MEDAL TURNING U.S. EYE! r a r 4kir rrikir r 1 i r r r t Lin iiiiiii firaii fifirai r v irv I llM iwni'' f " " i i. i w kin ..h. Mart;on medal, a Sam Haves, announcer for the 1 Hnndrtd .Million KilMTIflN t 1L. . . . !r-?f -asinz num- nre'JeK on Prince Rup- .1. 1 tt L 1 Lo U"i.V.. -ai ."we:ler. ana tne Heart Pub'.'.c Relations fervr -Gi- arc anxious .vm nubllclty has rc- i merfflL ana mc rc- a udn it. belns ... jkv fhrnuah KeV- ju r" - .- .vnnurn r:i ii i i ttjvj ::'-r south cf the i i n,ni -, rn nn izivi u. w in Ull. . - pftr-nv r,nd publicity. Mr the first auto- t arrive In Prince Run- i. .f lUfr V.a Viic ri-rtvftn - .or .. - V ''ate cf Florida, the wilremfnt belmr that he . Y-W I J - f . ... Mir Kl'- riunuu unci I set wun ruDies eperry meaKiasi news, an Am .. rl ...... .1 TTOT) I I ... i fn In fi (trwpmcnt oi acTpKU rPTXiripn lncmnpa in alare cf a live-year pro- ili d ti h thp nrnnrvrfl i-r ' a hundred' mll- "i:ntL ' rrscarch, nc stw foriar of warfare. a cover -rojc:ted south fliwe rockets Including ER FIRE IWi " t attack on the federal policy brought three '"iiuicTs io ;ne oeiencv IhIU-... - in u uouse oi uojir aay in a fivo-hour dealt with the im- . . - . ... ra til tho IpvMIp mills I . members of the Oppo- iM in blasting the ar- is a foim of One charged that goin'? into slavery. ,il minlfters Mitchell, nd st .rr, , UHUIVIIk Illicit would have thq pro-Canadian Immigration 'Mranteeinig them two "nploymfnt. end Canad-'7 'aw which would cn-iJent standard of living. Sl' Laurent announced arther arrangements were ,'ay to bring fourteen : other workers to Can- minin? und logging HP Ir" 4 Ti inii Synopsis t k flow of moist air from Pacific is causing con- ClQUdy skips with vntlw. showers throughout Brt- tathe 'r is expected tomor- I'orpoi.i ?'Rupert, North Coast J Charlottes - Over-. w occasional light drizzle no ti ...... ... ,ulechane In tomnprti- s tonight-Port Hardy Sttt 45 D,U t. i .0 .., n"rsday- Port Hardy 59, "lnce Rupert 60. erican oayume program which keeps taib on evcnU, aired the rtory of the medal on a broadcast a month ago, marking up the golden award for the 5,000 ' mile trip to a whim on the part ci Mr. Manson. I Mr. Manon. although pleased that the thing rot such prcmin-1 cnt notice, cxnlains that the . nurpose of the award Is purely , to give Prince Rupert and Its I scenic highway, publicity for motorl.U from all parts of the continent. Last vcar considerable natlon- Ul publicity accompanied the wlnnins of the M.itvon medal by Chief Petty Of ficer end Mrs. Les lie Palzc who drove from Halifax to Prince Rupert over all-Canadian highways to claim It. Mr. Manson and the Public Relations Council anticipate continent-, wide publicity for Prince Rupert when pom haroy Florldan drives in to claim the current medal. Among enquiries received by Mr. Manson so far is one from I . " i Ipft Kpv West. Florida "the Ml gm m 1 i lannexi suuui ixriiu in uic unii- cnt In San Jose. California, Mr. Tones sough. informutlon on the medal. He Is travelling with his wfe and daughter. r Mr, Maivwn hag informed him that nce he le't Florida before the medal was put up. he cannot qualify for the award even If he completed the 5.000 mile Journey. However, Mr. Manton has given him a hearty Invitation to visit Prince Ruoert anyway, "an experience that anyone will enjoy " BUTTER RATION IS KEEPING ON Position of This and Jam and Jellies Under Review OTTAWA, O- K. W. Tayior chiirman of the Prices Board .'ld on Tiies?y that the supply and general position of butter t?ms ar1 Jellies whs under re view but the Boird had reached no dcnltp dec'fion ns to the end of ratlonlm th same. "We can." he