5fe ft . t II m 4 OFFICE "WORKER board and room home. P.Q. Box Rupert. Prfnre Eupm.Dnilp J3tts Monday, June 30, 1947 Classified Advertising - - - - Clustflpdc ac per word per Insertion, minimum charge. 50c. Birth Notlcei. 60c; Cards of Thank. Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements'. 12. FOB KENT FOR KENT Furnished rooms. " 843 9th West, (153) FOR RENT 2 roqal apartment and one sleeping, room with kitchen privileges. ,221 5th Ave. East. Phone Red 807; (154) FOR RENT Comfortable room 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 957. (155) FOR" RENT One room and kit chen, j furnished. -336 9th Vest. ROOM AND BOARD METAL WORK (6) ROOM FOR RENT Close in. Apply 102 7th Ave. East. (152) FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms furnished. One room , or two rooms. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (152) ROOM AND BOARD$40 each double; $45 single. Home away from home. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street, (tf) WANTED -WANTED TQ RENT 4 or 5 -room furnished or partly furnished hoAse or suite. P.O. Box 171, Prince Rupert. (157) WANTED 4 Easthope Marine Engine. Box 250 Dally News. 1153) would like in private 171, Prince 1157) SHIP Us Your Scrap Metals, Top Prices Paid Actlye .Trading Company Ltd. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, p.c. t WQBK WANTED TEEN-AQE GIRL will look after children afternoons or- evenings'. Phone preen 922. (154) fJBLP WANTED "HELP WANTED High school graduate for office work. Preferably commercial student. :Escel?nt opportunity for advancement. Apply Imperial Qil Ltd. (154) WANTED High School girl as helper in Goldbloom's Store and Hying premises. (tf) WANTED experienced waitress, good wages! Jiving accommodations provided. Apply Haggle's Cafe, Smlthers, B.C. (153) tQST AND FOUND LOST Strayed from 739 6th Ave. West, one Labrador 3-monthr old puppy. PJione 53. Reward. (tf) FOUND On Monday, bunch of keys on ring pn fith Aye. West, past Duhsmulr St. Owner may haye same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (tf) .LOST .17-Jewei Walton watch, between Knox Hotel and Rupert Butchers. Reward. Finder please return to Dally New3. (157) LOST Rolex wrist watch., wlti silver bracelet Finder phone Green 40J. Reward. - (153) DONT .Walt for -Winter. Now Is the time to have that eaves-trough fixed and furnace Installed. Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd., "Black 884. (tf) If your building, house or furniture were lost through fire, would ryour present INSURANCE cover replacement of your possessions? 4 Do you realize that present day costs of material and furniture are up fifty percent? Consult your Insurance advisers aowj H. G. HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth street CIPAl HOTEl Weekly and Monthly Rate for your convenience , . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Beonu CAFE In Connection LICf N0BP PRJCMI6I0 Henoutd) rmonw n FOR SALE FOR SALE Canoe. Good condition. 517 qth Ave. East. (153) FOR SALE 2-room fully furnished cabin and eight-tube battery and electric radio. Phone 235 Taxi, Inquire Bill McLeod. (6) FOR. SALE Hotpoint Electric Stove 'in good condition, 4 . turner, oven and warming oven. $35.00. Electric water Heater $15.00. Call Blue 114. (152) FOR SALE Household and Office Furniture. Hardware and Logging Supplies. New Wire .Cable; New Fishing Tackle, complete $3.75; Pocket Compasses $1. Wobblers '2 price 25c, Heaters, Hoiplates $3.50. Scatter Rugs $1.23, Mattresses $15, Wood and Coal Stoves, small size $30; Slightly used Anvils, Typewriter, Office Chairs, Rugs 12x12, Desks, 3-piece Chesterfield suite $40, Baby Carriages from $5, Kitchen Sets from $14, Six-Diece Bedroom Set special price $115. All kinds of other useful articles at reasonable prices. B.C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE London 7-16 yard Cement Mixer. 