THE STORY IN A NUTSHELL! COOK ELtCTRKALLY AND ENJOY THE DIFFERENCE FOR COOltR SUMMER COOKING. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at rort Edward, B.C. STJEY CHOW 7:00 am. to 11:00 pm. FOR NON-SOOTY, NON. BLACKENED POTS I RANGE M El N S ' VILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE 120 - ICO East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) A Vacation Bible School Concluded by hc FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE For All Children from 4 Xv.M to 14 Years BEGINNING JULY 2 TO JULY 11 IN THE I.O.U.E. HALL 9:00 am. to 12:00 a.m. BIBLE STORIES. CHILDREN'S SONGS. HAND WORK- WALL MOTTOS. OBJECT LESSONS. MOVING PICTURES SHOWN. GLASS AND COTTON LETTER HOLDERS MADE. O PICNIC AT CLOSE. Children brought up in Sunday School . . . t l i. iirf are seldom Drought, ui i A. MacKenzie Furniture - LIMITED " "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT 327 Third Avenue I Pee our Selection of S?- , including "THE ROBE" by Lloyd Douglas; "VALLEY qWArf) OF DECISION Dy DaTenporf; "GONE WITH THE WIND by MWgare A Fletcher chell; DRIFTWOOD VALLEY" by Theodore PREE GROWS Ik BROOKLYN" by WJ:? HEAVEN by TO FLIQHTS" by Pearl Buck; "LEAVE HER Ran Hrnilnve AkH rvtVtArc of. 9S FOR SUPERB COOKING RESULTS Need wc say more? Except of course that you'll have more, time for other work or for leisure. With electric cooking constant pot-watching and testing are eliminated. Thermostatic control guarantees unvarying heat upon which you can depend for all your cooking. Less water need be used to cook vegetables and other foods, thus retaining more of those precious vitamins usually lost in cooking. Next time you're shopping, examine the new electric models now on display. Charles B. Howe, who last week was appointed Prince Rupert's city engineer, is exDected to arrive In the city this afternoon from Vancouver on the Princess Adelaide. Local News Items... 0 July 1st Dance CMc Centre. CX3.F. Clulb meeting postpon aio's Furnituit, store will be closed from June 16 to July 12. (J9) John Currle salleulast evening on the Coqultlam to make the round trio to Alice Arm and Stewart. Regular meeting of the IJ3, E.W. DOStDoned from July 1 to July 8 because of Dominion Day. (152) e Milk deliveries as usual July 1. Please leave bottles out early. Valentin Dairy. (152) To all our friends In Prince Rupert. When you are In Ter race, eat at Phil's Cafe (for merly Skecna Cafe). Your pat ronage appreciated by M. J Saunders. (152) J. M. Cummin as and Dr. Walk. er of the British Columbia De partment of Mines arrived in the city at the week-end after a trip through the interior. Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. French after a -week's visit here with WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE that we have disposed of our business to Orme G. Stuart as of the date July 1st, 1947. We wish to thank our customers for the friendship and business that they have given us tor so many years. Prince Rupert people have been very kind to us in every way and we appreciate it very much more than words can express. We feel sure that the new owner will merit your patronage and good will. Yours Sincerely, Ormes Limited C. H. ORME, Sec.-treas. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 AJL TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDI ORDERS PHONE 1SS 711 THIRD AVINU1 WEST FAMOUS RUPERT BRAND FISH PRODUCTS Produced and Processed by CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA ed to July 8. NOTICE TO LAWN BOWL ERS! Meet at green 1 pm. tomorrow, weather permitting. Full attendance Is revested. (It) No lastball Monday, June 30. Double header every Wednesday. Wednesday July 2: C.N.RA. vs. High School, 7:15 Navy vs. Co-op., 8:30. (152) Mrs. Robert Kyte and children are sailing on tnc uoquiuam Tuesday afternoon on a holiday trip to Vancouver. Mr. arid ftlrs. J. N- Killas and children, Harry and Alice, are sailing on the Coqultlam Tues day for Vancouver where they will take up residence. Mr. and Mrs, H, C. Flood and son, Ricnara, are sailing mes day on the Coqultlam for Vancouver where they will spend the summer holidays, Miss M. Carter of Edmonton, is expected here -this week to Visit her father,' A. S. Carter, well known local resident and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Speers. j ,oneer of tbe alhcs; Miss Car, are sailing tonight toy the Prin- tpr . . . . thp ess Adelaide on theilr return south. Mrs. French Is Mrs. Speer's sister. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman are sailing Monday night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria where Mr. Cheeseman, who Is assistant principal of Borden Street School, will attend sum mer school for the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Frizzell spending the summer lionths at the hot springs on !he Skeena River not far from Port Essington. Mr. Frizzell has seen Western Canada grow up tor this is his eighty eighth year and most of his active life has been spent west of the Great Lakes. Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Cheney cf Victoria, arrived in the city at the week-end by car. Dr. Cheney, who is a dentist, plans to establish practice in Prince Rupert, with offices probably in the Smith Block. Dr. Cheney is no stranger to the city, havlne served here with the Royal Canadian Dental Corps during the war. berta government. Now that the Pioneers' Home out in Westview has become es tablished, and those who are lo cated there become accustomed to the change, more are taking advantage of the free bus drive i into town and return. The occasional little trips 2re Announcements All Baremseuirmn ta ran corumn rlll bu chareeiJ for ft lull month at 26r,- a word. C.NJIA Julyl. S.O.N. meeting Thurs., July 3. Rebekah Bazaar. Oct. 30. (168) Baptist Sale,. Nov. . 6. I ii i m: I II I II 14 l S! I Jack Scott of Scott's meat market, was a passenger lor Vancouver on this afternoon's CPJl. flight south. He will spend a couple of weeks away on Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Bowden of Massett are visitors In the city, having arrived yesterday morning on the Casjiar from the Islands. Olcrf Hanson arrived In the r.iiv nr. Ssttirdav night's train from Smithers and will be leaving In a day or so lor Vancou ver. Master Billy and Miss Tiny Cuthlll, children of Mr. and Mrs. David Cuthlll were aboard the Coqultlam last evening going through to their heme at Port Simpson for the summer vaca tion. They have been attending school In Vancouver. H. M. Daggett, after a week. end visit to the city, sailed last nLght by the Coqultlam for Port Simpson -where he .has been em ployed on the construction of the new Hudson Bay Co. store which Is now being occupied. Mr. Daggett expects to .be home per manently within the next two or three weeks. prince Rupert Daflp actos Monday, June 30, 1947 r mm 11 u M l ii ii ifisim m si in 11,1 It F " 1 1 HI m T, Wm Cool, Smart and "Tubbable" You'll love it you'll live in it, this wonder-fur striped cotton classic. USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES FOR MEN ONLY WORK BOOTS DRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES 624 Third Avenue. Next Commodore Cafe P.O. Box 737 Here Is A BIG CHANCE To Get Your Furs Now! Some selling at Half Price. Come in and convince yourself of the REAL BARGAINS at GOLDBLOOM'S "The Old Reliable" , (Everything has to be sold, including furniture). We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West rhree Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 27 July H-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 29 July 13-27 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Strap j-; . I Oxfords : 1 By SCOTT & McIIALE J" Smart . . . Practical . . . Comfortable. . Snft ralf Unners with cood solid ft;. J ' if III I v ..ill roallv rninv '. ' ! -.i'fli iii anisic wn, ..... . ll 11 the appearance and comfort of I" this "no toe-cap- Strap Oxford. M rr s 2.25 ;' in i ! i ran mttitit i ALL-WEATHER SERVICE ggjjgglfgfSKBSBKStKiiKMK' I Why not have a . . . I tt Excursion to Terrace ATi fOt PHHVH l 7F kill I You Can Own One On Easy Payments p . SgySw!?' 1 li we sell the latest Smith Corona fitted ( t (W;it; j I in a handy carrying case. This case can V HIMUi i I be removed and used as a week-end bag. j eg m Mfe! I Dther conveniences are: $ 1 I f5e?3V I STANDARD KEYBOARD i V ' ' W 1 FLOATING CUSHIONED SHIFT v Ni f'lpy' I '"'l 1 tfi I lrirP run from $70 to $95 on terms I i MM A t B nit r ,u i um ii 'mm ihhf i With your house and reur paint, we've really got ometbing. Protect your, Lome with durable. colour.! lasting lovelinet9...tpecify 11-11 "English" Paint.. McBride Street JSow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ' v UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New UphoUery Materials Available NOWl Out-of-Town Orders Given Special Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPR) PHONE BLUE 818 A