salu, ','dcny cat egorically report"! of the immln encc of ending butter rations.' Vancouver Bralorne h.00 B.R. Con 06''!i B. R.X 03'2 Cariboo Gold 2.46 Dentonia 17 l'f GrulJ Wlhksne 07 Vi Hedley Mascot I-05 Minto 03 Pend Oreille 2.30 4 06 Pioneer . Premier Border 043,4 Premier Gold 58 Pjlvatcer 42 & Reeves McDonald M0 11 Reno Salmon Gold 23 Sheep Creek M7 Taylor Bridge 56 Whitewater 02 Vananda -25 04 Congress Eastern -20 Pacific - Hedley Amalgamated .. .08 Spud Valley li Central Zeballos O1 0,ls- 20 20 A. P. Con Calmont - f C. &E Foothills Home Athona Aumaque Toronto 3.95 ,14 .35 PROBE MYSTERY OF DROWNED BRIDE Mrs. Christina Mocon Kettlewell. 22, of Mimlco, Ont., bride of eight days, whose body was found floating In the water near Severn Falls, Ont., close to the cottage where she and her husband, on their honeymoon, and his business partner, Ronald Barrie, had been staying. Police are Investigating the death of the girl. "William O. "Fulton, nioncer Prince Rupert lawyer, -as ap- pointed County Court Judge in Victoria today, according to word received by the Daily News this afternoon. Mr. Fulton is at present in Vancouver on a holiday trip. His elevation to the bench fills the position which has been left vacant by the retiiCmcnt of Judge W. E. Fisher, who has held the position for several years beyond his retirement age. Sir. Fulton was among the first barristers to set up practice in Prince Rupert when the city was developed, and is the oldest member of the Prince Rupert bar association. Local Tides Thursday, June 5, 1947 High 1:49 Low 14:55 8:30 20:25 20.7 feet 18.0 feet 2.6 feet 8.0 feet W. J. Fraser, travelling Investigator for the immigration department, arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert from Vancouver to conduct oral examinations of applicants for the civil service today. :: TODAY'S STOCKS :: Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. ooaoooooocioooooooooooooiSAaisooooooticitionooociijijciocioc Bcattle 80 Bevcourt 86 Bobjo 16 Buffalo Canadian 20 Consolidated Smelters .. 84.50 Conwest 1-05 Donalda 105 Eldona' 44 Elder 88 Giant Yellowknlfc 6.25 God's Lake 101 Hardrock 48 Harricana 10 Vj Heva Gold 36 Hosco 41 Jacknlfe "8M: Jolict Quebec 50 Lake Rowan 20 Lapaska -34 Little Long Lac '' 1.85 Lynx !8 Madseh Red Lake 3.30 McKenzie Red Lake 63 MacLeod Cockshutt ...... 1.70 Moneta -50 Negus 2.17 Noranda 48.00 Osisko Lake 163 Pickle Crow 2.75 Regcourt -43 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn 44 Vz Sherrltt Gordon 3.20 Steep Rock 1.90 Sturgeon Rive- .21 oitiy 111 Luiw uiup iiuuuiui I .1 M tf I .1 MINE SIGHTED NEAR ISLANDS A drifting "mine-the secend on the British Columbia coast within 10 days has been reported at the head of Tana Bay. more commonly known as Martin Bay, j near the western end of Skide- gate Channel on the west coast ol Graham Island, according to a mariner's notice posted by -the local Departmen of Transport office. The mine was reported sighted by a small boat operating out of the Prince Rupert Fishermen s Co-operative camp on the west coast of Graham Island. The report was -relayed to the Department of Transport office here. Lew. than two weeks ago a mine was rtportod drifting In Queen Charlotte Sound. No details cf the type of mine found drifting at the week-end were given. McGEER OUT FOR HOUSES Vancouver Mayor Hopeful of Getting Federal Co-operation in Relieving Situation OTTAWA, O: Senator G. G. McGeer, moyor of Vancouver, said today he Is "hopeful of com ing to an understanding wun federal housing officials which would lead to the erection pf several' hundred units of low-cost housing in