w " ma M .M Nil !',fi . ill fell If!! II ii :r.; ii i 1 ii I ! ii I'M ii II I ! ,11 I i! i'f V I! ! If I I ! lii I Ii I I; I princt faiupett Daily Monday, June 2. 19T (AutfcorMM M Second CM UDOK OP OMUOUN imM CANADIAN MULT An dependent daily uid jru ooaununtttes 4 BUBWimON 10 rectos MM Office Dapkrtment. OtUws) Bunaar dt Ruoert. British Columbia. PtRRY. Mtnttng Director. AOPIT BUREAU OP CIRCUIT hum MtWSPAFEft ASSOCIATION1 RATJB ?B7 Cite Carrier, per week. Me: 5 By Mall. Per MeAth. JTAL SHIPPING VENTURE on the theory that the port of Prince FOUNDED Rupert, the terminus of the Canadian National . JtMjhvays, is the natural gateway to adjacent PGuftestern if not all aC western Alaska, a new and vital'snipping venture is being inaugurated here today witk the presence of the Briggs Steamship Co.'s rr.otorship Southeastern and Phillip G. Briggs, enterprising shipping man and head of the company. I)u9 to unforeseen circumstances, the vessel is considerably later in getting here than had been at first anticipated but, on this her maiden voyage, she is tniitled to and receives our hearty best wishes for manv prosperous voyages. Congratulations are ateo extended to her 6wner. Mr. Briggs has staked heavily and deeply on this undertaking ami, since it means so much in establishing Prince Rupert's strategic position from a practical utilization standpoint in relation to Alaska, we are all keenly inter- . 3 ill . I 1-1 4- f 1 may wcu ue wut iw traffic route from the united btates to me pinjify inportant territory which aspires to aod. Already active steps are being taken to to the upbuilding of Prince Bupert ana central amaa uoa Per Mont. 65c; Per Tear, $7.00; 40c; Per Year. M 00. ii,:. 4-tn s(nt(!ni nni'nf una is uut iiiu bi.ii j'uim. SAILS SKATE COVERS develop the supply line by the diversion of business fSNMfctahe Middle East through here instead of through remote Seattle with its already high and rising shipping rates to Alaska and its "hidden" port charges. It is a bold and far-seeing venture on the part of Mr. Briggs. There is not a great deal possibly that the people of Prince Rupert can do but he may be assured that he has our blessing, our ready willingness to co-operate wherever and whenever possible and our hearty best wishes that his ventiire shall prosper completely and soon. SAFETY OF HIGHWAY IT MAY OR MAY NOT have been that had better ! safeguards existed along the Prince Rupert Highway where it skirts, as it does for many miles; the precipitous bank of the Skeena River, the week-end tragedy near Salvus might have been averted. Certainly, in any case, the affair does focus attention on the danger which exists at many points on the road, alongside the Skeena and elsewhere, '' and-xtfhfch might, iue to any number of unexpected factors, result in such tragedy. We talk a great deal about permanently improving this highway. One of the most important and urgent improvements is to make it safe from which it is .Jar from being today. The danger will increase as the traffic becomes heavier. HATCH COVERS EDHONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Fhie BLUE 12fi 160 Eat Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) CHEST SURVEY UNIT ARRIVES With the arrival here Sunday evening of the provincial health department mobile chest x-ray survey unit which Is touring central B.C., Prince Rupert citizens during the next two weeks will have a chance to assure themselves that they are free from tuberculosis or to obtain early treatment if the condition exist. The free x-ray service began today and will conUnue until June 17 by which time, it is hoped, all adult and 'teen-age residents of the city will have received x-rays. The van, which is in charge of Miss D. N. Dinsmore and Miss M. C. Stafford, x-ray technicians, surveyed students at Booth Memorial High School today. Tuesday morning the van will be at Cow Bay and Tuesday afternoon at Seal Cove. On Wednesday morning it will move to the lane at the rear of the federal building, where It will remain until June 16. Prince Rupert Kinsmen Club has undertaken responsibility for canvassing the business district to remind downtown workers to submit to the survey, while the Women's Co-ordinating Council is canvassing the residential areas. The