I' . If fti 1 . in Wit A i Ik 4 Hotel. . . f arrival? Prlnce.Rupert Jack Lee, Hazeltcii; J. Stew; art, Vancouver; J. LaOrolx, Mis sion; Q, Page, Victoria; P. C. Fraser, Vancouver; L. Farstad, Ketchikan; O. L. Lam, Sunny- side; Mrs. A. Holland, Massett; Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Cheney, city; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ranee and fam ily, city; Mrs. C.JV.Easton, Vancouver; MUs V, E. Andrew, Van couver; Mrs. L. Miller, Ketchikan; R. Wtibster. Massett; J C. Marejius, Ketchikan; C. Kirk, Vancouver; Miss J, .Fraser, Sitka; Miss H. D. Case. Sitka; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brookes, Reglna; E. LaPoJntej Vancouver; J Buchanan, Vancouver; T. Berg, Prince Rupert; F. Stefensoh, Sunnyside; F. Germyn, Skide-gate; C. C. WeatherilJ, Vancouver-; Olof Hanson, city; J. S. Egford, city; B. Secord, city; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. O'Meara, Vander-hoof; C. W. Walters. Detroit: C. W. Wahlberg, Vanpouver; T. C Katz, Edmonton; M- Jegard, Edr mcnton; Mr. and Mrs. O, F. Martin and family. Hazelton; N. S. Goldenberg, Edmonton; E. Esteln, Edmonton; M. Lyons, Edmonton; S. Kraychy, Edmonton. T. Berg, city; D. B. JamesonJ Khutzeymatcen Inlet; R. Vin-fclad, Queen Charlotte City; G. Fanel, Vancouver; -J. Barry, city; W. Scuby, iXew Westminster; E. Jensen, Vancouver; D. McLeod, city; R. G. McMynn, Nanalmp; O. Tungehong, Vancouver; Chris Johnson, city; D. Secord. Queen Charlotte City; V. G. Bartram, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. T Davidson, Sointula; Mr. and Mrs. W. Anderson, Sointula; E. Hnlpaln-en, Sandspit; T. Moen, Vancouver; Jerry Smith, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. Redpath, Okanasan, Washington; Mrs. W- Ingram, Port Essington; Mrs. Bean, Port Essington, . Harry Rochester, who has been attending school at Shaw-nlgan Lake, Vancouver- Island, arrived, in the city, .from Vancouver on the Coquitlam yesterday afternoon. 2. Jdrfnrc Rupert Daflp Octos LtD. Monday June 30, 1947 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunaay by Prlnce.Rupert Dally News Ltd, 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert, British Columbia. . A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT-BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS I CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent daUy newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert i ;ind. au communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. , SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Year, $7.00: B) Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Tear, 14.00. DOMINION DA I IN . THE SOPTUOiE COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IK THE .MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF HANS HOLM. DECEASED TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, made on the 2 1st day of March, A.D. 1947, my appointment as Executor of the estate of Hans Holm, deceased, was confirmed. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby' required to furnish same, properly verified to me on or before the 31st day of July, A.D. 1947, after Which claims' filed may be paid wlthput reference to -any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ' And. all parties Indebted to the es tate are required, to pay the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED this 24th day of June. A.D. 1947. OLE KILDAL, Executor, Estate of. Hans Holm, co Brown & Harvey, Barristers and Solicitors, Prince Rupert, B.C. (181) With income tax reduced and More Take-home Pay... REPAIR AND RECONDITION YOUR HOME; THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEK AU CONTRACTORS BjawJiS CjQBptjrtwtiqn -r- Alterations Fbone RED 561 P.O. Boi; 731 r r THE DOMINION OF CANADA was officially I formed on, July 1, 1867. Suggestions have been. made in Parliament that the designation of July 1 should be changed to "Canada. Day." It woujd seem., that the more' important question is what we do with it or how we celebrate. To a great many, July 1 marks the beginning of the summer holiday season, the exit from city streets to summer cottages. To others, it is a great day for play baseball, racing, tennis, picnics, and other forms of sporting events. To the Fathers of Confederation it was the mark of a great dream come true. It was the birth of a nation. It consummated a political-union of the northern half of a continent. This year, no matter how we celebrate, should we not pause at some significant moment to say to ourselves "We have a great inheritance, we will strive to keep.it strong in honor of our forefathers, and for our children and our children's children?" Mrs. Norman Hooper Is sailing Tuesday on the Coquitlam on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ronnie of Port Clements, after a two weeks' visit to the city left at the week-end on their return Vancouver to uieir nome on tne Queen Charlotte Islands. J. A. Findlay, Inaihn Agent at Massett, after a brief visit to the city, left at the eno of the wrek fpr Massett, accompanied by Mrs. Findlay who will take up residence, there. It was again a "Union" weekend at the local waterfront with no less than five uf the company's ships in port since Friday. First was the Catala, Capt. Ernest Sheppard, arriving at 8 o'clock Friday morning from the south and sailing at 5 pm. for Vancouver and waypoints. The Camosun, Capt. Harry McLean, arrived from Vancouver and Ocean Falls at 4 p.m. Friday, selUutg at B;15 p.m. Iqr the south. At 10:30 pjn. Friday the Casslar, Capt. Lqrne Godfrey, arrived from Vancouver via thei