Prime 8t:r. rrsm, Kl:'.:. New ,New Yark hnrouv u b.k A T 1 tl arrivals lupcrt i New York; Vancouver; York; S. U. F C. Under W. Seymour, Hurler, Mon- J.E. Bak:.- Montreal; Mr. , J S Nelson, uccanic r, i Jurnc. v,arrjouver; trs:. New Westminster; y,Vur.r -wr W. J. Twam-ii -r.T O M..MacIsaacs, r B J MuLsncss, Van-r; R Hv.- in. Ne,w WsW : Mi .ia Mrs. W.'Lang- c. w day for the nine city's Pioneer Tae ninf eldcrlj . nd chattel'. . par f : :ie- home was ' j :u.,ming from cuartprs at Sixth . Ci-k. -sr. ir Street to I.. 3- or. Auin Avenue, Vets to Meet CAFE DONATES TO HOSPITAL, HOME ON OPENING DAY The Pioneer's Home and Prince Rupert General Hospital arc caca richer touay uy i64.30 as a result of the new ly opened Broadway Cafe donating them one-third of its grosj receipts of Its first day's opera tions on Mon day. Each received one-third of the receipts from the cafe's noon to midnigQitoperatlon. Mrs. M. Anderson R.N. acted as cashier t the cafe duriug the afternoon. Rookies Tonight ,U The bawball league, which Is hnvina a bit better luck in it evening games than the fastball group, has scheduled an exnim- tion game between ihe veterans and rookies touiht weather permitting. The game will be played at Roosevc.t Park. The scheduled opening of the fastball league at Gyre Pa'rk last iik'ht was washed out and has 'been set back until later in the week, ERRACE mm Theatre RAiro on Tuesdays and and Jane Greer. WW TERRACE Wednesdays una eaturdays at 8 pjn. f'Jrday mutincc at 2:30 pjn. fMay and Wednesday, May 20 and 21 IVEXTllKllS OF TOM SAWYKU in Technicolor R Twsivb Great Story wllh a perfect cast 'fiilay ami Saturday May 23 and 21 "DICK TUACV" Margan Conwav. Ann Jctfreyr: Mike Mazurkl for A New Terrace Service Skeena Shoe Repair Shop Park Avenue, TEKKACE G. E. Loveless. Prop. You saw )t in The Newsl TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 107 Terrace GALA MAY 24 CELEBRATION Sec the Crowning of the First May Queen at Terrace Attend Civic Centre Grand Opening Terrace Machine Shop & Garage UTILE, HAUGLAND & KERR LTD. RlUll ai.,1 Lumber Manufacturers ... i f T 1 Lumber 1 l!i K 1C A n Aixnta For International Harvester Co. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co. l'liilco Radios Willard Batteries Logs, Poles and Piling Ltd. mm ABATES FOR PRINCE RUPERT KINSMEN'S CLUB QUEEN OP MAY Left to right: t Oi-iKt- King Edward scnooi, aaugmer or Mr. and Mrs. uan uisse; unnawue wat- L, Annihi lation School, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John MacDougall; Alice Nickerson, i, St'"1 School, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. a. b, Niciterson; uorcen uaieman, uoom l . . jA..v,4n t - ,1 Hfe T tT R-itpmnn' ArlonpTlnnn PnnrnH Rtrnpt. Rrhftnl c) M) and Mrs. J. Pope. Hel Mrs. Warner of Walcott re turned home on Monday night's train after spending a few days vlsitlnz at the home of Mrs. A McKinnon, . . The latest edition of the Bri tish Columbia Gaztltc lists the incorporation of George Dyb- havn Ltd. at $30,000 with head office at 028 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Stanley Cameron, Standard Oil representative at Prince Rupert, returned to the city Monday af ternoon on the Princess Adelaide from a business trip to Ocean Falli. ' Edward Coghlan of Kamloops is arriving on tomght's train W'fak'e1 ever lhfcWu5n of case work suvcrvisor at tnVlocal office of the social service department. ' ' , Customs officer S, P. Wocd- side sailed this afternoon on the Coquitlam for Bella Bella for duty at the hulk cf the wrecked Alaska versel North Sea which is being broken up for scrap after goirj aground last winter. He expectsto be away about a week. NOTICE On and after this date I will not be responsible for any debts incurred in my name. O. W. WILSON, Stewart, B.C. May 14, 1947, oaaa an no a n a a arc aaaa a a aaa Whifflets From The Waterfront nannnaaonaanaaaanonnnnna The question of salmon prices is again on the cards this year. A one cent increase in snld to have been offered by the B.C. Packers but tills does not suit sicrrna eillnct men who have tied up the boats, saying there will be nothing doing unless the 16' 2 cent per pound for spring salmon is restored .to 21 cents which prevailed last season. Negotiations are understood to be continuing. The fisheries patrol vessel Kltlmat, Captain C. W. Earn-shaw, and a halibut craft, the Wales No. 10, R. Lantcn, while beset by heavy weather off the Queen Charlotte Islands, became involved i:: difficulties when one was tryin? to help the other. It became necessary to tow both boats to Vancouver. 