Prince Rupert SDaflp J3ctoj Monday, April 7, 1947 Classified Advertising Classifieds: 2c per word por Insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notices, 50c; Curds ol Thanks. Death Notices. " Funeral Notices, Mnrrlaee and Engagement Announcements : ?2. FOK SALE FOR SALE Two Easthope 4 h.p. motors. Can beeen 855 Comox evenings. (82) FOR 'SALE Cream enamel kitchen range with wick burner. Apply Dally News off ice. (86) FOR SALE--Resort ite on Lake Yakelse. Price consistent , with assessed . valuation. Write Frances Pee, 147 Linden Avenue, Wiknette, Illinois. tl04) FOR SALE Dahlia Tubers, 25c at 308 7th Ave. West. (84) FOR SALE 4 -room house. 964 Cth Ave East. Phone Blue 23C. (80) FOR SALE Cheap. Approx. 600J ft. b.m. shiplap and common lumber. Widths 6", 8" and 10". With plates and studs all free of nails. Dry, seasoned, double dressed. Keg of salvaged nails free. First $150 takes it. Box 213 Dally News. (81) FOR EALE-RjOJ. sired White Leghorn Pullets.. Bred to lay. Shipping April 12 at six weeks. '48c each. Add 10c per week thereafter. Sufficient cocker ais free. Terms cash F.O.B. Kit-wanga. M. Rcwe, Kitwanaga, B.C. (84) TOR SALE-33 fgt. trolling .boat "Beveriy R." 90 h.p. high epeed. Everything complete. Can be .seen at McLean's Floats 482) FOR SALE Troller "Cobb," 35 ft. May be seen at Armour Salvage dock. FOR SALEfjThree Sisters Cafe, fully equipped, doing good business. Bona fide offers only. Arqly T. Moran on premises. 87) POR SALE 32 foot cruiser.,Ar)f, ply boat "JJ3." Fishermen's Floats. ;81) FOR SALE Hotpolnt annex with copper coll. Phone Black 120.! ( 80) I FOR SALE 30 -ft. troller, completely equipped. At Imperial Oil dock. Phone Black 511. (tf; FOR SALE 1932 Chevrolet coupe, serial No. 570915. $330. Heater and spare tire. Administration bids.. Wartime Housing. Hays Cove Circle. (tf ) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used 5 Piece Kitchen Set $14. Radio, good player. $17-50. Beds and Springs like new $12. Hassocks $2. Pails 50c. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Ranges for Wood and Coal. New Scatter Rugs Lo,vely designs from $1.65. All kinds of other useful articles. Come and look them over. B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. (tf) THREE Room House Combination living room-dining room, bedrocm, kitchen with built-in sink unit, AND, Four room House with rental income, 2 lots, garden and jreenhouse. Price $3,000. THREE Room Cottage on 8th -Ave. West. Reasonable.,For Inspection inquire ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. 80) FOR SALE 1 imall McClary Le-roy coal stove, $20; kitchen table, 2 chairs, $3; l .double bed, ribbon steel spring. $18.50. . rnone Blue 785. 4791 i ROOM AND BOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from home. Men preferable. C22 Fraser Street. 86) PERSONAL DRESSMAKING, Alterations and repairs. Phone Blue 273 after 020 pm. (tf) MIDDLE AGED WOMAN will look after children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) LOST AND FOUND LOST Child's tricycle between 6th Ave. and 7th Ave. East. Monday. Finder please phone 744. (tf) MACHINERY TO SAW better lumber more economically, use the modern and up-to-date type National portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) Classified Adveryslns pays HELP WANTED IfELP WAITED Experienced stenographer. Box 219, Daily News. i.84 1 HELP WANTED-Stenographer, imust toe able to take short-band. Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. To work on permanent cr part time basis. Apply Box 38, Prince Rupert. ' (80) FOU KENT FOR REisT 3 rooms. 253 11th Street 81i FOR KENT Large furnished housekeeping room, private entrance, 5th Ave. West. Apply Suite l.lHelgerson Block. (84) FOR RENTJ Furnished bedroom. 