Classified Advertising ,iwis: M per word pot Insertion, minimum chare hcuT Dlrtt. ".. Uarrlai'n ' and Engagement Announcement HELP WflfliU'-"""''' t EXPERIENCED, salesman - HimiKt nn flKk knn districts to handle bookkeep. una i "('"'( ocir vice Knowledge of bookkeeping helpful but not essential. tt interview In Prince Ru-jfrt, write Tav Control Reo-ds' iCan.) Ltd., 5786 Larch . ... TMnfnnvr nn I'OI ' WANTED Waitress for Boston f;afe. Apiy Ling ,tne Tailor, W ,1H cai for children In her home 910 10th East. (Up) WANTED ANTED Car m lair shape. ) pay all cash. Phone Blue after G:30. (121) Top Prices Paid Active Trading Company Ltd,. 935 East Cordova St., Vancouver, B,C. (tf) I Oil KICNT a? RENT - Furnished rooms, 843 9th Ave. West. (122) OR RENT Sleeping room, men only. 742 7th Ave. West. Call after 6 pm. (122) -in DPMT- -1 clponl nrr rnfme trr men, close to town. Phone Red (17. J118) OR RENT- -Two sleeping rooms. 801 Borden Street. (tf) close to waterfront. Phone Blue 815. (tf) OR RENT 4-room house. Light, water and bathroom. Apply 544 9th West. Phone Red (SI (120) FOR LEASE lunch and Newsstand. First class opportunity lor 2 work- ; partners. (2) Terminal of fice or stoe space. Location vhere traffic Is ready made. Apply Northern Distributors. (tf) LISTINGS WANTED fELLING Your House? We have buyers looking for well- built 4 and 5 room homes, Cash or terms. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES. (131) PERSONAL KDDLE AGED WOMAN will look alter children afternoons or evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) MOTORISTS AND VACATTON'- ISTSt When planning yqur holiday remember Lake Kathlyn Auto Camp, situated i the heart of a sportsman's paradise Clean, comfortable cabins For reservations write Box 88. Smlthers (123) ROOM AND HOARD ROOM AND BOARD Table meals. Home away from homo. Men preferable. C22 Fraser Street (125) ENGINES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY VIVIAN GAS ENGINES 2-cyl. 15 hp. Latest features. Enclos ed clutch, dual Ignition, Bosch magneto, etc. Gas Engine DePt.. VIVIAN EiNdlNE WORKS 1 LIMITED., 1100 W, n Ave., Vancouver, B.C. BAyvlew 1520. (117) WOULD RAISE MILL RATE WETARKTwrM a,.- . "earn nf nil i..i .,,.ii- Hit iiiuitti.jjai vuuiivti- r,ratepayers willing to have "r tax levy Increased may wuncii recently set the mill rate " JO mills, hut ratepayers are "'s 10 iiaVe It increased In ef to keep municipal roads Pi next winter. I IV, v J-mirtpate ... ot Title No, 0166-1 to jweniy. three (23) Rna thr!n yfour 2' D'wk Forty-i?.1 (43). Section Seven: Lots tm ,"one 31) and Twenty ;, uiock Eighteen (18) teen TwpIve la anc TWr- tion Eight (8). City of Prince ""Pert m the Province of Brlt- th .k satlfactory proof of loss n the CerH":ate of Title Issued cmDar, o01 Thv B P- attirtevant llled ?"y ,? Canada Limited has been liven , . ofrlce- notlce 13 hereby M on. ' 1 8lln11' 8t the expiration "rst n,,K,?nth from the date of the lloni llcntlon hereof, Issue o Tro-0(,5' Certificate, of Title In lieu mtantiJ06' Certificate, unless tn the m i"5!uvW objection be made to Prlnnl n, at the Lftnd Registry Office. May, "947 B th Bth day 0f ANDREW THOMPSON, "''Piity Registrar of Titles. (HI) BO " FOR SALE FOR SALE-V-bbttom boat, 24 ft., combination pleasure and troller, A-l condition. Phone ,Red 232. jug, FOR SALE Sealed tenders will be. received by the undersigned until noon of June 10th, 1947 for the purchase of Lot 5, Block 10, 8.0. of D,L. 931, Casslai District, Map 1515, Alice Arm Townslte, together with three-roomed house and contents situated thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms: strictly cash. Gordon F. Forbes, Administrator of the Estate of Harry Owen, deceased. (121) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture and Hardware at the lowest prices. Office Fixtures, Desks, Safes, Rugs, Mirrors, etc. Used