1 Prince ttupcrt Dally JQctus Wednesday. February 5, 1947 Veteran Lost All In Kennel Fire VANCOUVER Omar La Chappelle, 45-year-old veteran pensioner, lost all his savings when fire destroyed the Whis pering Pine Kennels at NorthJ Vancouver on Monday. One, hundred and eighteen dogs all pedigreed and including cocker spaniels, pomeranians, pekinese and wire-haired terriers were burned to death. They were val ued at $3000. Only one dog was saved. WIND CAUSES HOUSE FIRE Tuesday's sale was responsible for a fire in the residence of J. Seymour, 203 Ninth Avenue East, at 2:15 p.m. when the force cf wind blew a stovepipe stopper out of the chimney on the second floor of the building. A nearby wardrobe took fire and tho flames snread to th? wooden ceiling and walls before they! were put out. Mrs. Seymour passed through the flaming stair landing to rescue her baby from a bedroom, then fought the flames with buckets of water until the arrival of city firemen. BASKETBALL SCHEDULE February 8 B. C. Packers vs. 90 Taxi, Port Edward vs. Co-operative. Watts St Nickerson vs. Orotto. February 11 High School vs. Savoy, Macey's vs. Por.t Edward, Sweet Sixteen vs. High School, Oyro vs, Canadian Legion. Co-operative, Canadian Legion vs. Oyro. ..March 11 B. C. Packers vs. Savoy, Macey's vs. Port Edward, Sweet Sixteen vs. High School, Watts St Nickerson vs. Gyro. March 15 B. C. Packers vs. 99 Taxl,Co-operatlve vs. Macey's, Watts St Nickerson vs. Canadian Legion. March 18 High School vs. Savoy. Co-operative vs. Port Ed ward, High School vs. People's Store, Watts St Nickerson vs. Orotto. March 22 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Port Edward vs. Macey's, Oyro vs. Canadian Legion. March 25 High School vs. 99 Taxi. Macey's vs. Co-operative, People's Store vs. Sweet Sixteen, Canadian Legion vs. Orotto. March 2999 Taxi vs. Savoy, Port Edward vs. Co-operative, Gyro vs. Orotto. February 15 Savoy vs. 99 Taxi, Co-operative vs. Macey's, Canadian Legion vs. Orotto. February 18 High School vs. B. C. Packers, Port Edward vs. Macey's, People's Store vs. Sweet Sixteen, Orotto vs. Canadian Legion. February 2299 Taxi vs. High School, Macey's vs. Co-operative, Gyro vs. Watts St Nickerson. February 25 Savoy vs. B. C. Packers, Co-operative vs. Port Edward. High School vs. People's Store. Orotto vs. Oyro Club. March 1 99 Taxi vs. B. C. Packers, Macey's vs. Port Ed ward, Canadian Legion vs. Watt3 St Nickerson. No "Prisoners' Sons;'' for the Cat or Pearson Cages Unnecessary for Wrestlers Appearing Here This Week Dangerous Only To Referees Rumors that Jack "The Cat" McLaughlin and his opponent-in-arms, Oil Pearson, 185-pound wrestling terrors, are being shipped north in separate cages for their bout here on Friday are mere than slightly exaggerated, according to Civic Centre manager Don Forward, who doubts that the professions require such strong arm solicitude. "Nobody in Vancouver would accept the dangerous job of putting them in cages." said Mr. Forward. "Besides, they react wonderfully to kindness. Undoubtedly, both will be led meekly aboard the Camosun tonight' by their Vancouver friends." Tiie ring in the Civic Centre gym, Mr. Forward says, will be fortified extra stoutly in deference to "The Cat," who recently went berserk in a feature bout with Micky Kohlbus in the Seamen's Club in . Vancouver. Somewhat upset by the tactics of Mr. kohlbus, The Cat pro ceeded to kayo the referee and rip one of the ring posts from its moorings. Mr. Kohlbus remained unharmed. What protection is being promoted for George Howe and Constable Van Meer, who will referee Friday night's fight, has not been disclosed. The authority of the law may be enough to protect Van Meer. Despite the fact that neither