w ft- R IS r- at HE - - lrincc Uuuerr. Dailg teems Monday; March 31, 1947 (Authorized as Second Cl&ss Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally New Ltd, 3rd Avenue. Prince P.upert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER; Managing Editor, H. 0. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An -Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert ind'all communities, comprising northern and central British Columbia. I "" SUBSCRIPTION RATES i D By City Carrier, per week, 15d: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. OPTIONS AND PUBLIC INTEREST a, recession of business and a stalemate DURING in the niarket for real estate there might have " been some doubtful justification, for allowing j . -y short tern option? to. prospective purchasers of city- " owned property. t There is no justification, however, for long rf;term options. The only just reason for granting a ' short term option Would be in the case where a new . j enterprise requires a short time for inquiry into factors surrounding the construction of its propsed r property. " The. only basis of any policy by the city coun-"cil' is "that which best serves the public interest. We beHeve they agree, Th public interest in respect to city-qwned prop-'erty. acquired by the city through failure of owners to pay their 'taxes, is; in disposing of the property tq the highest bidder and getting it back on ke tax rolls to the end that taxation can be shared jg by others than those still owning property. V 'If a person gets an option to purchase property "-llil'.'eVen though for only sisty flays he can not be laced oil the tax roll for that period. He becomes a speculator, encouraged by the option granted by "the city council, and escapes, taxation, for the period. of the option if he fail3 to take up the same. " The city council should not enter the field of speculation nor encourage the same by a policy of options on public property; a method which is in- l deed frowned upon by most priyate owners of prop, erty. There may be, but we do not know of any other , , ,citfes which have' such a policy. In fact the question of the power of a city council to grant options might, well be looked jntq." This old ppUcy, hqwever, of granting options on property owned by the community through its city corporation is out of Un.e witli the otherwise !- .progressiy policies of the city council and should be abandoned: as quickly as possible. . For nowhere can we find justification for it in the pubUe interest with- the one exception mentioned above.. And, wh.ether legal qp otherwise, there is no justificatory of any sort, for continuing a policy of optioning city property at this particular time. PREPARE FOR GAGS kON'T tap that, egg! Don't snatch that purse! Oh, no! put that stogie down ! Instead, make tor the hills, men! It's. April Fqpl Pay tomorrow the, day when poker-faced yagst gagsters and cards, urchins and sardonic characters the world oyer give mankind the hot-foot. And while screams of angujshi hp,yls of disappointment and silly giggles echo through the house, Jlnjust remember folks,' this day of ribald ribbing has been going on for-a long time tpo long, you say? Although April Fool Day Js not a, holiday hi any lugui &ense, iiuiu ine Lime zeus, umi vjiyinUtm jen- 'Ver, pulled a dilly on the Greeks it lias been a field- tlay for prankstvs, legend has it that the jovial god bumped jntp Ids puckish son Hermes one dull day. Hermes agreed with his immediate superior to let earth-bound citizens, hear it was. going tq rain buckets hut only fools would get wet, Everybody got soaked, except one sly ancient who had sense enough to sneak into a doorway, Leaving the Olympians behind, we find that several centuries ago in the land, of the tartan, the ""flay was given over to hunting the gowk. or "cuckoo." The idea was that the gullible lad chosen as the gowk was .sent on. a merry roundabout chase L(ar an unobtainable item. Weakened, famished and minus shoe leather, the poor "cuckoo'' would return empty-handed to be the butt of Scottish guffaws. In France the, victims of Latin waggery are charmingly referred to, as "poisson d'avril" April d-sh ! An inventive chan named Bell trave Anril Fool sports a nw spurt with the telephone. Dog pounds, butchers, undertakers and aquariums on this day will agree that Alexander Graham Bell should "have left well enough alone. ''Is A. Stiff there?" "Nq? then what are you in the undertaking business for?" See what we mean? Therefore a timely tip: Beware dribble glasses, -hand buzzers, explosive fags, elastic chewing gum, "lost" wallets nd don't kick any brick-wined hats left on sidewalks. fj'-i Tppley Hote) tnd Store Sold CM -John QoolL, formerly at Housr - ton, has purchased the, hotel property of Bartley McCra at Topley and the store of Stanley .