i I ... rfnrc Hupcrt Daflp Tuesday, May 20, 1947 Btos m (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published everv afternoon rxceDt Sunanv bv Prince Eupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd u. a. tiuy itM, Managing Kaitor. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS - CANADIAN. DAILY UEWSPAPER. ASSOCIATION Yn Independent dally newspaper devoted to the. upbuilding of Prince Rupert uu an uuuwuuiuo compiuupg SUBSCRIPTION RATES B7 City Carrier, per weelc, 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per Tear. 17.00; By Mall, Per Month,. 40c; Per Tear, $4.00. The Neiv Industry THE GREAT cellulose mill project for Prince Rupert is moving along according to schedule. Heads and experts of the Celanese Corporation .'of America are here to fit the designing and plans ; into the site at Port Edward so that the final ar i rangements for the starting of construction may be executed without delay. That the actual construction will start within two months time is the gratifying announcement that is now made. It is all very cheering and adds to the optimism and enthusiasm that was inspired lbcally when the original announcement of the project was made some two months ago. Thxise who interviewed Mr. Schneider and his associates following their arrival in the city yes terday afternoon found them quite as enthusiastic and keen as are the people of Prince Rupert themselves. Those who. had the opportunity of following 5 their activities today saw that they mean business arid are losing no time about it. Each expert with ; -the party has his particular job to do, all, of which win us co-ui uiiiaitju inio xxie magniiiceni inausiriaj development about which the whole country is stalking. But while Prince Rupert may well feel happy . over it all, there are certain obligations too that we must assume. First and foremost, it is of the utmost importance that Prince Rupert should have the best of connections with the mill site if the city is to enjoy the full advantage of having it located nearby. That brings up the question of highway and the celanese company officials are not backward in saying that the existing road is certainly not good enough and nothing short .of a well-engineered and routed hard-surfaced highway will donot only without but within the city iimits, So there is something to work upon. Assurance has evidently been received, according to company officials themselves, that the province is prepared to do its part, The city will have also to give immediate attention tq.its section. The advent of the new permanent industry also f ocusses attention upon the necessity of adequate housing, educational and hospital facilities. These are matters that Prince Rupert; itself will have to look ;;fter. We have long hoped for the entry of industry on a large scale. Now it has come. We will have to meet it and that without delay. l-THE LUXURY OF ERROR SUE JUST MET an unusual man, He seemed ob-YY sessed with the importance of doing things just right He gets his hair cut on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month,, pays his bills promptly when rendered, takes. one drink and no more, cleans his teeth twice a day and sees his dentist twice a yeaiv He keeps a, box of sharpened pencils in his desk and owns two fountain, pens, one of them always filled. His date-book reminds him a day in advance of his wedding anniversary and his children's birthdays. He plans even his fishing trips, checking the meteorological bureau for weather, the red-hook calendar to see whether the fish will be biting and ithe solunar table to make sure he troes out at the w. right time of dav. Asked why he bothered so about details, his re-f"ply was he hated to have worries, Some day this summer when, he has forgotten j his regular haircut and perhaps overlooked an an niversary, maybe somebody will pour him a second drink and take him i ishing-without checking the red-hook calendar and the solunar table. He will probably catch the first fish, the largest fish and the most fish. More important, he will have learned something entirely new to him-the luxury of error, V- v.v THIS AND THAT "Watch me drive him crazy, Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. H. a. fesry. Managing Director. AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS norinern ana central tfriusn uoiumoia. These are all flying fish!" LETTERBOX JIAINES CUT-OFF Editor; Daily Nbw3: Re yoiir editorial, May ID on Haines Cut-Off and the minis terial reply (Mirch, 11) of the Dominion Government to Mr. Archibald, and our representa tive, in his -efforts' m asking the povcrnment their attitude on the Haines Cut-Off. I quote Han sard: "ALASKA HIGHWAY ''Inquiry Respecting Haines Cutoff "Hon. Brooke Claxton (Minis ter of National Defence): Last Thursday the hon. member for Skeena (Mr. Archibald) asked me a question as to a letter said to have been written by General Eisenhower, regarding the clos ing of the Haines cut-off fiom the Alasfca highway. At that time thought the hon. member's question was primarily with regard to General Eisenhower's letter and I said that I had not seen this and did not know what it said but that as the road had never been completed It was not going to be closed in the ordin ary sense, un