I;' v : prince Uupctt Daflg X3cto3 Tuesday, April 29, 1847 (Authorized u Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) . . Published every afternoon except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. a. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES B7 City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 65c: Per. Year, $7.00; By Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Year, 4.00. 1 STILL OJjR MAINSTAY of salmon trollers are on the contiguous HUNDREDS fishing grounds again. The halibut fleet is on the move as the season opens this mid-week. We are reminded that, even as we contemplate other important industrial developments, the fishery is still our mainstay. To the fishery in one way or another we account Prince Rupert's economic welfare and a very substantial prosperity at that. We can see, if we look, a fishery industry here developed to a much, greater degree than it Was in the pre-war days. We see a ' great expansion in cold storage capacity and processing plants arising out of the newer and more efficient methods of handling fish and the recovery of by-products. As another se'ason opens, we should not undervaluate the importance of our fishery. If we had nothing else here, the fishery by itself would support a sizeable and prosperous community. CHOCOLATE BARS OPINION has been aroused as far as th PUBLIC eight-cent chocolate bar is concerned. Even in Prince Rupert it is to be observed that there are now plenty of chocolate bars in evidence without many takers. It may not have been organized here as it has in many other places throughout the country but it would appear that boycott is also on in this city. The eight-cent bars are not only unpopular but they are unfashionable. Unfortunately, jt,he retailers, who claim they get no share of the increase in price, may to some extent suffer through the buyers' strike. However, the most of them-seem to be understanding and are not unsympathetic. When public opinion becomes aroused to the point of action, something is usually done about. L So it is to be expected that something wilj be i done about the eight-cent chocolate bar, particularly if it cannot be sold. j V 1 BOLD, AT LEAST is nothing pink about Tim Buck. He THERE 'comes back from a tour of, Europe and boasts that there are twice as many Communists there than there were .'before.. As for his own CommU-nist party, the Labor- Progressives, he says in Toronto that it will add many new members by boring into the G.C.K and ranks of Left Wing Liberals. Evfcn if we have our own ideas about the Communists and those who support that cause, even questioning the bonafide sincerity of some of them, we'1 at least "must admit that they are unashamed of their convictions. They do not lack in boldness. TO REMAIN AT MASSETT Bert Phillips to Continue Residence There Following Retirement as Indian Agent B. T. Phillips, who has retired alter- hating held the fcest of Indian Agent at Matsett for the past AO years, win continue to re12e at Maistt. Mr. Phillip is a ions-time and well known resident cf this part of the coast, having been, tor many years in the service of the Pacific Mills at Ocean FalU before being appointed Indian Agent aMassett.. J. A. iWlay bi the local Indian A jericy has gone to Mas- sett to-take over Mr. PhiHrps duties In. the capacity of acting incuanwgent. LOT. OF LUCIFERS About 800,000,000 matches are used every day In the United States. Girl Guides' Leader Busy Mrs. Lonias Ilaving Continuous Round of Inspectorial. Activities Here A busy round of mspectlbnal activities for Mrs. Godfrey Lo mas of Vancouver Island, Blue Pointed Guider, who is in Prince Rupert, commenced last night when she visited the combined Catholic and Anglican Guide 'groups, the demonstration being also attended by members ot the Association, parents and other interested persons. This afternoon Mrs. Lomas Is visiting the First Brownie Pack at 8t. Andrew's Cathedral and this evening will meet the Conrad Street School Brownie Pack. Wednesday afternoon she will visit the Second Catholic Brownie Pack. You saw ft in The Newsl Opeh May I Under New Management JAY A. NORTHCOTT MODERN TAILORS 318 Fifth Street Hand Tailoring Cleaning, Pressing General Alterations THIS AND THAT Igramana ! HoKTSRj Tat Cirtt MinVw Ai.m, Sr.', Ix. "Don't you just love the first touch ot spring!" U.K. WORMS SPUN REGAL SILK ROBES By RATNA