fighter has been fed ah exclusive diet of raw meat, nor require to be domiciled in an iron-barred cage, a first-rate fight of professional calibre, with all its implications, is in the offing, Mr. Forward predicts. The bout is scheduled for six 10-minute rounds, two falls out of three. As a preliminary, there will be two boxing bouts, one of which should gain some hold on the popular imagination. Alex Qomez, whose budding talents have been a notable feature in the local fight business, will meet Bobby Jones, who put on an outstanding performance In the last Canadian Legion fight card in December. Oomez weighs 143 pounds and Jones, 146. Benny Wlndle, the world's welterweight champion of Prince Rupert, will referee the bout. The opener probably will be an encounter between Johnny Leighton, 90 pounds, and Neil Forman, 95 pounds. Art Murray will announce the fights. SCHEDULE FOR MIXED BOWLS February 5 Atomics vs. Mc-Meekins; Headplnners vs. Klng-plnners; Reddy Kilowatts vs. Thistles.; Pushovers vs. Midgets; Rockets vs. Co-op; Pirates vs. Lipsetts. Classified Advertising Paysl SCHEDULE FOR 1 LADIES "B" BOWLS j New schedule for Ladles' Bowl- in? League. Section U" Is an LADIES' "A" LEAGUE BOWLING February 11 Ideal Cleaners vs. Savoy. Moose vs. Variety, Annettes vs. Tollers, Luckies vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. Miller Bay. February 18 Moose vs. Toll ers, Annettes vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety, Orange vs. Savoy, Miller Bay vs. Big Sisters. February 25 Annettes vs. Bis Sisters, Savoy vs. Miller Bay, Orange . .Variety, Ideal Cleaners vs. Tollers, Moose vs. Lucky Strikes. March 4 Savoy vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. Tollers, Ideal Clean-era vs. Lucky Strikes, Moose vs. Annettes, Variety vs. Miller Bay. March 11 Orange vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. An- nettes. Moose vs. Miller Bay, Toilers vs. Big Sisters, Variety vs. Savoy. March 18 Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose, Lucky Strikes vs. Miller Bay, Toilers vs. Savcy, Variety vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. Annettes. March 25 Annettes vs. Miller Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sisters, Tollers vs. Variety, Orange vs. Moose, Lucky. Strikes- vs. Savoy. April 1 Lucky Strikes vs. Variety,. Toilers vs. Miller Bay. Orange vs. Ideal Cleaners, Moose vs. Big Sisters, Annettes vs. Savoy. DEER ANTLERS VARY- Deer antlers with more than 12 points are seldom found In Oreat Britain, but heads of CO points are in existence on the continent. SPONSORED IJY YOUR CIVIC CENTRE Professional Wrestling Jack McLaughlin vs. Gil Pearson CLAIMANT WORLD'S LIC.IIT HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE VANCOUVER IIADMAN GOOD PRELIMINARY ROUTS CIVIC CENTRE GYMNASIUM FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 8:30 p.m. RESERVED SEATS $1.50 ADULT RUSH SEATS . . . $1.00 STUDENT RUSH SEATS . . 50c ALL RESERVED SEATS NUMBERED AND FIRST THREE ROWS RINGSIDE OR FRONT ROW BALCONY CENTRE Until You Get a New Car... take good care of your present car! Remember, care today means a higher resale price tomorrow. SEE US FOR REGULAR SERVICE We are staffed and equipped to handle all maintenance and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drive in today! TERRACE MACHINE SHOP AND GARAGE GENERAL MOTORS DEALER TICKET SALE AND SEATING PLANS AT CANADIAN LEC.ION W. F. STONE'S OROTTO 99 TAXI CIVIC CENTRE EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news Items, to ensure publication, should be in the office by 10 a.m. Contributors are asked to bear this in mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. Today In the second match. