fl. I 0 b:! me. OCAL GIRLS 9 ALBERTA I Will Camp at Sylvan Lake N'ear Edmonton r. ty of girls from First ........ PhllPnlt ti.llt a 1 1 n :tnmer camp being held at r. Lake. 'Albertti, during the Terrace Theatre Showing on Tuesdays and Wednesdays E Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m, ear.uruay maunee ai z;au p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday Juijf 1 and 2 "Meet John Doe" with Barbara Stanwyck and Gary Cooper. July 4 and 5 "Hopalong Cassidy Returns" with William Doyd and Gabby Hayes. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SEUVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) . P.O. Box 167 Terrace first two weeks of August, it was announced yesterday by Rev A P. MacSween, minister of the congregation. The party will be iler the leadership of Mrs H Oalderwood, and in ieav-e on July 25. travrlll I Edmonton where Ihev win h met by cars for the remainder of the trip. The Sylvan Lake camp is one of several which have been es- Household Helps SILVO ILAXOAF SPRAYERS SANI-FLUSII BRASSO 1'AUOIVAX AHSOKENE Furniture Polishes URAINO KLEENOFF SOIL-OFF BLUE CLEANER THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. I m V.I 'i'.lril Atr,i. - -- I'HONE 101 ENTRAL INTE TERRACE MRS. HALLIWELL IS LAID AT- REST Funeral Services Held at Terrace Saturday Afternoon TERRACG-Fr.neral or the late ! Mrs Margaret Hailiwell took place from St. Matthew's Angli can Church here Saturday af ternoon. Rev. Roland Hills and Rev. Charles Hills (Vancouver) conducted the service. Mrs. Hailiwell died in Prince Rupert General Hospital Friday following a serious operation. She had reached her eighty-first year. Deceased came to Terrace with her husband and family 24 years agQ from Yoikshlre England. The family .bought land near Terrace and set out an I orchard vhere they lived several years More recent years have beqn spent in their home on Lakelse Avenue, Terrace. Mourners were the widower, Henry Hailiwell, Mrs. J. A. Rutherford of Prince Rupert, Mrs. R. de K Jrgomrrt?aux; of T-errace. daughters, and T. Hailiwell of Trail, son. Besides the relatives there C. N. R. A. Excursion to Terrace Train Leaves 8:30 a.m. Daylight Time Fares: Adults $3.50 Children $1.75 Tickets On Sale at C.N.R. Ticket Office at 'mat ace now Open Bine at PHIL'S (Formerly Skeena Cafe) Offers You Quality Food, Fine, Pastries, Quick Courteous Service. Breakfast, Luncheons, Dinners and Banquets . OPEN 7 A.M. TO 12 P.M. Philip Tetrault, Manager FOR PROMPT SERVICE .... See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick Cliev. Trucks Pontine Oldsmobile (J.M.C. Trucks Machine Work A Specialty Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TEUKACE H.C. SILVER TIP CAFE CIGARS CIGARETTES TOBACCOS ICE CREAM. SOFT DRINKS TERRACE, H.C,. LITTLE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. Lumber Manufacturers Rough and LfS' Po ' Dressed Lumber m T E K R A C E and Win Agents For Ijiternatlonal Harvester Co. Firestone Tiro & Rubber Co. Ltd. I'hilco Radios Willard Batteries A CLASSIFIED AD IN THE DAILY NEWS WILL BRINO RESULTS tablished by the Presbyterian Church in Canada at strategic point? across the Dominion and the program includes study periods and various recreational activities. "This is an advance party," stated Mr. MacSween, "these girU will have a wonderful holiday and at the same time will, come home better equipped tq give leadership In the church and in future camps. We hope in time to have a camp nearer heme We would like to include i' larger party but accommodation at the camp is already taxed and the cost of the undertaking quite considerable. Nevertheless, this is a good start " D. McCorklndale Is planning on a trip to Alberta, this being 'he time of the year when the fnnual stampede is staged at Cflsyy ana -which draws visitor.-! frcm all ov r the west. RIOR were a -number cf Irlends pres ent at the graveside. The church was filled to capacity. Mrs. c. J. Norrlngton played suitable numbers during the.: period of waiting and also dur-.lng' the servfce. Hymn were "Peace Perfect Peace" and "Jesus Lover of My Soul." Many floral tribjtes testified to the high esteem in which the deceased was Held by many H lends. ViiUve-oallhearers were, W. Donald, T, 'E. Brooks S. Klr-kaldv. G. Dover. U. Cory and H. King. Honorary pallbearers were N, Sherwood, W. King, W. Klrkpatrick. nnd W. Sparkes . Floral tribute were received frcm the lovin.g husband, Lillian and Allan. Olive and fiurnih. England (red roses)- Cissle and. family, Jackie and Norman, Hon. E. T. Kennsy, Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. B. West and Merle, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dover, Mr. and Mrs. H. King. Mr. arid Mrs. N. Sherwood and Barbara. Mr. and Mrs. Rqss Thomson.. Mr. and Mrs. Je(lf Lamlbly and fa.rn.iiy, Mr. and Mrs. J. MacLareir, Mr. and MrsJ F. Frank, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sparkes, Mr. and Mrs. S. Klr-kaldy. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. King and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith, Mr. and Mr.i. H. Cote, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Maxted, Mr. and Mrs. H. Houlden. Mr. and Mrs. B. Colbachinl. Mr. and Mrs. F. Nash and family. Aunty Ad, El- wood and Luella Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Murdo MArthur, Prince Rupert. Mr. and Mrs M. MacMll-lan, Prince RnDeit; St. Mat-hew's W. A.. Terrace: P.T.A.. Staff of Borden Street School, Prince Rupert. Miss Freda Hall of Terrace, who has Veen teaching school bere. made the round trip to l.Cctchikan aboard the Camosun at the end of the week, proceed ing through to Vancouver on that vessel Saturday nisht. Mrs. Gus Stromdhal and daughter, Ann, and Mrs. Irene Lykeward and daughter, Mona, are leaving by this .'vening's train for a holiday at Lake Kathlyn Smithers O WANT TO SWIM, FISH, BOAT OR LOAF? . . . Visit LAKE KATHLYN AUTO CAMP SMITHERS, B.C. (175) CAMPERS Supplies delivered twice week:y to Lake KatUlyn. GOODACRES' SMITHERS, B.C. (202) Burns Lake SEND YOUR Tire Troubles SILVERTIP TIRE SERVICE BURNS LAKE, B.C. Truck and Passenger Car Tires Vulcanized AI L WORK GUARANTEED VANCOUVER PRICES IS MARKUP AT ST. CATHERINES Miss. Margaret MorJn qf. I'rlnre Rupert Is Beautify Bride A quiet but beautiful cerer mony was solemnized In the vestry of Knoxt Presbyterian Church, St. Catharines, Ontario, a week ago Friday afternoon, when Margaret Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. MJorin, Prince Rupert, became the bride of John Paul, son of, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Gayman, Vlneland, Ontario. The charming bride wore an aqua blue Jersey suit dress with whjte off-therface haJt and white accessories. She carried pink roses and sweet peas. and wore pearl and diamond earrings, the gift of the grocm. As matron.Qf. honor, Mrs. w, A. 4. &r It" BalUle, jitter of the groom, .was' gowned, '.n shell jink jersey. -pink j cap, and silver slippers. Shs carried a French nosegay of' sweetpeas an4 roses. Rev. W. A. Jason Graham officiated at the cerer; ony. James Gayman, twin brother of the groom, was groomsman. At k; reception held on the wide lawn Qf the groom's, parents, Mrs. S. C. Gayman, mother of the groom, and Mrs. Richard Bunce, received fifty guests. Mrs. Gayman was gowned In figured sheer with black and white accessories, and wore a corsage of pink sweet peas. Mrs. Bunce chose a grey suit, with white accessories, and wore a corsage of roses, forget-me-nots, and grange blossoms. Mrs. Mabel I Gayman, aunt of the groom, and Mrs. Bunce poured. Lunch I was served by Mrs. Oscar Beam- jer, Mrs. Arthur Dearborne, Miss Rhoda Gayman, and Mrs. Wil liam Gayman. J For going away, the bride wore a black and white Jersey dress ! with white accessories, black coat, and corsage of pink roses, The couple left cn a sho?t trjp to the United States, and upon their return, will reside In St. Catharines, Ontario, The bride was formerly a member of the staff of the Superintendent's qffie of Canadian National Railways here. Robert McMjnn of the staff of the Nanaimo. BiploElcal Station of the Fisheries rie;e&reh Board cf Canada arrived at the weekend. a,t Massqt, 9ueen Charlotte Islands, to conduct a crab survey. Miss Irene Peatt and Miss Barbara Beale of the local school teaching staff, after spending a few days at Ketchikan, returned to -the city on the Camosun at the end of the week. Iprfnce Rupctf jpaflg, Jcto0 Monday! June ,30, 1947 ALADA HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable, 714 I KASIJIt STREET Phone Black 823 . jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WESTMINSTER PAPER COMPANY LIMITED Are Pleased To Announce That mi it Ihe New PUREX BATHROOM TISSUE Now FACIAL -SOFT Having completed the construction of our new plant and, the installation of new paper-making machinery . ... un overall 2,000,000 expansion programuie . . . we now have pleasure, in presenting a New Bathroom Tissue in advance of nYthiug olfercd heretofore in Canada. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R.iE; MORTIMER 324 2nd-Ave. (Near CFPR) i',iil I t.'l't i ,Y. .1 , T , A J V.- -. IS NOW ON SALE 'IS,:.,,.-,. EVE RY WHERE The New Purcx is vastly Improved. Soft and silky as the most refined tissue handkerchief, it still maintains exceptional strength and uhsorhency. This product is offered in fullest confidence that it will meet with uniuialiOed upprovaL Your dealer luu ample supplies. 5 V i ': 5 '.I 'X- -- ' ... - f 1 ,