GUPTA EYNSFORD, Kent, Eng. (Reuters) Nearly 4,000,000 silkworms will soon be spinning for Britain's smallest industry at the Lullingstone Castle silk farm in this small Kent village. The farm is the only one of Its kind In the UWted King dom. Lady Hart Dyke, director. told me when I visited it: "Our annual production of silk Is 1,- 200 pounds and the nemahd f jr it is tremendous. We have orders on our books which will keep us busy for the next 10 years." The success of the Lulling- stone silk farm, which Is being expanded to set aside consider able land for growing mulberry trees, has encouraged other people to consider silkworm farming as a profitable industry. Lady Hart Dyke said: "As Britain has been Importing a tremendous amount of raw silk from abroad for many years, it is obvious that there is great scope for home production. "Though I started silkworm rearing as a hobbv. its tooten tlallties were so attractive that my farm now employs !22 girls all the year round." Lady Hart Dyke founded the Lullingstone Silk Farm Ltd. lrv 1932 with a capital of $00,000. Since then, 8,000,000 cocoons have been exported to Australia, the Bahamas, Ihe United States and Denmark. THEY- SPUN ROYAL ROBES Her silkworms spun true threads for the robes worn 'by the King and Queen at their' coronation in 193T, and for the dresses of Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. Price ot silkworm eggs rose about 50 per cent during the war but that did not matter. 'as the irice is toegligfbti a few shillings to an ounce; and each BLACKHEADS tt.Vr baani of. pcroxta podir from your drugfflit. Sprinklo on a hot. wat doth and fcsnlT to tit fin leatlr. Err black head will b diwolvcd. Th on ufi. iura and tlmpM waj to rarnor btacktiaarfi. LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP Would like la inform their customers that they expect to be back In business before the end of jvtaty. Mr. Lovht ts leaving shortly for Vancouver to purchase new material and equipment. Enquiries as to when repair jobs and new work 'can be done can be made at the office of IL C. ITELGtRSON l,TD. er PHONE J)fl. BUILDERS We have the most complete stock SASH, WINDOWS AND FRAMES in Western Canada available for Immediate delivery. Write for complete catalogue to KUKAL SASH & FRAME CO P.O. BOX 2373, North Vancouver, B.iO. ounce contains as many as 36; 000 to 40,000 eggs. Ladv Hart Drke exDlalned killed small-scale industries of this type. "I am dreaming cf the ;day when the silkworm Indus try gets a solid , footing, in Britain,-" she concluded. Classified Advertising Pays! MR. MERCHANT r Arc You Helping Her to Smile? What City Counci Approved a recommendation by finance committee that accounts totalling $47,742 for the month of March be paid. 5 Adopted a licensing committee report granting a license to T, A. Moseley to operate a transferbusiness. Approved a utilities committee recommendation that a quantity of telephone cable, cement and truck tires be ROAD PATROL IS DISCUSSED Police Head Sympathetic and Expresses Hope Something May be Done Before Long Vhiie Making no commit ment, Commissioner T. W. S. Parsons, provincial police, exposed sympathy with a pro- jml put to him yesterday by that the Lullineston. silk farms representatives of the Prince pass the "raw silk to weavers Rupert Automobile Association for making uji. kdirs h, a. silk worm industry and this in It self absorbs our entire atten tion, leaving no time to concentrate or experiment wlUi other phases of silk industry." Instruments used at the farm for getting silk strands frcm cocoons are the Invention of Sir Oliver. Hart Dkye, They are very simple Ibut mre useful than tools in useln other countries. Girls employed on the farm are exceptionally' .skilful, specialization being a necessity in handling the cocoons and the strand In ny form. Lady Hart. Dkye said that mechanical devices have almost and the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce that a highway depended on a number of fac- to be done In this regard. There Many women become cross patches when it comes to figuring out their shopping problems. They do not know where and What io buy. Are you helping the women with your message of what you have to sell, yoar advice of bow and what to boy? V '-Si .. , - -' -' ' -: , - The women b Prince Rupert read the Daily News. They are the principal buyers for the home, for the children, even for