Km 2S iMM'ioi' Grocers 1 1D "hursday, tnday and Saturday FKimiJAKY (5, 7 AND 8 S-5 FWFS AND VEGETABLES r ..:i iidiiil i' J for Jill nnnl. T-v . Lrcs- Navels, bizc zoos ioz. zyc I,.. Mclicious. raucy i ui . tc ain-Ikinches. rresn ms.ior zic agc- In ips- Firm, green, jjargo noaus. . .l.u. lzc Hulk 2 lbs. for 15c oil i.rcen, P'UH A M M,.iw,i fresh Lb. 2.'!c QUALITY GROCERIES t'HA I. AMIS IVESTING HOUSE 1 l? ll at.. Frosted Ea l.'t4 aTi p 'lstrd Ea. at pr-usted Ea. 8uiv.n Wliite Spot, lit? Ea. III'.!'. Liquid Veneer, . Wax. Ea. :t!e Ea. '21? ,H Stewart's, Leisure No-Rub FLOOR WAX Pkt. He fi TRIP H BODY ffO'.Cn Pfil l I'ansy mi lu lu l'ran)irlfil c up Nans River Mi Pansy Gran- li m.(i) ol Aivaiwh up the ice- :ff from It jn-jiorted by i nver for in-lliirv which will ami nights. ik n by .sbont Mill Hay, at i: Naus Hlvcr, .married to i )mi", journey. irtirt.-i of dc- i:i the wny Mill Hay to ' m:d take over ' ' .i (emus will ii i . necessary .port- the body " "qtilpment re-;i'".v " died at the " lie pilal at ii ; ' io first of 'in-moral .service i' m n.c. Under-luqie today when -"' ..dent In the nei) final tributes d H. bnt uic nicniorlal Orir-'( L Stewnrt. m- orcarhcr. There flan- by Paul Clay- 1:3 the native "'e Rupert, and ied in prayer as I'onmincinii the benc- d oiaylng, as a violin ;C March In Snn " 'Vi'o nre.viriori m company the hymns 6i Rnplf nf Arrnr W .n You Till Wo 'in and 'llo - UVltUVWI adct Orders t Al-iAlN COOK' '' 'Uiiimanding '' I'rbruarv 5. I'm Walsh to muster. lackers pail In. (al) in ffflccrs' call. ''Plain's IiiMiccliuii. land Easy 'Hls to Classes. peine ?nn,ss )c id T )l t I L-l, n Fuy Officer .po p; lant tlu. all per- ' tl- C1CCONE, ucut U.C.S.C.C. .Advertising PaysI , ., . k Ojjilvie Minute Oats 5 Hi. Sack 2!)C ,5, Prcm Swift's, 12 oz. tin Ea. :57 Vinegar Heinz White, 1G oz ISO 32 oz JS'J?1 Soup Campbell's Vegetable, 10 oz. tin Ea. Ill Apple Juice Sunltype, 48 oz. .tin Ea. al?4 Tomato Juice Libby's, 20" oz. tin : for Soup Mix Linton's, Pkiis. '' for '27,? Apricots Herryland. 20 oz. tin Ea. '2t PearsColumbia. 20 oz. tin Ea. liNf MRS. HELGERSON PASSES AWAY Mrs. Everett 'Ucrtrude Hcl- gcrson, who had been active and popular in Norwegian and Lutheran organizations during a residence of six years in Prince Kupert, passed away at 2 o'clock this morning In the Prince Hupert General Hospital. She had been in ill-health for past, few months but only recently did her Illness take a critical turn at which time relatives were summoned to the city. Iiurn in Norway rifty-four years atfo, Mrs. llcljjerson came to Canada at the age of sixteen years and had resided in Edmonton and district until moving to Prince Hupert in mil to Join Iter husband who arrived the year previous. In add-ltlon to her husband. Mrs. llelserson Is survived toy one daiiRhter, Mrs. C. A. Itcilly of Ilrijmlon. Manitoba, and two sons. 11. W. llcl'iCTson and Leslie llehjerson of Prince Hupert. There arc four (brothers II. Lundcn of Vanrouver, I. Lun-den of Dcllingham, A. Lunden or Dewiberry, Alberta, and O, Lunden of HclnsbeiK, Alberta and three sisters, Mrs. O. Bar-tad of Norway Valley, Albrrta, Mis. G. Gnndcrson of Hrllln!!-hain, Washinifton. and Mrs. E. Grcseth of Seattle. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon. Local News It Valhalla Social, Friday, Feb. 7. (31) Mrs. A. Sharum returned on the Prince nupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver, Mrs. F. N. Fccro returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Seattle. Hugo Kraupner returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Ocean Falls. Rev. W. P. Bunt, superintendent of home Missions for the United Church of Canada, and Rev. Peter Kelly of the mission boat Thomas Crosby, arrived In the city today to attend the meeting or the Prince Rupert Presbytery today. APubllc Invited to Prcsbyterlal meeting of United Church Women's Missionary Society, Civic Centre Ladles' Lounge, 8 o'clock tonight. Guest speaker, Mrs. A. Campbell of Vancouver, presi dent Conference Branch, W.M. S. (30) The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce was unable to accept an Invitation to have annual .meeting of the Smith- crs District Chamber of Com merce at bmiincrs out sent a letter of best wishes, the membership of the local Chamber was advised at the dinner meeting on Monday night. Request of the Government Travel Bureau for Information In regard to cxWbltloas, rodeos, flower shows, musical festivals and such events to be held In this section this year was received at Monday night's meeting of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce and republic Relations Council. Recent tourist Inquiries mad.1 or the secretary of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce In regard to possibilities of driving lntp Prinoc Rupert have included one jrem Eldcn M. Blair of San Bernardino, California, and C. J. Mowcn of Port Lavaca. Texas, the latter being interested in shipping his car to Alaska. Mr. Ap.plewaltc has replied, giiTing the necessary In formation and literature. Announcements All mlVcrlisrun'ii'n in tnls Column ulll lx clmrcrd for R full inunlll nt 25c ft word. Hill CO Valentine Tea, Prince Rupert Hotel February 12. Hordcn School Rummage Sale, Feb. 12, 13. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, February 13, 8 p.m. Cainbral Valentine Dance, February U, Civic Centre. Job's Daughters piano concert, presenting Joe Franky, Trcsby-tcriaii Church, Wednesday, February 19. Orange Ladies' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. Chest Colds Act promptly to relieve muscular soreness aw tightness, fits of coughing In the night. Tonight, at bedtime, WCK5 rub on timc-tcstcd VvtTomit For the best in radio reception . . . R. C. A. Victor The Outstanding Combination of ID 17 The VRA 56 VICTROLA FULLY AUTOMATIC NEW FIVE-TUBE CIRCUIT FINEST CRYSTAL PICKUP TONE ARM HANDSOME WALNUT CABINET NOW ON DISPLAY AT MaMvsM Transfer&Taxi Storage VK MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 167 Terrace NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Homo Away From Home Rates 75c up 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, ,JJ.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 195 ems . . . Kenneth Lee, son of Mr. and Mrs,. M. T. Lee, rctuiicd to the cuy at tnc nrst or tnc wcck alter spending several months In Vancouver. Mrs. Ross Manscll arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning trom Vancouver. She Is guest or her son and daughtcr-ln-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone. Rev. D. W. Moofe of Ocean Fallj arrived In the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to attend the annual meeting of the Prince Rupert Preshyr tery of the United Church of Canada this afternoon and evr ening. Train Tie-Ui) Causes Drop In Meal Supplies Prince Rupert's butchers today eyed their nearly exhausted meat stocks and wondered hopefully whether or not itwo bulging refrigerator cars stranded at Terrace would get here over the snow-stopped railway line In time to avoid an out-and-out famine. Lacking fresh beef and .mutton, most shops made ostentatious display of cured meats, sausage, fish and chicken amid the remnants of their fresh meat supplies. One butcher had a lonesome platter of pigs' knuckles, which he said was the last of his fresh meat. Another had only pork sausage and a few steaks. However, probability that the shortage would be at least par tlally relieved tomorrow was made evident by one of the city's two meat wholesale companies, which revealed that a small quantity Is expected then. "W hnvpn't nnv frph meat I on the place," the Dally News' was told. "But we are expecting some on the Princess Norah to morrow." The other wholesaler said that he had sufficient meat to "go around" until Friday and did not anticipate any difficulty if meat arrived by that time. He expects a shipment from Van couver on Friday. i It is more important to teach J children proper living habits ' than to train them to be carefll crossing a busy street. Wise par-1 cnts also have their children i vaccinated and inoculated. i SEARCH RESUMED FOR NATIVES ON LOWER SKEENA Residents of Port Esslngton, the Indian Agency boat Nas- keena, the police boat P.MX. 15 and the Nelson Bros, boats Mit-kof and Kanamoto today com bined In a searcn of the lower Skccna River and adjoining ofr-shore waters for the seven natives missing off Port. Esslngton since last Wednesday. The search, which was begun on Monday afternoon, was halted yesterday by a 50-mlle-an-hour gale which made It Impossible for vessels to leave shelter. Shoreline of the Skeena below Port Esslngton and the islands, of the Skeena mouth are being scoured In the slender hope that the seven people may still be alh-e. Tlie seven people, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Spalding and their two children, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett and Matthew Wesley, all of Port Esslngton, are feared to be victims of floes of drift Ice which may have wrecked their 30-root giiinet boat when they attempted to cros3 the Skeena River last Wednesday from the Skeena Slough to Port Esslngton. Residents of Port Esslngton In gillnct boats and rowboats today cruised the southern hore of the river mouth In the hope that the "party may have found shelter ashore during the zero weather which prevailed at the time they disappeared. The Indian Agency boat Na-skcena and the P.ML. 15 are cruising the Islands at the mouth of the river; It Is thought that WTeckage from the Spaldlngs' boat, or some of the bodies mjiy be found there. Possibility exists that If today's search is fruitless, a request may b sent to the K.C. .VF. air-sea rescue branch at NEW LOW PRICES 24 loll. 2t 100 toMtti ' 7 CDuBamj 0"ace (Posy FOR A FRESH COMPLEXION Sicilc-likc ami fragrant Dullarry Face I'oHtlrr is if medium