(Mckle an.4. Is making considerable improvement to both. Mr. - McCrea, well known pioneer oi .Topley. Intend?, to, demote himself now to ht? sawmill and farm. Consumer goods, ranging from pacer clips to road rollers are now being manufactured in India's ordnance factories, eight oX which have been converted to peacetime production. LIMBAGO (Lame Back) Wbn your back ti itifl and tote to touch and lt,' ao effort lor you to ttopp or bend, take tbe remedy that haa brought iwilt, aJ relief to thouaandt rTempleton'i T-K-Ca. Don't auffrr from the nagging mUery of Lumbago a day longer than you bave to. Get TR-C'b today. 0c II at druggiatf cverj-x but T-JS J SUB-ARCTIC GOLD DIGGER " ' m Randi Ander.en of Montreal, only girl photographer whrT-Tlg-orouy covers assignments in Canada's sub-Arctic, has met with good fortune in the form of Fernie Cajverly, oldtlmo prospector, who made a rich strike at Qold Pan, ii.eqp lisse, Man: Here she' stakes her first corner post within a. stope's throw from where Calverly made his strike at Qold Pan, aji.d. stakes nine claims, about 50 aci;es each; area equivalent to about 500 city blocks. Stakes are marked, with prospector's name, mining licease number, date and time stake was set. Cost? Five dollars for a miner's license, $5 to record each claim; total for 500 "city blocks" of gold country, $50. Randi uses a dog team, bush plane and snowshoes to get to Winnipeg where she records her cjlaim at the recorder's office! To hole; the claims, assessment work of clearing the property, diamond drilling or other development must be done each year. CFPR Radio Dial 1?40 Kilocycles .(Subject to change) MONDAY P.M. 4:C0 Chlchp Valle and Los Cubanos, Tor. 4:1ft Stock Quotations 4:30 Especially For Vou 4:45 Stpry Time 5:00 Top. Bands 5:30 Unesco TalHs 5:45 Supper Serenade (j:00 Accprdiana 6:15 Martial Mrs G;30 Hawaiian Echoes C: 45 From Fasteners to Fame 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00-CBC New3 1:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Recital Time 7:45 University Report 8:00 Parade of Bands 8:3ft Operetta Time 9: CO Summer Fallow J):30 Fantasy In Mtiody 10:00-CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Nelglibprly News 10:30 Pacific Pianoforte 11:00 Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for1 Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9: 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Music by Goodman 1Q:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents U: 15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period H:33Recorded Interlude ll:45-Ethel and Albert INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 It It's Rock Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLUE 939 CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12 :?5 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Cqncert Hour 1:30 Artists or Tomorrow 1 : 45 Commentary 2:00-Holy Week Meditation CANADIANS R AND BOSTON Whenever . i L. BOSliQN"U you wratch a citizen of. Massachusetts, there 1 is one chance In four that he 13 of Canadian birth or descent. The peopje pi MaasachiiselU Jo not think of Canadians as stran--gers or even neighbours. We re-sard you as Relatives and friends." This was the declaration of the governor c the Cum-inonwealth oi Massachusetts In welcoming the partjr pf disljji-gulshed Canadian., Including i Premier, Angus L. MjicDfyiaM, pf Nova Scotia, and Premier J. Wal- ttr Joii. of Prinice Edward; Inland, -who. cajne tQ Bjjstpii at the week-end on the Inauguration c.f the new service of Trans- 1 Cayada'Al,r Lines IThTcing New England with Hallfa. Safnt Johix, Yarmouth and Sydney. A luaicheon, tendered by the Caiiadiai; Ohb of Bustpiii was atteudid by all the leading c tf i -ctrs of tlie state as well as busl -nuts U-adjeys, J. Ernest Kerr, yasfc president pf tlv CaiucUar. (Hub. ptesUled, and the speakers ipc'jud,ed, In, additlqn. tQ Qoyer-ppf ljradf.gd, the UeiUeuant gpverpcr. Arlb.iir o pppjidie. I premier MacpgnaW q( NQva J Sfotl lbanjiel the state QO be-1 bill pf the Qana4lan paHy for ilh.8 cpi4tel welipie eJ,eLyled. "I know, tlie air line wljl pot only be successful coiiunercially, hnf nrlH tn lhf linniw rpln. tfpilS b.el!WCfi ew gnlaricl and J the Maritime proyljPs " he said. Premier Ques pf Prince Edward Island pointed out, that the Maritime provinces afforded excellent facilities for vacations and said that he had already booked Governor Bradford as a visitor to Prince Edward Island and other points in I the Marltlmes this summer. Walter S. Thompson, C.B.E director of public' relations for Canadian National Railways and 1 Tr?ri3TCanadian Air Lines, reo- i esented H J Sjnunton, C-M P. 1 i TONIGHT... Also Vei- yrt- I K.C., president of T.CJV., and Air Vice-Marshal A. 