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PKOBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" tnd hi nouneed as follows: KETCHIKAN WINS Fpfeniarv 6 Khatadas vs ! Bankers, Whirlwinds vs. Watti 1 Atlin vs. Revenuers, W.P.T.B. vs. Dockettes. February 13 Whirlwinds vs. Dockettes, Co-op vs. Bankers, Atlin vs. Watts St Nickerson. WP. TJ3. vs. Peoples, Khatadas vs. Revenuers. ' February 20 Co-op vs. Revenuers, Atlin vs. Dockettes, WJ. T.B. vs. Bankers, Khatadas vs. Watts St Nickerson. Whirlwinds vs. Peoples. February 27 Atlin re. Peoples, W.P.T.B. vs. Revenuers, Khatadas vs. Dockettes, Whirlwinds vs. Bankers, Co-cp vs. Watts St Nickerson. March 6 Watts St Nickerson vs. W.P.T.B., Khatadas vs. Whirlwinds. Co-op vs. Atlin, Bankers vs. Dockettes, Peoples vs. Revenuers. March 13 Khatadas vs. People Coop vs. WJP.T.B., Banker vs. Revenuers, Whirlwinds vs. Atlin," Watts St Nickerson vs.. Dockettes. March 20 Cq-op.vs. Dockettes. Bankers vs. Peoples, Whirlwinds vs. W.P.T.B., Watts St Nickerson vs. Revenuers, Khatadas vs. Atlin. March 27i-Bankers vs. Atlin, Whirlwinds vs. Co-op, WatU St Nickerson vs. Peoples, Khatadas vs. W.P.T.B.. Revenuers vs. April 3 Whirlwinds vs. Rev enuers, WatU St Nickerson vs. Bankers, Khatadas V3. Co-op, Peoples vs. Dockettes. Atlin vs. W.P.T.B. The game was rough with a total of 45 fouls being handed out by Referee Johnny Coma-dina and Umpire Jack Lindsay. Ketchikan drew 25 of them while Rupert was not far behind with 21. Three players were sent to the showers with live personalsJohnny Mills and Joe Bolduc of Ketchikan and Sev Dominato of Prince Rupert. Although Mills was banished half-way through the third quarter he still managed to take top scoring honors, netting 25 counters. Ted Arney of the lo- Phillip.? of the Alaskans with 14, tfthik.in lprf 2fl tn 10 at the UnH rtf fircf frirriP fnt hv IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP NOEL LAVERDIERE, DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Ordr-r of I HU Honour W. E. Fiahcr, made on) tint 17th day ot January, A D. 1047, I was appointHi Administrator wltn i Will annexed of the estate of Noel Laverdirre, deceased, and all purlin naving Claims aiounM ine said estate are hereby required to furnish same, prpperly verified, to me on or before the ISth day of March, A D 1947, and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Ituprrt, B.C.. thW 2'Jrd day of January, 'A D. 1947. GEOROE 1 1. II AI LETT, Official Administrator, Atlin, DC. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP OILBERT CHARLES RUB SELL. DECEASED. IN THE MATTER OP TIIE "ADMIN ISTRATION ACT." TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, made the 3rd day of February, A D. 1947, I was appointed administrator, of the estate or Gilbert Charlei Rusm-II. deceased All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 16th day ot March, AD. 1947, after which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims .ot which I then had, no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this Srd day of February, AD. 1947. OORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, II. C Sports Alaskan All-Stars Take Easy Basketball Victory and Win Series By Two Games to One Swamping the local nil-stars 71 to 45, the visiting Ketchikan basketball squad took the final game last night to win the international hoop series two games to one. It was the Alaskans' game all the way with Prince Paipert trailing far behind. After watching the good I showing the locals made Mon- j when the final whistle sounded, day night it did not seem to ! They played as a five man team make sense the way they played j and, right from the start. Legion last night. Mostly it was badmust have known they were in