Vancouver "without too much 'further delay." He conferred with' David Mansur and Major-General Hush Young, top men of. the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and said he would renew conferences with Hon. C. li Howe, Minister cf Reconsbvutt'on. later In the rtnv Lake Superior Ore Freighter Hit! Shoal Near Fort William ALL VICTIMS CREW MEMBERS MONTREAL (CP) Canada Steamship Lines officials said today that 12 lives were lost in the wreck of th company freighter Emperor which broke in half 0)1 Canoe Rocks, Isle Royal, 45 miles east of Fort , William in Lake Superior, last night. I Urie body, that ot Mrs. JbJ. bcnuitz, ursc cook on the vessel, was recovered. She was frdtn Owen Sound, Ontario The (victims were all crewl i members, Including Captain El-I don Walkinshaw, of Colllngwood, Ontario and five other unnamed officers! The Emperor, bound from Port Arthur o Ashtabula, Ohio, with a cargo pf iron ore, is believed to have -struck a treacherous shoal while visibility was poor. The "U.S. Coastguard cutter Kimball, operating in the Isle Royal area, answered the Emperor's Viistress signal and went to the rescue. It picked up Mrs. schultzVbody and 21 survivors, includlrffi the crew of a swamped lifeboatland seven persons found clingi'ngf to the rocks iy2 miles .north ot the scene. Two persons were listed .. . - ... . . . SAYS ulhu W. f ulton named uounty uoun juage labor unions V'ANCOUVFIR Waiter &w en, Vancouver's labor negotiator, told a Canadian wholesale gro cers convention Tuesday Wat rrmrminlsts have secured con trol of unions here by pressure tar.ttM and. Darty men in key positions in dangerously large numbers in the provinces un ions" FIRE TAKES FOUR LIVES MEDICINE HAT. O, Four of ..ixteen Deode. three of them children," lost their live? early today when fire destroyed a tailor shop at the home of Steve Gyorkos. , The dead are Murray Gyorkos, in- Elizabeth. 8' a:d Margaret, Is. all daughters of Gyorkos. and Ja?k McCaule. 45 of Edmonton. Christine. 13, Is In a serious condition In horpltal. Four girls were sleeping in hp front bedroom with three other slstfirs when fire broke nut. They suffered severe burns and suffocation. MORE FOOD IN GERMANY Situation in U.S.-Briiish Occupation Zones. Improving STUTTGART, Hi-- Lucius Ii Clay told the German Counci of States today thut the food situation in the United States and the British occupation zones 13 improving and credited progress to increased American grain shipments and belter German collection from local farms. -The American military gover nor said 310.000 tons of wheat and flour had been shipped to Germany from the United States since May 1. Five ships reached Brcmerhaven Sunday and one Monday, with two at sea. PIANO RECITAL REGINALD GEEN Director, General Motors Choir CIVIC CENTRE TONIGHT 8:30 p.m. Adults $1.00 Students 50c (130) GOV'T WOULD CENTRALIZE PENAL CONTROL OTTAWA The Minister of Justice. Hon. Mr. Iisley said in the Commons Tuesday that the government's object Is to cent ralize control of Catada's penal Institutions, but it is willing o discuss the question should the provinces so desire. A government bill to appoint two deputies to the Federal Commissioner ot penitentiaries has received its secend reading. The Minister of Tride. Hon. Mr. McKlnnon. disclosed that Can ada has shlpDed 99,000,000 bush-1 els of wheat to Britain and the", remainder of 13(5,000,000 com-1 mlttment'of the current crop year, is going within the next t I Al .1 two monuis. REPATRIATED JAPS UNHAPPY Unable to Get Jobs and Focds in Homeland and Generally Miserable VANCOUVER, Oi Scores of Japanese, repatriated from British Columfolaj want to return to Canada, Lieut. Col. Oscar Orr, who has returned home frcm a fourteen months stay in Japan' as head of the Canadian war crimes liason detchment, said Monday. The reasons, stat ed Col. Orr are "no steady jobs, not enough food, and general misery in their post war home land." Col. Orr said all Canadian prrsecutions of Japanese war criminals have beet, completed. There were fifty cases and fifty convictions. GERMAN BRIDE Peter Salm, 27-year-old clerk ih,a Los Angeles bookstore, is shown as he greeted his fiancee.