fn:ra Silvxrsides, rar Havroy. Ru- E Boddle, R. E. McLeod. ALICES PRICES KP iiidiT hi :pt . .i i cuts ooara oi for three years treasonable rela- tn prices of cash tralps, and agrl- lndqtrlal prices. Jll advise what limits should be "dltles, the price pntrolled by the tnent or provln- fts and, Co keep ovements of com- Pn India and to the price of any Icontrolled should id to specify the ; limits for such ' The Hindustan to this decision, ;overnment has Its determina- Pown the cost of of autograph ied to have its fs the Uth cen- it with ho or nr 17-1 inhale tht ,k. - "OTTlt today. ALEXANDERS IN VS. FOR CELEBRATION Field Marshal Visoount Alexander Tighti and jits wife the Viscountess, leave their train at Pennsylvania station, New York City, after their arrival 'rom Washington, I C Raymond Atkins, left, president of the Canadian Society of New York, whose 50th anniversary Viscount Al xander will help celebrate, and Hugh D, Scully, second from left, Canadian consul-general in New York, met Viscount Alexander and his party on their arrival. RARE REPTILES ODD CREATURES VANCOUVER. U T. P. Men-zJ, curator of the Vancouver museum, has received a pair of axalotls rare reptiles of the salamander species. The oxolotls don't seem t give a hoot about the laws of evolution," says Mr. Menzles. "They live, reproduce and die as tadpoles, ne-ver shedding their fuzzy gills to step out of their witery world." Axolotls were discovered and iamed by the Axtec Indians vh3 strayed south toward Mexico City in the 12th century. One of two local specimens Is a sis-inch albino femaie beauty with sii en ted glils; her green-tsh-black male companion Is eight InchPS long. While tlw female .flirts on the surface of her hemp In a cozy water-filled tank. . the male sulks on the slimy, rocky bottom. TLiese uncivilized tadpoles like earihwfirms but spurn all vegetable matter. Cannibalistic tendencies become evident if the axolotl is not fed regularly. He. or she, will snap off the leg of another replUe. Tlie museum here obtained Mr. and Mrs. Axolotl from Buffalo. PAVEMENT PASTRY MOOSE JAW. Sask. W-Bread. cakes and pies were spread alon;j a residential street In Moose Jaw when the runner-equipment wagon of Kenneth Beckett, bakery salesman, overturned as ms norse siampecica oown a mil .'Hp He flnallv finally rannht caught Hip' the' hnrso horse nnH and led it back picking up the goods on the way. DOVER, Eng.. iT' Smugglers coming from Europe try to sneak past caroms with false-lbottom suitcases. In one, 191 watches and other goods were found. f RESH AS A Knjov tliem often llrlnor Kronen KinmU, vrnlrrn-grown anil pai-lvnl . . . fuinril for niiiimier-freslinrs! Stvles For 7Teen Agers White Pique, Black Velvet In Beguiling Bolero Suits Will Charm Junior lis By HELEN BANNERMAN Canudlan Press Staff Writer NEW YORK 0i Sophisticated 'teen-agers will took like pretty babies this spring and the accent Is on the word "sophisticated." Ihe new clothes take a Vt.;f wearing. " white pique arid Alack velvet are Junior high-style fabrics and demure white gloves complete most costumes. vnr wDinnio th tittii hnlpro suit with the short Mack velvet jacket buttoning at the throat under .he ruffled Peter Pan collar rounds away below the buttons to show the white pique ,u!2ue to which the blouse be- i-ongs. Th? 'uffled cuff!' on the blouse's long siecves are turned back over the bolero sleeves to imat:h the collar. The wlde-ibandid. gathered skirt Is of pin-checked green and white wool. With this bnuildlng costume goes a burnt straw sailor, lined on the undtr side of the brim with Mack velvet and having streamers of the same material. It Is worn orv the back of the head on top of a sleek, combed-back hair-do. Final touches are low, strapped shoes and white gloves. The whole costume may be changed by different skirts, blouses, hat and shoes to make the most versatile item In n sub-drb's wardrobe. SMART JUNIOR , DAYTIME WEAK VariatiiiiiB of the Junior them-? are neat daytime dresses, buttoned to the neck and sporting email collars: full-skirted dresses Jor drcss-up, with kiw. wid? BRtBZE VFGFTAni.E VAHIHUS C.rern I'm . . dit (,'rprn liM . . 