i t "" v Idrfnrc Rupert pally J3chig Tuesday, April' 29, 1947 TOURIST COUNCIL IS NOW FILLED Can Be No Regular Representative from Prince Rupert Unless Panel Increased Tlie Prince Rupert Chamber Of Commerce has oeen advised toy the Department of Trade and Industry that 'the panel of 13 regular xnemibers of the provincial Tourist Council his now been filled and no appointment can be made from Prince Rupert. The possibility Is suggested that the Act might be amended to increase the number of regular members but ithere will be no session of the I legislature until next year now. Prince Rupert has been invited to send an associate member to the next session of the Tourist Council to toe held in Vancouver at the middle of next month. A regular memlbeir of the Council has fare and expenses paid by the government to attend meetings. The expenses of a regular member have to be financtd locally. T. W. Brown of this city was formerly a resular member of the Council but he resigned and P. E. Robertson of Prince George was then named to the Council F. M. Dockril! of Telkwa. at present In the south, is being asked to attend the meeting next month representing the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce. Al WALLACE'S of Course! . 7iimc Rupert Peoples Store Building Supply News! DON'NACONA WALLBOARDS Per 1,000 square feet $65.00 A limited quantity of MOULDINGS now on hand, including CASINO LATTICE QUARTER ROUND STOPS, Etc. Wc stock standard sizes In DOOItS - WINDOWS - SASH Phones 051 -652 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Serving the North Since 1920 COAL - LUAIUER - BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Lack of Coal Is Basic of United Kingdom (Britain, sapped by two wars and a great depression, Is fighting for her national existence in an unprecedented economic crisis. This is one of a series of stores giving Canadians detailed picture of the crisis, its causes, effects and the battle being fought to overcome It). By JOHN DAUPHINEE Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (CP) Sending en.ils tn 'NmvPMfl, isn't absurd in post-war Britain it could come true. "If we can get coal abroad to relieve our necessities, by all means we will do it, "Prime -Minister Attlee it.i tt e n iom me xiuu&u ui vuiiuuuns. To cut down on consumption of coal-nroducec? electricity and gas, government spokesmen said, domestic savings perhaps even rationing and allocation to industry according to 'their importance to the nation will have to be continued for two or three years. Planned distribution of coal under government direction probably will have to continue even longer. And this year passenger' trans port services are being cut 10 per cent from 1946 to save coal and provide extra locomotives for fuel trains. That is the measure of today's fuel shortage In a country which became a great industrial nation because it had great quantities of coal, which still gets 95 per cent of its power from coal, and whiah used to export enough coal to pay for all its imports of wheat. Despite the promise of atomic energy, there is no substitute for coal, now or in the near future. Getting enough coal Is the United Kingdcm's fundamental problem. Economically, It holds the key to future nrosuerity. Polit ically, Attlee'a Socialist govern ment would be in canger if next year saw a repetition of Febru ary's calamitous shutdowns. PLENTY OF COAL IN COUNTRY STILL There are plenty of ccal re sources in the United Kin :dom. Arthur Horner, secretary of the National Union of Mlneworkers, said South Wales alone has 5,000.000,000 tons at known workable depth enough for more than 100 years. There Is coal in Kent. Durham, Yorkshire, Cumberland, the Midlands and all the North. The trouble is to get it mined For that there are not enoug miners, not enough machinery, not even enough pits. For d?cades. and particular since the 1920 general strike, the mining industry has declined, its history punctuated by labor bitterness and unrest Fiom 1.230,000 in 1925, employment has slumped to 700,000 now. Production has dropped from 213,000,000 tons to about 185,000,000: And in the sic period, de mand at home las increased. For three years, with exDorts ateost eliminated, the United Kingdom has been living on a coal over-draft It drew on deEp-cnined stocks by more than 1.000,000 tons in 1043, 1,500,000 tons in 1944, 3,600,000 tons in NORTHERN Ii.C. AKENTS I OK "THE NATIVE VOICE" JONES NEWS STAND PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. 'The Native Voice," a paper published monthly in the interests of Indians of Canada and U.S.A.. dealing with problems, news and activities of the Indians. See Jones News Stand for subscriptions and advertising space. NATIVE VOICE PUULISHING 509 Holden Bldg. 16 Hastings St. E., VAN., B.C. (100) Steamer Service from PRINCE r TT1T-"T-X OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnight For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE RUPERT 1945 and 4,000,000 tons in 1946; and it also used 2,250,000 tons of opencast and coal stocks. Last autumn distributed stocks were less than 11,000,003 tons, at least 4,000,000 below the safety level. When the worst winter in 50 years arrived, breakdown of fuel supplies was inevitable. This year's production target is 200,000,000 tons enough for bare essentials. Tl-e N. U. M. and Lord Hyndley's National Coal Board, which since last Jan. 1 has run Britain's 1,500 mines, have -given a "pretty firm guarantee" that the goal can be reached. NO OVERNIGHT ANSWER Nationalization b the Attlee government's folutlon for the labor unrest and lack of coordinated development, but It Js no overnight answer. In addition, extra unraticned foods and consumer goods are being sent to mining areai as an added incentive for miners to earn more money and reduce absenteeism, almost 20 per cent in seme areas. New homes for miners are getting priority A five-day week has been promised. It is too early yet to estimate the success of these measure's but two signs are encouraging: Three sailings Ter Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (ALL TIMES 'SHOWN DAYLIGHT SAVING) Tuesdays, 1:30 p m Coquitlam. Fridays. 