van, driven by L. W Swain, arrived here from Terrace after a six-and-a half hour , . l a L- M(l,nnc, Af TaIV 1 uritc, V. ml ltu iiiiauapo. m icifc- wa on Friday, the van slipped from the road, but was moving again after an hour when two passing truck drivers gave assistance. MORE PRICES BEING RAISED OTTAWA New, controlled price Increases on a small list of j commodities including soap and cotton will result from a further reduction of import subsidies, the Prices Board announced Sunday night. There will be a realignment of the domestic price structure of fabrics and yarns. The price of fine shirts is expected to eventually rise about 25 cents. Working clothes will probably remain unaffected. The price of toilet soap will increase about one cent a bar, laundry soap two cents a bar and giant size packages of soap flakes about ten cents. RAISE FOR TEACHERS WATERLOO, Ont. Oi A straight $200 increase effective Sept. 1 for the entire Waterloo public school teaching staff was approved by Waterloo public 'school board. After advertising in the DAILY NEWS an Interior farmer writes as follows: "I can honestly say that a DAILY NEWS want ad sure brings quick results. Your circulation must he widespread as I am selling my chicks far up into the Interior. Would you please run another ad." jBHHVPRpJltvw J'sftlftftBftftftftftB RECONSTRUCTING GERMAN BRIDGES It is two years since Germany capitulated, when almost all Installations necessary for a civilized life were destroyed, and It will be many more years before they are rebuilt. Of greatest improtance Is the recon-strucUon of the bridges over the River Main, so that food and products can have easy access to the cities, and the populace Instead of ferrying to work, can easily walk across the bridges. Many of them are being rebuilt with the aid of the occupation forces. Some Just replaced by temporary means. The "Elserne Steg," a foot bridge over the Main at Frankfurt, was recenUy rebuilt. In the above" photos on top Is the way the bridge looked after the Allied bombers got through with it while below, the bridge now rebuilt, is inaugurated by the first group to cross it. In the lead, holding his hat, Is the mayor of Frankfurt, Walter Kolb. TUG RESCUES PLEASURE BOAT Rainbow I Pulled Off Beach By Glendevon Outward bound, ihe-powertul C.N.R.V. tug, pievdexon. Jok time out to render first aid to the cabin cruisar Rainbow I on Sunday. The 'Rainbow, skippered by E. A. Evans, and carrying a group cf sun worshippers, was erasing along close inshore when she ran on a reef opposite Frederick Point. The Glendevcn. under Captain (Patterson, was nbout parallel to (the Rainbaw when the mishap ; occurred. The tug quickly came I about and. with lead lne swing SECTION Yot" in e every DAILY NEWS7 d every an daV- ing, stood in toward the In a matter of minutes, a dinahy bearing two of the Glen-devon's crew was oloneslde the grounded boat and had a tow-line secured to the l;cw Fortunately the tld was still rising when the Ralrtbaw jot caught so she remained an a lair!? even keel and came off the reef with cut any apparent damage. When the cameras on both bsats stooped clicking and thanks had been expressed to tht rereue crew, the RalRbow headed for Invtrnera Passare while the Glendevon continued on her way to Esquimau. BRYN-YR-ORNM, Carmarthen, Wales. Ji Alexander Bow-en, 20, committed suicide by shooting himself, a coroner's J Jury found He was ourled In the "arden of his cottage. Math Justness -:l every home J T SALESMAN IS A CLASSIFIED AD GARDEN LARCENY! OF LOWEST FORM A slash and grab operator committed a low form of petty lerce-ny on the Bcrden Street property of Dr. J. D. Oalbralth last Thursday nl?hi. This spring .Mm. Oalbralth dll!rfntly worked up a plot, of ; ground along the front of their 'lot and planted tullo bulbs. A few days ago the plants came out in ful' toloom, a sourre of civic pride to the owner and a little patch of welcome color to the narsers-by. Friday morning the tulip b'ocms were gone Seventeen slender stems Lad been flashed leaving only the stubby stocks and the green haves. STEADY EMPLOYMENT (continued rrom page 1) In return that employees will give a fair day's work for a fair day's pay." Mr Tobin was critical of the attitude of governmental