m vr I i WHAT'S "JACK, "THE CAT," MeLAUGHLIN, world's champion wrestler - of Vancouver, and passibly of South Africa, who hopes also to -r- become .world's champion of piuar-u&e piiysique nas muvtea a wjae swauie in Vancouver;' wrestling circles, and now "The Cat" will transfer his venue to Prince Rupert for a one night stand at the Civic Centre on February 7. when he will meet Gil Pearson, also of Vancouver. The professional card will be sponsored by the Civic Centre. " Both McLaughlin and Pearson are light heavyweights, tipping the beam at 185 pounds. Ladies "B" Watts & Nickerson and Reveriuers Have Clean Sweep Victories Watts & Nickerson and Rev-enuers each claimed three vic-caries in last night's ladies "B' league bowling. The Clothiers ' - defeated Peoples Store and Rev- enuers blanked Doekctttes. Higfc Individual score for the three games was taHied by Audrey Wrathall of Watte &' Nlckwson . 1 who ran up 541. Highest Individual tingle game score was ' bowled by M. Postuk of Whirl- winds, with 225. - Games scores: Watts & Nickerson 3, Peoplei Store 0. Revenuers 3, Dockefctes 0. ; Bankers 2, Whirhvlnds 1. ,. Atlin 2, Prices Board 1. ,., Khatadas 2, Co-op 1. UtEVENUERS : R. Andrea ?sen .... 203 1G5 121 ' G. Stangebye 163 123 188 "K. Reid 154 185 175 ' R. Ramsay 171 148 133 Z"'J. Heintz 94 193 246 i i IHandrcap 34 34 34 Totals 819 S53 837 DOCKETTES K. Magner 93 134 131 R. Montgomery 81 97 123 G. Hallgrtmson 116 133 187 irR. Chflstinson . 169 122 CO -r: E. Anderson ICG 232 206 fj'' -Handicap 93 93 93 -Totals 655 816 811 PEOPLES STORE C. Bellamy 177 148 185 E. ClaTk 211 175 97 J. Ramsay 135 127 154 S. Ram-say 128 144 153 C. Bradley 137 94 116 Handicap 39 39 39 Totals 825 727 744 SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 ERASER STREET Prince Rupert DOING in Prince Rupert. icLaughtln's Bowl S cores WATTS & NICKERSON V. Wrathall 155 184 120 E. Noble. 144 139 151 A. Wrathall 189 143 209 E. Moxley 131 158 103 A. Pierce 154 178 152 Handicap 57 57 57 Totals 830 854 792 BANKERS M. Aeton 101 138 'l25 J. Ihorntori 202 134 196 B. Uslofc .., 187 110 149 M. Amadio 116 134 103 B. Laird ........; 89 ,101 101 Handicap 112 112 112 Totals i 807 ;29 786 WHIRLWINDS B. Co walll 128 105 142 A. DflMaete 137 98 128 j M. Portuk 225 160 145 E. Morse 162 144 178 E. MenneJl 147 67 86 Handicap 72 72 72 Totals 921 C46 r?51 W. P. T. B. 'A. Holkestad 135 148 185 P. Block 77 110 125 B. MeCtoesney 155 113 140 M. Johnson 103 .143 135 Handicap 100 100 1 00 Total 570 614 685 ATLIN G. McNeil - 193 103 121 F. Cramer 170 117 215 L. Schroder 104 166 173 J. Uellson 172 151 103 Handicap 86 86 86 Totals' '. 725 623 698 KHATADAS V. Turcotte 136 84 179 M. McRae 147 83 98 B. Payne 141 110 153 A. Grimble 128 113 127 H. Watrin 88 131 142 Handicap .: 108 108 108 Totals 748 634 807 Co-ops S, Johnson 53 117 82 B. Rudderham .... - 91 214 152 J. Bellts 71 71 47 M. Shrubsall 122 160 98 D. Simonson 138 172 152 Handicap 103 103 103 Totals t 578 837 634 PUB IS "DROWNED" PETTIOO, Northern Ireland, C Part of a public house In this border village between Donegal and Fermanagh fell into Termor River during flood 1 WORLD BOXING IS IRREGULAR Vancouver Taper Intimates Unannounced. Switches of Tijhters in Kinj VANCOUVER K The Vancouver News-Herald said yesterday that a second case had been unc vered of a boxer being substituted in the ring here without announcement to the fight far.s The newspaper added that the asands of dollars were being a : red in local boxing and intimated that Mayor G. G. Mc-Geer's recent announcement that he would eek to change the personnel of the Vancouver Athletic Commission was part of his olan to stamp out gambling. Wrestler Gil Pearson gazes pensively at his opponent Jack The Cat" McLaughlin whom he will meet in a flailing tangle of arms and lejs at the Civic Centre in a professional wrestlirj c?rd on February 7. SCHEDULE FOR LADIES' BOWLS Ladie's A" Bowling League schedule is announced as fol- 'February 4 Orange vs. Bis Siaters, Ideal Cleaners vs. Miller Bay, Moose vs. Savoy, Annettes vs. Variety Lucky Strikes vs. Toilers. February 11 Ideal Cleaners vs. Savoy, Moose vs. Variety, Annettes