.XfIKV X Br "WV "w I No Vellovv hue' fmnks fo 8ue R1NCIPAL ONORED tiif Snowy-whit, iheeft - looking lik Thankt Blot. Shetti and all whit clothe no lonflt suffer from 'yellow iins'-nat with Blue, to make them whitel So quick, to asy...ust a iwith or two of Blue In the final riming water doet the trick I P.S. Sert colour! combine to make white, one of thus It blue. Blue mutt be added to malcsiiue white. Frrif ntallons at High Hthool Yesterday Afternoon A , . pleasant ceruony i ; , ;ace on Thusray a'ter-the staff rooA of Mimorlal High i'-ichool U.:c: members of the t'acul-A; album of records was , i by Principal W W. C. vita 1 -ii O'Neill to Mias Ann Wood and Arthur Hardwlck -who are to be married shortly. T. L. Davies, on behalf of the staff, made a presentation of a gladstone bag to Mr. O'Neal, the retiring principal. Mr. Davies conveyed to Mr. O'Neill the appreciation of the staif f for his untiring efforts and unfailing consideration for the welfare cf both teachers and students. Classified Advertising Payst BUYS aho WHYS n This it the leuon cf the iun-worshipperl The teaton to muke the very noet oi it lie eun in a beauty-wue wav . . . with this lumber beauty wanla;- by li ELENA RUBINSTEIN 1 li your tkui welcomes & ilowing tan, and yvw want it to do fo without blieterim or burning invest in LIQUID SUXSU1SE non-tsliiky or. greaty and with w l'-ome inwt repejlaaj1 'On the Other "hand if your tkin won't tan, buFjust burn-' SI N TINT is ioryou! Ill a elever, artificial tan-that tints your ekin evenly and beautifully. And, in kwn vou friimintlv dainty HELENA RUBIN r.IN su?ge.shernew APPLE BLOSSOM DEODORANT LOTION, i t r u. slung coiopie and perspiration banisher, it doe douhla a i .1 4 oh no cool and delightful for a quick rub down after iini fkli n r' A DAY TO REMEMBER! M.Ve Gradustion Day at the University ll. ;&- a day lo rerueiubcr . . . your ion re- .rr? Ins diploma miling happily . . . 4iy ji i and your husband will never forgetl V a t fo eaMly make this wonderful day i. ' Ly giving your on, for Ins first f the coct of his eollge career". Now, while he a ftUl at tha Educational Wkv. ou ean find tciu s alio, arranne for a low cort c ir lo. d CANADA LIFE rrpiwntative in your Telephone Directory. C... t.,w to di:us the many advantages to your new son-or daughter. GOING AWAY THIS SUMMER? Are you planning a holiday trip ... a lew wonuenui daya or weeks by the ea-at the lake-in the moun-tains? When you're away from home, you 11 want to eure. that the precious POfacMions you leavj ihind are aafe from fire and theft . . . The te penonal valuable, u to tor. way to protect your them in a Safety Deposit Box in the BANK OF MONTREAL. For only, a few cents a week yoa can rent a Safety Deposit Box m the B of M l Fac belter to I wf than aorry. doat you think I FOOD FOR ENERGY! Kit -h children at play how untiringly ener-l they are Uashinjj around liW awall ti ii.adcx '1 Tlieir energy coiwa from fool tnat i 1 1, in,-!. Delicious CROWN BRAND Corn f. :p is juft auch a food it provides quick food en rcy for young and old alike I So aerve it .. t . ' 1 . . : ., .nlGATn u Vft t i:i.-n ns possible. For yow these ! n . ........... ..n.v.rv n..,.l. it 'IS UUIM.N UKAu rciii'rs -''""" . . ,, Jnmn,iiffli Brtad lively tsaktd, Cutlard Smalt Cakr Sirarlv write to me,. Barbara Brent, 1411 Crescent M, Hollywood Cafe PKINCK KUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM U A.M. TO AM- Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDIKS TUONE 1M 111 THIRD AVBMU" WT PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. V. II. LINZEY INSURANCE RENTALS REAL ESTATE 212 Fourth Street (Next Door w u.o. ..w Iceland Makes Spinning Wheels ACTON, Ont. IP) After he heard a plea for spinning wheels, John Rognvaldson, 70-year-old Icelander took up the trade of hl.i youth and started producing them again. It was In 1931 the extension service of the Manitoba Agriculture College asked for spinning wheels and since then Mr. Rog-nvaldson has turned out more than 200 of the antique collec tors Items. The Arts and Crafts society at Georgetown which includes many members from Acton, has received several of the wheels finished In birch and maple. Mr. Rognvaldson still conlnues to work as an expert curpenter ad displays lamps, beds and many other pieces of hand-,rd cmfw mfwyp mfwyp mmm worked furniture. MILLS MEMORIAL TROPHY AWARDED At the closing ceremonies helJ urc. The presentation was made ! gratification at the splendid trl bute paid by former pupils to their teacher. Miss Mills had left an enviable record of service In the classroom and in the community. The donation of the very handsome trophy was proof of the esteem in which Miss Mills had been and still was held. In making the