Kitchen Sets from $14; Used Electric Hoover; Bathroom Fixtures Basins and Toilets, Basins from $4, Hassqcks from $2; Palls from 50c; Slightly Used Beds, complete, from $20; Rifles In good shape; Barber Chair; New Cabin Cook Stoves; Scatter Rugs from $95. AH kindg of other useful articles. B.C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (tf) FOR SALE-Oermin 7x50 marine blnqculars. Carl Zeiss adjustable lens. With case. $435. Phone Black 718. (118) FOR SALE Protection against less. Fire, Autc, Personal Property Floater and other insurance. Armstrong Agencies, 307 3rd Ave. Phone 312. (136) FOR SALE-23 ft. gillnet boat with 5 hp. Easthope engine. Phone Blue 505 after 5.p.m. (tf) FOR SALE Brooder started chicks, sexed or mixed. R. O. P White leghorns and new Harnipshlres sf Hlng May 12 at 2 weeks old, 55c each. Also R.O.P. White Leghorn pullets selling May 12 at 10 weeks old. $1.30 each. Add 10c per week on all orders after above dates. Sufficient cockerels free. Your down payment will hold order until required. Balance due before delivery. We guarantee satisfaction and 100 live arrival.. Shipments F.O.B. Kitwanga. M. Rowe, Kltwanga. (12Q) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE PROPERTIES WITH VALUE Recently built apartment house In central location, Contains three furnished suites with-good revenue. $4500 complete. Six room house, partly furnished, on two cultivated lots, basement. Immediate occupancy, Reasonable. Well-built three room cottage close to McBride. A bargain at $1500. Several choice building lots in business section. See ARMSTRONG AGENCIES Phone 342. (118) FOR SALE Salmon troller, fully equipped In first class condition, "Laura L. II." Length 35 8 feet, breadth 9.7 feet, depth 6 feetj 6.89 registered tons, belonging to estate of A. A. Larson, deceased. Can be Inspected at McLean's Shipyard. Written tenders Including terms to Brown & Harvey, J3ox C58, Prince Rupert. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (126) FOR SALE -Cafe and Coffee Shop in thriving nortliprn mining town, with modern equipment and monthly Income over $700. A sacrifice at $J,JO0. Write box 234, Prince Rupert Dally News. (118) FOR SALE 100 acres, fisherman's cabin, float on north side Ecstall River. Lot 6647, Range 5, Coast District. Price $5Q0, 1Q acres, all cleared, large house and outbuildings, 1 mile from Alice Arm. Block A of D.L, 51, Plan 1800. Price $1500. Both properties must be sold. No reasonable offer refused. Write: Klnnbn & Company, 425 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. (119) MACHINERY- TO SAW .... better lumber more it uaJai economically, use me, and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills, manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. (tf) B.C. LONDON. W-Crabs, lobsters and crawfish have been taken of fthe controlled prices list. CARE OF PLANNED GARDEN EASY AS SWEEPING FLOOR i ., mi P-egin Early, Stand Up and Take Cultivating the vegetable gar, aen slioula start as soori as the young plants begin to, growl At this stage, if the soil be 1 .4t SHORT SPORT A British Empire middleweight championship figlit between British Champion Vince Haw kins and IP-year-old Randolph Turpin, negro fighter from Leamington, Warwickshire, will not be held until 1949. Turpin, tabbed ty experts as. world' championship calibre, is- pre pared for the title but British, Boxing Board of Control regulations forbid it. The regulations announced recently, state that the limit for boxers under 18 years will be 18 minutes (six three-minute rounds); 18-20 yean, eight rounds; 20 years, 10 rounds; and over 21. 