604 Thompson St. Phone Black 993. (84) FOR RENT Suite at Vernon .Apts. Blue 815. '. (tf) FOR RENT Comfortable room 427 5th Ave. East. Phone Blue 867. (80) FOR RENT Room with kitchen privilege. 221 5th Ave. East (82) FOR RENT 3 -room suite. 1023 2nd Ave. Blue 270. (82) ANYBODY'S SEA The phrase "high seas" is a term denoting all the sea which Is not under the sovereignty of nnv state. Social (Contributions to this Moose Whist and : ! Dance Enjoyed Winners at the weekly Moose! j whist party held in the Moose Temple Saturday nigrtt were ! Mrs. M. Ratchford and Mrs. J. ' F. Feasfcy, ladles' prize, and C. m. LeClalre and J. Mostal, men's !' William Terry, entertainment committee chairman, directed Doings section will be welcomed) xne wnist anve. uancmg, wun.the Indian race definitely is music by Roberts' orchestra, be- through education," Indian gan at 10 o'clock with William ! Acent r. E. Anfield told thV Ro Weiss as master of ceremonies During the intermission, refreshments were served and the whist prizes distributed. Committee members in chargs were Williarn Terry. J Ratchford, Percy Bond, Malcolm Blair, Jo seph Long and Everett Morrow. SPEAKS BEFORE P.-T.A. MEETING A talk on the social aspects of education by Inspector of Schools E. E. Hyndman highlighted the monthly meeting ci Conrad. Street School Parent- Teachers Association Wednes day night. Mr. Hyndman stressed that the basis of education is training young people in responsible living. During the bus iness meeting, the executive reported that there had been splendid program during the previous term In P.-T.A. activities. The evening ended with lunch served by the social PROBLEM OF EDUCATION "Hie matter of day and residential schools pos:s "one or the bluest urcblems fa slug the joint parliamentary committee which Is investigating Indian affairs because the salvation of tary Club at luncheon Thursday. Ev'remcly low attendance record; at Indian schurir attest the indifference in which education i.? held and fault for this malnl llcs h older le who fear that, given an educa tion, the younger generation will lose its traditional . veneration for ancient eustors. "The alder people are not in-twentcd in education and often block the opportunities of the yauas peopJe to get it," he asserted. The Indians are claiming the rlht to receive old jige pension's because they have been hurrtanfiri with ninnu rvf v,n rac ! ponsKbilltJes. of the wWte man chirin? the war. They believe ! that thev honld have the same rigtat to racial security, sine? 4hey wec ceireeripted, f arced to j pay taxes and made subject to selective service regulations. "Of the 3.000 Indians In the Skena Agency, there are 125 CONVENTION 5 T SOUGHT HERE Canadian Lesion Women's Auxiliary Extends Invitation Prince Rupert Women's Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will seek to have the 1948 con- i vention of that organization held' j In this city, according to a decision made at the regular monthly meeting of the local ! auxiliary Thursday night. The meeting moved that an lnvita-i tlon be sent to the provincial 1 command inviting them to name , Prince Rupert as the site of next : year's convention. This year's convention, which is to be held at Vernon In May, i will be attended by Mrs. J. S. Black, local auxiliary president, who will act as official dele-' gate from Prince Rupert. The auxiliary laid plans for a clothing drive in which garments will be sent to the flooded areas of England. Mrs. W. Roth-well and Mrs. Frank Ellison will be In charge of the canvass. A report on the current cancer drive was read by Mrs. Dan Parent, who sought co-operation of other members in a house-to- who are more than 65 years of age. Last year, these people received $6,000 In welfare and reliof, which amounts to $48 per capita, a very low figure," h said. Mr. Aniield was thanked for his address by Club President L. W. Kergin. Guests at the meeting were H. -F. Carter of Seattle, and Roi Jirrtge. J. E. Bsddle was welcomed as a new member to the club. house canvass. Several ladies submitted their names. A donation was ordered sent jto rthe Cancer Fund and tto (the Canadian Red Cross by the organization. 