vs. Toilers, Luckies vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. Miller Bay. February 18 Moose vs. Toilers, Annettes vs. Lucky Strikes, Ideal Cleaners vs. Variety, Orange vs. Savoy. Miller Bay vs. Bis Sisters. February 25 Annettes vs. Biz Bisters, Savoy vs. Miller Bav. Oranse vs. Variety, Ideal Clean ers vs. Toilers, Moose vs. Lucky a'.riKes. March 4 Savoy vs. Biz Sisters. Orange vs. Toilers. Ideal Clean ers vs. Lucky Strikes. Moose, -va. Annettes, Variety vs. Miller Bay. March 11 Orange vs. Lucky StviSc-s, Id-sal Cleaners vs. An-nettes. Moose vs. Miller Bay, Toilers vs. Big Sisters, Variety vs. Savoy. March 18 Ideal Cleaners vs. Moose, Lucky Strikes vs. Miller Pay, Toilers vs. Savoy. Varietv Vs. Big Sisters, Orange vs. An nettes. . March 25 Annettes vs. Miller Bay, Ideal Cleaners vs. Big Sis ters, Toilers vs.. Variety, Orange vs. Moose, Lucky Strikes- vs. Savoy. April 1 -Lucky Strikes vs. Variety. Toilers vs. Miller Bay. Orrnge vs. Ideal.Cleaners, Moose vs. Big Sisters, Annettes vs. Savoy. For clean, comfortable, good-looking shaves use MINORA BLADES Canada's favourite in quality and low price 4 for 10 12 for 25c THREE TEAMS TIED IN "A" LEAGUE BOWLS With 33 wins and 18 losses each, Annettes, Savoy and Variety Store are tie'd Tor first place in the ladies "A" bowling league as the winter schedule nears its .two-third mark. The Jinal third of th? schedule will begin on February 4. and continue through tiriil April 1. Holding second place in the league are Big Sisters, wlfh-82 wins and 19 losses. Miller Bay " in the cellar, having won 14 aames and lost 57. 1 shgrt'sport Prima Camera, gargantuan j Italian heavyweight boxer, made hs Jtorlh Amtrican detbut at New "York 17 years ago tonigh; w.ih a one-round knockout over Big Boy Peterson. Piimo won tlr world's ehampionship in 1933 and lost It a year later. He recently returned to the epertin? limelight, this ttme as a wrestler Joe Louis blasted John Henry Lewis inlo submission In less than three minutes eight years ago to successfully defend his j heavyweight championship for the fifth time, Louis won by a technical knockout in the first round of this . first all-Negro heavyweight thampionship bout in United States history New Artificial Hand Makes Writing Easy LONDON U An artificial hand with which a disabled person can write easily and clearly has been developed In Britain. It has a jointed thumb worked by shoulder actlon"wbich presses against -the tips of the fir4 two fingers. The ministry of pensions' limb-llttlng centre in London, responsible for this new artificial hand, is not yet satisfied, rtowever. It now is trying to devise a still mere serviceable mechanism which will enable all the fingers in the hand to move. Reasonable refrcslmien! is llic SPORT Petersburg is Coming Crark Southeastern Alaska I basketball Team to Play i Local Team litre I One of Southeastern Al- a ska's crack senior basketball i earns, reiersDurg All tsiars, is comuij; to Prince Kupert for a series f mantes Tiere January 31 and Pebruary 1, it vas armauni-ed today. Arrangements Milt be made at oiire to elect their local opponents. Proceeds will be applied to as-s 1-ting- the local High School I loop team to go to New Westminster for the foitbcomin: provincial playdowns. RED WINGS Bl Chicago Sinks More 'Ileeply Inlo National Hockey I.eaue Basement DETROIT, Datroit Red Wings played all around the la.iS-sutfering Chicago Black Hawks last nfrjht and won by an 8 to 2 score in the only scheduled National Hockey League game. The result did not change the standing of the clutra, the Black Hawks remaining firmly ensconced in the basement with the Red Win-js seven, points above them in fifth place. In the week-end games th? schedule is as follows: Saturday Boston at Mont- I real. New York at Toronto. Sunday Toronto at Clikago, Detroit at Boston. The league standings to date: W D L F A Pts. Toronto 24 5 9 129 91 53 Montreal .21 5 11 120 80 47 Boston 14 8 15 103 106 38 New York 15 5 19 108 115 .35 Detroit 12 7 20 116 134 31 Chicago 11 2 23 102 152 24 LARGEST OIL PRODUCER Venezuela is the second largest oil producing country in the world. If II -N the Iiighlaml. of L . traeller y10 has journeyed more than twenty-five miles to arouc the innkeeper at any hour' of th day or night and demand "reaoon-aMe refreshment". Nowadays, mine host may ask yon to sign the visitor' hook if you arrive after closing time, hut he will still make you welcome. If perchance you visit the Qld Country some day you vill find a simple hospitality inherited through the ages and as much a part of tradition as the hirthplarc of Rohhlc Burns or the changing of the guard heforc Buckingham Palace. W. & rA. (illltEY, LIMITED ffittff CjfftW: co,tl finpfantl, JiSGanatta.