'I.ONDIE Local News Items . Detective A. T. Lashmar, provincial police, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a brieif trijp to Vancouver. Jack James, manager of Thorn Sheet Metal Works, Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Prin cess Adelaide Monday afternoon on a visit to the company plant here. NOTICE TO LAWN BOWLERS. The Bowling Green will be opened for the 1947 season on day, May 24, weather permitting. All members and prospective ' members, are requested to meet at the Club House at 1:30 p.m. (119) Mr and Mrs. Knute Erickson and family have recently moved in from Dlgby Island and are new resident at 1609 6th Ave. E. While on Digfoy, Mr. Erickson was emipioyed at Wahl's boat building yard. This summer he intends to try his luck salmon trolling with hi? boat the "Sea lad," Waller J, Twpmley, chief dis patcher for Canadian Pacific Airlines, and G. M. Maclsaac, re gional radio technician, arrived in the city Monday afternoon on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver. They will be here for the next few days in connec tion with preparations for the early Institution of the scheduled air service between here and Vancouver. . Postmaster S. A. Kirkaldv of Terrace arrived In the city yes terday by car from the Interior to meet his son. Jack Kirkaldy, who arrived on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver, where he has been attending Univer sity and who wiil spend the summer vacation at Terrace. They proceeded back to Terrace last night. Announcements All acivcrtncincniB im tins column will bo charred for r full month at 25e a word. Anglican Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea,, May 22, ;Mrs Nora Arnold., ,. : ; . Port Simpson Celebration Committee will be holding their anual day of sports on May 23 and 24. Cash prizes and trophies for field, track and water sports. Tea and Food sale May 28, Salvation Army Home. Catholic card party at School Hall, May 29. 8 p.m. Job's Daughters' Tea, Mrs. Berner's, May 29. Eastern Star Tea, Civic Centre, June 4. . Presbyterian Tea, June 5, Mrs. C. G. Ham, United Church Manse Garden Party, June 12. Tea and. delicatessen sale at Catholic School Hall, June 14, and card party, 8 p.m. Anglican Tea, June 18, Mrs. Watts. Hill 60 Rose Tea, June 19. HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 jow Available! IP LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Keen Competition. CCF Broadcast, Wed, May i, pm, M. J. Coldwell, MP, on 'Needed A People's Budget." (119) E. E. Hyhdman, inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Cpquitlam this morning" from trip to Stewarc on official busi ness. Mrs. ' D. Steffensen arrived from Terrace Saturday night to join her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Steffensen will reside at 1304 Sixth Ave. East. (No early developments as to the dismantling of the former Empire building; or any action concerning .new construction somewhere on Third Avenue appear known. Plans for a new building arc nevertheless being made. Mr. Bernardscn, who Is now located in Terrace, has been In tewn for the past few days. Some time ago he bought a farming property near Terrace, and since then suffered, a bereavement, i through the death of his wife. He plans, however, on continuing to develop his home which is about a mile and a half out of Itown. Rev. L. A. CT Smith of Calgary, western field secretary, general board of religious education, Anglican Church in Canada, ar rived In the city on the Prin cess Adelaide yesterday after noon' from Vancouver and will be here conducting special meet ings for Sunday School workers and others until Friday evening when he will proceed to Terrace and other interior points. During his stay here Mr. Smith Is the guest of Mr, and Mrs. George H. Stanbridge. LUMBAGO (Lime Back) When your back li