authorities In continuing, nearly two years from V-J Day, forms of ! taxation which originated in wartime conditions. If persisted in, he said this would result eventually In defeating the efforts of manufacturers-to produce in quanUUes at a price that would enable Canadian goods to be sold in foreign markets, or, alernatively, to be sold at a price in domestic markets which the general public can afford to pay. "The principle of imposing various forms of income taxes on the earnings of a company, Uien of following through and imposing them again on dividends in the hands of that company's shareholders, is economi cally unsound," he declared. "If insisted on, It will eventually de feat the purpose for which it was Intended. How can capital be found for new enterprises or for expansion of old industries if there be practically nothing left of earnings in the hands of the many shareholders from whom venture capital Is expected to be obtained?" PRIVATE COMPANY IS VITAL IN BUSINESS Referring to private companies he said that for many generations Canadian families have built up their owa businesses which have been handed down from father to son. "'How are such businesses to continue and. Incidentally, to 1 produce an annual revenue, by J way Df Income tax to the gov ernment if, eventually, as the result of one or two deaths, their very livelihood, the capital on which their operation depend, disappears In the payment of succession duties?" he queried. Mr. Tobln made a strong plea for those returned servicemen, who, because of their age, were finding It difficult to obtain employment. "It Is asserted," he said, "that employers are reluctant to hire men who ate too old to bring along in their organizations. As a result, deserving veterans In many cases with adequate training for a position, are passed over and left unemployed. Your help. In, th; circumstances, Is prirlotle duty." NEW ROYAl HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 781 P.O. Box IBB war Assirrs coal Per Tod Screened Lump, sacked ... $12 Mine Run Bulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 581 FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 218 4th St, Box 045 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Business and Ho J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 15a 124 4th Ave.-Easi PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S ' BEAUTY. SHOP Permanent Waring, Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 106 4th Street : Phone 6S5 HANDYMAN , , HOME SERVIGE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all klnts Roofs, Chimneys and OH Burners PHONES: Uiren 486 Red By 4 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNINO REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Oreen 391 PAINTING and PAPER! IANGING Phone Black 823 H. ,L LUND SMITH fc'ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.C Box 274 If It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Sering the Fkheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. r a w l lit !!. I L-ariJjr, i.aurii.iit, vtcigmug I BLUE 992 liaHKIlHMlMMlllltflllllllllllllMlllllllllll rrom x N BLUE SKIES "ALL BY MYSELF" sammy t.r "BLUE .SKIES- uinun oa-. riirinv Goodman Record C-828; Count Ba: "tt Johnny Long Record zjo; J-erry -HOW DEEP IS THE OCF.AN" Die Hay:nr -viilT KI1V COMING BACK LIKE A SOMi Dinah Shore -Record 8014; Dennis Day R McuMvs. Ormes Phone IlEU 5C1 BOTTLE rni,'. r a w-. PHOXr. t . Agent t"'Pi;r'fi o. ... GW'RGELl Public A: -Manual, Income Tlx p.,.- Besntr Black O U V HERTS TRAV AND MESSES Lumber Frczht . Pr,. rnone Bute - .! Night CaUi-G;,. Prlnct Rope PRINCE RUPERT) A R. LOC Wedding Bcutraeu rrompi aren..oii --. Kaxtf-rn ar.ri WkiV. Magazine Sixth Street N () It T II E R S I BOOK RO) Father's Day Car mutual! opto mm mv VI II w - i Vrrt JhA Pioneer Drxq3i3ts PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS nri nrv AT J I )H PHONE 81 Dailv Delivery Service nmtnn VvrNVfnn t TT V fYI 0 11.111. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 7 p.m. till 9 pm. "" ROYAL CAFf (Mrs. C. C. Swanson) SPECIALir-INO IN Fit I El) CHICKF.S AN" Third Avenue WORK ING M EN'S GOOD HOME COOKIN0 7 a.m. recondition your home . UAL.U , W LL II II II tmmm m. . rn I I l tin. ri IX i I J I I L K