presentation Mr. Frlzzell told of the lasting impression and continued interest shown in her pupils by Miss Mills. Pupils were fortunate to be , In her room and school. They found that they were still fortunate after they had left school, for they were always assured of valuable interested help ! from their former teacher. She j had taught them to work hard I and work cleanly. He was happy I to be able to be present .anc) .make the presentation. He was sure that the choice had been a difficult :ona but a very wise ope. He thn presented the jflne trophy to; Anita,. Bene- Thlg pupH will have, possession of. the trophy for a year and will then return it to the .school, where It will be offered as an annual award. A smaller cup appropriately engraved was also prer found it difficult to say just how honored and proud she was to receive it. The cup will be on display In the school for a few days and will undoubtedly prove to be a worthwhile Incentive for ambitious pupils annually in the fu ture. Classified Advertising Pays! CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Doca a ttubboro bronchial couth, (tkhof piOcamy or dry and hacking) niakc yoa choke faip. wfatM, keep you awk i.hn? Relieve It now I Do aa thou nodi', have done get Templftoa'a RAZ-MAll and atop that cough I KAZ. M AH hai helped othert let It help you. 10c t at diugtim cveiywbete, R-14 RLONDIE CEREMONY AT BORDEN STREET Trusts A. K. Brown Presents Reports to Graduating- Class In. the presence of parents of Or axle Six pupils and some especially invited guests, promotion, reports were gWen to the graduating class by Trustee A. B. Brown at Borden Street School yesterday afternoon. The other feature was the presentation of the Miss S A. Mlills Memorial Trophy. Principal J. s. Wilson reviewed the year's record. First Importance had been given to the subjects as laid down In the course of studies. In this he felt that achltivement had been commendable. In addition, there had ibeen activities in co-currl-cular activities such as the Junior Red Cross, school choir, operetta, rythni band, participation in community euforts sponsored by the Kinsmen Club such as amateur night, shell-out campaign and May Queen, Jun-I ior Forest "Wardens, arts and) rafts exhibits and campaigns had been supported. Mr. Wilson stressed the asslst- i.WV iance bv- trfven given py. tne.farem u.r r..,..i T-i 11 -J .1 i u, r n auu u.e ooi-Teacher the Asion under standing pupil to receive It was j leadershyp of m G0rge Howe . Be' 'and the Queen Mary Chapter, . wnson expressea n great nnperlal Order, laughtrs of the Empire, through their regent, Mrs.J. A, Teng. and educational secretary, Mrs. Stewart. Beif ore' presenting the reports to the children Mr. Brown re ferred to the many interests supported toy the children. Hei congratulated them on their promotion and then pointed out ' the differences that they would find in a High School where Uvey would have more responsi bilities, and a greater number of teachers. He hqped that they would measure up to their opportunities. He then presented each child with his card, ' Inspector of Schools E. E. Hyndman.was!gla4 'to. be present. He, had .listened with Interest io the recapitulation of the many activities In which the oupils, .had, .engaged so suc cessfully. He was , very glad to he able to state that the scnoi-astic achievements of the pupils wetet-oPTi very satisfactory standard tQO He, .reminded the pupils that they were indebted to all. teachers from Grade One to Oracle Six .for their On behalf of the graduating class Anita Brue- thanked the- sented to the winner. This is, teachers for their help. The her permanent property. Thei pupl!s were sorry to leave their award of the trophy was greet-1 0id hool and they wopld al-. ed with -applause, and Anita wavs remember It with affec tion. On .behalf of the students xtill remainlnz in the school. Beverly Ocmer of Grade Five congratulated 'the graduating class on their success. They could be certain that the new-Grade Six would do everything possible to maintain the high record of the school. The pupils Joined In giving the school yell and also singing the school song. Three hearty cheers, we. re given for the holi I days. Alice Nlckerson and An ita Brue were pianists for "O Canada" and "God Save the King." Mrs. H. Seaman played for the singing of "Tills Canada of Ours." Ik's Got That Hunted Look! GLAMOUR AND CAMERAS Model Marlsa Wlndle holds the undivided attention of boys of Prince Rupert's Teen Age Camera Club. Some twenty boys and girls of the club meet once a week under the guidance of photographer Constable Van Meer at the Civic Centre. Their objective Is better pictures and with a model like Marlsa in a swim suit there's opportunity for inspiring results. fc LEE M. GORDON NEW PRESIDENT at Borden Street School yester-1 ,,or reM to and Na- lirnr Ar HAT A H day afternoon the presentation tlpna, Instltute for the Blind II l KIJIAKY HtKL Of of thp the M Miss S. R A. A Mills M1l1e Mem Mm. , . . . . 