luck on their shots but they also j f0r trouble. Sparking his team) lacicea tne iigni mey naa snown was Ray Spring with 14 points but he was outscored by Wally Wong of Legion who netted 15. However. Ray had a team that supported whereas Wally was the only bright light on 'the losers' squad. With Webster and Scharff holding down the defensive end very effectively, the forward line of Ratchford and Kelly 10 points apiece. Leading 8 to 5 at the end of the first quarter the Clothiers went on to increase the gap to 18 by 11 by the first half mark. Then, while only one man scored for the Legion In the third quarter. Watts and Nickerson moved into cal stars took second place bill- j tne iast period still out In front Ing with IS points, followed by 25-19. The last period broke the bacK of me Legion wnen iney were outscored 18-10. Legion Olson, Lien 1, Boulter the time the half-time breather , 4 Wong 15 Carison 7. Hill, Elds-had come around, had Increased vjci- Forman 2. Total, 20. this to 40 to 26. With the threat j Watts and NiCkerson-Spring of Mills being sent off the floor 14 B1n, Keiiy 10i Scharf 8. Web-in the third period the fans ex-;ster 2 Ratchrord 10, Oarner. pected to see Prince Rupert Laure. Total, 44. start whittling the margin down but the very opposite held true, r' The northern squad seemed to take offense that their star was banished and, as the third quarter came to a close, had widened the gap to 55 to 351 The fourth quarter was rough Rupert was battling desperately to narrow the visitors' lead and the Alaskans were fighting Just as hard to Increase it. And Increase it they did! Rupert" was out-scored 16 to 10 In this last frame. f Although the score ended up so lobslded, the local) champions must be given some credit. They never lacked courage. Luck was against them as was a team that just could not miss. "Doc Montgomery's boys made a fight and had the constant support of the 500 or 600 fans. Ketchikan Ludwigsen 11 (4), R. Farstad 9 (4). L. Farstad 9 (4), Mills 25 (5). P'hlllips 14 (3), Erickson (1), Bolduc 3 (5). To tal 71. i Prince Rupert Davis 9 (3), T. Arney 16.(3), R, Holkestad 7 (4), Dominato (5), Houston 7 (2), M. Holkestad 3 (1), Haugan (1). Beynon 3 11), D. Arney (1), Vuckovich, Murray Total, 45. CLOTHIERS WIN OVER VETERANS Watts and Nickerson junior squad came into their own when they downed- the Canadian Legion quintet?44 to 29. This was a memorable event for the C16 thters, marking as it did their first win of the current season After dropping so many they were almost delirious last night SHORT SPORT Elzear iRioux, French-Canadian heavyweight boxer, was fined $1,000 and suspended Indefinitely 17 years ago by the Illinois State Athletic Commission for his "unsatisfactory throwing' against Primo Camera. The Canadian woodsman was sprawled to the canvas In 47 seconds. Eight members of th Ottawa Rough Riders football txecutlv were suspended by the Amateur Athletic Union of Canada 11 years ago today as the result cf th? "great Impersonation" of Roy Berry by Bohn Hilliard, an American, the previous fall. Later on the executive was 40 WARRENPOINT. Eire, O) Forrest Retd, 70, author of Peter Waring" and 19 other novels, and noted as a critic died here. CHRYCD BRAKE FLUID! DOES A BETTER JOB Through greater extremes of licat and cold . . . from 340 dearc-M lhrenhtit to 8(1 degrees btlow rero, MT CltRYCO SUHIK ItKAKi: HUH) retains iis fluid state! Contribute lo safer driving. The best safeguard fur brakes Kainit wear end corrotion. I n. gintcred and made by Chrysler, Specify aiKYCO Sl'I'Ht HKAKE FLUID and be sun ! Ctmt in it I m leJty I What CHRYCO meam CHRYCOIs a trad namecoined front 'Chrrtltr trporiio", I'arn and nMrii bearing this trademark