rnauy, tne non. ; .to what was meant by this, i "The Haines cut-off, as it is called, is a road 145 miles long, running from the Alaska highway through sections of the Yukon, the province' of British Columbia and Alaska to Haines on an inlet from the sea. The Haines cut-off waq under, construction, by the United States government during the war and it was never completed in that several portions are not gravelled and certain bridges are of temporary construction only. In dry weather In summer time there: has been no difficulty in travelling the road with any ordinary vehicle, and as far as the Canadipn government is concerned the road has not been closed, Over part at the road thq snowfall Js heavy and the loca tion of the road rjiakes jt very dlfficult.to clear the snow. Steps are not now1 being taken to complete or maintain the road," Unquote. It looks like the road 1$ left to nature. JACK SCOTT. WINDOW GARDENING Editor, Dally, News: You.'Il be interested to learn' that your editorial of April 15, urging Prince Rupert's citizens to gardening Interest (was timely indeed'. Ere the Dally'News had come off the press, njy garden con sisting of- three window boxes had been planted-a perfect demonstration of mental tele pathy I averred, (As J gently pushed a precious fat fishworm back,lnto the earthobvloulv it felt hemmed in. Yet it ought not to; have Its ;beln.g only a fragment, of what it was, before started digging). I regretted .being unable to at tend. Prince Rupert Horticultural Association's annual general meeting, which, ypu earnestly ,urged. prince Ruperfs citizens to dp but what wth my garden planted I was kept busy making tiie fishworm? feel at home. So determined were' thej, to get places chiefly down to earth, Which woulfl have been suicidal featuring a drop of approxi mately 50 feet. I'm glad I didn't change my mind about a flower garden and plant a . vegetable garden Instead. Which .1 might have done, had it. not- been that I considered flowers mofe economicalr-espe- ciaUy the nasturtiums which are sp apReti2r.B.. However you'll never know yv; povyer of resjst-anqe' necessary far" me, when I sj(d na to the planting of onion seeds,, : Though, I .don't bfl)eve a rose by any other name would smell as sweet in, my, opinion an onion by an other name, could only smell as sweet if It looked like one. Hence, jt Was, partly my lack of confidence that kept me from planting vegetables; I simply fcquldn.'t visualize my, growing an MILL STARTING (Continued from Page 1) that housing and labor were readily available here. He hoped that that would be found to be the case. It was most im portant that reasonable housing would be forthcoming. Several hundred houses would be required. Educational and hospital fa cilities were also matters of con ¬ cern wnicn were emphasized upon the Chamber of Commerce representatives. IMPORTANCE OF HIGHWAY Importance, was also stressed upon the highway connection be tween Prince Rupert and Port Edward. The existing road was anything but saUsfactory and what was hoped for was complete rerouting and hard surfacing not only on the section for which the provincial government was responsible but also within the city limits. Already, it was revealed, the provincial, government had intimated adequate patching up would be carried out this year with hard sur- facing next year. The Chamber of Commerce representatives, telling of representations which had already been made along this line, promised that they would be followed up. It was agreed that Prince Rupert would not wish to be iso- MAYOR'S FUND CLOSES TODAY The Mayor's fund to aid those who lost their effects In the Clapp and, Shortridge block fires three weeks ago. closed tqday after receiving contributions totalling $817, accdrdlng to Cjty Clerk H. D. Thaln, one of the trustees of the fund. Disbursements from the fund to date total $700, leaving $1J7 still to be distributed among the fire victims. Latest donations acknowledged are $10- from the Women's Canadian Club, $25 from Cambral Chapter," I.O.D.E.. and $13 from collection boxes throughout the business district 25 YEARS AGO May 20, 1J122 Business men and union fishermen of Ketehrkah inferred with Alaskan delegate Dan Sutherland with a ylew to get ting legislation passed that would move the fresh l'lsh busi ness from Prince Rupert to Alas kan pprts. They guaranteed tq l provide adequate boat fasllitie,? , to transship the fish through Prince Rupert If. the legislation were passed. Announcement was made that 300 Masonic delegates would ar- t rive in the city early 1ft .Tune for a convocation ol thp Grand : Lodje of British Columbia which : was to be held in Princo Rupert j 'me Prince Rupert Yacht Club completed extensive work on Its decking and, float facilities which provided senarate stalls for vessels moored there onion to look like one. But having learned from ex perience, that I can grow flowers 'my garden hassiou erupted and 'c four Inches, high) I'm so haRpy that (in spite of earth-rpattered windowpanes when it rains) I didn't sow graes sted and have lawns for mowing Is such a chore! GARDENING INTERESTED. P.S. My flower garden cannot possibly escapt the eye of some cameraman in a TC.A. plan, for which I'm delighted. But I'm so worried lest it not be photogenic! Johnny's Snack Bar (Under New Management) NOW OPEN AT 7:30 TO SERVE BREAKFAST Coffee Waffles Lunches "A Pleasure to Serve You" Prince Rupert Realty Company 212 FOURTH STREET P. II. LINZEY fFOR SALE APARTMENT ROOMING HOUSE-Close In Comprising: 2 2-room Suites. 