15. pounds F m p 1 r e championships, are fought over ths 15-round route The rules, taken generally, were applauded, by British, rports writers. The sports editor of the London iDally Worker said they were a step In the right direction "that of a clean fight game, witlucxpert management, vastly-lmprovrd training and Instruction based on the best scientific methods and the cutting out of favoritism." But he thought's was different. "A year at the outside and he will be ready to take the title." he wrote. "To hold him --and others like him tooth. can be as harmful as to 'flog a your;? boxer. And we have not that much talent at present " Turpin, who he said was "easily the be?t (world-champ-, ion) prosp?ct Britain, has at any weight ... is not only faced with the color bar (the B.B.B.C, rules forbid negro boxers to fight for British Professional Titles), but he must be content with eight and 10-round affairs until he reaches his majority. By that lime he will have Deen able to clean up all thv remaining middle-weights in the country twice over." He suggested the BU.B.C. should waive Us rule "when Turpin can no longer be held off," and added the board could obtain th$ advice of doctors and other experts as to whether he Is competent or fit to go 15 rounds. It Easy in, Cultivating Garden. tween plants Is stirred, It will be found to be full of tiny white sprouts, which are weeds. be.?in- nMg tb develop; One easy stroke of the sharp hocor cultivating- tcol' wlll desr tory scores of them before they have beg;un to compete with the vegetable plants fcr available plant food and water. As long as weeds are JJr.1 in Infancy, cultivat'on will be easy. but once they are allowed to be--j gin substantial growth, not only j do crcp3 suffer, but work will increase, and the care of the garden may become a chore. When tools are kept sharp and cultivation never neglected, it calls for rjq, more physical cxerT lion than wielding a 'broom. Modern advice is tu take it easy and ever stir the ground deeper than once Inch. ThK Is sufficient to kill young weeds, without dis turbing tne roors ci in? vegetable plants. It also breads the soil crust, and allows air and I prater to penerate uadily. ' ' Deep cultivation will dry out the soil, and may disturb, the surface roots of your vegetable plapts. which may do .rC harm than the cultivation does Besides destroying- weers n the space between rows, thgse which grow in the row itself must be nulled when tiny. This requires hand work and is always tedious, but ff attended to GEORGE McWHINNEY & Company CONTRACTING IN Decorating, Landscaping Lawns, Etc. 147 4th Ave. E. (To rear of Pioneer Laundry) Phone Black 489 P.O. Box 142C ff MUSKEG" IN ARMY AGAIN "Muskeg," Prince 'Rupert's canine war veteran, Is not going tc be rehabilitated to the farm after all but has returned to pimupuy lb JlLUt? biUJC, and once the vegetables have be-ccme well established, hand weeding will be unnecessary. Free air circulation in the soil has been proved to be a vital factor in the growth of plants. Experiments by Ohio State University proved that in prcperly lorous soil there is a complete change of air to a depth cf eight inches every hour. yhen the soil Leccmes compacted and crusted n the surface, this exchange "-"i seriously hampered. Crust formation cart bs checked by var ous methods, including the -jllcation cf a. mulch, or by rr wln? a livipst mulch of fescue rases. or a creenltvr plant such n- "ortulaca. But lacking a mulch, frequently shallow cul-' vatjon Is necessary, especially nft?r every rain. Interior Motorists When Driving to Prince Rupert . . , Why not make "The Home of Friendly Service" your motoring headquarters? With the- Skeena Highway open again we look forward to seeing many of our Interior neighbors in town. For Prompt and Efficient Service It's Bob Parker Limited FORI) AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service" P.O. Box 38 170 East Third Ave. Phone 83 SAILS HATCH COVEliS SKATE COVERS EDMONTON AWNING & SAIL WORKS, Phone BLUI 1110 1C0 East Third