texture . : ; widely Kuilar because it gently clings to a dry tkin . . . vill not cake on an oily bkin...liy lUdiard lluJuut.. McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED- KMajMJaiJfJ r r .ii ii Lie ACIIIIM IS MARKED THIS WAT COMMENCING AVIIX I5E JANUARY 17 HO itrtlC VIS DDT BREAD Ah MADE h'my Tuesday" and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. UNRESERVED Auction Sale Full Restaurant Equipment and Supplies On THURSDAY,' FEBRUARY G, and FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7 At Oyster Bar, 3rd Avenue, Commencing Each Day at 2:30 P.M. Instructed by the owner, I will sell by auction to the highest bidder the undermentioned articles: One Woodstock Standard Typewriter. Two 16-ln. Electric Fans. One Double Ovcnuc Restaurant Range (Navy),; in excellent condition, complete with water coll and 'tank. One Butchers' Block, size 24 In, by 30 in. (new). Two Kitchen Work Tables. V- - Five Double Seating Booths with cushions. Two Porcelain Kitchen Sinks with taps .complete. One 4-Holc Silcx Electric Cofrce Maker; One 3-Hole Silcx Electric Colfcc Maker. One 2 -Hole Silcx Electric Coffee Maker. TWO NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. One Coleman Oil Heater complete with constant level valve. Large Refrigerator suitable for butcher shop. ONE SMALL ELECTRIC, REFRIGERATOR. Two Pic Cupboards.- Quantity of Linoleum. Ten Kitchen Tables. Thirty Kitchen chairs. Quantity of Table Linen and Uniforms. One Large Outside Store Awning. Full Line of Kltchtjn Pots and Pans, Crocks, Dishes. Galvanized Kitchen Sink and Dralnboard Complete. Silcx Coffee Makers. Toilet Bowl and Tank Complete. LARGE QUANTITY OF GROCERIES FULL CASES OF TOMATO JUICE, OLIVES, HEINZ 57 KETCHUP, BEEF STEAK SAUCE. Also miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. For further information Phone Red 127, Blue 115. GEORGE J. DAWES Terms of Sale Cash. AUCTIONEER 31 FUNERAL NOIICE DUNCAIN-Dlcd In the' city Saturday, Fob. 1., Robert Ross, tocloved husband of Mrs. Kathleen Duncan. Funeral Service will be held at Grenville Court Chapel, Thurs. Feb. C at 2, Rev. A. F. McSweCn officiating. Interment will follow in Falrvicw. B.C. Undertakers In charge of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Little, of Woodcock, arrived in the city today on the Prince 'Rupert from Vancouver and will leave as soon as train service Is available for their home in the Vancouver U despatch a plane to cover the area. The Spaldlngs' boat has not Deen seen since 4 p.m. on January 29, when it passed the Inverness Cannery after leaving Prince Rupert with supplies for Port Esslngton. Persons familiar with winter navigation on the lower Skeena feel that there Is little doubt that the party may have peri shed. FOR REDUCING DIETS l'hc newest in Ladies' Rings . . . The Cocktail Ring They come In "out of the ordinary" shapes with rubies, diamonds, etc. Useful for dress and dinner occasions. From $35 to $123.00 5f HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS' AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run Bulk $10 HYDE TRANSFER l'HONE 580 1 COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh; Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Ill-WAY SERVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWEED 401 McBridc NOTICE Tiic Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable In advance at the officp at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner In the Daily News are asksd to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified 1 lptfncc Rupttt Dntlp Ji3ctotf Wednesday, February 5, 1917 ...NEW ... SMART SI ingsby Jackets All wool, full' lined, zipper front, knitted cuffs and waistband. Plain shades of Cream and Green. Checks in Maroon and Fawn. $j().95 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FEBRUARY FURNITURE EVENT Three-piece Chesterfield Suites, covered in Green, Wine and Blue Velours. Two-piece Bed Chesterfields, in Wine Figured Belgian Velours. Ideal, for apartments. Bedstead in walnut; all-felt Mattress; Cable Spring. February Special .SW.OO Phone us your requirements or mail your orders. I'honc 775 327 Third Avenue Trince Rupert, B.C. NOW . . . Venetian Blinds SU-cl or Wood Slats CLOTH WINDOW BLINDS Made to Measure and Installed DELIVERY IN TWO WEEKS Free Estimates Gladly Given EDMONDSON Awning & Sail Works Phone Blue 12C P.O. Box 302 New Suits and Coals 1 Watch for a Wonderful Window Dfsplay This Week TRICOTINES SERGES DRESSMAKERS New Spring Stocks Arriving Daily BUY AND SAVE ON OUII BUDGET PLAN Bob Parker Untiled FORD AND MONARCH SALES AND SERVICE "The Home of Friendly Service" WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF GENUINE FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES IN NORTHERN B.C. Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attention PHONE 811 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. If t 1 " ft I- V y v., Tfi 1 7v;