Medal Motorist Is Due Tuesday Henry Slayton of Tampa, Florida, and his son, Dick, arrived at Terrace today and will drive Into Prince Rupert about 8:30 tomorrow night to collect the $200 Al Manson Medal for the first motorist to drive this year from Florida to Prince Rupert. The medal was donated to the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council by Mr. Manson, local Jeweler. Mr. Slayton Is being met at Terrace by Mr. Manson and J H. Black, president of the Prince Rupert Automobile Association, who will accompany him into the city. Mayor Arnold and other local digna-torles will meet the prize-winning motorist at Galloway Rapids and it is planned to make the presentation Wednesday night from the stage of the Capitol Theatre. HALIBUT SALES Canadian Tor II, 40,CO3, 23.30 and 21, Storage. Miss Jean, 40,000, 26.50 and 31, Royal, i Mermaid, 18,000, 25.80 and 21, Whiz. Takla, 68,000, Co-op. Kaare 11, 68,000, Co-op. NO PAl'IiR TUESDAY Tomorrow, beinz Dominion Day and a public holiday, the Dally News will not be publUhed. The next regular edition will appear Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. . Clausen returned to the city on the Coqviltlam yesterday afternoon from .a trip to bert Petersen. Herbert Ouast. Lance Theobald, Lucille True-j TEH p A PC DAkllf man, Leon Wright, George Skog.l I LIxtvMLL DAIllX Helen Lceson, Bobby Rowe, Louis Martin, Margaret Macfar-lane, Jock Hoff, Betty Hoff, Wil-ma Erlckson. To Grade Four Patricia Pierce, Judy Lloyd, James Hunter, George Braman, Jewell Gamblin, Marx Storrie, Nina Mostad, Tayte McNeice, Mary Moraes, Clyde Trudeau, Ronald Peterson, Alan Hemmons, James Baldwin, Arthur Melln, Lorraine Quast, Teddy Leask, David Leigh, Louise Hetland, Alfield Hardin, Dorothy Gregg, Arthur Helin, Olenys Owens, Stanley Marshall, Betty Hood, Kenny McLean, Elizabeth Pierce, Ger- aldine Moorehouse. J To Grade 3A Melvln Osta-shower, Ernestine Moorehouse, i Jimmy Currle, Frank Barton, j Eugene Watson, Kitty Davidson, Robert Duncan, Clayton Kelly, Fred Bagshaw, Ernest Poltras. To Grade 3B Jimmy Anderson, Alex Barton, Bunny Brent-zen, Dickie Bury, Phyllis Childs, Shirley Collison, Greta Collison, Jean Currle, Billy Durkln. Elsie Hansen, Dickie Hansen, Bobby Hansen,' Beverly Kyte, Barry Lyons, Mable Luscombe, Leslie Murdock, Caroline Newton, Ralph Olsen, Ellen Roper, Marian Smith, Arthur Twaites, McClellan Ulmer, Mitzl Van Pykcstra,Gerry Wilklhs, Jackie Viereck, Max Fleming, Frances Lceson. Arthur Drake, Edward Turcotte, Arlienc Johnson. To Grade 2A Marvin Denton, Jimmy Moorehead, Ray Lecson, Donald Baldwin, Barney Kcrlg-han, Helen Strachan. To Grade Two Genevieve Powers, Carole Stuart, Arthur Dowswcll, Stanley Boshler, Murray Fletcher, Richard Ostofar- off, Anna Colussl, Philip Thorn, Donna Kelly, Delia Haig, Heather Ktpvpns. Norman Barker, Jack MacDonald, Irene Quast, Shir ley Kurdziel, Fred Bellls, Janice Kondratuik, Patsy Faulkner, Carol Anderson, Owen camp-1 bell. Jimmie Faulkner, Ross Murray, Judith Ostofaroff, Dan-1 ny Pick, Rodney Pierce, uyas Robinson, Carl Tanaer. To Grade 1A Roy Lceso.i, Roy Tremecr, Bobby Hood, Michael Powers, Sharon Bury, Diane Qhyzyke, Shirley Adams, Dlanna Richards, Marie Skaar-land, Eric Kristmanson, Norma Haan, Alfred Luscombe, Jack Rudolph, Joyce Bretzen, Luella Leeson. Stephen Collison, Dean- r,a smith. Betty Baumann, Marlon Helin. Edith Canton JULY 1st DOMINION DAY DANCE CIVIC CENTRE "FOUR PUKES" ORCHESTRA Dancing 10-2 Ladi" Gents $1.00 NOW OPENING Full Time Branch There to Start