itiff and tore (o touch nd it'i an effort ior you to atoop or bend, lake the remedy that hai brouiht awift. aaftrclle( to thousands Templeton'a T-R-C'a. Don't auffer from the nagging misery of Lumbago a day longer than you have to. Get T-K-C'f today. SOc 1 at druggiita everywhere, "ill imj BUSINESS WOMEN ENJOY PICNIC Mayor Nora E. Arnold' was hostess Sunday afternoon to a dozen members ol the Prince Rupert Business and Profession al Club members at her cabin at Prudhomme Lake where a picnic dinner was -enjoyed and a brief business mcet'ng' held". The iadics were driven out to the cabin by Mayor Arnold, who is honorary president off the club. Those present were Miss Evie Rivett, Miss Joan Cross, Miss Frances Cross, Miss Frances Partridge, Miss Cunllffe, Miss Hilda House, Miss Honora Silver-sides, Miss Audrey Wrathall. Miss Kay Reld, Miss Clover Maiden, Mrs. H. S. Parker and Miss Barton. T-39 Classified Advertising Pays! Window Dressing Contest For the best dressed windows featuring the Welcome to the Visiting Shrincrs FOR A FRESH COMPLEXION Surdc-likc an J fragrant DuBarry Face The Prince Itupeit Shrine Club offers: First Prize -.. $25 Second Prize . $10 Third Prize .... $ 5 Judging will take place .Thursday starting at 4 p.m. Prizes will be awarded at Ceremonial Ball To ensure judging, phone 833 of your entry NOTE Shrine colors are red, green and yellow. Do You Buy A ISeiv Fur Coat Every Year? ' Of course you don't but you want your fur coat to be up-to-date every year. Why not re-style or alter your furs during the summer months? HERE'S OUR PROPOSITION . . . Get In touch with your SWEET SIXTEENstore and arrange to; store your furs with us. We will send the furs to our shops in Vancouver (you paying only the express charges down and back). An expert will inspect every piece of fur and make a report showing any work needed and estimating the cost. You authorize what work you want done and state when you wish your furs for use again. When we return your coat you may, if you wish, pay on our Budget Payment Plan. Thus our Prince Rupert customers get the same service as Vancouver. Western Canada'vS Powder i of medium texture ; : : j" Hi'iely popular because it gently cbngs to a dry tlin . ; will not calc on an oily Richard IluJnut.. 2. Accepted for advertising by Canadian Medical Journal Great Fur Service McCUTCHEON PHARMACY By Chic Young 9 : W ' P--SfigifiSfii iSLjSM--. ggf---- J v W prince Hupctt Dailg J3euijof Tuesday, May 20, 1947 Arrow Shirts Yes, the Spring range of smart appearing, perfect fitting shirts has arrived, and includes White Broadcloth Fused Collar, from $2.75 to $3.50 White Broadcloth Soft Collar. The famous "Trump" $3.25 Patterns In Broadcloth Fused Collar $3.00 to $3.50 Arrow Pajamas BESNER BLOCK LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning nd pressing and steam pressing while you watt. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street these dress ' $3.75 and $4.50 Moving, Packing, Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, Call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Ltd. Cor. 2nd and Park Avenue Established 1910 Phones 60 and G8 DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING We have Argus 35 M M Cameras, Kodak Medalist 11, 35 MM Projectors, Amateur Enlargcrs and a complete line of photographic supplies. WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing Box 478 Prince Rupert, B.C. Do Your Guests Whisper 'Behind Your Back? Keep your home and yourself splc and span this summer by .removing spots and .soil Ir&m wearirigajapparel an4 household articles with good cleansers. Your clothes and furnishings will last longer and look better. -n-rn mi SEE US FOR ALL REQUIREMENTS IN Office Supplies Consult us for your needs In all types of printing work. Everything In high-class stationery. Fountain Peru Caras tor every occasion OIBB PRINTING COMPANY THIRD AVENUE JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOR VARIETY IN YOUR FISH DIET enjoy our fine quality Eastern Haddie Fillets Place your order today with your local butcher "1 CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT Company Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA V I to! 1