0rn ixi thm VaU . . . lmn DELNOR FROZEN FOODS NEW CLOTH FROM CHICK FEATHERS KFCOWNA ,B. C. O Cloth-ins may soon be made of chic- en leathers. Trade Minister EWnrc Rupert Dail? fictos HAT IS Friday, February 21, 1947 WEue r..vicS ;ireut. ""Jhalf of the I9fh century farm- iays scientists nave oevewpea . a new tabric made principally from chteken feathers, resemb ling wool but warmer, setter and j llhter. It can be dyed arty coor and possesses a brilliant lustre. With 13,000,000 pounds at feath ers going to waste in Canada, a man's suit would take feathers irom only 23 chickens. A wom en's suit would require only 30 broilers for size 18. necklines and short, puffed sleeves. One of the "prettiest of I these Is of green and white striped taffeta with a wide black velvet midriff. For a "gcod" dress, just this side of a formal evening sown, a simple frock of black fai'le is 4he best toet of New York fashion houses specializing in "teen" fash'ons. And (parents take note) with these dresses go simple blaJr hoes with a really high heel to balance the new, slightly longer hemline. Bla;k suede cp?ra pumps are nucnlber one choice for wear with faille costumes. Suits again have the costume look with a simple gTey flannel jacket and flared skirt dressed up with a white pique collar a little smaller than the suit collar. White pique gloves, pert sailor, and saddle leather over-lhe-shoulder bag go with this suit. Grey snd pastef corduroy and thin twetds are belr? presented In junior forecasts for spring suits while wool, both sheer and ettpe, are tho choice for sprirm dresses. Get RLl the Vitamins you need CON IAIN VITAMINS A 8, Ba C 0 plus IRON and LIVER CONCENTRATE ll,lll.TI1ltllllUII M MULTIPLE CAPSULES Don't be confused as to which Vitamins to buy. When you take just 2 VITA-VIM Multiple Capsules (one of the golden and one of the black) each day, you supplement the Vitamins In your diet needed for normal health. Twenty-five day supply for $1.75 or a fifty day supply $3.00. VITA-VIM Multiph is s Nj.I Qudlity Priduct, itli tnij si Njsl Drt SlrtS. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED Mill K3W TO STAY YOUNG, GROW YOUR OWN VEGETABLES, SO DOCTOR SAYS Wini to stay youn and beau tiful' Dr Frank G. Boudreau, chair man cl the Food and Nutrition Board, Ur.ited States National R-?earch Council, told the Na tional Garden Conference that grcwing a home vegetable gar den and eating the vegetables would do more to accomplish this for tin- women of America i uian ai! an? ueauty taieps. pve (been the results of eom-He tlrc(J thj fact that this mon diet ciT solid dishes like was tiiftiy a modern Idea the roat beer, salt node, bread, pud-result of diftoverte by science oMn&s and patAiy with no leaven h .! astonished the nutrl- tninx of Ircsh vei'taMes ami ' ioji experts. ! fruits. Ii w;ts a p,i. at surprise -to dls-! iv r livj remarkable dietary . qualities : r the loaves' df plants," plemen'.sd dietary deficienees: c td. ; taught .better 'food habits and in "Tiiey constitute complete many cases brought a little sun-fxx' rt-. h in actively f miction-' shine Into-home made !owriy in eits wltkh titntttln every- I,jy the war. For eating is one of f x,:, foe tlic meU-j Life's pleasures, and there is a bollc process, 'rtjey iiijply all rtret ia tore ton -the individual the .nutrient ..whfcrl ah antmai requires. The llbcaJ ue rf th irote.tive iforxin among wiilch vtetatolfs and fruits rank high, tends to preserve the charaeter-Ist'jcs of youth. The larger the I iiri .Tin.asc ui ..aiones laicen in tlie iform of protective foodi, th1 smaller the percentage of failure in the preservation of the characteristics of youth and the greater the extension of the prime of We. "There was a time in this country when the produce of heme sardens was not eppreci ., t ated he .iDurin the iTst eis were indifferent to green vrnfetf-Mp vQgetr:les. Prpsirintial Presidential candl- Mudl. You saw IL in Tne Newsl I 1 W - - . - - date Van Buren