1 Groundwork for the forthcom-t ;ng Legion W .A. bazaar-was laid. A highlight of the bazaar will'be the sale of work which will fea ture work by a former C.W.A.C memDer, proceeds of which will be used for herself and -baby. Mrs. 'Hugh Killin consented tq replace Mrs. J. McOrclsh on 'the sick visiting committee fontthq east end of the city. HEALTH UNIT GIVES REPORT ThP mnnthlu ronnrt tf tlin Prince Rupert Health Unit for1 March states that there ore a few cases of mumps In the city and that there has been on outbreak of "rather severe" measles' with complications among the native children at Port Edwrad. Health unit nurses have .been busy with special attention .being given to school and child welfare clinics. Reference is made to the an-v nual meeting of the Union: Board of Health, which resulted In Alderman A. S. Nlckerson being elected chairman. Sanitarian A. Boas .reported that Inspections of a number of city buildings revealed .satisfactory conditions and that considerable Improvements .have been made in the care of the, Pioneers' Home in the last few, weeks. Reports on visits to Terrace and Hazelton were made by the nursing and medical staffs. i t 71 71 r FORTY CENTS AN . JfkA 1 fcJ, V ' ' . HOUR FOR SITTING ) i 'ftfM Ls Bl Ok. a HKv nrra POP-I'M IN . WITH A BABM VSTn ' M ' DIlklPSl THEMONEV ) (FINE) WHILE THE LlmX ? -H- , 'KB I IfIllil I Gcrr a joa w S- ' parents go VxJr t - 1 l i v- f5i atm-r rs . Am ) ' j , t : ( tcAKT fWJ& W ITS NINE OCLOCK.) y ''""" ( I'LL WAIT UP FOR i , rmu iJ-LrT , 7 is-aL Y I I I 1 I e J 1.. X. 1 I LJ DS A MAN good) x tzi y ( DAGWOOR ITS TT I was k I ) I - 13 TO GO TO BED EARLY T v T TEN OtLOCK AND A QMb C SOUND i ' ' n ONCE IN AWHILE r-&ffir I ALEXANDER'S NOT VafC (ASLEEP 1 BlPfy I POP SAID I M WAS THE VI j : AA I " I .WaTOf '-kkjM r COULD HAVE) TgiBAByASL2EPT . A.LUMk rr, i mEl&i ?rMlLIAtE FlCp' (S&T MH I ALL THE PAYfra; "wTT OR WILL J . a Kiolr T7Tgis j J copr. 194? aata SynJinlc, Int.. VPofM rlpVn f SMART lines TELL 'HIE STORY IN OUR1 FLAWLESS vCoats .and Suits Having Fish for DinnJ RUPERT BRAND" Will mill taste and quality to your mcj For variety try our Smoked Jilack Cod, Salmon and KipptJ Sole, Cod and Salmon l illets Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAN CANADIAN FISH & COLD STOR Company Limited PHONES 11C and 117 don't leave ordering t Courtesy and Service BRll COLlI Yes, the worst is i but it is no time o your coal bin run I Yn Rft speediest pos ' livery of your faTorite lj brands of roal 'rorn o& ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD, FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIAL We Serve You Nothing Dut the Best . . . Sl'IXIAL KI21) lilt AND UKFF CHOICEST VKOCTAIU-KS AND FUUITS COAIPLETE MNE OF , GUOCEKIES , DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Itoast Chicken Meat l'ics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 711 I'KASEK STKEET Phone Black 823 Jl'ST IRE UONVLmev, r I n I1IJIIIII I u N O I NIECES' NOCAUUVINGCHA fS ll"- l CHILDREI BOOKS! A large 6hipmtnt j-i includlns reading tt cutouts- in a wcr.dei.'J tlon ai;o taLut i metal and plastij at I'lionc Knl 400 P.O. ll Geo J. Dawi Sales Eycry,u Ooods Sold On Djjl "r HOLD GOODS PACKED AND i stim3tMCivfu AUCTION (Oppoile One Ce