-Glsela Van-denschein, 22, on her arrival from Germany. A mild furore was created on Miss Van-denschein's arrival in New York when she announced to reporters that she was to marry Peter Salm. The newsmen, mistook her fiance for the Pe-. ter Salm who is the son of the late Count Ludwig Salm and Mlllicent Rogers, Standard Oil heiress. New Highway Plan Is Up Advocates of System, Involving Prince Rupert, Presented to Federal Cabinet OTTAWA, 0) A Trans-Can ada highway system embracing at least two highways across the .prairies through the Rockies to Vancouver and Prince Rupert was urged on Monday toy a four- man delegation from the prairies. They met a cabinet delegation, headed by the Minister .of Trade, J. A. McKlnnon. A brief proposed Winnipeg as the fork of the system, with a northern route branching Saskatoon, Edmonton and Yellow-head Pass and then forking at Tete Jaune for Vancouver and Prince Rupert V olunleeiWorhersMake Possible Re-opening of Local Museum ' T?ofn4iiclwl 'inrl plpnnprl tbp spnrps nf pxhihits in Prince Rimprr's mnspiim nf nnrthprn Rritish Colum bia are gradually taking their display positions on the walls and in show cases on the ground floor of tlio Qpnrmrl Avonitd Vmilrlinrr whiph thp mnspum nnrfi WIV vv. . . . . - w . - - - - ... ... shared with the city library, butwhich now is given 1 1 - t t. 1 1 .. .. ..! ..! .,nn Jt. I UVCl 11a cu-iuaivc use. exterior, done by . . U In- curator. The4 Public Relations council also plans to, establish a tourist Information headquar Ing for the museum which has j ters in an office at the front f aIapaJ for fn paiAn ircflpe T Last net", i the Vn HuMriirttr building. been closed seven years. night, Museum Board members arranged exhibits which they and their Toe H. helpers had carried down from the upper floor the night before. Last night's work was con-opmed with the hanging and placing of the various Indian exhibits, of which the museum has a fine collection. Most of these, despite the ravages of seven years, of neglect, are still In good condition. Exact opening date for the museum has not yet been set, but it is expected that it will be sometime early this month. In addition to the painting of the the Junior The Museum Board hopes to recapture the interest of the community and visitors which made the museum in its former years one of the most popular stopping places In the city, and a centre of tourist attraction. The Toe H. effort was led by' Noel Jones, a former curator. Assisting hhn Monday night were Arthur Evans, George Evans, James Evans, Stanley Chappie, John Church, Aubrey Bate. R. G. Hopkins, T. T. H. Collart, Mayor Arnold, Rev. and Mrs. Basil S. Prockter, S. A. Kell-back, P. H. Unzey, Harold Hampton, F. E. Anfield, and J. Harry Black W.MV. HEARING BEFORE UTILITIES BOARD Hearing was bJgun this after noon by the provincial Public Utilities Commission Into an ap plication bv Canadian National Transportation Co., for a fran chise to operate a freight- truck service 'between Prince Rupert and Burns Lake. The application is being opposed- by individual truckers from Prince