Business On Wednesday of This Week With James Stevenson, recently arrived from Vancouver, as manager, the Royal Bank of Canada will open its independent and full time branch at Terrace po,July 2. Othet members of the staff will be N. Markwick, who Is coming from Vancouver to be teller, and William Laird, clerk. Pending Mr. Markwlck's arrival, Miss Margaret Smith of the local branch will be at Ter race for the coming week. The staff leaves for the Interior on tonight's train. m NORTHERN; AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER months of drifting at sea and bumping against the shore had knocked the porcelain horns off. One rifle shot with an armor-plerclng .303 calibre shell ex- ploded the mine at Eagle Hill and nearby trees were knocked over by the expltricn. The second mine, on Bonllla Island, required three shots before it exploded against a sheer rock cliff. Both mines left huge holes in the shore when the rifle shots pierced their dangerous con-. tents. ! The mine on Bonllla Island was reported toy Capt. A. Nelson of the .fishing boat Success late last week. The naval disposal crew hd little trouble finding the mines, since their sides were red with rust and stood out prominently against the r ocky beaches. A'notfieT mine i t ported last we.ek adrift in Finliyson Channel, so Jar has not been seen again. The mines are believed to have drifted from Japanese waters on the Japanese current which crosses the North Pacific and skirts the Alaskan and Brl tish Columbia coast. j THE WEATHER j A storm centre which developed last evening off the Alaskan Panhandle had moved inland ever the extreme northern Bri tish Columbia Coast at forecast time this morning. Rain which Is falling over the northwestern section of the province will be followed by a few showers and clearing skies in that region as the rain area mov;s inland. Increasing cloudiness vis-expected through the Bay over the central coast and into the Cariboo region but the southern part of the province Is expected to remain clear. Fine warm weather is foreseen over the southern part of the province on Tuesday MAYOR KORA E. ARNOLD Sunday received congratulations from friends on her birthday. A resident of Prince Rupert since 1919 she was first elected alderman in 1943, a position she held until., she was elected mayor last December. She was born at" Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, England DEADLOCK IN Chances of Agreement Paris Are Fading at PARIS CP) The possibility of Great Britain, France and Russia reaching an agreement on common action, respecting the proposals by General Marshall, U.S. Secretary of State, that would mean aid to Europe Is fading rapidly. The talks between the foreign Ministers of the three powers have entered what authoritative .sources describe a-turcritlcal :s'taee.T- In a surprise move Sunday, Russia declared opposition to any "all embracing" economic program for Europe. Mr. and Mrs. N. Kronhaus and child are sailing on the Coquit- whlle the northern section will lam Tuesday afternoon for Van- 1 be mostly cloudy. 