Coal and Timber For Prince Rupert . (continued from page 1) According to a report by com-' petent engineers uus soruce is capable for sustaining a supply of 75 cubic feet per second (40 ! million gallons per day). Motnral storage amounting to 7 COO acre feet is available in fSliawatlarts LaKe, situated near t.v-one million gallons tier Jrt.iv for a 90-day period. The fitteen-year average oi precipitation in the water-shed is 132.54 mcnes; tne maximum . .1.1 1 I n f? n ft ovei' tne penuu uemg iuo.oo inches and the minimum 112 inches. Chemical analysis, fur nished by a reputable testing laboratory, shows that the water is exceptionally pure and entirely satisfactory for industrial use. The analysis is available on The development of the coal resources at Telkwa must depend upon the construction of handling factilities at Prince Ru pert, since transportation by rail alone would make the product quite unsuitable for a competitive market. The Telkwa coal has been given a rating higher than that of any other Pacific deposit. While the full extent of the deposits has not yet been estimated, one of the two collieries presently operating on a small scale has a deposit of 35 million tons proven and 53 million tons estimated. The field is known to be considerably more extensive however than the area taken in by the two properties. The field extends over 1,200 square miles and provides hard large shipments aim; possible Recently the Bulkley Valley Collieries of Telkwa had an opportunity to export a large quantity of coal over a period of time, the quantity under discussion being some 100,000 tons per year. The collieries were ready to make an experimental shipment of 8,000 tons of this order, but solely because there are no coal handling facilities at Prince Rupert, all this business was lost. Another possible order of some 100,000 tons was also under; consideration, but lack of facilities brought these negotiations to an end in their early stages. Thus already the Telkwa collieries and the port of Prince Rupert have lost REDDY KILOWATT. valuable business business which undoubtedly would have extended over manv vears. it is confidently anticipated that. other coal exporting opportunities will offer In the near future, but without terminal facilities at Prince Rupert these cannot materialize. Prince Ru pert has an up-to-date, well equipped port with ample dockage and railvay yardage to handle coasiderable traffic in coal if storage and bunkerage were available, and that coal from Alberta and other fields as well as Telkwa could and woujd be shipped through Prince Rupert . if the facilities were here. Reference is made to the recent press reports that 30,000 tons of coal from Blairmoie, Alberta, is now moving to China through Seattle. This correspondent has been informed that there are at the present moment coal bunkers at Jasper of the elevator type (over head dump) which have been used up to this year by the Can adian National Railways. Our information is that these bunkers are. now to be junked and replaced with level type bunker- storage (used wUh bull-dozer for '.fading) and that the reason for the change -is that the present bunkers are an eyesore in what is primarily a tourist resort. It is reported that the material, ramp, etc., is in good condition and easily and feasibly salvageable, and that it is quite practicable to utilize this for hunker -storage at Prince Rupert. Surely, if it is sound .economics to go to the expense of completely rebuilding bunkerage facilities lor the sake of tourist attraction, it is even more sound to build bunkerage for the sake of establishing new and permanent industry in two or more communities. COAL WOULD HE CHEAP The Bulkley Valley Collieries can deliver coal to the Railway line of the Canadian National for $4.00 per ton and can guarantee regular and constant delivery. The yearly average coal consumption of the Whitepass and Yukon Railway is 100 tons per day. 75- of the company's lines are in Canada. 25 in Alaska, but 75 of the coal used by this company originates in ill DON'T LET YOUR ORDERS CONSUMERS GO TOO LATE! Orders are piling up and thcsupply situation is not so good. You are advised to keep your orders well in ad-nce to give us the best possible t-linnec to keep vance you supplied. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. Phones 116 and 117 FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS "But I insist you stay for dinner! I'll Just tell cook to add two more settings." BEST PICTURES, JJOINT BRITISH-ACTORS NAMED U.S. AIR FORCE NEW YORK Twenty-one movie critics have adjudged "The Best Years of Our Lives" as the best picture of. the year 1946 with "Henry V" second best. Laurence Oliver is given best actor's award for "Henry V" and Fredric March for "Best Years of Our Lives." Cecilia Johnson gets the best actress' call for "Brief Encounter" and Olivia da Havilland second for "To Each His Own." the United States and only 25 in Canada due to the inability of the Nanaimo district to sup ply more. In connection with the fore going requests it is respectfully, but- most urgently submitted, that the Provincial Government should not content Itself with giving a sympathetic ear to' these representations; but should initiate and prosecute active steps to bring them to fruition. Surely the active' development of British Columbia's northern coal resources will play a large part in the prosperity of the province. Advertise In the Dally News. IS PROPOSED LONDON W The Daily Mail and Daily Telegraph said in Washington dispatches that 'Great Britain and, the United States have taken definite steps toward creation of an "Anglo-American air- force." ; The Daily Mail said that a cirart of plans for joint training of Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Force personnel has been submitted to General Carl A. Spaatz, Army Air Force head, "for signature." The Mall added that joint experiments will be carried out in such fields as supersonic flight and British fliers would be taught the technique, of atomic bembing. Fifteen Hundred Attended Levee OTTAWA Fifteen hundred guests atterided the annual New Year's Day levee at Government House-when the Governor General, Viscount Alexander, and Lady Alexander, wer-V hosts NATIONAL BIRD The kiwi is the emblem bird of New Zealand. Your Electric Servant " ' . . M (947, 94U. ... a brand new year is herewith resolutions freshly made, To keep (?) throughout the year! Your servant, Reddy Kilowatt Will strive to keep bis vow To cook your food, to keep you warm, To bring you light and HOW! The year is "in the hat" for you When you employ this worker. His wage is low his value high: He's certainly no shirker 1 Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 12:00. Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. .SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5C8 renn Radio Dial U I I l 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) a THURSDAY -KM. 4:00 Tony the Troubador 4:30 Songs In Sweet Style 4:45 "Here, Pooch" Wpg. 5:00 Popular Playhouse 5:30 People Ask 5:45 Supper Serenade 6:00 T.B.A. 6:15 On the March 6:30 Perry Como-6:45 T3.A. 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Winnipeg Strings 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Story of Music 9:00 iSpoits Review 9:15 Points of View 9:30 Continental Varieties 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B. C. News 10:15 Sportsman's Guide 10:3O Tommy Tucker's Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Off. FRIDAY A.M. 7; 30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11 !30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30-CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Horn 11:30 tRecital 1.45 Talk 2:00-From the Classics 2:15 Family Favorites 2:30 Footlight Favorites 2:45 From Pages of Melody 3:00 Messer's Islanders 3:15 Serenade to America 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News and Com. TORONTO MAYOR IS RE-ELECTED TORONTO Robert Saunders Vas re-elected mavor ef Toronto 6n New Year's Day with a large majority over two opponents. And day by day you're sure to find How much depends oh Reddy; From early morn till end of day, He's "Mr. Ever Reddy"! TRIM TZ WALLPAPER and BORDERS and now - IRIMTZ WINDOWDRAPES in beautful assorted designs $2.49 PAIR Now on Display at NO NEW YEAR DAY BABIES None Either on Last Day of 19 IC cr First of 1917 The arrival of the year 1947 was signalized by the birth of no ba'bles at Prince Rupert General Hospital, authorities of that institution reported. Final arrivals for 1946 were a boy and a girl born on the night of December 3D more than 24 hours be fore the old year bowed out. Depaiture of the old year was featured by the birth of a child at Miller Bay Indian Hospital, an even unique in the record of that institution for tubercular natives. At 2 p.m. on December 31 a son was born to Mrs. Florence Inkster of Telegraph Creek. In Prince Rupert Gcnei.M Hospital, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Victor Duplisse, of 03land, at 10:55 p.m., December 30. A few minutes earlier, at 10:15, a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Garbutt, 917 Eighth Avenue East. Chilly Bathing In Vancouver Waters VANCOUVER Notwithstanding snow on the ground, Peter Pantages and his Polar Bear Club had their annual New Year's Day dip in English Bay. The youngest bather was four years old and the oldest 70. Temperature was 34 degrees. C.P.R. PASSENGER AGENT RETIRES VANCOUVER W J. J. "Jack" Forster, steamship general nas- sengcr agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway since 1927, retired-from the railvay company Tuesday after more than 37 years cf service. He is succeeded by George R. Costeilo, lately of New York, who "became a pris oner of war of the Japanese at Hong Kong during the war. JEWELLERS "The Home of Better Jcwellry" The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S S25j FINEST SALMON HICKS FRASER HOUSE Warm, Clean and Quiet 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 T ii MAIN OUIVO mil! dtimc Rnpcrt Dafty J3cuis Thursday. January 2, 1947 Fire Damages Watchman's Shack A fhe which gutted the watchman's shack at the Hyde Transfer Co.'s wood yard in the Cow Bay waterfront area broke out at 9:30 Tuesday evening, giving the city Fire Department its only activity during the New Year holiday. Cause of the blaze was believed to have been an overheated stove. The fire was well advanced before the alarm was turned in. tempting, hot PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Mod - in Conada MORE SUGAR OR NOT MORE SUGAR HALIFAX h Canadians can look forward to about pne more year of sugar rationlngSbut with progressive advance? in th& amount of ration durlnt? that time, H. J. Hobbings; former deputy sugar -controller, said here today. In Ottawa, however, a Prices and Trade Board official would give no assurance that there would be advances in the amount of the ration as suggested by Mr. Hobbings. This active fresh yeast works fast because it's full -strength. It saves you time and extra steps. And the Parker House rolls you bake with Fleischmann's will be especially tasty tender, light, IF YOU BAKE AT HOME, order Fleischmann's active Fresh Yeast (he dependable yeast with the familiar yellow label. It's been Canada's favorite for more than 70 years. Always fresh, at your grocers We are, here to serve you and guarantee you will be pleased. FREE DELIVERY OF ALL ORDERS BLAIN BROTHERS "HOUSE OF FINE FOODS" PHONE 547 : P.O. Bux 174 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BU Y " 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE Walnut. Dresser, Chiffonier, Bedstead $!)(.50 SPRING FILLED MATRESSES In all sizes, including the Supreme and Beautyrest $;(l.5( to $ I !).."() CUTTER SLEIGHS with handle, railed seat. Ideal for this weather 80.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. Illiillllilliillllll T1 BULLY BROGUE ace among men's smart shoes - niiniii liii! I in Hi!!! For Style and Comfort Come to Cut Rate Shoe Store Prince Rupert, B.C. TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 1C7 Terrace Box 671 Box 1308 Phone 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES- dlL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St.