was attacked lor using public funds to raise strawberries and raspberries, cauliflower and celery for his table. Infant mortality was high, people aged quickly and expectation of life at birth was ex-U emery low. "It is not surprising that poor complexions, hollow cheeks eick- iy locks and lack of vigor should "During the war the food1 yo-tfh In Viciarv wardens sun- who eats for. the first time pm perry cooked and .servitl vegetables and (fruits fresh from the garden. All of these benefits IVjw from home gardenjs in peacettot as well, and they ateo bring some extra dividend . "Just now when ifcod prim are high, home gardens can fcelp to prevent Inflation. Heal-tS.ful exMcdse In the open air Is a useful remedy ior many Ills lead sedentary tots. The cultivation of heme gardens provides recreation 'lor ths mind as wp.ll as the body; It Is the treat- I ment of mental diseases." COTTAGK CHKKSK New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE illlBlM'lJMlllBnMf r VP? ( CONGRATULATIONS MOTHER DON 7 CONGRATULATE MEl iM yjf il -THESE PANCAKES ARE SOI 1 ITS AU IN MH 1 ,,ruT-.e rrvntvA AUNT Jl MIMA'S IW lUMl nr : REaiiiMS POSITIVELY CERTAIN The All-Canadian ELECTROLUX T II K MUCH A NIC A L MA I I) IS NOW BETTER THAN EVER! e SEE DISPLAY IN WINDOW AT The Rupert Radio & Electric Shop Phone (i. A. HULL al Prince Rupert Hotel for full details or demonstration. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VKCKTAISLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED JUST ARRIVED INLAID LINOLKUM British-made, burlap bad;, per sq. yd $2.30 INLAID LINOLEUM Dominion, sq. yd. $1.80 Large Assortment of UMKRELLAS Just Arrived, each $ 1.93 Phone 775 327 Third COMMENCING JANUARY 17 HOVIS Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. WILL BE MADE BREAD Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Lawbreakers' Bane But Not Policeman HALIFAX 0; Edgar (HanR) Shafner is not a police officer and has no desire to be but he probably has been the downfall of more petty lawbreakers than! many a rookie constable. t Three times now in the last three years the 35-year-old Granville Ferry, NJ3., man has led police to a man wanted for some infraction of the law. Recently In Halifax he fol lowed u man from his boarding lie use when a lellow loomer had called for assistance after being robbed. Shalnor followed the man onto a tram car, then notified police who ar?ested the armed man despite his threats of "you won't uet me." A year ago,, when Shafner was The Quality Tea SALADA GRANGE you'll back, new your PRINCE ii r1 i . ri mrDT J to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday al 11:13 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PHINCE KUPERT NINE CLAIM WALLET MONCTON. N.B, P You can't blame them for trying. The R.C.M.P. found a wallet containing $300 advertised f6r Its owner and got nine employed by the CJt, he followed a man who had taken jl travelling bag from one of the pulmans. He held the culprit until police took him away. Three years ago he chased two men the length of a railway car when he noticed them robbing two dozing sailors. He caught the men and held them until the shore patrol came. But now he has had enough Especially when he consideva that .38 brandished In his face In his last brush with the lawless PEKOE " FREE AS A SPRING BREEZE . . . that's how feel in this full, beautifully styled, all-wool coat. It's rippling collarless neckline, aboundant sleeves are notes of the new season. In colore to make heart melt. NEW SPRING STOCKS ARRIVING DAILY J. Dawes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSE-1 HOLD GOODS WRAPPED; PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE R IT PERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Kldg.) PHONES: Bus. Blue 1 15 Res. Red I '27 Ask for George DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling; up and the supply situation Is not so food. You are advised to keep your orders well in advance lo give u the best possible rhanre to keep jmi supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS Is