9timc Hupctt Ddilp f-JtUuf Wednesday, February 5, 1917 w APPRAISER IS WITNESS AT APPEAL COURT (jOTTe LaHeche, Vancouver property appraiser, whose val-uaylori ot city property last Jiilv and August are the basis for the 1947 civic property as-sesfment roH, arrived in the city today from the south to consult with city officials prior to the sitting of the civic Court of Revision on Saturday. ;- Mr. Lafleche will be the city's itar witness at the hearings in rhjeh seme 70 appeals against assessments have been lodged bj property owners here. : Consultation with city Assessor H. D. Thain and Mayor Nora Arnold have resulted in some adjustments, based on errors of ccpiputation, being made already) according to Mr. Thain. These adjustments have been entered in the assessment rolls and may resr.lt in the appeals beipg dropped in those Instan-fes, Mr. Thain said. Mr. Lafleche was employed by r m ' Sec us uur slock rcqircmenU. Builders' and paint, l! .MrtJridc Street Wc Serve You Nothing But the But . . . srixiAL itED iiitAM) i;lt:p CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND Fill) ITS comi'ijte mm: OF j (iltOt'EKIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meals Roast Chicken Meat 1'ics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS rbonc 21 Third Ave. West Hollywood Cafe WINCH IIUI'EKT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS r I ROM 11 A.M. TO 6 AJVI. Special Dinner' Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CIIOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE 735 THIRD the city last July to re-appraise all property in the city with a Ticw toward co-ordinating assessments which the city felt had got out of line since the original appraisals were made when the city was founded The -appraisal resulted in some property being given a higher, valuation while other properpes were rated as lower in value than the original as sessment. To Recall Founding Of Order of Garter . WINDSOR. England V The 00th anniversary of the founding of the Order of the Garter will be celebrated here with pageantry and music in the spring of 1943. The King has commanded Britain's poet laureate. Dr. John MasefieW. to write a pageant play, and the master of the King's music. Sr Arnold Bax, is to compose its musical setting The nave of St. George's Chapel, home of the order, will be the setting of the pageant. Knights of the order under the chairmanship of Bishop Hamilton, dean of Windsor, now are at work on the p!ans. i Odd Jobs around Tin; iio.mi; for your supplies. You will find adequate to meet all your and cabinet hardware, plastic metal mouldings, window glass, varnishes and Murcsco, carpenters' and power tools. l'hoitc 311 CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 ORDERS PHONE 1.13 AVENUE WEST MAKING BETTER NURSES' COURSE Students Would Pay For Courses and Graduate In Two Years If VANCOUVER Miss Rae Chit-tick, president of the Canadian Nurses' Association, has announced that the Canadian Nurses' Association has decided to sponsor a new venture in- the field of nursing education. The proposed plan calls for the or ganization of a hospital school of nursing on an indepedentj basis which means that both financial and administrative independence will be assured for the school " although It will retain a very close association with the hospital. It is hoped that this will make It possible to give a thorough education and training in nursing in less than the usual period of three calendar years even with a possible re-' duction to a period of 4wo years or not much more. In return for the assured educational value of the course and further assured controls, the student would be expected to make some payment in the nature of tuition fees. The immediate formation of this Demonstration School has been made possible through the granting of financial aid by the Canadian Red Cross Society. It is hoped that in the course of time, hospitals and patienU throughout the- whole country r COD Radio Dial U lit 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) i WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00VaHy Wickcn 4:15 Stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Carolyn Gilbcrt 4:45 -Children's Program 5:00 McMillan Club Quiz 5:30 Rendezvous Room 5:45 Letters to Ottawa C OO London by Lamplight 6; 30 Music by Rene 6: 45 Old and Interesting. G50- Recorded Interlude 7:00--CBC News 7:15 XBC News Roundup 7:30 Distinguished Artists 8:00 The Nation's Businots 8:15 Son of the West. 8:30- Invitation to Music 9:00 Frances James Sings. 