'couver. BfHhHi ttthm of 1kftm Zmmrjrv' of the press"? hat precisely is meant by that familiar phrase, 'freedom fundamentally it is not a special privilege reserved for newspaper pub lishers. It is rather a phase of a much larger freedom -the freedom of all men to speak their minds openly and without fear. The press claims no right which should not belong to every citizen in a .democracy, but freedom of the press is an all-important part of this larger freedomi because, under modern conditions, the press is the principal agency by which the ordinary man receives the information he needs to judge the actions of his rulers and make up his mind on public issues. Without newspapers, or with only gagged and blindfolded ones, he is in the dark, and helpless. An unlettered press is therefore one of the essential bulwarks of a democratic world. If any proof be needed, it is provided by the record of the Fascist and Nazi dictatorships. Rigid control of all sources of public information, and especially of newspapers, was the corner-stone upon which those regimes were founded. Without it. they could never have held power. With it. they could do as they pleased, to the eventual ruin of their own peoples as well as much of the rest of the world. Iiis disastrous chapter of history should provide a warning against any attempt, by governments or by private interests, to restrict the essential freedom of the press. A free people must stand on guard not only against direct censorship, but also against more insidious encroachments. Nominal freedom is not enough. The only truly free press is one which can record the news faithully and comment on it frankly, without fear of direct or indirect punishment. Neither the press nor the public is safe with anything less than this. ?jijll liberty, of course, involves obligations. The obligation of a free press is to be truly free. It must be thorough, accurate and unbiased in its reporting, sincere and thoughtful in its editorials, and resistant to all outside pressure. It must be both cautious and bold -cautious until it knows all the facts, bold when it is sure of its ground. It must, above all. be inspired by devotion to the public welfare as its staff understands it. uch a newspaper is worthy of the privileges which the English-speaking peoples have traditionally granted to their press. Such a newspaper is also the best guardian of the liberties of the people. BORDEN STREET PROMOTIONS Following llst3 show the grades In which the pupils will be at the startf of the school term on Septembsr 1 at Borden Street School: Grade One Sidney. Bond, Judith Heather brown, Catherine Anne Carter, Daryle William Davidson, Clarence Harald Doane, Leona Mae Dominate, Lawrence Stephen Eby, John Graham Finlayson, Melodle Ruth Friesen, Garry John Frlesen, Melvln Douglas Gauthier, Reginald Grozler, Rene May Gul- brandsen, Tommy Halvorsen, Alfred Alexander Hunter, William Frederick Kergin, Margaret Alberta Leighton, Enid Blanche Morgan, Bonnie Belle Mowatt, David James Mowatt, Gregor Allan McLeod, Eric Gary Nelson, Robert Lawrence Parent, Beryl Idel Regan, Donald Roberts, Donald Vaccher, Keith Irwin Wager, Gail Jeanne Weise, Frank Warner. Geraldine Patricia Sni- dai. I Grade Two Donald Blake, Sylvia Cherry, Eugenia Christy, ' Katherlne Christy, Peggy Ann Domlnato, RonaldEby, Lynn Galbraith. Judith Garrett, Thomas Graham Dolores Innes, Rob ert Irvine. Carl Jackson, Jo-Anne Lunn, Leong Mah, Kim Mah, Victor Maskulak, Patricia Morrison, Sharon McKeown, John McLeod. Brian McNeil, Lorna Nelson, Arthur Nlckerson, Muriel Prockter, Charles Adams Paul, Arnelle Rhodes, Irwin Rensvold, Arnold Petterson, Nikkl Raabe, Joseph Scott, Kenneth Taylor, Janet Sankey, Robert Strand, Joanne Way, Nlta Welse, Felix .Wright,, RJta .Yorstorw. Annette Yoangman, Kenneth Gulbrand- sen. Grade Three Christo Aimer, Jean Anderson, Judith Arm strong, Joan Bennett, Gerald Bowes, Wayne Crowe, James Davidson, James