Rupert to Prince George. The commission Js headed by Dr. W. A. Carrothers-of Victoria. J. C. MacDonald Is the second merrlber-of the coiamissioni R. M. Taylor, superintendent of the motor branch, is present in an advisory capacity. They arrived in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert. Counsel for Canadian National Transportation Co. Is W. W. Boyd, assistant transport economist. Canadian National Rail ways, Winnipeg, is also present. J. V. Clyne, Vancouver barrister, Is acting for the trucking firms who are opposing the C.N.R. British Columbia truckers as sociation Is supporting the lnd- lvldual truckers. Firms and in-' dlvtduals giving testimony at the bearing are Lindsay Cartage. Hyde Transfer and Northern Cartage of Prince Rupert. Roy Calderwood, Smlthers; K. C. Johnson, Vanderhoot; H. H. Sil- verthorne. Houston: R. F. Bates, TelXwarlJ.XeejHaJtbnj,!, Dun-, lop, tmitners; Mr. Martin, azei-ton; T. Marshal; Hazelton, and R. W. Sargent, Hazelton. Canadian National Transportation Co.. a subsidiary of Canadian National Railways, seeks the right to operate an exclusive trucking service between Prince Runert and Burns Lake. Indiv idual truck operators want the service to be operated by several truck lines, and are opposing;, the application. BANDIT CAUGHT, LOOT RECOVERED NIAGARA FALLS, JK -An alleged bank robber was captured and more than $19,000 In cash and bonds recovered Tuesday, thlrtv minutes after a daring S briefsaid the Yellowhead ll' Canada, at route tapped the central And most populous region and expanding areas on the prairies would -follow the present perlal Bank of suburban Stamford centTe. Police rrested Harry Guguid. Toronto plastic salesman, after' an 80-mile-an-houf chase. The armed bandit tied up five of the bank staff after they reported for work and forced them into the vault. INDIA STATES GIVEN OPTION NEW DELHI, ) Viceroy. Lord Mounttoatten, has told a pr.es3 conference that either or both nt thp npur states tn. be created Work by Museum Board mem-! Board is the appointment of a g' the British "LSI commonwealth S5 bcrs and the Toe H. group, which volunteered help, has resulted in the probability of an early open- with dominion .status, or could' walk out either frcm Britain, or from each other. Me made It plain that the British plan, as announced yester-i day, was intend that both Hindu India (Hindustan) and Moslem India (Pakistan) could be completely Independent, and neither could control tho other on the question ct whether to stay within the commonwealth. ITALY SENDING DEATH LETTERS LONDON, 0) Scotland, Yard made the statement today that several persons In England have received envelppes mailed in Italy containing what appeared tn ho rfonosmm pyinlnslves. Scot- b V W MK.V.".." Workers last night - were Mayor - jiand Yard declined to name the 1 . .. . , , ., unamDer 01 uoiniuciuc, n terlor has been redecorated in Arnold, Rev. and Mrs. Prockter. recipients but said that, had the attractive light colors. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Anfield, and envelopes been opened, they Amcmg problems faced by the R G Hopkins. ! would have exploded. a 5 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL: BRmSJ POLUMBIA'fe NEWSPAPER :J Blue 1 1 r phone 235 PhoncJJ mmm IlK STAR I NIGHT SERVICE T Ave.t Cabs I V ?! Hi Third lr LdEinpres. Hotel. Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" VOL, XXXVI, No. 130. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C.. WEDNESDAY JUNE 4, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS m I TP EA oinn In I olo Chin hioootpr ill 1 in 1 1, n il : 1 'I ir-,! t. 1-W !4