'VI IWlHIU IEL.IYL. orial Trophy was a notable feat Four past presidents of the PrJnpe Rupert. Rotary Club came out of "retirement" on Thursday afternoon to act as Installlrjs officers for the 1947-48 club executive which took over leadership with a minimum of official ccrremony at tthe weekly luncheon meeting in the Commodore Cafe. ( Officiating at the installation cf the new President, Lee M. Gordon, was Col. S. D. John-rton, oldest member from point of seniority and senior past president, who served in that capacity in 1930. Col. Johnston's Installation remarks took the form of a welcome combined i" - rrrn .hIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiui it r: ,. v.. simillir 1 1 Z li'"" Willi u nru dm lllllliiin ''iMPiuimN rssTs v11'' ?m i wp. r. term as-preeldtrtt for Mr. CoL Johnston, who li this year observing his twenty-fifth year as a member of the local Rotary Clulb, also responded to a brief speech toy retiring. President Dr. L-. W. Kergln and, on- behalf of the club, presented Dr. kergln with a thermos Ice tub In recognition .of "his and Mrs.' Keren's iwork during the year. Installation of Alex- M:Rae as treasurer, and B. R. Dodos as As it special for tho last day of our sale we are offering all that remains of llic ladies' sale shoes at These Bargains Include: Per Pair Play Shoes Dress Sandals Dress Pumps DONT MISS THIS MONEY-SAVING OPPORTUNITY! COMF. DOWN TOMOKIJOW TO gLpl mmm': -Mmmmh m&r.wvautj'n mmms. ma v i i4L Ptfncc Eupcrt DnHg J3cto$ Friday. June 27, 1947 CATHIE FRASER BUDDING AUTHOR Article of Much Interest on Cruising in This Area Appears in "Motorboat" ! Mrs. Catherine M. Fraser being congratulated is on a plen&d artide jiving motor boat cruising in the Prince Rupert area some excellent publicity which appears In the June issue cf "Motoiboat," published , in New York. Mrs. Fraser writes, of a cruise made by herself and, her husband, Tammy Fraser, down the coast a little beyond Butt dale last summer. The1 reading about scenic beauties and pleasures of the trip is of much Interest and there are also some good pictures Including the authoress and the boat "Blue Jay." ed toy Past President J. II. Thompson. .An incomplete list of committees announced by President Gordon Included E. T. Applewhalte, F. E. Anfleld and P. M. Ray, program; Bruce Brown, bulletin; R. G. Van der Sluys. house, and B. R. Dodds and D. C. Stevenson, Civic Centre. Guests at the meeting were Mayor Nora Arnold, Ralph Green, H. D. Foter, J. L. Mc- eeretarv. oosltlons they have , Ewcn, Phillip Allen, while vis- held perennially, was carried j Iting Rotarians were Denys H. cut by past president P. H. Lin-1 Back, Reg. Keele and Gordon pv while Past President A. S, I Tweed, all of Vancouver. Nlckerson did the honors in behalf of Fred Scadden, veteran sergeant-at-arms In the absence of Mr. Scadden, who is in England, William Terry accepted the mace cf office. Incoming club directors R. G Van der Sluys, C. A. Bcrner and with wishes for a successful Stewart Donaldsoa were invest- LAST DAY m m vu m Mrfya mm jmi m I W9VVAIM ' If M. M AflM HV4 BMW. JTW Jl ill I f Mr f Aw & m raw 3 J mwm 19 m J B rw fwf a rm I amm By Chic Young iVooHOO, (disappear) MMkl I T0c:FJrj And the Boss Is Always Right! mf: V one J'aiul. we've really got aometliiug. Protect your iionie villi durable, colour; lasting Iotlinea...fi,ecify llil' "tngliU" Paint.. McBride Street With your Louse and Three Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES SUOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays, 5 p.m. Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 pjn. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 8 p.m. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 27 July 11-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 29 July 13-27 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert, Agent Third Ave. Phone 568 Cool, Smart and "Tul I You'l love it you'll live in it, tjiuT wonder-fur striped, cotton' classic, ...y USE OUR.CONVMENT BUDGET PAN NO INTEREST. no cAKRYiNa 'dif'AnaES SINGER Electric Sewing Machines For Rent -Reasonable Rates 'Phone 864 Prince Rupert Singer Sewing Machine Co. jow Available! LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRS Truck and Auto- Cushions Repaired and Recovered Drapes a Specialty New Upholstery .Materials Available NOW! Out-of-Town Orders ."Given Special AtteiiUpn L0VIN3 CABINET.SHOP 330 SECOND AVENUE (Next to CFPRV. PHONF, IlLUn fltfl Al t 2