Enrolling In Rural Leadership Course Residents of the central in terior are among those from various parts, of the province who have registered for a spe- Icial rural leadership training course which is to be given early this year at the University of British Columbia, Lectures cover a wide field in agriculture, Ivlll economics, handicrafts, home management, physical education, citizenship. lAmong the central interior enrolments are Miss Lorna Durban of Grassy Plains, John E. Long and Robert T. Sansom of McBride, Miss Jean I. Ball of Pcrow and Byron C. Fox of Mud River. BOLIVIA'S MINING Mining is Bolivia's principal industry. Superior TOMATO JUICE Libby's, 20-oz. tin, 2 for 25c1 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Exchange, 20-oz. tin .. 17 ORANGE & GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Blended, Pasco 21 GINGER WINE ." BLACKBERRY WINK ri BLONDIE Local- News It A S.O.N. Meeting postponed until January 17. George' Ealcs returned to the city on the Prince import yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver. Meeting of Job's Daughters, Friday, January 3 at 8 p.m. Initiation, Silver March and social. (2) R. G. Hopkins proposed the toast to the bride and Gordon Williams of Smithers that to the groom at the reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mc-Ewen which followed the wedding Monday night of Misi Norah Ryan of Chilliwack and Robert MoEwen off Smithers. Gl LTD. A PROMPT, EFFICIENT SERVICE Friday and Saturday January 3 - 4 FREE DELIVERY PHONE 1 ,S FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ORANGES Navels, size 288's doz. 41c APPLES Cookers (5 lbs. 49c CARROTS Fresh, full bunches .... 2 lbs. 17c CELERY Fresh, large stalks ........ lb. 12c LETTUCE-Firm, full heads each 18c ONIONS Cooking lb. 7c . QUALITY GROCERIES NABOB CEYLON TEA Mb. pkg. 75c NABOB COFFEE Mb. pkg 43c (No Coupons Required the following) APRICOTS Aylmer, 20-joz. tin each APRICOTS Columbia, 20-oz. tin each PEARS Nabob, 20-oz. tin I'EACHES-Garden Elf, PORT WINE .-, OH . HALLARO'I .VARIETY 20-oz. tin .... ' PLUMS Green Gage, Aylmer, 20-oz. tin DOG FOOD 19-oz. tin Dr. Ballard's, 2 tins for .1 VARIETY SQUARES 2-Ib. pkg. each MEATIE DOG CUBES 2-lb. pkg., each Sale of FUR and CLOTH COATS Continues 27f Hit: ' :."( 270 New Shipment of COATS and DRESSES It's best dress forward this Holiday season and for y o u r fashion pleasure we present o u r collection of smart frocks USE OUR BUDGET PL'AN No Currying Charges No 'Interest. Terms In nccordancc with W.r.T.B. Regulations. THE CREDIT HOUSE OF QUALITY" and He Learns About Women! ems At 9:50 a,m. Monday, firemen answered a call to the home ol D. G. Esselmont, 1050 Ninth Avenue East, where an overheated kitchen stove had seared a nearby wall. Damage was negligible and the danger had passed by the time the firemen had arrived. FUNERAL OF J. J. LITTLE Many Attended Final Kites-Masonic and Canadian Legion Honors Final tribute to the late John James Little was paid today by scores of his friends who attended services in First Presbyterian Cinirch led by Rev. A. F. Mac-Swccn. The service was followed by Masonic burial rites, conducted by Robert Cameron, wor-. shipful master 'of Tsimpsean Lodge, of which deceased was a mcmiber. At the graveside, the Canadian Legion, of which Mr. Little also was a member, took charge or the ceremony and interment was accompanied by the sounding of the "Last Post" by Bugler W. J. Ranee. Active pallbearers were R. E. Ei nson, J. N. Forman, Arnold Flaten, James Lee, Jarvls H. Mc-Leod and Frank Dibb. Honorary paiibearers were Arthur Brooks-bank, S. E. Parker, W. O. Fulton H. T. Lock, Dr. L. W. Kergin and F. N. Good. Former Local Man Issues Poem Book "Truth in Poetry," booklet of 49 poems by T. J. Shenton, former inspector of mines at Prince Rupert for many years and now residing at Nanalmo, has been published. A copy of the book has 'been received at the Daily News office. The poems are varied in character but largely of fipirltual nature. Mr. Shenton has many old friends in Prince Rupert who will, doubtless, he interested in his efforts along literary lines. Hotel. . . i arrivals W. Dewari Winnipeg; K. Wright, New' Westminster; D. R. Ross, Prince George; T. Hudson, New Westminster; J. Gilley. New Westminster; R. S. Greig, city; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bond; Van couver; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ross, Vancov t; J s H. K. 1 tc Wambolde, Miller Bay; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cleland; Mr. and Mrs. R. Nelson, Alice Arm; J.M. Dunsmuir, Vancouver. Announcements All Btlvcittscments in taw culuniu will be charged for u lull month p.t 25c n word. Ski Dance and Movies, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. Harmoncer's Dance, every Sat urday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. "Build B.C. Payrolls" WITH PACIFIC COFFEE TASTES BETTER! VCtlOM PACKtO See for yourself how much better your morning cup of coffee tastes when Pacific is added. It's creamyrich texture will improve it so much you'll never want to be without it! Try some today. At all grocers. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed THIS AND THAT This great cleanser removes every last spot and makes linens and coltons white os snov quickly and efficiently, lb gives you a brighter, whiter wash on washday. Javex in tho kitchen brightens sinks and makes drainboards vhiler. And . Javex keeps toilet bowls clean and fresh. it vnnn I I hi iiiiin DEALER'S Mm jr wu tMT - K.Vj yv By Chic Young iivsssr I WKMM "She never takes a chance on anything!" One of the colorful figures in the life of the northern mining town of Alice Arm passed away in the Prince Rupert General Hospital 'last night in the person of Arne Davidson who, as a prospector and miner, discov' ered and, developed .many olth-g-mineral claims at the head, of Observatory Inlet. Mr. Davidson was born in Wisconsin 85 years ago and went to Alice Arm in 1911 from Libby, Montana. He was"qf Swedish extraction. During his 35 years in the Alice Arm region, he discovered several important ore bodies, the most outstanding being the Homestake property' which is now.being developed as Torbrit mine by,tha Mining Corporation of Canada. He sold .rome of his discoveries for large sums, of money. A hard worker, Mr. Davidson labored on his Wildcat claim alone until' a few davs before his death. He came to hostpital here from Alice" Ann on December 24. During recent years he drove 900 feet of tunnel through the solid rock of the Wildcat mine alone, drilling, blasting and moving the loose rock without help. During his younger years, jlNOTHER JOS FOR ECTOR SUCCUMi his prospecting aiid trapping caused him to cover a large area at tho head of Observatory Inlet and he built many cabins in Ihe hii',5: which' hj; kept C.'n1-pletely furnished and outfitted for a chance visit. Mr. Davidson never married and it is pot known if he has any relatively, still living. Funeral arrangements will be announced later. : FLYING STABLE PRtESTWTOK, Bngv If: A Dakota transport nlaim was fitted Lout as. a stable to riy eiht Scot:; ponies (froth -Prescwick to a .Copenhagen circus. DOUBLE FIRE HAZARD Rubbish is a double lire hazard because it may either ipnita spontaneously or serve .a's fuel for a stray spark. Sevjiig machines for" rent by'the'iveeb .or month ' PHONE 3G4 Singer Sewinp Machine Co. C39,3rd Ave. West FUUNITUUir UimoIslcriiiK - Slip Covers Drapes Car. and Truck Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders' given special care. OViN'S CABINET SHOP Phono (irccu S71 117 Second Avenue West Opposite Civic Centre ! i CO-OPERATIVE PROMOTIONS Advancement of T. II. Soren --on, general manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative, lo the posVion of assistant general manager of the British Colmmlbla Fishermen's Co-operative Federation and the promotion of K. F. Harding to fcie position of assistant genera! manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative were announced today. Mr. Sorensoh, who assumed his new position on January 1, will also retain the general managership of the local Co-op. In his new position, he will be assistant to Jack Deane, with whom he is planning to make a Ifivc-jweek business trip to Eastern Canada and the United States. Mr. Sorenson left the city for Vancouver on Tue.-!fiay. Mr. Harding, who has been appointed assistant to Mr. Sorenson, as assistant general manager of the Prince Rupert Co-op, has been manager of the Co-op liver plant here for several years. ;a position ho will also retain for the time being. BRITISH COLUMBIA PACKERS LTD. VANCOUVER, CANADA WIT ood ror C bale S I'irst Class, ll-ineh Icnsths, free 'of nails '. ?10 per cord Sccifljj,, trinniiinss up to 14-inch lengths p8 per tonl friin CjaSs variousllcnsths, uncut ?G per coil Immediate Delivery Plfet Miie !)7G Night Phone: Red !)7( Office: 812 Second Avenue West" A COMPLETE CANVAS GOODS SERVICE O WE CAN O MAKE PAIR PLACE A LI, CANVAS PRODUCTS PHONE HLUE 12G A vning & Sail Works if sHhmni mm J ,home Eemcdy for M' ' 'Jh :0$m I y singer i prince niijifU sDiine J3clutf Thursday, January 2, 1917 Let your next Hat be a . . . STETSON See the new shades in the latest styles by Stetson. From $3.00 to $15.00 Reliable Prescriptions When your prescription is compounded by us you are assured of getting exactly what the Doctor specifies. You are assured of having the prescription compounded properly by an experienced and fully qualified pharmacist. We use only the very best grade materials available. 77Jus Pioneer Dfuqpjts rrmce rupere Q.QttretMl totor ALSO MESSENGEUyj37 We iSwkiSi& ' Wy, Gin and a Bm'iQttlc''' Wine Bottles ' iHjg:AD COURTEOUS SERVICE 'IS-il-;-"'1'' CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED Transient Kooins CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) PHONE 51 KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE G12 Seventh Avenue West (next lo King Tai) will be closed until further notice 'or outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAIE Ui'.t Complete Automobile Repair Service Kasl lalleiy (Miarging O Speciulicd Lubrication Collision Repairs and Refinishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone SGG REPAIRS Corner Second and Park Ave. NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS GREER I BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 501 P.O. IIOX 721 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 1910 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OP CANADA AND U.S.A. VOK QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE 1G0 East Third Avenue Next to McMcekin's) Phone LINDSAY'S 60 or 68