Ellefson, Mary Finlayson, Nora Gulbrandsen, Peter Halvorsen, Harold Hill, Car oline Holt, George Howe, Sonia Karhonen, William Karhonen, Suzanne Kergin, Alan Laird, Matalia Maskulak, Jacqueline Mlcholuk, Robert Mitchell, Carol Nelson, Craig Oliver, Diane Peters, Patricia Phlllipson, Roberta Reid, Alleyn Ritchie, Barry Smith, Linda Strachan, .Margaret Sandyke, Lyle Sandyke, Glendon Strachan, TSeorge Warner, Rich ard Watts, William Watmough, Queenie Wesley, coring Glllls, Ramona Young, Ronald Ware. Grade Four Herbert Clayton, Marion Evans, Dick Flood, Christo Furnlotls, Lois Good, Jac-quallne Gustafson, Carlo Han sen, Donald Haudenschlld, Fred Hilton. Yvonne Jackson, Howard! Johansen, Margaret Johnson, I Ole Led, Donald Martinusen, Danny Nelfeld, Lois Odowes, Patrick Parnell, Thelma Pavlikh, Leonard Osterberg, Tero Paavola, Rodney Phillppson, Julie Prockter, Grant Ronson, Rocky Terry, George Thain, Donald Way, Donald Ware, Louise Wood. Grade Five Alvin Adklns, Harvey Amos, Jack Antone, Edward Barner, Sonja Blake, Edward Findlay, Ivy Gillespie, Carole Hill, Marina Jones, Mary Lou Lunn, Norma MacKenzie, Pat Mitchell, house, Backy Morgan, Eugene Jacqualynn Moore, Joyce Moorc- Nelson, Lynn Nickersonj Arthur Parent, Stanley Parker, Eric Peterson, Gerald Roberts, Jim Parnell, JUllan Parnell, Molly Savllle, Terry Shenton, Diane Stone, Alec. Wesley. Ham Blackaby, June Burnlp. Nick Grade Six Ronnie Black, Wll-Christy, Beverly Comer, Donald Findlay, Herbie Frandle, Arthur Good. Monte ,Green( Joan Grimble, Patricia Gurvich, Dor othy Hibbard, Marion Home, Sherrill Lashmar, Agnes Mcln tosh, Chester Miller, Tom Moore house, Yvonne Nellsen, Lenore Nllson, Darlene Olsen, Eddie Ol sen. John Robertson, Olivs Strand, ob Watts, Loretta Wes ley, Edwin Veil, Margaret Young man." Grade Seven (Junior High School) Henry Blackaby, Anita TTTTTT1a 'TTfYTTTTTTTff TTTWj Bluej ! IE STAR Csib$ yr a TAXI Iff ! Phone ZiOD Phone I DAY AND NIGHT SiltVICE Stand: Old Empresi Hotel, Third Are. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVI, No. 152. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS OSSIBILITIES OF DEVELOPING PRINCE RUPERT PORT. SCIENTIFIC GROUP ON WAY NORTH Heading nortii on his fourth fcientlflc expedition to Alaska, PROMOTIONS AT CONRAD STREET The promotion list for Conrad Street School following the term ending June, 1947, Is as follows: Tn flrario C1 TAnM a 1 v.n Dmirias. travel'ine leetiiriT.-V.. . """" vimer- "l '.; . ra urant Forman, Jimmy . .. -i-Tili. Z' ',Z:7 . - -man, Jack Davidson, Mar m. mnrn nir .in the hs PrV -3. O. . ' ' jjorah leading a party of eiv, lo the Prince William Souna rea to explore and record its unknown features for scientific publico ilon. Mr. Douglas, none is at Menden, Connecticut, investigated the Glacier Bay region of fouthcastern Alaska m 1946, . . L r Ann ra 1 a M A I othet Information which nas been made available for forth coming maps. An engineering graduate of Lafayette College, where he was an All-American football star in 1921, he has made 14 expedi tions Into the foicom expioren sections cf, the Mes&r&uasii&ifi tonTthent Irom Alaska to Mcxi- The Douglas parly has char tered the boat "Luck of the1 Irtih" owned toy Jim Dolan ofi Vildez who Is actlrw as guide in Prince William Sound. He was me rf the first to use tne sound rn -lre recorder tn glacier areas and discovered au Important rew mountain ndgc in the Mulr rtjion of Glacier Bay which he is named "White Thunder Ridge" In the party are Miss Mildred Abbott, New