est Harnessing - Severn River ,t A delegation led by ueiiwk i and leader of the Party' tarr S ' rfflnet mJnl9t to inquiry to determine ,harneing the water in preaches of the Severn hli solve mm Trter BWnweH. Health I and Agriculture . -rm Williams said they conld the P'an' ney ' SALE Lemoages silver set glassware and mis- ss dishes, etc. 315 4th East (21) atn init 1 1 1. ...... , t none it tn.-t Ai shape Phone Black between G:30 and 7:30 (21) eALE Six room house on lAve near McBride; 3 bed r.s, dining room and living ira: two lots; $2500. ISTRONO AGENCIES, te'342 ( 23) lAIHlllman sedan, 1937. IP one spare tire. 100G EAtt East (20) AL& New and used furni- ana hardware at the low- possible prices. New drink-glasses 10c, Electric hot , Fancy mirrors $2, Billy bicycles, Aluminum pots 1 60c Mattresses all cotton i $16.50. Used articles: i 45c Kltcnen sets $12.50, I couches $7, 3 Piece ches-'Id. $49.50, wool blank-Sheets 95c, Single beds springs like new $12. All m of useful articles. Come look them over, B. C. friture Co. Black 324. (tf) IALE- play pen, good con-In. 910 Alfred fit. lint I SALE- Electric fireplace Imitation log type. Green Sl'ltPLUS VESSELS AND MKSF.L ENGINES 1LE THEY LAST! piON Mining Companies, f rmen. Resorts. Freighters, U S. surplus landing 36'xiov Ramp In bow al-loading of automobile. Iht etc Weight 8 ton. ped by 225 H.P. General Drs Orav RP-M. Fast, 10 knots. B'mvreable, exceptionally prthy Automatic gyro Pass Strongly built, sides, Nd and armour plate. PHI dOUblp nlnnlrnrl nnrl ,'.M..kl (Will bark. Vessels very little some brand new. or. PAt'l All AHA I u(UW our price - , tliUU.UII. ENGINES kav nor r i.. . n.r. mun sneea 1 dliririAC T1 1-. a ,N r net J i , .. ocuita oy me nave HA to 1 rednrUnn I disc clutch, electric start-; very economical, selling 1 fraction of regular worth. ' "au.uu. other surplus s and equipment available, us your needswe will 'full details. Prices quoted Vancnuvot. nn -,. i P- Dealers enquiries in- P- ACt nOW Wrltp nr newspaper. Box 199. (25) UTION SIIOKTARK Nown's L!mlto,l v, . , ncic was 3 0r shortnim i . nd butter ration n &dflrm tested that nZl0 might have were told that Montgomery thinks river control measures would have these results: Provision of sufficient water to supply Montgomeryshire, Radnorshire, Shropshire and part of the Midlands; Increased hydo-elec-trlc power, particularly for rural electrification; elimination of flooding which now handicaps agriculture. Indian Agent P. E. Anfield Is sailing tomorrow night on the Camosun for a trip to the Ocean Falls district on official bus! ness. Classified Advertising - - Jm, ... WOrd Pi Insertion, minimum charge, 60c. Birth Notices, Card? Ul n Annniinpfmonla' 9 IXWEMOKIAM In loving memory of . onH fntlipr r- till n m q s p rt Si ril''c" "" "- januarv 24, 1945. Ever mhrrcd ov iiazei, uerry, alio U. , . jOK SALE nc inn mniiion PO.1L. j 6 A5 Hoom 21 Mclntyic (21) lis .innnny ssnacK jsar. . n iy n ff ai R n m New 4-lubl! 121) Phlicn Phone . (21) ME Pr uellor. ML hand. 17 oorcd l3u" standard lit: never been uwkI. :c 840 (20 ii k nn l i r iteti wru ..." and mattress. Ail :zi -tsndiUon, Apply .350 .ii PU-i- downstairs. (21 1 le -BinEie sieei Dea. jy Slumber King spring bull' in spring mattress. Phon:- Black 396. (21) FOU JtKN-J FOR RENT Two kitchens and two bedrooms and furniture.1 33C 0th Ave. W. (21) FOR RENT Heated office space. Apply O. P. Tinker Si Co. Ltd , Phone 57.- (tf) FOU RENT Store on 3rd Ave. Good location, good for any kind of luflne8 exeept restaurant. Apply B.C. Clothiers. (28) HELP WANTED WAlXTEP Women for flllethig: hed, work starting Immedi-; ately, union wages. Apply In person to superintendent. Can adian Fish & Cold Storage Co. LV1. Seat Cove. tf WANTED FOUND 1 FOUND Umbrella, owner jnay have same by calling at 3o4 Sherbrooke and paying cost of this advertisement. (20) LOST LOST Tuesday afternoon, gold earring with three green stones. Phone Green 288, (It) TiMiir.ic s.ii.r: x4o:m SEALED TENDERS will be received by the Dlatrlct Forester at Prince Hupert, B.C., not later than noon on the 10th clay of February. 1947, for the purchase of Licence X40703, to cut 81400 feet of Spruce. Hemlock and Cedar sawlogs. on an area situated In the vicinity of Copper Flay, Moresby Island, QC.I. Two (2) yrars will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. DC, or the District Forester. Prince Rupert, B.C., or Ranger Scott. Queen Charlotte Islands. TiMiikit sai.i: xioiin Scaled tenders will be received by the Minister of lands and Foiwsiji at Victoria. U.C., not later than 11 t in. on the 7th day of January, 1947, for the purchase of Licence X40043. to cut 10.000.000 feet of Spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Balsam on Surveyed Timber Sale X1910, situated tin North Bentlek Arm. Range 3, Const Land District. Four (4) yeurs will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester, rrlncc Rupert, B.C. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NOEL LAVERDIERE, DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour W. E. Fisher, made on the 17th day of January, A.D. 1047, I was appointed 'Administrator with Will annexed of the estate of Noel Laverdlerc, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of March, A.D. 1947, and all parties indebted to the estate are iwniirpri to nnv the amount of their , Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this ' OiirH rinv nf .Innuarv. A.D. 1947. OEOROE H. HALLETT, Official Administrator, Atlln, BC, SINGER Sewing machines for rent by the week or month PHONE 864 Singer Sewing Machine Co. 639 3rd Ave. West The Experts t Say ... I By KAY REX Canadian Prew Staff Writer SHORTENING As far as 1947 Is concerned lit looks as If Canadian housewives will 'continue tlwir trek from store to store, hepins to find a stray pound of shortening. International trade In fats and oils this year is estimated at approximately 50 percent of requirements and since Canada depends largely on 1m-porits for. edible fats and oils we can expect continued shortages for some time. Under the term "shortening," the Food and Drugs Act of Can- .... -.i - i i i iiuw memoes .DULLer, iarn or lard compound, or a combina tion cf ather edible vegetable or animal -fats or edible oils." Home economists say too many persons use the word "shortening" Jn too narrow a way. The economists think of lard', or home rendered and clarified fat. from pork, beef, veal, chicken or ever, browned drippings, as possible shortenings. Rendered fat from pork, beef, venl or poultry may be used for baking or pan frying. Jn -roasting meats or puultry. the excess fat should be poured eff during cooking, leaving only sufficient fat In the pan for baiting and later for gravy. In this".. way the lat Is not darkened as much as it would be if lclt In the nan for the full I WANTED-Will buv Brunswick time. Such dripping ' rp-nrr1 wnrrU llmKorf limits nmhr nnmhr nlH nllf W iJC usl" in vejf- flatlc dlshcs and for l)an frV" or Purple Label, and cata- ldgues, 1928 or later. Search your old record cabinet, bxse-ment or attic. Phone serial numbers to 3C9 or write "Records," co P.O. Box 519. (201 WORK WANTED WORK WANTED Young woman with 4-month-old daughter desires housekeeping position with couple. Live In. Write Mrs. A. Scrlvcn, Smith-ers. DC. (21) r ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. 622 Fraser Street. (32) ROOM AND BOARD At reasonable rates. Apply Box 185. Dally .News. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. ' (tf) lug. SPICED COOKIES Looking for something new with which to fill the cookie-jar? Here is a recipe for spiced drop cookies which has been tested by home economists. Ingredients: One-third cup clarified smoked or fresh pork fat (or other shortening); Vi cup brown sugar; 2 cup honey; 1 egg, well beaiten; ',i cup thick unsweetened applesauce; t tea-tpoon baking soda; Vi teaspoon baking powder; two cups pastry flour (or ls4 cups all-purpose flour); "j teaspoon cinnamon; i tpa-snnon nutmeff! Va teamoon salt; 1 cup chopped raisins (optional). Cream fat and. sugar thoroughly. Add honey, mixing well. Add egg and beat well. Add ap-plasauce In .which soda has been dlnolved. Sift together the dry Ingredients and add with the raisins to the creamed mixture. Drop by teaspoonful on a greased baking-sheet. Bake in a hot even for 20 minutes. The quantity makes between five and six dozen. YUM-YUMS - Yum-yums are as good as their name. Mix together 1V cups flour. Va cup butter, 2 tablespoons brown sugar. Mix and pack in a square pan. Then mix Hi cups brown sugar, one cup rolled coconut, one cup of nuts, two eggs well beaten, pinch of salt, one teaspoon vanilla. Spread on top of first mixture and bake In a wodearte oven. F. S. 'Hamlin of Torquay, England, who has been visiting his brother, Geoff Hamlin of Terrace, sailed on the Prince Rupert last night fcr Vancouver. Classified Advertising Pays! FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholstering - Slip Covers Drape's Car and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 974 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre SHOWS WOUNDS AT TRIAL OF NAZI DOCTORS One of four Polish women who came voluntatily to Nuremberg to act as witnesses at the trial of 23 Nazi doctors accused of experimenting on human 'guinea pigs" is Jadquida Dzido, a former member of the Polish underground. Here, at the Palace of Justice. Nuremberg, Germany, her woun,ds are explained to the military tribunal by Dr. Alerandcr.