- v Vac rno. a TEEN TOWNERS TO BUY POOL One of the Antral articles of the Teen Toom in .the Civic Centre is ihe pool X&ble 'Which .also has turned out to he one of the mcst popular. Now ihe Teen Towners, in whose care it is, are planning to ;ralse funds to purchase a new surface cloth io replace the present one. Dr-iislon -to undertake his project was made at the weekly meeting -of the Teen Town Council last night. The council appointed John Currie chairman of a ways and means committee to finance the purchase of a new cloth to replace the present one which Is getting worn. 'Plnns'for the projecled Satur- ' day morning nmsecy. which is bring undertaken bv the Teen Town girls, were di.cuiscd, and it wns decided to hold another meU-ne at the High School on , Mcnday. It was decided that a ' fiU"ht charge be made to cover operating expenses. The age limit for the children which will be looked after Iras not yet been set. The council approved the Idea of holding a weekly dance in the Civic Centre on Friday nlghts.1 Efforts will be made to get the approval of the Civic Centre authorities for the Friday night dartre's so that they would not interfere with Saturday night basketball games. The meeting also discussed, the new constitution and heard a financial report on the formal Teen Town dance at Christmas. Mayor Reg Lavigne was chairman. NAVY ICE PLANTS LONDON, O-iGlant steam Jet refrigerating plants -will be Installed In arrcraft carriers under construction for the Royal Navy, enabling messes low dewn In the ships and other vital compartments to be air-conditioned. The largest type of plant to be Installed can produce nine tons of lpe per hour. traveller's right Scotlaml, it u tlw right of any .141(11' A" Jtowlingll League Standbies W li P Annettes 33 . 18 '33 Savoy 33 18 22 Variety Store 33 48 :33 Big Sisters 32 19 '82 Ideal .Cleaners 24 27 24 liucky Strikes 25 26 25 Moose 23 28 23 Orange 20 21 20 Tollers 18 33 18 Miller Bay 14 37 14 SCHEDULE FOR LADIES "B" BOWLS January 30 Dockettes vs. Peoples, Watts & Nickeraop vs. Bankers; WP.TJ3. vs. Co-op; Atlin vs. Khatada.; Whirlwinds .vs. Revenuers. You saw It. in The News! 5C7JEDIJ i 4. Januarv School, Co-ono,. CnnnHU , 5 .'""'H Janua-v ia . People'3 Store Wati, c, I , 'wruary .. -Hi,,, reDruarv 4 Br, Lcr.lon A GREAT CHANCE FOR A FINE COAT A, erne EXCHANGE BLOCK We Serve Vou Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL KF.I ISItANI) KV.V.V CHOICEST VEGETAItLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GKOGT1CIES I) ELI GATES SEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West January ct OVERCOAT and TOP coatJ 20 Off Look At These Nam! vi.ltav ui:avi;u svJ ISAAC CAKE IWc3t c) Z.. i HAI.MOKAL IllCnul TWIIhS Importei : Tllino Al A COS1PLETI CANVAS GOODS 5B1 WE CAN MAKE Kt PAIR pi PUCE ALL CANVAS TOTl P II ONE BLTti EDMONDSO Awning & Sail VI 1C0 East Third Al (Next to McMeetl CENTRAL Weekly and lion! for -your conreniffl NEWLY DECOEil Transient Kl CAFE In Connect LICENSED PS'1 (Renovatd) PHONE Hi Bob Parker Li mild FORD AND MONARCH SALES AN" SVKI "The Home of Friendly Service" WE CARRY THE LARGEST AND MO COMPLETE STOCK OF Gl FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORY IN NORTHERN RC Out-of-Town Orders Given Prompt Attfl1'11 PHONE 8.1 PRINCE : Until You Get a New Cti it. . . ...1 r.emtl v-nt guuu rare 01 your present c- today means a higher resale price torn SEE US FOR REGULAR SKlWJJ We are staffed and equipped to handle a" . and repair work on all makes of vehicles- P"V TERRACE MACHINE SHOP ANH5 GENERAL MOTORS DEALER