ar (uaramced by tbt men lio drtigit I jnit mouth, 1uui and IkSulo nu,tor cart, largu and 1 Dodge truiks and Clirf tier Industrial kngincs. KUPERT MOTORS LIMITED 0 Prince Rupert, II.C. Phone 56G BIG SISTERS BEAT ORANGE . Big Sisters won a three-game victory over Orange Ladies in the A" Ladles' League bowllnz last nlsht o nplay while Miller Bay were credited with a sim ilar victory over Ideal Cleaners by default Annette's and Toilers won two games to one nwr Variety Store and LucKV Strike? respectively. Individual storing for the evening was w follows; ORANGE O. Newton 93 A. Denton 123 E. Anderson 90 P. Anderson 103 M. Wide D. Ocddec Totals 522 EIO SISTERS Ev. R. Alexander 84 Edna Bond 202 June Dickens 13 E. Rothwell 123 R. Alexander 182 Totals 731 IDSAL CLEANERS Default. MILLER 'BAY M. Marton 90 M. Kelry 062 P. RpbcrU 83 M. MjDonaW 102 M. Vincent 188 Totals "5X) VARIETY Clough 191 Lykeaard 155 McKlnnon 73 Cembella 177 A. McLean 101 Totals 702 ANNETTES Montgomery 153 Smith 121 Oitashower 113 Dickens 152 Totals 735 LUCKY STRIKES J Bnulter M. Scharlfe . C. Barrie A. Postak . J Warren Totals TOILERS M. Smith O. Richard .. C McLcod J. Menzles J. Hill B. Ellis an TitaK 1 174 85 173 92 152 378 174 163 152 118 74 631 131 100 159 88 163 145 147 95 147 96 627 043 87 201 114 193 16' 140 123 158 143 118 631 810 114 74 110 72 173 117 35 92 195 227 62T 582 210 158 12; 101 1C1 218 151 160 131 151 71C 848 164 148 150 128 172 162 162 237 774 837 122 121 119 124 156 191 124 151 89 202 010 78? 136 150 110 142 135 121 160 91 142 123 111 661 618 VVfh Minora Blades I Minora hat a real "edg" over other low price blades. In fact, il't the sharpest double-edge blade in its class. One shave will convince you. rut you DOyilf-fDCt lAZOt Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT New OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (I'owell Hiver) VANCOUVER Thursday at llt!5 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday iMidniiht For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RVPEItT The Seal, of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON wo ears v NABISCO SfW8 MEAT HE HAS PLENTY of drive ... as you can, too, on a breakfast that includes husky, w hole-hearted NABISCO SIIRtl). DEI) WHEAT! This is the cercat made from 100 Canadian whole wheat with all the beneficial bran and wheat (term. It's toasted to a golden, honey- brown . . nothing is added. You'll enjoy the wholesome natural svhole wheat flavor and you'll benefit from the hearty nourishment it supplies. It's the one cereal thai tastes good "hot" or "cold". lWd ly Ik Conodian Shrddd WKtol Company lid. Nioqara FaJlt, Canada DON'T LEI YOUR 01 CONSUMERS GO TOO Order are nillnr tin anil the sunnW situation Is Dot II You are advised lo keep your order well ii vaiice (o give in the best poxsioif rhanrrwi you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY 11! Phones 116 and 117 FURL AND BUILDING -MATERIA! Reliable Prescript Three sailings l'er Week for VANCOUVKIl VICTOKIA SIIATTL!: Tuesdays, 1:30 pm Coqultlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 pjn Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART- and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 pin. QUEEN CHARLOTTES Fortnightly. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5C8 IIICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 nn is compounded i you are assured of getting exactly & Doctor specifies. You are assured of the iirescription compounded properly' experienced and fully qualified pna We use only the very best grade u available. Ormes It Jim Pioneer Druqgist oarjOOOoewooM3 ft Protect i-onflj FIR kidde-u: coz Fire Extin1 We recharge C0; PHILPOfj cimollr ' phone 651 .-j ave. 324 zu "