2 cement buggies, equipped with permatic tires. Apply Box .578, Prince Rupert. (154) FOR SALE The Cottonwoods; modern restuarant. seats 30: running water, electricity, living quarters. Riverside setting "The Beauty Spot of the North." On C.N.R. and Highway 16 between Prince Rupert and Prince George. Ill health forcing sale. Apply A. E. Bates, Telkwa. B.C. (155) FOR SALE An undivided half interest 310 acres, Lakelese Hotsprings property. Apply Mrs. Boss, 635 Dickens, Trail. (155) FOR SALE 3-piece kitchen set, rug, curtains, linoleum, vacuum cleaner, silverware, dishes, bed and mattress, electric fan, cooking utensils, pictures. Apply 1344 1st Overlook, between 7 and 9 pjn. (152) ATTENTION INVESTORS To close an estate, we have been Instructed to dispose of the property located at 893 and 895 Borden St., consisting of two side-by-slde houses, or duplex, of 6 rooms each, with full ment and furnace, rented at a gross revenue of $600 per year; taxes approximately $84.00. Full price only $3,000. or nearest offer. Exclusive agent, F. Slater, 22$ S.E. Marine Drive, Vancouver, B.C., Phone FR6122. Usual courtesy to other agents. (153) You saw tt in Tne News! what do you mean . KETCHIKAN WALKS OFF WITH BALL SERIES OPENER BY SCORE 11-5 Ketchikan's seafaring baseball team recovered their land legs in sufficient time to lay an 11-5 defeat in the laps of the local All-Stars Sunday afternoon in the first game of a best-of-three series which, with the blessing of the weatherman, will be completed at Koosevent Park today and tomorrow, The series will be followed up by- a return session at Ketchikan on July 3 and 4 wlien the All-Stars visit the Alaska city for the Independence Day celebra tions. A double handful of harden ed fans crouched in the bleach ers in a cold, drizzle-laden wind to watch Suneav's game. The weather was of a type which has often hampered Ketchikan-Prlnce Rupert baseball rivalry. Prince Ruoert got off to a promising beginning in the first Inning when Minor Simundson clouted a single which was followed by a double by his brother Bruce, and a double by Cliff Dahl. Both Simundson boys scored before the side was retired. Marionl, Ketchikan right field er, got a base on balls, to score the visitors' first run in the opening Inning. L. Bass struck out. Dvorak was put out at first. Johnson got a walk but was left on second when the side was retired when C. Bass flew out to Jack Linsay. Ketchikan tied the score 2-2 in the second Inning when Busch, who got on base on a walk,, scored after getting to third onj an. error by Bruce Simundson.' Bussanich struck out, Millard; was put out at first and Tom-linson flew out to Minor Simundson. The visitors stepped into the lead In the third Inning when L. Bass, who also got on first by a walk, came home on a single by C. Bass. Johnson, who got on base on an error by Bruce Simundson, was left on second when the side was retired, while C. Bass was left on first. Third Inning score 3-2. The fourth Inning was scoreless for both sides but, in the FOR SALE FOR SALE Trolling boat, 36'x 9'6"; complete, ready for fishing: 140 h.p. Chrysler. Phone Green 407. Wylie, bbatbullder. (154) FOR SALE 5-room house; 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, pantry, bathroom, all white enamel oil burning kitchen range goes w;ith house. Furnished two-room house at rear and workshop on two lots. Good location, one block from King Edward and Booth School. For particulars write Box 252 Daily News. (150) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B. C. (tf) 3m yrJb A$ A far far as as I'm I'm concerned concernedhNi'' it mens means a a tobacco tobacco you you can can tmokt tmokt all all 1 ''i day day long. long. That That my my friend friend Is Is the the real real test!! testll JB I i ; . . Can Can you you smoke smoke your your brand brand all all day day jMfm&mm. I tang long and and come come up up for for more? more? If If not, not, BBK?Si then then try try PICOBAC! PICOBAC! For For a a cool, cool, easy easy 11IJ packing, smooth burning, fragrant smoke, there is nothing better. Picoiac it thepict of tht Burfty Crop, grown in tunny touthtrn Ontario. GET SOME TO-DAY! Jfc m Picobac 1 The Pick of Pipe Tobaccos fifth, Ketchikan added another and moved from first to third " " T' 1 U. DUX, 1.1 - v.. ,fi o:,, un ail CIlUl uy 4VU111S1 OJJJIUUUOuii, Bass came home on a fielder's tiun.c " "in Bass 2b to second. Dvorak, was put out- Jf ut iiuiiic. Ketchikan hoisted their score by four runs In the