9:15 -Midweek Review 9:30 Mystery Master 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Milton Charles CHS 10:30 Provincial Affairs i0;q -Charlie Spivak's Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off Ann. Business and J. P. MOLLKK P1IONK ULUK 155 124 4lh Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S HEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty' Culture in all its branches 200 4th Street : Phone G55 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kin do Uools, Chimneys and Oil Burners , PHONES: Green 480 Red 804 JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sixth Street Red 808 SMITH & ELKINS LTD, ' Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 Train Schedule l or the ICasi Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. From the Last- Tuesday, -Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. British Program Helps Disabled LONDON O Britain U making good progress in lilting disabled persons for Jobs and in finding employment for them. a firm employs 20 or-more! persons, three per cent of the total payroll must now be dis abled persons. Some of the disabled find em- j pktyment with a minimum I amount of rehabilitation. The employment and training needs of the more seriously incapacitated who require sheltered con ditions for working need par-, ticular attention. Special factories have been opened to emptor pecple who cannot work in a normal factory sliatkm. Two hostels are being esteb-! lished for the training of partly paralyzed people, and financial assiftance Is being given to workshops for the blind. Special consideration is devoted to psychiatric cases, perhaps the most difficult cf the rehabilitation problems. will benefit from this effort to remove some of the weaknesses in hospital nursing that are resulting from the confusion between the responsibilities of the nursing service of the hospitals and the responsibilities of nursing schools which must always be associated so closely with the hospitals. Trenches were Introduced Into Eurcpe by the Turks In the 15th century. , THURSDAY AAL 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00-CBC News 8:15 Morning Sons 8:30 Music for Moderns 3:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 10:15 Drama for Today 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Mcicdics 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ll:45-Ethel and Albcr' P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Thursday's Rcdtai 1 :45 Commentary l:4S-Dceds That Live 2:0C B. C. School Broadca. ' 2:30-Shcila Presents 3:00 Western Five 3:15 Serenade to America 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News 3:55 O. Ferguson. Professional GEORGE L. ROME Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Bcsncr Block - Phone 387 If its a Rock Job-Call a Rock Man can M. SAUNDERS Blue 000 Concrete Sidewalks, Basements I don't take work I cannot do myself. f JERRY VREBOSCH PAPERIIANGIN.G " and PAINTING PHONE 372 P. N. Kllborn W. Peterson 'BERT'S TRANSFER AND MESSENGER Lumber Coal Wood - - - Baggage Freight - Express Phone Blue 810 Night Calls-Green 077 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST , . A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Novelties MODKIIATR PHIf'KH Prompt attention to mail orders. Box 510, Phone 777, 300 3rd Ave Serving the Fisheries Industry WIXLS (P.R.) LTD. '. It T A UK Certified Wclslirrs Buuiiriirg KccoiKilUoMcrB Labelling Cuntructors BLUE 980 PM PROMPT nd EFFICIEKT SEKrXS