-Jadquida. was ' operated" on In 1942. coaaaaaaaaaaaoaanooaaaao Whiff lets From The Waterfront C.G.S. lighthouse tender Al-bernl, Capt. Joseph Peterson, went lm)o dry dock Wednesday for annual overran! ana repairs and will be out of service for the next six weeks. She will be finished in readiness for the summer program .of work in con nection with aids to navigation in this area. The smaller . tender Birnle, Capt. Norman MacKay, carries on. There were 100 passengers on board the steamer Primess Norah which was In port yesterday morning northbound to Skagway. Three of them disembarked here. The Princess Norah will be here again next Monday afternoon -southbound, Union steamer Camosun, Capt. i Alex McLennan, arrived in port on time at 3 o'clock this afternoon from Vancouver and Ocean Falls and will sail at midnight for Ketchikan. The Camosun has a cargo of 107 tons of freight for here to discharge before leaving for the north. Len Hitchens of the War As sets staff sailed last night on the Prince Rupert on a "trip to Vancouver. Advertise In the Dally News. I'KjMi NEW LOW PRICES IJUbl.ll 1C 24 table 79c 100 79' GENUINE ASPIRIN MARKED THIS WAV Geo. For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE cuor at Port Edward, B.C. SUEY CHOW 7:00 jun. to 11:00 p.m. 3 J. Dawes The Auctioneer Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Goods Sold On commission Household Sales Conducted at Your Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre Bldg.) PHONES: Pin Blue 145 Res. Red 127 Ask for George MEIN New Clinic Assures Seamen Health Plan VANCOUVER (P - From now on, V;ui."juver marinu-,s will go to sea in better health. The ' ueep-Bea snipowners' Associa-tion has establislied a new seamen's clinic, providing frea ex- amination and medical advice for all deep-sea mariners signing on here. Under present regulations seamen may obtain free medical treatment only when they are registered as crew members of a ship. Shipowners hope oveiall health plan for mariners I ?t soa and ashore Timely TERRACE Topics Garth Griffiths, superintendent of power districts for the British Columbia Power Commission, was In Terrace Wew-nerday and Thursday. Mr. Grif fiths at one time taught cchool here. At a meeting cf jjhe Catholic Women's League held Wednes day evening at the home of Mrs Harvey Dall, a presentation was made to Mrs. Tom Julseth who arrived recently from Holland Weather continues mild with rather heavy showers of rain Snow Is disappearing rapidly. Village Names New Councillors i KITEFGUKLA New village officers for the year were elected during a recent visit here by i Jnmos Coleman, inspector of Indian agencies. The new council consists of the following Oluef Councillor Sam Wesley. Councillors E d w a r d Wesley and Jacob Milton. Assistant Councillors D avid Wesley, Arthur McDames. Secretary Moses Jones. Constables J o s e p h Wright, Wilfred Wegct. LEAVE VILLAGE TO CUT ICE SKEENA CROSSING Six boys from this village left recently to cut ice at Smithers, Pacific, Endako, McBride and Prince George. They are Godfrey Wes ley, Abel Shanoos, Magnus Tur ner, Horace Brown, Cecil Wright the present clinic can be more ! and Gordon Howard closely related with their new. examination clinic to provide an IN CENTRAL AMERICA Nicaragua is the largest of the Central American republics. feu vvTKaeWi COMMENCING JANUARY 17 Box 1308 HOVIS BREAD Every Tuesday and Friday RUPERT BAKERY LTD. Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL IiURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. CONSUMERS WILL BE .MADE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and the supply situation Is not so good. You are advised to keep your orders .well in advance to give us the best possible chance to keep you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS dilme Rupert Dnflg rectos .Frldayi January 24, 1947 The Quality Tea SALADA ORANGE PEKOE Exemplifying Ihe Values Skirts Jumpers DRESSES GLOVES PURSES COATS SUITS HATS National Junior Chamber of Commerce Week ' JANUARY I." - t!2. Co? BUY AMD SAVE ON OUR BUDOET PLAN S : - cm I VALENTINE tn9 Cards U Make this a COUTTS Valentine Day i "difficult" skins YOUNC, need f necial care. Stub "'7 BEAUTY TREATMENT for TEEN-AGE SKIN 7C y. iff born blackheads coarse and oily rkin speciu cleansing ckeam conditions arc easily kept under control UjU. WH - - . v . . this Richard iludnut way ... a simple, 3-te DuBarry Beauty Treatment with llic famous Special Cleansing Preparation that cleanses, softens and stimulates. McCUf CHEON , lrlAKlViA I SPECIAL CUANSIN6 l PREPARATION M.2S WW m Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M- TO 6 AJH. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE PISHES A SPECIALTY WE CAT.EK TO PAJR'riES CHOP SUEY CHOW JUEIN FOR OUTSIDF ORDERS PDONE 133 735 THIRD AVENUE WEST v m "ft