sixth, making the score 8-2 at the end of the inning. Millard scored on a base on balls. Tomlinson off a triple, and J.railoni and L. Bass off single. Prince Rupert scored one run in the seventh when Ketchikan changed Dvorak from first base to pitch for Millard. Ted Amey, who singled, came home when Bruce Simundson got on base on an error by Busch. Ian Dunbar, who singled, was put out at home on a fielder's choice play in which Minor Simundson got to second. In the second half of the sixth, Bill Lambie went on the mound for Prince Rupert in place of Alex Bill and Dahl went from third to catcher replacing Morgan. Ted Amey went on third In the re-arrangement. Ketchikan scored three runs In the seventh with Bush scoring after being struck by a pitched ball, Millard off a double and Tomlinson off a single. Prince Rupert's final rally came In the ninth when they scored two runs off three hits. Pavlikis and Dunbar scored off singles, while Amey, who singled, was left on base as the side was retired. On the mound, Alex Bill struck out two batters, allowed five hits during five-and-a-half innings, while Lambie struck out six and allowed six hits. For Ketchikan, Millard struck out four and allowed six hits In slx-and.a-half Innings, and Dvorak struck put one, allowing six hits. Major difficulty for the fielders was a strong, westerly wind that caught the high-hit balls and made It difficult to judge where they would come down. KETCHIKAN AB R H PO .5212 .5 3 2 1 Dvorak, lb 5 0 0 10 Johnson, ss 4 0 10 5 0 3 0 5 0 0 2 wen Favourite Shaving Busch, 3b 3 Millard, p 4 Tomlinson, c 5 Pitched in seventh. AL-STARS AB M. Simundson, cf .. 5 B. Simundson, 2b .. 5 Dahl, 3b 4 Lindsay, rf : 4 Windle, ss 4 Pavlikis, If 4 Dunbar, -lb 4 Morgan, c 2 Bill, p 1 . Amey, 3b 2 Lambie, p 2 37 J suns ms&x&&' 2 1 2 2 1 4 2 2 a R II PO 1 1 2 1 1 2 0 2 5 0 1 2 0 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 8 1 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12 27 Umpires: Beruschi, Howe. ALl-MTAL RAZOR. Combination th el World Over Men, for the best-looking shaves, the quickest and easiest money can buy, use the Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blades. They fit exactly, and protect you from the discomfort caused by misfit blades. Gillette double edge means double economy, too. lookJr feel,""' he" !J JUL AC ICC? BLUE BLADES With the .kfftS edges ever honed! r t ' vi ii'i mem mtt V AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER ABUNDANT DEPENDABLE POWER PHONES 11C and 117 Courtesy and Service UNIT SPECIFICATIONS I'oweted with latest r,...i .. .. . .. . . ""ugni nark .... ' -"-" uesirnprt B. bcnrinff pillow blocks, Fuel Tank built JnuM U 'V, Bob Parker Limited P.OjJJox 38 170 East Third Ave. It's unnrl w. Phone ""otnejj Keep your mn v full! 1 nil rrni V vui III bmjii: iiL'iivnrv fr ... favorite hmmU r.r from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS r i I . . . K I 's SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work Everything In high-class stationery Cards for every occasion Fountain Pew DIBB PRINTING COMPANY BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVEMnl m0$$ CANADA SAULT STE. MARIE PORT ARTHUR . FORT WILLIA On July 1st, Trans-Canada Air Lines will route its transcontinental planes via the new Great Lakes Airway, stopping at Sault Ste. Marie and Port Arthur-Fort William. On the same date a service will also he established to Medicine Hat and Swift Current. Also, on July 1st, a new direct T.C.A. route will be put into effect between Winnipeg, Saskatoon and Edmonton. These improvements will reduce the Hying time across Canada and help you to save still further valuable hours, available to you for holiday or business trips. Plan today - - Go T.C.A. ENQUIRIES AT VANCOUVER TRAFFIC OFFICE Phone TAtlow 1211 24-Hour Phone Service Hotel Vancouver or your Travel Ascnt TRANS-CANADA dbij l V VANCOUVER aNAI00N 1 MONCTONf ha. -osbl13 ........ wtp"rj m? SWATHS ItlMBKIUVt MIDICINI ""' "ll'l?"- S. U M rX..urtiltH , ' VARMOUTH W) HAT CURRENT WINNirtO'lV NORTH BAY 1 J I T FORT WllllAM-rsx SAUIT ) LTmONTRIAI ft ,j m s , An IM) INTERNATIONAL ' (f Jjl " lSSE TRANS-OCEAN V'Lndso vork J Chicago gyfRoir' I