Prime Bjipttt jftetos Tuesday, May, 20, 1947. Radio. Dial CClin 1 r IV 1240 Kilocycle! (Subject to change) TUESDAY P;M; .4:00 Giselle. La, nech'e 4:15 Stock. Quotations. ... 4:30 Let's Play 4:45 Palniec: Axxows,. Wpg. 5:00 Melodies, Hor Juniors, ' 5:30-Stfing, Stylings: 6:00 Suppec Serenade 6:15 Dinah, Shore 6:30 Tammy Dorsey's, Orch. 6:50 Fish; Arrivals and Ink 7;00CBCS News 7.:15 CBC News Roundup. 7,: 30 Leicester Square; to.i Old Eroadway,- 8:00-Atomic Energy, Wps. 8 :30 Record: Album, 0 : 00 Pian Recital; . WPS. 9 : 15 Palestine-Today. 9:30 Design, for, Listening NBC 10:00. CBC: News, 10:10 B. C. News 10: 1-5 Hawaiian; Hospitality 10:20 Golden Gate Theatre NBC al;00 Weather and Sign Off WEDNESDAY A.M. 7;30 Musical ClocK 8:00 CBC News .8:15 Morning. Concert 8:30 Music for Moderns. 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Little Concert Q;45 Earning Melodies. Bt59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit .10:l6 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup. Time 'ipjiScandinavian, Melodiei U: 0ft Keyboard and Console 1J;15 Songs of. Today 11:30 Weather Forecast ll,:31-'MBssage. Period U:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening PM. 12:00 B: C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC Nows -12:45 Ethel and Albert, Is 00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Music Styled, for, Strings i':4-Ccmmen'tary and Summer Holiday 2:00 Feature Concert 2:30 Song.v to Remember, 2; 45 Messer's Islanders 3; 00 Cowboy Troubador. Cal. Steamship Sailings For TanrtniTfr ;, v., Tuesdny-ss Coquitlamv fc30. 5. 'P-mv TV, llrcrlnv n. m-t n , - J ' ; 11 OR !.. pun, '""Trlday ss: Catala., 10;p.m, Saturday ss. Camosuh, 9:15 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss CoqulUam, pm, Monday-,ss Princess Adelaide, p.m. Wednesday ss, Prince Rupert 10:00 am, Monday ss. Princess, Adelaide 10 p.m. FrJdayss. Campsun,. 3 pjn. Friday ss Catala,: pan. FILMS Superman Press. Ejlms. Developing, Printing,. Enlarg ing, portraits,, passports,; and. ' Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th, St. Box 645 PRINCE, RUPERT,, B.C. If :your building, house or fur-riltu e were lost through fire, would your present ' INSURANCE cover replacement of you.r possessions?' .Dq you realise that present day costs of material and fur ' niture are up- fifty, percent?: Consult your Insurance advisors now! H.G.HELGERSON LIMITED 216 Sixth Street CENTRAL HOIK Weekly and Monthly Rales, for your convenience ., . NEWLY; DECORATED Transient Roaaia CAFE : hi Cbnnectipn Licensed premises (Renovated), FHONI fl PQSH OFF-FACE PASTEL TOPPER Millinery. Swings, to Side- p Widths, As. Choice to. Winter. Face-framers By DENISE DALTROFF Canadian. Press Siarr Writer LONDON Butain s spring and summer hat fashion's still favor off-the-face- styles, but the new models emphasize the three-quarter angle or have exager-ated side width. ' Milliners began by concentrating on this off-the-face vogue for the younger generation, but now have given the crown or brim a forward movement which softens the line and makes these styles easier to wear by those who are slightly older. More pastel-shaded felts now are reaching the milliners, and seemingly have the effect of decreasing the- amount of floral and ribbon trimmings used on a-hafc. The Millinery Information Centre claims that hats are more elegant and wearable this season than, at. any time since before the war. Stone, is, onQ' of the most favored, spring colors with applo green, star, dust (a pale silvery yellow),, pine pink, and crystal grey following closely. Plain black has. lost some-of its popularity but Is used in combination with stone or green. Purple with cyclamen and fuchsia with pale blue ar other Interesting color combinations. SIDE WIDTH ACCENTED The vogue 'for- accentuated side width has been cropping up for several stasons, and now seems to be dn full swing. This east-to-west movement Is used on hats with biggish brjms which frame the face in an. oval silhouette, quite distinct from the round silhouette of the big berets, tarns and face-framing styles of the winter. The influence of the Chinese coolie hats is still seen. One of the basic styles created for older women has a small crown and downward sloping coolie-brim while the. shape for the bright young things is brimless with an under-crown which has a slop ing pointed top. Straw hats tend to be styled on these Chinese lines, and conir binations of straw and felt are very popular particularly when a dark felt is combined with- a straw in gold or some other rich color. Feather 4jads and. mounts are favorite trimmings for straw hats. Then there is the stocking cap which has won great favor amongst the younger generation. It fits snugly on the head and conforms to the, sideway angle with its long flowing end which is usually