Ave, (Next to Shen ton's) KNOX HOTEL A QtJlET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING KILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Managers: TOM FESUT STEVE VRKLAKN For Your Eating B Army life. In a sudden change of pla'ns at the week-end, Pte. Clif-tord Krausher, ont of ihe men who mans the big gun at Barrett Point, took. "Muskeg" In charge and moved him out to :he forts where, occordlng to reports today, he was happily renewing his old custom and re-acllmatizlng himself to. Army life. Prospect 13 that "Muskeg"1 may be shortly transferred, to, Vancouver for another phase In an already interesting career. Dr. Jens Munlhe was about to take "Muskeg" to the farm at Terrace when Pte; Krausher put in an appearance with 50; anxious a nlea for the old soldier that the Jocal dentist yielded with the assurance that, whenever "Muskeg" became tired, of he Army and for any reason needed an.qther heme, there would always be a listen, far hi? declining years on th.e bench, at Terrace. RATRACK LUXURY SYDNEY. Australia, Grandstand ?calotors and lunch room vith a clear view, of the race are planned fdr RandwM tnck, "here the horses draw Sydney's "lir?e5t Saturday crowds. W I 1 Pleasure . . . BANQUET HALL z FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND AFTERNOON TEAS roadway Cafe (Formerly Boston Cafe) THE BEST FOOD J FINEST COOKING TOP SERVICE Chinese Dishes Chow Mein Chop Suey "TAKE -OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME HOURS 7 A.M. to 5 A.M. PHONE 200 Freshness and appeal in perfect combination. These are the qualities you'll find in Winchester Cigarettes, for tfiey are "Blended Right" from the world's choicest tobaccos, Turkish, Virgiqia and Burley Winchesters are consistently tops in taste, aroma and smoking satisfaction. Winchester CIGARETTES Prfncc Rupert Daflp JSctou . . Tuesday, r ..... - liitn V comfort caused caused hv by mifir misfit WoHm blades. II I Gillette double edges I 1 B n a. HVkkW AWlAUAk. i.UCL.d I1IL.UI I L1L I I J IfSHSSa0 Gillette 11 BLUE BLADES Vith the n'dgef ever honedI, 1 mf-f' MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED st S III f - .W- E Ik Y I IHIk 'i i WBu 111 Hi X !l lift i i I J Thfn Brownwoods have the shoes for you . . . : J Moccasin-style casual shoe . .. . Man Styled :, I for leisure . . . cut right for comfort . . ., .3j I Choose from many. leathers and styles i from Brownwood's extensive selection. ' ' : - ' ' fir pa to fn rnp' ' 1 . f; 5 )D.0U i gfPRINCUPERTCi 1 : For That Party . . . k PARAMOUNT CAFE ' ' at Port Edward, U.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. . ) I i - i i RUPERT MOTORS LIMIiTED Coniplete automobile mechanics, assures rirst class workmansnip at tne ngni price. LUBRICATION is vital, be sure!,ydur"grease job Is, right. We have the best equipment todq.joun Job arv use nothing but first line lubricants, the correct type in. each fitting. j PHONE 566 I HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASEK STREET Phone Black: .823 May 20, 1917 WORLD'S No. 1 SHAVING COMBINATION f For the cleanest,, smoothest; shaves any man ever had, use Gillette Tech Razor and today's Gillette Blue Blade. These two. are precision made, fitexactlyv and protect you from, the discomfort mean double economy, too. look., feel, W repair service by experienced INCOME TAX, ReturnsjPreparedj Sej R. E; MORTIMER, 324 2nd Ave. Phone M I WB HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY! FO? II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPf! OIL BURNERS : CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL. BURNERS j SAANICH PLUMBING ffeAflNG P.O. Box 1158 (Station B) Phone BLACK 9C2 r FOR MEN ONLY A WORK BOOTS PRESS SHOES RUBBER FOOTWEAR i GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES ! 624 Third Avenue, Next Commodore Cafe P.O. (Box 737 v