4 3-room Suites. 1 6-room Suite, and 7 separate bedrooms (furnished). GROSS REVENUE $4,000.00 YEARLY PRICE $12,000.00 In. view of Prince Rupert's pending Industrial expansion we consider this a sound Investment. ' (9) IN TWO MONTHS lated from the great project because of a poor road. The complete, personnel of the party, which was early on the job today heading out to Port Edward and Prudhomme Lake to get its work under way, consists of the following: George Schneider of New York, vice-president of the Celanese Corporation of America. Samuel B. Roberts, chief engineer. C. H. Klotz, who will be project engineer here. G. W. Seymour of New York, assistant research director. Who Minds Jfcr rus Eg k OCCKTIIItO TKAOt.MAKK rostwrn EARLY NEWS IS WELCOME Local news items, to ensure publication, should be tn the office by 10 ajn. Contributors are asked to bear this In mind. Items of social and personal Interest are always welcome. mm W M il I I I I Three sailings Per Yfetk for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 pjn-Coquitlam. Fridays, 12;00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS - May 7 and 19, June 1 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prln' Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 568 : General R. S. Baker of Montreal, tech nlcal staff. A. T. Hurter of Stadler & Hur Iter, Montreal, designing engin eers. P. C. Underhlll, consultant en glneer, Vancouver. D. G. Stenstrom, Vancouver, west coast representative. All but Mr. Underhlll will leave Thursday night on their, return to Vancouver. Mr. Underhlll will remain here In connecUon with the surveying of the water supply line from Prudhomme Lake to Port Edward. Mr. Klotz will 'be back here soon to organize construction of which he will be In direct charge a liftk Noise ? NOT Sir. Brown! Ami it' not that liii children are angel! Hut since lie took to drinking Post um, life in the Brown household has hcen ninth fiinjilcr. That's because Postuiu contains no cafTein to disturh hi iifrvc9 no other drug that might ailect the heart or upset digestion. And Postum ha Mich grand, heart-wanning flavor-not like tea, not like rolTc-c, just a delirious goodness all its own. You make Pontiim in.tnntly, right in the cup, jutt hy adding hot milk or hailing water ... at a cost of less than a cent a serving. Try Pout urn. P0STUM A tnivO el Cnal Pood, Steamer Service from PKINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursdr.y at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnleht (All Times Pacific Standard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP WILL REOPEN ON OR BEFORE JUNE 1 IN THE PREMISES AT 330 SECOND AVENUE AT PRESENT OCCUPIED B V PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY CO. Contractor Ve do basements, reshingling, build fences, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings., 10 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED and we will give an estimate. P.O. BOX 654 PRINCK RUPBTW CALL BLUE 610 Business and ft J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 150 124 4th Ave, Easi PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture In all Its branches. 206 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE QENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds rtoofs, Chimneys and Oil Burnerj PHONES: Uiren 488 Red894 PAINTING and PAPERIIANOINO Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 PC Box 274 If It's Rock Work- CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Seiving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Welching BLUE 980 Train Schedule For the Eau Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 pn. From the Las I Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday 1 V enjoyment . . CALL THE EXPERTS AT RUPERT RADIO AND ELECT Ormes Hi 3fu Pioneer IJruqgUU PRESCK1ITION CHEMISTS The REXALL ST01 PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service store hours DAILY from 9 a.m. till SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon tlDJ 7 pjn. UIJ 9 pm. A REOPENING OF ROYAL CAFB (Mrs. C. C. Swanson) SPECIALIZING IN FUIKI) CHICKEN A WOHKINGMLN S MEALS Third Avenue D NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75q up SO Rooms, Hot and' Cold water PRINCE RUPERT, B O, Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M IT'S SPRING Time to rep recondition yourorrie BUILDERS AND CONTIMCTO Repairs Construction - Phone RED 5C1 and. MESS Buy ALL T? in. the " R Aeentfn.B..,.. GEORGE M.euuniam r Bner Block , P H, Kllborn BERT'S TR AMD MESS Lumber . rini Freight . raons rs- Nieht Call Prince Ra PRINCE AR Q WVUUUI uesigni pot Bulbs . 1 rrwvm iromct attpntim, i Box 516, Phone TT Eastern and W- 6UBSCRIPTim Sixth street ue&i in Sacred n n .1 riiUmm A'l. . : 1 .NORTHERS DUU1 I (Over Walkff K PROMPT ad ffl olxumbuopiicI Radio Sed at its best . If jour radio fails to brinj I clearly; If distorted or static) Pi COOKING I GOOO HOME 7 a.m. M 1 ... 1 1VAK ASSETS I Screened Lu1P, sacked . . Mine Run "lk HYDE TRAN" PHONE V