brought over the shoulder, to the front and is finished with, a tassle or a pom. CHELMSFORD, Eng., Farm fires in Essex stnee Easter have caused S1.000.00Q. worth of dam-, age. Social (Contribution to this FLIES FROM NORWAY FOR HER WEDDING A Norwegian, girl; whoarrived in, Canada. y plane a h. dWttcWSSoAd a to- ago became a bride at a quiet ceremony in the parsonage of St. Paul's Lutheran. Church Monday evening,, when Miss Ada , Ruth Andreassen. of. Oslo, Nor way,, was, joined in marriage to Erllng NJcolalsen, of, Wales Island, cannery,, by, Rev, A. O. Aasen. witnesses to tnc ceremony were Lally Husey, and. Mrs. A. O. Aasen, Mr. and, Mrs.; Nlcolaisen. will make- their, home for, the summer at Wales Island cannery, where Mr. Nicolalsen lsv net boss. The bride arrived' In Vancouver a, few days, ago after, a 6,000-milo flight from her homeland. XO EXTRA QIMFFLN'G, BRANDON,, Man., O) In com mon with other, Manitoba taverns, Brandon's- hote'.kef 'pers , are opening, their, beec parlors on.the pre-war times 10 a.m. to 10, vm, Surprisingly, enough they say there has, been, no; appreci able increase In. business; 1 rJlr- Doings ' T 1 I I I, WHAT ) NO!S; yfjf... W5- oU E JUST 11 Al 19 IP1 -N A'IL CENTS r -jTAKEITr'S Kjnvra Sifcg CONT BE A CHUMP T KmctjJ 1 ,11 f7 P I CAN. SAV VQU , gj ( HERBERTS RK3HT Y ' ( A STOK?E WHERE YOU CAM GET A "ZSss! FIFTEEN CENTS BVjfsS. V "A PENNY , "n;,i him ui wv sv-iMi ,!,! THAT SAME HAMKAER FOR rCi Ti 1 -2 tU WALKING, A FEW JfsW M f SAVED IS A 1, section will be welcomed) KHATADA CLUB'S HAPPY HOEPOWN Between, forty and fifty young couRles,, garbed in carefree costumes, mainly, bluo Jeans, and plaid shirts, assembled at the Valhalla, Hall on Friday, night 1r-f ii'liora tVtn frlrls nf tht down. Bobby, Woods' "Esquires" provided several' hours of Jive music for everybody's enjoyment. The Khatadas brought and serv ed hearty refreshments at mid night, which kept everybody on I their- feet until the small hours. PHONE LINES IN. REVERSE Should publli utilities suceed in finding a hero to hackhouse-'vivfs' clotheslines from telephone poles, R. Bush wonders If the same man will separate telephone lines from clothes line supports. i Of course Mr. Bush Isn't worrying- about the f'rress and strain on his clothesline pest he's Just wondering. Classified Advertising Pays! BLACKHEADS Don't iqwtn bUckhwull dlo) tkem. Get two ounrta of proxln powjtr from ant J .. ...... BnJ annl , n 1 1 V with Wf t. hot I cloth over blkhd. They dlMoIr ni dlawM' by thu uf iinmU , wthoJ. . t jij l. I .1 I I I L- H J J "C WE WANT C (QjfiA I'M SO SORRY-- I ? PLEASE LET ME GO H ? ( NOTHING DOING" ) ) ' QNEOFVOUR ) W?V U HAVENT ANOTHER) SQ I BACK AND BUY THAT & f rS-I KNOW SOME iC TWENTY-FIVE J -f ONE LEFT 1-, FORTY-CENT HAMMER ) ' ' r OTHER' PLACES- If, y x'N.'W .J" - . HUH' C. A MRS. TRUMAN ' FEELS BETTER GRANDVIEW. Missouri, J President Trumutv resumed hl& vigil: at the bedside of his gravely ijl, 94-yeai-old mother Monday, somewhat encouraged again, by her own mpor.t that s)ie was- "ellnst' better." Brigadier. General Wallace IL Ora-. ham,, the President's personal physician, said thai Mrs. Truman, "is- tired" and would: not attempt to get out of bed foe some time. HEATiNyouK FAN6B. ' f - : jjk with a, Silent Glow A Oil Burner i No' more ashei,, soct, dirt; Fires that die oul in-your kitchen range I' Five Year Guotanteo by maken. Over 400,000iin use today. ON SALE AT: Mcltride Street Phone 311 II.- C -X t jj T J Yes! Sweeter, tastier breaj S3 P.O. Box 772 I I Thlss active, freshi yeast. co ,:t.. . nr;nfl mail, umiI i '. tr.- iuui tjAivt AT,' HOMfc-Get JJeiscJimann's-activn freshiYea$t,with, the. familiarr ytllaw. labtl Canada's, dependable yeast: favorite, for; qver, tliree. generations., Am Have Fun tms jummer.. Under the Sun I. Play,, relax,, enjoy every precious Al moment of wonderful sunshine p M J V in clonics made lor lun. see what we have then into the good old, summer time you po. FIRST in ST VLB: and QUALITY "I USE" OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PL NO INTEREST NO CARRYING CHARGES A. MacKenzie Furnitur SAVOY HOTEL - " B'Her, more tend Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Hox 511 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert PHONES 11C and 117 Courtesy and Service LIMITED m "A GOOD PLACE. TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT lor i I disti lug vice iitg For per' I Bo wi: I-hone 775 327 Third Atil lr. C Hoi 1308 - H PRINCE MM PLUMBING & HEAli ESTIMATES OIL BUKNER SALES 1 SERVICE Cor. 2nd ve. and Wl It's good business! hnon vour coal hi WW s full! You ffct speediest P siblc delivery of )' favorite brands of ' from us. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATKIMALS Dustbane and Dustbanc Products for easier-and better cleaning PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY IW HOUSEi