Mil iOur qUf U BEERY OUTLAW PICTURE HERE Margaret O'lJrini AIo Has Priiminrnt Pari in "Dad Itasromb" Playing the part of an amiable outlaw In th days of the Mormon trek to Utah, Wallace Beery stars this Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Capitol Thratre In "Bad Bascomb" with little JitargaFet O'Brien taking th; second lead part. Beery plays the role ol a western bandit who with his henchsnan. J. Carrol Nalsh, seeks refuge from the law by joining a Mormon caravan. Here his hardbitten character is somewhat subdued by the efforts of sharp-tongued Marjorie Main and Margaret O'Brien, a ;ut2e orphan. t Discovering that the Mormons have hidden a sack of gold under the false bottom of one of the wagons. Beery and Nalsh determine to steal it but ar? discovered by the little girl. The latter's devotion undermines Beery's hardness and their friendship is cemented when the bandit saves the youngster's life as her wagon is overturned while a river is bring forded. Naish attempts single-handed to stcei the gold but U Intercepted and forced to flee. In revenge he goads a band of Indians to attack the caravan. At the risc of his life. Beery r:dci to obtain the a d of the state mi; :.:; T..ry r ur in time t" .-.r.. '-.- M' x ,.s fram TVTEWS in lccil ! You now hrty i 9 Maxwell House with al its W7 extra-rich fragrance ami flavor S Mj vacuum-packed iu a Suucr-vacuum t,V) Slraislit Slraiglit from from tlic tlic roatlhig roatlhig ovens, ovens, U . gi tills glorious coffee is vacuum-tcalcd liy llio wonderful Vita-l'mh process.-None of its fragrant goodness can get out ... no flavor-dcfclroyiiig uir can get in. It comes to you truly roas-lcr-frctli. AvailaMc iu both Drip and Regular Grinds, n MAXWELL "GOOD TO r HOOTH P.-T.A. M- J WHIST DRIVE Booth Memorial Hmh Sd.'-ol ! Parent-Teachers Assoc lat.'.n ! pledged to assist the Booth St u- j uenis' council in mo pun-in-of a new piano for the school auditorium, held a whist dnv in the Civic Centre dining room last night. Nine tables were u play. Prise winners were: Ladle-Mrs. W.'McAra, Mrs. O T Dur-kin; men Mrs. J. S. Blank und Mrs. J. Currie, playinu u.s i: owing to the shortage oi m players. Master of ceremonies wa. J A. Teng. Following the games, refresh ments were served by a commit- j tee headed by Mrs. Guy Wynn. assisted by Mrs. J. Forman. Mrs. J. Addison, Mrs. M. Mattson. Mrs. N. Moses and Mrs. G. A. Hill. Resignation of D G Allan a member was received wi'ii ;t-gret at the meeting of !iiR Prince Rupert Chamber I Commerce Monday nvflit Mr Allan was recently transferred from here to Pentic'.ion a branch manager of Ki Uy Douglas Co. Ltd. being massacred but the in roi act costs Beery his freedom foi he is recognized and taken prisoner by federal agents Other members of the cast include Frances Raflferty, Sara Haden. Henry O'Neill and Marshall Thompson You saw It lft Th.: Nfa HOUSE COFFEE THE LAST DROP" (OR R lUToIJOtSTi A Product tt Cintrul tued O Hundreds of lieau-lifulways Co express jour deepest scuti -menls on Valentine's Day. Choose from our wide assoi lincnl of lacy and plain cards . . . exquisitely (lc-siRiicd appropriate verses. T HE VARIETY STORE "WHERE YOUR DIMES ARE LITTLE' DOLLARS" r7bmoiAour 1 ' rg LAST TIHES T0D ' v. M'.WS 1 Lry Den Acs N0Vl Tat "SoGoes My Lov( i mm Mo rgaret t4 Wyoming she ha"$ sto!M hearts of all Ca-J OVERCOATS ami TOP COATS ,oik ,l llirsr Namr" VIJI'AV IH;.H! K SJIIXl ISAM ( AKIf avc r i e HAI.AKIIt.M. IIKillLWl TWI.M'S II1KI at si SAW mm Carl ZarcHi.fr Phono 31 r-0-1 rrlncc BupP Acme Importefi if l! ;xciia.;i: iii.ock Box 1308 Phone 103 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL r.UKNI lt SAI.LS AM) sdrvici: Cor. 2nd Avc. and 7th St. General Contractor VVi fid liNwiiiiiiiiil feylimelih!' 'iv 'iivviiiviivi'y v.uiini""r . sidewalks, remodel your Kitchen. Demolish or move buihiinjjs. .itANlfl l u u Yu an l l S M uiiui i CALL HLUK 610 and wo will give an estimate r1'1 i'.o. iioxc5i -:- NKW CONSTRUCTION RKI'AIUS ALTKBAH1 GREER & BRIDDEl n..:i.i rnnfraclort 1'IIUNK RLU 561