' y I!!!. 13rncc Rupert Dailj? J3ctiis UtO. Friday, June 27, 1947 (Authorized as Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every afternoon except Sunoay by Prince Rupert Dally New LUL, 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. M. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS ' AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES tP3- Clty Carrier, m-r week. 15c: Per Month. 65c; Per Year, 17.00; GifiBnW3llE By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 14.00. 3SSjjfcr RUSSIA'S HOPE BELIEVES that the democratic economies RUSSIA of the world will soon collapse. Stalin and company are so sure that the freer economies cannot stand the strain of reviving the pros-strate countries outside the communist zone that they have resisted every effort toward co-operation in restoring world trade. They hope that the burden Britain bears in Germany, India, Palestine and elsewhere, and the stagnation of trade, will prevent British recovery. They are counting on a depression in the United States that will weaken the entire non-communist .economy. Unless the freer countries can restore a much greater freedom of trade among themselves, and maintain the free exchange of labor within themselves, they are almost certain to suffer much of the harm Russia expects. The trade negotiations among the non-communist countries must continue until a great measure of freedom is established if fN they are to be strong enough to maintain an ef- lective counter-balance to communism. In considering the economic dangers of the democracies, the serious weaknesses of the Russian economy should not be overlooked. A handful of 'men dominating a party which reperesents only three per cent of the people it holds under police control, have their own serious political problems. The urge to freedom feeds on repression. Every persecution engenders sympathy for the victims and breeds resentment-and revenge. Two hundred million people of growing intelligence are quite a handful for a handful of despots. B.C. LABOR BILL MILD NOTWITHSTANDING protests from West Coast labor organizations, British Columbia's 1947 Labor Statute now up for its first test iii Nanaimo courts differs little from the act .that-governed employer-labor relations before wartime jurisdiction passed to the, Dominion in1044. It is mild medicine compared with the United States Taft-Hartley Bill. Here we complain at the secret strike ballot, and certain requirements in regard 'to arbitration before striking. What would Canadian labor leaders have to say! if the closed shop was banned as a legal privilege such as the new and drastic United States LahBr. Bill does? ; Of course, if labor relations can be kept within bounds in Canada, as they have been to large ex-- tent so far, there will be no occasion for such drastic labor legislation as seems about now to precipitate a lot of unfortunate and, possibly, disastrous trouble in the United States.. We can hope that things will not come to such a pass here and, if we are reasonable, they will hot. NO HOUSE DEMOLITION IN CURRENT NEGOTIATIONS between Central I Housing and Mortgage Corporation anil the city over the final disposition of Wartime Housing residences in Prince Rupert it is important above all that nothing should be done at this particular time which would bring about the loss by demolition or in any way of houses at present vacant, no matter in what part of the city. With great industrial development in the offing here, it will, no doubt, be not long before the housing situation may again become acute, particularly in view of the continuing difficulty of building. Prince Rupert is fortunate, indeed, to have a reserve of houses at the moment and that reserve should certainly be maintained. A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY-FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIOIIT Phono 773 321 Third AvcnM Ormes Ha. Zfh Pionr Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 am. till 9 pjn. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 pjn. 7 pm till 9 pjn. , ''" lv LUDGER DIONNE, M.P., CLAIMS SLAVE LABOR CIIARQES "FALSE" Gerizuglne Szdetzl, one of the recent Polish girl workers who arrived at St. Georges de Beauce. Que., to work in a spinning mill, is shown presenting flowers to Mrs. Ludgar Dionne. Mr. Dionne, who transported the girls from Germany, looks on. He stated that no money will be deducted from the -girls' salaries to pay for their transportation to Canada. , 25 YEARS AGO ki June 27, 1922 A scow loaded with 250,000 board feet oi lumber was waiting at Georgetown to be tow ed to Vancouver by the Tug A meeUng of local dog fanciers was held in the Fair Hall for the purpose of forming a kennel club. George Wilkinson was appointed to get In contact with dog lovers In the city with regard to organizing a dog show at the fall fair; "Ihe executive of the Great War Veterans' Association planned to submit to a general meeting a proposal for the erection of a $10,000 headquarters on Third Avenue. Money for consrtuctlon was available and the plans had been drawn up. Communism and Nazism Unclean E D I N B U R Cf. tl. ff) A report dubbing Nazism, Fascism and Communism is the up-ti-date hincleanl. spirits'. .Of. the Apocalypse" was published for' the Free' Church bj Scotland's general; a'ssembly here. TheYepdrt! compiled by a committee on public questions, re ligion and morals, said Commu nism is the greatest, danger- Varsity Chancellor Good Carpenter Too WINNIPEG, Oi The tiny stool on which graduates of the Uni versity cf Manitoba kneel while the Chancellor, Mr. Justice A,.K. Dysart, admits them to their de gree Is the product of Mr. Justice Dysart's basement workshep When he became Chancellor In 1944 he decided that the stool then in use wasn't good enough. But he didn't saddle the university with the cost of a new one from some furniture factory. Instead, he turned It out himself. Woodworking Is his chief hobby. 155 YEARS AGO The first gun In the war of 1812-15 was faired at Black Rock now a suburb of Buffalo, N. Y. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF OLAF OUSE. DECEASED, TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honour Judge W. E. Fisher, made on the 19th day of June, A D. 1947, my appointment as Executrix ot the estate of Olaf Ouse, deceased, was confirmed. Alt parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified I to me on or before the 31st day ot juiy, a u. ini, alter wmcn claims filed' may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. And all parties Indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amount of tnelr indebtedness forthwith. DATED this 24th day of June, AD. 1947. JESSIE KELMAN MURRAY. Executrix of the estate of Olaf Ouse, co Brown & Harvey, Barristers and Solicitors, Prince Rupert, B.C. H1CK8 FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 114 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 FINE RECORD IN RED CROSS Ilorden Street School Has Impressive Total for Year A review of the activities in Tepic for transhipment to the connection with Junior Red United Kingdom. The shipment Cross work of the pupils was was arranged by George Mc- &ven by Principal J. S. Wilson Afee of the Big Bay Lumber Co.l't closing ceremonies at Bor- cen street scnooi yesterday Every grade in the school haa been a consistent supporter of Ahe work. Through the collec tion of tea and coffee coupons jn the school year Just ending $216.92 was made available for Red Cross work. The leading grade was Grade Five" with 4,097. Then came Grade pne "with 3,415 followed by Grade Four with 2,699, Grade Six with ers have done their share in this continuous and continuing campaign, Mr. Wilson paid a special tribute to Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman who has done most of the correspondence In connection with the work and assisted generously in the sales held from time to time. Steamship Sailings (Daylight Saving Times) For VancoaTri Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss CoquJtlam 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss rrlnce Rupert, 12:15 p.m. Friday ss Catala, 5:30 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 10:15 pjn. From Vancouver Sunday ss Coqultlam, 4 p.m Monday as Princess Adelaide pjn. 2,39512, Grade Three with 2.- ll;00 aJn Wednesday ss Prince Kupert itt and oraae Q witn 1.- day Cataia, 5 pjn. 454 f Friday ss Camosun, 4 pm. Mr. Wilson stated that a por Alaska 1 most gratifying experience was Friday ss Camosun, a.m. the gift through the mail by an Wednesday-ss Prince Rupert, anonymous donor who Just aJn-signed the accompanying let- . truia Alaska . . 1m,. . 1 11,1. For some years back the T . " ."Jp - course of events Is forcible " reminder of the three unclean" f16; their '0, ' friends f X f and -1 teach- le f spirits, like frogs of the Apo- ?"", calypse. that were to be let loose uDon the world. After wrestling I in deadly combat with Nazism and Fascism, nations are- now faced with a revolutionary and 11 tolerant Communism that seeks to secure victory for Its objective." ter "A Citizen" of 76J4 coupons. The writer had read of the school's campaign and had saved the coupons for a year and then forwarded them with good wishes. , Aj summary of the receipt during 'the four years through the collection and 1 redemption of coupons, showed that in 1913- 44 the sum of $275 had been raised. In 1944-45 $275 had again been raised. In 1945-46 inursaay as rnuce iiuprrw, p.m. NEW ROYAL HOTEl a, Home Awn? from Horn Rates 75c up 60 Rooms, Hot and Cold water PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19S BLOUSES BRIGHT! NEAT I AIRY! For Summer For Evening For Afternoon Rayons, Crepes, Nylons, Baotistc Peasant ROSA - LEE LADIES' WEAR 345 THIRD AVENUE WEST GUIS for ' BRIDE Planning a shower for trie bride-to-be? Want to give her something that Is practical and which she's sure to appreciate. YOU'LL FIND GIFTS GALORE AT THIS POLE. OLD TIMER Takes Time to Get Suitable 1 Cedar, Says Dudowaril Finding a cedar suitable for a totem pole takes time. It may take months and months. Then, when selected, more time is necessary before the finished product Is erected. "As long as a couple of years, maybe,'' remarked Charles Du-doward, Thursday afternoon as i he probed and studied the two 'poles delivered to the museum on Second Avenue. 1 One from Massctt, or in that ! neighborhood, Is venerable ln-ideed, and looks the part. To say It Is a century old Is making a safe estimate. It can be called sound but considerable restoration will be essential. This pole symbolizes the thunder bird grizzly black fish clan. When new and strong and fresh, and vivid with tints and shades of native pigment, this example of native carving must have been a notable one. But today, after staring at the storms and changing seasons of generations, the pole is a bit the worse of wear. Even the face at the top has all but gone. "I'll make a new one," saldi Dudoward, from Port Simpson, who Is a mine of Information concerning totem lore. You saw it in Tne News! Leads You to Foot Health and Comfort , We feature X-Ry TUna? because It Is the only means by which you, and we, Can see exactly how your ieet look inside ol a pair oi shoes. With X-rUy's Magic Pointer we can show how and why certain type oi shoe 'may cause loot Ills' or discomfort, 'X-TUy enables ns to M you lo ihoel that -will rive you positir ccmioit, and pctsibly correct certain loot troubles that you now have'. Wis Invite, you, and especially your chil dren 10 come m k a Complete X-Ray Foot Examination. It tales only a few minutes, coals you nothing. ..places you under no obligation. Come ia soon. Fashion Footwear A fi OKtWftNrt i mm .aws I f iM WofciMS Ac i -JOAN" $1975 OTMH MOORS "X. II I I'm getting awfully tired ol these one-night stands!' - II KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, FLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPR1NO-F1LLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES UNDER NEW MANAOEMENX. Proprietors; TOM PKSUT STEVE VKKLAKN The very Latest in Fancy Hair Combs and Barretts $ 2.00 and Up plus Tax Also a new stock of the Latest 'Coro' Pins, Chatelaines & Earrings For the Very Latest in Jewellery see MANSON'S 4 Your Friendly Jeweller '