their husbands audi of course, the gifts. Make No Mistake Did A letter from Dennis- Back, regional director for Central Mortgage Corporation, Informed council that he would be In the city In the near future to discuss the sale of Wartime Houses to private purchasers. FIRE LOOTING ' IS ATTEMPTED Dial and Handle Knocked Off His Safe, George Dawrs Reports There appears to have been at least some attempt at looting of the ruins oi the Clapp IiJock lire at the end of last week. George J. Dawes reports that the dial and handle were knocked ofr his safe which weiit through the fire. There1; was no money lr tihe safe which was used for the storing of papers. a dangerous road in spots. Endeavours would be made to see that signs were put up, especially marking the bad spots. As for protection in case of. accidents, Comtnlsioner Parsoni patrol be established on the! raid the St. John's Ambulance northern transprovinclal highway. Eventually, the commissioner said, the plan was to hav? two patrolmen on the road between Prince Rupert and Prince Oecrge, one possibly stationed at Terrace to work east and west and the other at a central point between Prince Rupert and Cl-ince lGeorge. However, when this would fee carried out Assciiatlon was ready to cstab llsh first aid posts at such points as tflrs; aid personnel were avaHable. Kwtnltsa and Shames sawmills in the lower Skaena Valley were suzestcd as pcss&le point? for such posts. Highway matters frcm the traJflc standpoint were given a general discussion at the conference and one ci the matters brought out was the deplorable tors. In the first clace this was 1 practice ot teer oottles toeing thrtwn out of railway trains on by no means the only road in the province which was Jn need to the hi?-,ay where it i-kltted of highway patiol and the amouh of traffic using It would have a rot to do with what was the track. SCttRY, NO FAGS TFRHNQ. Eng.. tt Miss A. was also difficulty In obtaining Godfrey, 72, says she is closing personnel and vehicles. ; her tobaconist shop because Xi was realized. Commissioner the ts tired oi saying "Sorry. I Parsons admitted, thai this was haven't any." THE Is Prince Rupert's most effective and most economical advertising medium. ARE YOU USINO THIS SURE AND SIMPLE MEANS OF KEEPING IN TOUCH WITH THE MARKET OF CITY AND DISTRICT? Guard Yoif anc your Loved Ctas! " " lfl Jou and tou, , year It fills more than Uoo tJt? kills one In IM n "n C. N. Killer you help ve thousand, , ...... elf , - 1 "v. Tun t. a, v ti & 11 1, 11 v ;iinin . vur nais, anu us proper Irtatmrnt v . wuurMIPhortM n, u " " ""Pons. B' .... GIVE to Conquer C oncei GIVE TODAY SEND YOUR cont,d,,w.. , xuuk LUvAIj CAMPAIGN COKfxnrr, - . ALiLi I W CONQUER CANCER CAMPA1QW nn nrtw C! ir 1 uiic 1KONQ1I We Have a Complete Slock oi BAPCO PAINTS and VARNISH to Supply Your SPUING NEEDS SATIN-GLO Sri N F thai irrAii 11 i kkiii 1 a.. . b m k - n munnun nAKUWAKclu.1 253 Third Avenue At- uatnoiic enure (5th and Fulton) From April 27th till May 4th Coniliiflpfl hv REV. A. II. McLEAX. (1 Sunday Masses at 8:00 and 10:30am Evening Services at 7:30 p.m. reopening or Announcing . . . ROYAL CAFE (Hfrs. C C Swanson) SPECIAI.I7.INO IN FRIED CHICKEX AND WOKKINRMEN'S ME.ALS GOOD HOME COOKING . . a m m u L 1 11 1 r 11 itvrnur w r If) Dusiness ana rwjuMvm J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE ISa 124 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all its branches. 106 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN 1 HOME SERVICE ' GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES: Oreen 486 Red 894 PAINTING and PAPERHANOING Phone Black 823 H. J. LUND ROBERTSON BOTTLE BUYER Grandvlew Hotel PHONE BLACK 412 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O Box 271 If It's Rock Work-t CALL BLUE 939 M SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully Insured while I do the work. Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Certified Weighers , BLUE 980 1 ni ijiuiiw 1 iv f.M 11 in. n.u ami "For Good, uki "JERRY VRt phone n mm ...1 W 11 I I ni 1 1 1 ijlj r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . iiv." - Income Tax w Besner Block p. N, Kllborn r Iff TOW D Wa Hlir ALAj l greater than erct ... -nTlnl tne iuu wi" keep the empuo . nurtNK tiui Agent for paciin-""- ...1 11L Lumber -w" '' - - - Freign Night 1 CaD-? Prince RaP ... nn.inllCU . promp! rn, JONES SUBSCR! Sixth Street