smith end of the Queen Char-.j totte Islands, sailing at mid-1 night Sot Massett' Inlet points and returning here at 9 o'clpck. Sunday morning to sail at mid-, r.isht last night ou hei return to Vancouver via the south Islands. The Coquitlam, Capt John Boden, arrived at 4:45 yesterday afternoon from Vancouver and wayapoints, sailing at 8 p.m. for Alice Arm and Stewart whence she, will return here tomorrow morning to sail at 1:30 pjn. for Vancouver. At midnight last night, the Fvartk Water-house freighter Chilliwack, Capt Stevens, arrived in port after loading a cargo at Premier and sailed early this morning for Twenty - four native from Skidegate, Queen Charlotte Islands, arrived at the end of the week on the Cassiar on their way to Port Edward where they will be emoloyed for the summer In Nelson Bros. Ltd. salmon canning plant. PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. P. H. LINZEY INSURANCE - RENTALS - REAL ESTATE 212 Fourth Street (Next Door to B.C. Messenger) ,. . July is a good month in which to open a Savings,. Account with the local branch of this. Bank. Regular deposits will enable you to meet more easily any balance of tax payment next spring. Make a regular habit of adding to your Savings Account each pay-day. We shall be glad to welcome you as a customer. THE CANADIAN BANK; OF COMMERCE RR1NCE UUI'EltT BRANCH - K. 0. JI.OPKINS, Manager. 12247 RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Chrysler Parts and Service lnot We specialize in rebuilding Chrysler Marine and Industrial Engines. Complete Automotive Repair Service for all makes nf rarj nnri m.b. - V. f . Call on us for your CHRYSLER ENGINEERED PARTS and ACCESSORIES. Out-of-town orders, given special attention. Corner Second and Park Avenues PHONE 5CC Prince Rupert, B.C. SHIPS AND WATERFRONT Carrying 121 passengers and 200 tons of freight, the Canadian Pacific coaster llr.er Princess Norah, Capt. Graham O. Hughes, docked here at 11 o'c'ock this morning bound for the Alaska ports, sailing at 1 u."m. she will return southbound next Unloading one carload of tierces, the Ketchikan fish packer Elnstoss 15 wa; -.n port th." morning. The bands of m'Jd- cured salmon w'lj b" transship- CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doet a stubborn bronchial cough, felthev phlumy or. dry and hacking) make yoa chose, gasp, wheeie. keep you awak Blfhu? Kelieve it now! Do at thou-nods', have done get Templeton't RA2 MA1I and stop that cough I RAZ. MAH lull htlped others let it help you. 10c. (1 at druggiats everywhere. R-W FILMS Superpan Tress Film Developing, PnnUng, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowjiill 216 4th St. Box C45 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SINGER Electric Sewing Machines J For Kent I Reasonable Rates A f Phone 864 Prince RuDert Singer Sewing Machine Co. G FORCE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating. Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4lh Ave. E. (To rear of pipneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 1420 Classified Advertising Pays I Miss Olive -J ihnson of the Health Unit staff Is sailing on he Coqultiam rucsday aXter-nccn oo a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. C. Mlnaker and daughter returned to their home at Mas- i sett. Queen Charlotte Islands, at the week-end after a visit In the city. ped over C .N Jt. lines to the eastern United States. Low Fares from All Stations In Albert!, Satkatchtwan, British Columbia (Vancotivtr, Priqct Rupert A Ent) T0 EDMONTON EXHIBITION JULY 14 TO 19 ONE-WAY FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP (Minimum Tart, SOcj TICKETS ON SALE July 12 to It, and on July It for trains arriving Edmonton not lattr than 6:00 P.M. (StHiilur) TiiiH) RETURN LIMIT July 21. K no train tervlca on July 21, tiki first availabls train. Full InJitimMion ftum Any ,1gent. BLOUSES BRIGHT! NEAT! AIRY! For Summer For Evening For Afternoon Rayons, Crepes, Nylons, Baotiste Peasant ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR 345 THIRD AVENJE WESV NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 188 COMPANION PRODUCTS Shaving Cream 00( Hair Tonic $1.00 Creme-Oil Hair Dressing 7f Hair Oil 7.rf After.Shave Talc .... 100 Deodorant (JOjj COLONIAL CLUB SHAVING LuX I. ,1. i WHo.f,,,.,,'' McCUTCHEOtf PHARMACY (E. C. Wallace, Manager) Ihird Avenue at Sinth Street Moving, Tacking, Cfatlng, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Parle Avenue Established 1910 Phones CO and C8 PHONE 71 DEVELOPING, VMKTHl AND. ENLAUGiNo We have Arrm 35 m.. Cameras, Kodak Medalist l 1M I'rojtctor,, Am, Enlarjm and a corajie lip?; or. Photoeraphlc kupi)li( WRATHALL' Photo Finishing uuA.im rnnce Rupert, Br KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, I'LEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRINO-FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Proprietors; TOM I'ESUT STEVE VKKLAKN THOM SHEET METAL LTD. ERIC SPEERS, Manager Specializing In Marine and General Sheet MtUI Work Electric and Acetylene Weluinc Boat Tanks SUrki Furnaces Gutter Work 253 East First (Cow Bay) I'hone Blick m P.O. Box 1218 PRINCE RUPERT Finishing Lumber Now Available New Supplies MOULDINGS, WINDOW AND DOOR MATERIALS, CEDAR PLYWOOD PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED "Serving the North Since 1920' Coal Lumber Paint Building Supplies PHONES G51 - Gr2 "Now.. The very Latest in Fancy Hair Combs and Barettes $2.00 and Up pl"s Tx Also a new stock of the Latest 'Coro' Pins, Chatelaines & Earrings For the Very latest in Jeivellery see MANSON'S 'Your Friendly Jeweller'