-a hi f.vSve ! li fe ' i. 'Lite '5gfecd-44 tnembers of a Tacoma L-phanvber or Commerce round ft prince tUipcrt Dally JSctus? Tuesday, May 20, 1947 fACOMA PARTY ON VISIT HERE Prominent Business Alan From ' Pujet Sound City Finds Prince Kupcrt Interesting Just out for a good time and are. certainly having It," l rnnce- Kupen tasi evening fjiboard the steamer Princess ifttfrlaide. Although no official tificatlon had been received. iMpresentatlves of the Prince Supert Chamber of Commerce icy arrived ana e.xiena cour- csles and such assistance as frjht be desired. Soon the mem bers cf the partv. all men, were Hr!rcu!at!n:; abcut the city, viewing various point c( interest. ljhe fish cold storaae dants at- JJj tracted their particular fiijion. They diP"ovcr?d a local Jr " goods S,01X' weu-equip-S'cd with fiPhlrK? tackle and jiiiade a virtual rola pn the stock. i The party, including many of JapK.Tacoma.'s Drom'neat. business-iflEi ' Bien. consisted anion? others of f-Jv ' Thad" Stevenson, managec .Taeoma Chair-iber of Commerce. '. John Muller ana Ray Ridge, i jutomcbile distributors. ' I ' Dr. Robert Beach, superin-ajlcndcnt. North Pacific Hospital. G. R. Kirk, "Christmas Tree 'if King." Ii h- ... . i K . rea. Aieuganr. attorney. 'Hflf- Dr- Harold Christcpherson, LI? crCminent dentist and Tacoma parks commissioner. Al Whitman, vict-president, Putet Sound National Bank. r Robert Gordon, assistant trust fficer. Pugct Sourd National Bank. i:ank of California. Sparks Washburn, National Bank of Washington. Mike Larsen and John Anderson, contractors. Barney Elliot, photographic supply business. Everett Jensen, fuel dealer. Cecil Fuller, inspector of agencies, .West Coast Life Insurance Co, Frank Callander, restaurant proprietor. Jack Rcberts, ccrimissioncr of public works, Tacoma. Col. Al Hooker, Hooker Electrical Chemical Co. Fred Clcrmon. accountant. Paul Sceva. nresident Rainier National Park Co. Roderl:k Titcomb. retired manager, Weyerhauser Timber Co. Forbes Haskell, former president Puget. Sound National Bank. RIVAL FOR RUM PORTSMOUTH O Salvage men working on the British destroyer Cbdrlngton, bombed in 1P40. found bottles of brandy In CAST IRON HOLLOW WARE Fry Pans Dutch Ovens Round Griddles Oblong Griddles PLAIN AND POLISHED THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 255 Third Avenue PHONE 101 FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Estimates given for any type construction, phone 5C3 Night Red C03 List of Shriners Names cf Those Coming; From South for Ceremonial Here This Week-end VANCOUVER Here is the list of Nobles of Gizeh Temple who will embark from Vancouver tomorrow night aboard two chartered steamers, Princess Norah and Chilcotin, for the ceremonial t9 be held at Prince Rupert this week-end. Mr. and .Mrs. Richard Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert II. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Barr. Mr. and Mis. C. L. McEwen. Mr. and .Mrs. A. Bisson. .Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Perry. I)i. and Mrs. W. R. Williamson. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Pew. Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Cottrell. On nratxtr. ai.tnmnhile and Mrs. Slim Miller. H-ai.r and Mrs. William Robertson. Warder Stokes, ctllectlon ag-ervy. Sonny Baker, Tacoma News-Tribune. Fred Donoghue, retired automobile dealer. James March, contractor. Andrew Jorgcnsou. optical supplies. hasehall Scores National Brooklyn 7, Chicago 8. Philadelphia 3. Cardinals 5. American Detroit 3. Boston 2. Detroit 4, Boston 5. Cleveland 5. Yankees 4. Chicago 4, Washington 1. perfect condition in a flooded .Mr. and Mrs. A. Hamilton Ed. Cooper, public relations, cupboard. I Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Reifel. SETS f. 4 a mi z mm ip m ,' .Mr. and .Mrs. George Assinies. Mr. and Mrs. H.'O. Timbleck. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McConncll Mr. and Mrs. F. Brewer. .Mr. and Mrs. II. West. Mr. and ."Mrs. S. W. Colton. .Mr. and Mrs. Rand Irving. .Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brett. .Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross. .Mr. and .Mrs. C. W. Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. T. McCaskell. Mr. and Mrs. Lome R. McPhee. M.Mr, and Mrs. R. C. Cannon. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. S. McPhcc. Mr. and Mis. E. W. Dell. Mr and Mrs I). Grimston. .Mr. and .Airs. Joseph Bennett. .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Nelson. Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Straight. .Mr. and Mrs. A. Rollo. Mr. and Mrs. N. McKay Smith. Mr. and .Mrs. Paul Aivazoff. Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Compton. Dr. and Mrs. Young. IHHHI RUPERT PEOPLES STORE Your Summer Outfit Is Here! SLACK SUITS BATHING SUITS SWIMMING CAPS SUN SUITS SLACKS SHORTS SUMMER DRESSES ANKLE SOCKS. . SKIRTS and BLOUSES New styles and varied assortments at prices as always that meet your approval. Yes . . . your summer outfit is here now. Complete W ear for Girls, Too . . . Ages 1 to 16 Rupert Peoples Store COTTAGE CHEESE B B B B B B B B B . B B B B B B B P r. B B B B 71 fl B 3 B B B B B B B B B K ft a B B fl B B B fl B B n u Btl New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE We Serve You Nothing But the Best ... SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS Phone 21 Third Ave. West LORD BEAVERBROOK VISITS N.B LEGISLATURE A native son oi New Brunswick, Lord Beaverbr ;ok. Great Britain's famous newspaper publisher, is shown duriny his visit to the New Brunswick legislature as the third session uf the province's 40th legislature prorogued. He termed, his latest visit to New Brunswick a "sentimental" journey. . .Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Laing. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Hurtle. Col. and Mrs. I). II. Mariyn. Mr. and .Mrs. C. R. White. .Mayor and Mrs. XV. M .Molt. Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Lawrence. Mr. and .Mrs. Leo A. Grogan. .Mr. and Mrs. F. XV. Frances. Mr. and Mis. George R. Ford. Mr. and .Mrs. Harold C. I'arfitt. .Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lashmere. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. John II. McConncll .Mr. and Mrs. John Hough. Mr. and Mrs. James Mossop. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Casson. Mr. and Mrs. G. 11. E. Green. Mr and Mrs. J. Annstrong. Mr. and Mrs. XV. II. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. George Bayliss. Mr. and Mrs. XV. Luney. .Mr. and Mrs. II S. Scanlon. Mr. and Mis. G. E. Randall. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. George IJ. ((uinn. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Thompson. Aid. and Mrs. F. II. Jackson. Mrs. Margaret Buch. Harry Rawlings, Percy T. Withers. Charles T. Hamilton. ' Charles H. Clarke.. . Thomas R. Smalley. William McTurk. Dr. Lachlan MacMillan. David Wightman. Col. D. McGugan. G. W. .Marshall. Berlrand Galloway. William Headridgc. G. Brockington. Mrs. Turner. Dr. Whitbrcad. J. L. Sangster. E. F. Smith. E. Tynan. Alex Derby. D. A. Grant. John Cehovan. II. G. Jure, Harry Rowc. W. S. Brener. C. V.. Stride. W. Harris. W. A. McComb. L. McKinnon. Dr Abrams. B, It. II. Cooper. W. H. Berry. R. Walker. II. Glover. W. E. Drake. Ross Nicholson. N. Gunderson. Del Lutes. J. A. Clark. W. A. Nolman. W. C. Grieve. Roger Valois. M. Purvcs. R. Chapman. R, Cashniorc. J. R. R. J. Watson Asson. A. R. Pierce A. J. Little. W. A. Crousc. W. J. Harrison J. Ilaliburton. R. Raynor. D. A. Hatch. Jack Patterson Monty Hall. F. Butterfield J. M. Miller. XV. Wilson. .1). Townsend. J. Townsend. Wilfrid Gibson. T. W. Walker. Albert Stevens. J. A. Realty. XV. A. Buckle. W. Gouge. M. Annstrong. A. MacAulcy. R. Kalfus. II. Savage. C. Savage. Joseph Smylli. J. C. Woodside. S, J. Jabour. ST. NEOTB, Huatin-jdotrhire. Emj., 9-S. W. Harford hp not missed a r-ervlce in 50 years as verger at St. Mary's Church. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN TflE MATTER OP THE EHTATE OP JOBEI'H ANCTIL. DECEASED, INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order 'if His Honour Judge y. t Puttier murtr. the- 13th day uf May. A D. 1947 I w.r.i apxluted AdmlniUrator of the Es-tato of Joseph Anctll. deccuived. a'd all parties having claims against the Raid estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, v me oa or before the 30lh dav of June, AD. 1947, after which claim.; filed may be paid without referenc. to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. AND alt parties Indebted to thu estate are required to pay the amount of Vie'r Indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert B.C . tVr, 13th day of Mnv AD. 1847 GORDON F FORBE3 Official Adn : mwtrntor v ! r 'ip. rj.e You saw it in Tue News! $20,000 SERVICE . STATION-GARAGE Intention of establishing a $20,000 service station, garage and automobile machine shop adjoining his present business premises and Postal Station B at Hays Creek was announced to day by Carl Poulsch. The site is immediately to the rear of the Postal Station on the side hill .longslde the road to the dry dock, Lumber to be used will be 'rom the dry dock commissary bui'-Jlng which Mr , Paulsen recently purchased. Material and qulpment for the automotive service plant Is already on order BODY OF HAROLD SHOCKLEY FOUND Mr and Mrs. E. H. Shcckley "I Vancouver, who will be remembered by old timers In "rince Rupert, huve been ad-ised by the Missing Research Service Bureau that It has located the body of their son, Fit Lt Harold O. Shockely. whose nlane was showdown over France In 1943. Lieut. Shockley Is burled with his crew in Malmalson, Cemetery, France. COLONIAL WELFARE LONDON, Oi Ujider the Colonial Development and Welfare Act $1,953,600 was used, for grants and loans during SAL ADA m i REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 a.m. to 2 ajn, niONE 173 COAL is available Now . . . BUT There is still a Coal Shortage. Play safe . . . order early ... be warm next winter. Tliece is no better coal than our Foothills Alberta LUMP - EGG NUT PEA For Better Quality, Better Service Serving the North Since 1920 Phone PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Coal Lumber Paint Building Supplies Phones 651 - 652 I . I I I Rogers and Community I I. FLATWARE NOW IN STOCK I Most of the new patterns in che&ls, bulk or open I stock. Prices range from $1(1.00 for 2C pieces, up I 9 to $01.00 plus tax. I ISBSM STARTS TOMORROW, FROM "HEAT WAVE" TO i WHITE CHRISTMAS". ! IT'S THE BjGGEST, MOST K m riDinnc miicia. v..N ANY SEASON! Featuring 32 Irving Berlin Melodies -Old and Newi COLORED ,wtV1 SE'A'S SHOWS AT 9 4 1 00 - MATINEE WED. 2 30 Now Available 1 WIHlli I A forowovit fictyr Eepifol FISHERMEN The Ideal Radio for Your Boat! R.C.A. VICTOR BATTERY RADIO MODEL HTI2 Long and Short Wave Small and Compact The New "Lverreaily' No. "38 Power Park is houicd inside the cabinet for erenomy ol space. PRICE i $59.95 Other Mo'dels from $42.80 MlaSmM Sanitary Efficient commodom mi Wc Arc Most Anxious to Serve You BREAKFAST - MORNING COFFEE LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA DINNER - LATE LUNCH In a well ordered Banquet Hall we serve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquets and cater to parties of all kinds. (Call 17 for full particulars). A Constant Supply of Ice Cream Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYMIAVN, ' Proprietor. . W. T. COOPER Manager. Hollywood Cafe PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AN I) MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE M E ALo FROM 11 AJU. TO 6 A-M. . o' Wl Special Dinner Every Sunday pMAOoi CHINESE DISIIKS A SPECIALTY WE CATEjLTQ PARTIES CIIOPSUEY CnOW MEIN. rOR OUTSIDE- ORDERS PRONE ljW 718 THIRD AVENUB W '