London, Conn.; Miss Jessie Frankenfield, Easton, Pa . Mr. Jesse M Bailey, Hartford, Conn.; Fred K. Bailey, his nn; Fred M Walzlnger, Map"e-v j'od. NJ.; Neil Douglas Jr and James Douglas. All members '61 the party have scientific traln-tr? which will he put to use f hen the cxpeditilon arrives at 1'.5 destination. Most of them nre canceled with eastern X Pau le Pope, Jean Golds, Duane Roy Mostad, Mary ' Bill MacKenzie. Pat Cat. n, Lloyd Magnusson, Ronald Hemmons, Mathilda Marki. Dennis Adolph, Barry Helin, Marlon Kelly, Shirley Leask, Lydla Ponich, Ray Anderson, David Owens, Ray Kelly, Harold Brcntzen, Ken Farring-ton, Jordan Smith, Louise Leask, Gladys Collison. To Grade Five Margaret NAVAL CREW EXPLODES JAP MINES Trees Knocked Over and Gaping Holes Blown in Foreshore Two Japanese amines which had drifted onto the beach In coastal waters off Prince Rupert were exploded at the week-end toy permanent navy personnel attached to H.M.C.S. Chatham with resulting explosions that knocked over trees and blew gaping holes in 'he foreshore. Tk. 1 i I I 1. V t ' eryi Leon Matson, .,, .. . , nK .Eagle Hill on the east coast of ul i -n. w-.i Earl n w,i Gamblin, Graham ,:, ..,,, Island and aml nn on Bonllla Island a mile south of Bonllla Light after they had drifted onto the beach and been shotted by passing fishing crait. In charge or the damolltlor. was Warrant Officer H. Woods, of Esquimau, Royal Canadian Navy mine disposal officpr, who had com.e iiorth for the purpose. WO Woods jKCrxt... out--on-the Johnson, Sylvia Bellls, Jobl-E'aval WS Marysvillr rommand-Newton, Patsy WilJseR;-'Marion !cd by Lieut. Eric Jones, execu-WRUsnr GbfgTa Bateman, Earl!tlve officer of HAI.CS. Chath-Denton, Greig Forbes. Glennlam' wlh IV.ty Officer G. R. Jorgenson, Anne Eyolfson, 1 Freeman and Stoker C F. Mosher i Marlon Warfeldt, Bert Tipton,. aR crew Nancy Lund, Ella Childs, Jacqueline Moorehead, Nathaleen Patterson, Maurice Trudeau, Al The two mines, both about three feet in dhmeter, were of the "horned' 'variety, but long Government Help Ready But Local Effort Needed TRADE AND COMMERCE DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE THROWS OUT SOME HINTS IN MEETING HERE : Prince Rupert is assured of every co-operation of the Department of Trade and Commerce and its facilities in the development of this port from a world shipping standpoint but it will be necessary to take "steps locally towards the organization of cargo and the interesting of shipping" interests with that end STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. Vancouver B. R. Con. (ask) 08 B. R. X 10 Cariboo Gold 250 Ccntoala- .18 Grull Wlhksne .072 Hedley Mascot 1.00 Minto ' .03 . Pend Oreille - 2.20 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border .05 Premier Gold task) 65 Privateer .35V2 Reeves McDonald 1.00 Reno (ask) 14 Salmon Gold .18 Sheep Creek task) ...... 1.12 Taylor Bridge .52 Vananda .31 Congress 04 Pacific Eastern 42 . Hedley Amalg. (ask) 10... JSpud Valley , (ask) 15. Central Zeballos 02'A Silbak Premier (ask) .70 Oils A. P. Con Calmont ,U. Oi -i.' Sr'.iit...... Heme .21 '.65 2.43 4.30 Toronto Athona 11 Aumaque .21 Beattle (ask) "i3 Bevcourt 70 Bcbjo 16 Buffalo Can 22 Con. Smelters 82.25 . Conwest 1-00 Donalda 88 Eldona ; .35 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.05 God's Lake 85 Hardrock .36 Harricana .09 Heva Gold ".. .26 Hosco 33 Jacknife 064 Joliet Quebec .43 Lake Rowan ... 21 Lapaska 59 Llltle Long Lac 1.60 Lynx 16 Madsen Red Lake 3.15 McKenzie Red Lake 58 MacLeod 'Coctehutt . .. 