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 10 pjn. QUEEN'CHAiaOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS May 5, 17 and 30 Midnight. FOR SOUTH ISLANDS May 1 and 19, June 1 Midnight. FRANK J. SKINNER Prin'c Rupert Agent Thjrd Ave Phone 568 HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 2i4 Sixth Street Black 289 WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Run 'Hulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 NOTICE The Dally News wishes to draw attention to the rule that classified and transient advertising is payable in advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise in this manner in the Dally News arc asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified ' the drain of manpower lias been 'opped, and production has. been nsing slowly since last Jury when the N. C. U. was first established. , By the end of tins year, manpower will be up to 730,000, Including some Polish ex-servicemen. Some mechanical equipment will be imported and more will be manufactured at home. But mechanization takes time and the N.C.B. estimates 15 to 20 years will be required to bring the Industry to peak efficiency. Seme British pits are operated today as uiey wen ha'f a century ago, with out dated hand tools and without the sid of mechanical haulage. Much reorganization will be needed. Through the war some mines were closed to conren-tratc effort on the most productive yearns. Lcick of room at the coal-face Is a terlous difficulty. New pits will have to be opened and already drills are prcblng deep underground in search of new, rich veins. WANTED 40 WINKS? WINNIPEG, 05 One local must have been in a hurry when leaving for work one morning recently. A male clerk in a Winnipeg department stcre reported waiting on a custcmer with a sheet hanging from the collar of his coat. He evidently did not r.ctice It and the clerk did not want to embarrass him. Classified Advertising Paysl pure vrrf favored made by the makers of Jell-0 With the New, Simplified Single-Saucepan Meth , Combine in saucepan all of tlie foljowinR called for by the recipe .Minute OeUtinc, Iiq-uids, seasonings, sugar. 2. Heat 2 or 3 minutes, stirring until gelatine dissolves. 3, I'lain gelatine recipes are ready for molding; fancy ones ready for the addition of fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Recipe leaflet in package. mg.iw INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See K. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 "CAPTAINS -COURAGEOUS" Oreat Sea Picture Iltturnine To Screen of Capitol Theatre Rudyard KiDllnir's sa'ia of th? sea, "Captains Courageous," comes back to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this Wednesday and Friday. Those who saw the picture on Its ifirflt showing some years ago will remember the artistry and vigor of the dramatic film. Spencer Tracy heads the cast In his role as the Portuguese fisherman for which he won an academy award. Mickey Rooney, then a Juvenile, is the schooner's youngest sailor. Lionel Barrymore Is the picturesque skipper. Freddie Bartholomew Is the boy who Is swept overboard frcm a liner to be rescued by the crew of a Oloucester schooner. Melvyn Douglas Is the fathf",nd other members of the distinguished supporting cast are Charley Orapewin, Jack La Rue, John OarracMno'. Walter Kingsford, Donald Brtggs, Sam McDanlels and Dave Thursby No doubt) many who saw the picture orteinallv will want In see it again while, of course, if will be a brand new treat for those who missed It before. VETEKAN TREES In Lapland, Sweden, 32 per cent of the trees are more than j 160 years old. ' I un '' Wi m 1 ML J" M Product ! General Foodi JUST ARRIVED Several lines in latest style men's moccassin front Oxfords See them while sizes are full GEORGE HILL & SONS LTD. AGENTS FOR SLATER SHOES ' 82 i THIRD AVENUE Next Commodore Cafe REX CAFE SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE IIUPERT HOTEL Chop Sucy Chow Mcin CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY Open 6 am. to 2 a.m. rilONE 173 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 IT'S SPRING Time to repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Phone RED 561 p,o. Box 7'Jl Hollywood Cafe TRINCi: RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT FULL-COURSE MEALS FROM 11 A.M. TO 6 A.M. Special Dinner Every Sunday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. CHINESE DISIIES A SPECIALTY WE CATER TO PARTIES CIIOPSUEY CHOWMEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 735 THIRD A.VENUB WEBT TODAY AT1 T'An ft.rxe A I -VU - II, JO "A LUlMvn with MELVYN DOUGLAS TTOWn PADnvilnnn . .ftU mwiiuu Ufll niffl KK nil) days ON i.v Wednesday and Thursday SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVE EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WOS rhone BLUE I "(5 1C0 East Third Ave. INext to Shot Available No uu Model 517 - $11 LIMITED CficCotd WE DELIVER "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIC-JIT l'lione 775 ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING HOUSE WIRING Repairs ' Installations EXPERT RADIO SEWlCt I REE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Phone 644 RUPERT RADIO AND ELE Having Fish for Dinner "RUPERT BRAND Will add taste and quality to jour For variety try our meat c imi, pwi :ilmon and KipP" Sole, Cod and Salmon 1 Frozen: Halibut and Salmon I Ash for 'RI1PFRT BRA TAMAfMAU rifU O Cf H til . r PRINCE , t ;mic(l COl' EARLY ADVERTISING COPY WILL BE