'T uowiey, director of -plr seryes, Ue'part-inent of TBO53' Ptlw' vep rcfitt4. Hciu P. a "owe. minister of reconstruction and iupp.ly. 4t the luncheon. Mr. Thompson outlined the progress of Traits-Canada Air pines since Its Inception 10 years ago. 'The. Boston-MailtinUi service," he said, "was tho fulfillment of a long cherished hope on the part cf the air line and as well as addhig another bpwl between Oana.da and the p.nltifcv State? provided through its company's traiiMtlantlc services, anoUief w-kl In the slrtiatluii of the International Vom-monwealth qf Nations." The Canadian party left Hall-fax on Saturday morning, '3ml arrived in, Boston in time for !u.nhpon. In the evening, they attended 'the play-cff. hockey same between the Boston Bruins and tli Montreal Canadleps as gi)est,s of floverpor Bradford. The party lfift Bjstqn Sunday aftemopn pn the homeward leg of their flight over the new T.C.A. route. The seventh International service to be operated by (he company. Classified Advertising Pays! K. J. Fletcher G. K. Comstock Principals at Rotary international district convention to be held In Seattle May 4 to 7. Fletcher Is district governor. Ccnutock is general chairman cf the conference. JOHN FISHER gVts another of his unusual Won't in the en'i of programt "This is Canadd" Frintd by Ik mllU FURlTy FLOUR PURITY bS. THE NEED ARISES... Here are six hanking services that .everyone needs at one time or another. Tjiey are available at any branch of The Uoyal Bank of Canada. We cordially inyjte yon to use tlieni. ."SO Trafllrai C'lieqafH Before ypn go away, change, jouc fpare cab. int9 Iravellrra (Leiiura at our nearest branch.. Pro. tect yourelf again.! fi,t tlirough tlirfl or careleMnes. SavlnUM Accuunla Cash in the bank givri you confiJenre, helps you in social and bunuieas con-tacts, prepares you for opportunities aa they come along. We welcome your account. 1 1 1 I Saiekppln Victory ItomU anil olbec-valuable dorunienta can le left for aafekeeiu at auy of our braiubrarat oi ibid aervu it low. Ninie Lraiuliea .till bave Sad; I )e ioiii t, lioxea. Current Accounts fq nel to carry, large sums of caab in youjr pocket. Paying by cheque sa vet time and bother.. Your, cancelled cheques, are per-, manent recutda of bills paid. I .:. j l Money Order A Bale, iiinlf way to aeml money by mail anywhere in pinaJa,- l'.S.t or Great HriU'n- Uojal It 4 u Ij. Miuey ()riler r? avail-, able at all branrbra. 1'crsunal Loana ...with, tepaytnont by conveniegt instalments, availably at all branches. Endorser not necessarily rerpiired 4ml, th cost is negligible. 1. I .J Tifre; are many more teayt in, tcfcicJ (be Royal Ifank can seneyuii, Lri'eyly de;ri!e,l ir or Catalogue of Uatllng Service! avoitabUf nj, al branch. Ask for o copy THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA f RINCE RUPERT BRANCH A. FATEN, Mongcer ANNOUNCING tSlou I ni; TacI C. a 11. ww a tin iivi nm... -- lJ Southeastern Alaske VIA ivi.y. ouu I nt ASTFPKi Service Commencing April 7tl " A)proxlmaltly FOR INFORMATION, PHONE On WRlTp ACI.KV G, Ht Stanbridge phone mi.-rq, 1 General Contractor We do basements, reshincling. build f BiuevaiKs, remodel your kitchm Demolish Qf move buildings. t ba J 1 n rau 1 (1 II AKANTt) CALL BLUR 610 and wo .u;ill give an estimate . . - in' p. n HMYAY SEKVICE Now Open for Servicing, Light Repairs and Vulcanizing BELLAMY & TWKKU 404 McBride Transmission BELTING 1 Inch to 10 inch JW.fi.M'.J.!!.. NORTHERN ! u()l)K Of) (Over Wallace f - for Kibles, EastttCinbl IMMEDIATE DELIVERY FROM WAREHO'-fj PRINCE RUPERT 3UPPUY HO I'llONE C32 .MAN II FACT (! K C it'S AG ENT r.O.tl JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's mid front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LIU AGENTS FOR SLATF.lt SIIOKS 824 THIRD AVENUE Next Comaiodo JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John (ijfer Ltd. fhlrd AyenM WAK ASSITS (j St-rcfiied Kiimp. sacked Mine Run Bulk HYDETRAN PIIONK 5 It Won't BelongSS an 1 t,rucH operators, will have to have dependable free service from' their equipment. rttf come n,J J,J Suaaent you We e OUgget--.tUt n2.ps.sarv repairs NOW. 1 Drevent costlv tle-uns later on. PH'I .w,.. uniiV KH'Alll uvii air-vninivnu nun .i;vi' nut W'l are well equipped and fully staffed to carry nr 1 promptly and efficiently, All Work Guaranteed - Estln Bob Parker tillc l'hon. Kt roRpANiiii''cl,l',:J,5.iJ Hollywoo dCaf PRINCK RUPERT S NEWEST AND ' up-to-pate. restaur; j at ninnpr K verv Sunday 0 v- CHINESE rilSnESASPE PROP SfTV.V CIIU" 71a TiiliKft f x.