1-55 Moneta 44 Negus 2.05 Noranda 44.75 Osisko Lake 1.32 Pickle Crow 1.65 Regcourt .28 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn .39 Shcrritt Gordon 3.05 Steep Rock 1.95 Sturgeon River 21 Local Tides Tuesday, July I, 1947 High 12:45 16.9 feet Low 6:25 3.7 feet 18:16 8.5 feet Mrs. N. O. Vars. school teacher at Massett, arrived In the city at the end of the week on the Casslar from the Queen Charlotte Islands, sailing on the Catala for Vancouver where she will spend tne summer vacation. Brue. David Cook, William Cornish, Raymond Davidson, Albert Edgar, Jean Glbb, Lorraine Gurvich, Betty Hellyer, Jimmy Holt, Richard Johansen, Barry Lashmar, Danny McAfee, Margit Macarthur, Myrtle Miller, Barbara Moore, Carole Moorehouse, Alice Nlckerson, Dick Nlckerson, Paul Olson, Roberta Paul, Messina Pavlikls, Penio Peneff, El-vln Phillips, Ronnie Rhodes, Norman Scherk, Barbara Stalk er; Marjorie- Way, Keith Young, Joan Taylor. in view, coi. w. J. nsner, cruel of transportation and communications, foreign trade service, Department of Trade and Commerce, told an informal luncheon, meeting of the trade and commerce committee of the Prince. Rupert Chamber of Commerce on Saturday. Col. Fisher saw , wheat as a basic cargo which might be supplemented by tlni- ber and fishery products such as canned salmon. There were two fundamentals necessary said Col. Fisher regular flow of basic cargo and sure and reasonable facilities for the speedy and efficient handling of that cargo! In the course of a talk to the meeting. Col. Fisher told of thq efforts being made- to further expand in the post-war period, the foreign trade of Canada and more fully use Canadian ports. A free discussion followed Col, Fisher's talk and various local Ideas were expressed, particularly towards the utilization of tills port. Among those taking part' in the discussion were O. W. Nick-erson. who saw the only thing necessary a little assistance on the part of the government with a view to facilitating the move. ment of the great resources through this port to the markets cf the world. He felt the gov- erment had sufficient stake here to warrant a pioneer service. Shipping subsidies were discuss ed. Dudley G. Little of Terrace saw waterborne shipments through Prince Rupert to export markets as the permanent sal vation of the lumber Industry of the interior. He could see full cargoes going through here. H. G. Perry, speaking on be half of central British Columbia, mentioned the advantageous rate for rail shipment from the interior to Princt Rupert as Compared with New Westminster. After referring to the desirability of settlement of the In terior, Mr. Perry declared that a great weakness of the economy of British Columbia was the centralization of Industrial development around southern B.C. and Vancouver. Mayor Nora Arnold welcomed Col. Fisher's visit and spoke ap preclatlvely of the Interest being shown thereby. She saw Prince Rupert playing a prominent part In the future as a world shipping port. President G. A. Hunter of the Chamber of Commerce Was in the chair and the luncheon was one of the incidents of a busy three days Col. Fisher has been having here In his reconnaissance of local possibilities of the, development of this port. Co-operation was given Co. Fisher while here by Arnold Flaten, chairman of the trade and commerce committee of the Prince Rupert Chamber of BASEBALL TONIGHT Ketchikan vs. Prince Rupert ROOSEVELT PARK 1:15 TUESDAY AFTERNOON Ketchikan .vs. Prince Rupert 2i30