4 IDtincc Rupert Daflp Bcv$ Between Local Hopp Talk Tonight and for the next week and a half, the Civic Centre eym is going" to be the scent of ... . ...... inn unai iwop puyui In the Sgrrior "A" league to- nlht Tsavoy and BjD. Packers chnnlrf n..T nn o nroftv th.-pH -f w' - aix-- show If their usual games are any indication. It is said that there are sane big: shake-ups taking place in the Packers' cami.j. The rtovelty of Jack Lindsay's if turn jnay have worn off but seejng Jack, Sey, Bobby and Sonny -all back together again wil) definitely be Interesting to watch. Sev. it is rumored, will be moving. wp ,lft.handlc the bucket position, -which will definitely be a chiuelfcir hirnByd Gur-vlrh has-Teturned after having, so It v.'a&3ieard. handed in. his , strip 1 0 much Ross.'Buttfue to the neeessily.af keeping a strong 1 fcfltiacl hevtm 1?een persuaded to j stay. In the Senior "B" match Co-op wlS- Don Pofward and Mel HoJ-mcets KtESeyla instead of Port ketad are a ttw of tne th" Edward as Originally planned. names on tne ferees" roster. It - j is not yet definite who of these Gyro junior hocp squad arc a , will handle what. SCHEDULE OF FIVE-PIN BOWLS March 24 Past Office vs. Morgans;. North 'Star vs. Peoples StoreJ; Malkins vs. Grottq;.qyro vs. MaoseFlsh Dock vs. Burps; Stone's vs. Co-op. March 31 Stnnps vs. Fish Dock; Grotto vs. Gyro; Co-op vs. Xvfoosr? 'Ppoples Store vs. Burns; North Star vs. Morgans; Malkjns ts. Post Office. April 7 Morgans vs. Qrqttq; Burn? vs. Co-op; Peoples Store vs. Pish Dock; North Star vs. Malklns; Post Office' vs. Gyro; Stones vs. Mbose. SHORT SPORT Loi (Iron Mam Gehrig missed his first ball game with the New Yorkl Yankees since Jf25 eight yearsj ago today when h'e stayed on tlje bench to watch his, team makd a 14-4 conquest cf Kansas City, Yankee farm team. Later in the season, Gehrig withdrew permanently, crippled by a form of paralysis which caused his death June 6, 1941. 1 Fourteen thousand professional tennis enthusiasts paid $30,000 to rje the "Fred Perry-Big Bill Tilden match at New York ten yearSjasoThe blackrhalred Brl- n -polished off the Old Master by scares of 61, 6-3, 4-6, 6-0. It was tilden's first defeat tnjMad-ison Square Garden's "canvas courfl 1, the Baskets pretty happy bunch risht now. Their ccach, Syd Woodside, ar- ' rlved back lu t0wn and w111 be on hand to handle his team in , penmn It would ft traic j tiling if thif Gyro squad was i knocked put In the first round of i me Py-"". M nave WOll nn1,, iha t.n.orts1 Vi1f nl tlWfc llIJ lilt OLtUltU IIUU, UUV Ul so they were the winners cf th? Tirst half of the loop. This last moment drive that they will have to put on will be very crucial as It will mean whether or not ihey can cop the junior hoop title. It seems there Is a bit of trouble getting enough referees to handle all the matches fqr the next week, but tonight at least will see plenty of whistle blowers around. Johnny Coma-dina will handle the senior "A" match, with Vern Ciccone put- ting in his first appearance in the senior loop, assisting. Boyo Ourvich, Alex Bill, Don Hart- 4 CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Subject to change) ff?ft?ff SATURDAY FJtl. 4 :0D Hawaii Calls 4:30 Hot Air 5:00 Playhouse Party ; 5:3Q South American Way I 5:4-Sports College J 6:00 CBC News ! C:05 Recorded interlude ! G: 15 Music a la Carter j 6:30 Saturday Night Serenade 7:Q0 Dancing Party ' 7:30 Organ Music i 3:00 Red River Barn Dance 8:30-Old Time Rythm 9:00 Current and Choice 0:15 This, Week 9 :30 Violin Sonatas 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Report from the Legislature 10:30 Hollywood Barn Dance 10:45 Vaughn Monroe's Qrch. 11:00 Weather and sign off ann. SUNDAY AJa. 8:3Q Concert Album 9: 00 BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Songs and Singers 9:30 Vanity Fair 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 B.C. Gardner 10:15 Just Mary Tor. ! 10:30 Way of the SDirit Mont. 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period Ott. P.M. 12:00 New York Philharmonic Symphony Qrch. 1:30-Church of the Air 2:00 CBC News WETPROQF PAPER DOES NOT STICK . TO THE LIPS n.. Styles Are Sumptuous By HELEN BANNERMAN Canadian Press Staff Writer 'NEW YORK, New York's lep designers this week unveiled their sumptuous spring and summer collections of made-to-ordcr clothes which will set the style pace for the season. llattie Carnegie, dean cf the designer's corps, presented a col- ifcti011 of suits, many with wide ' collars, some with tiny waists, and others wfth unpadded, bro- . w .f...r?.M, deefptiyely simple, they ranged from slate .grey through ttvo v.'hole range of blues, bright pinks, yellows and greens. The demure air deserts the collection about cocktail time. The models changed Into off-shoulder, long-skirted dresses of rustling silk or linen, their bodices outlining every curve and their full skrts glittering with diamante embroidery- .Sally Miigrim chose the figure pg)it as her favorite silhouette, wjth natural shoulders, small waist, and skirts sometimes reaching below the calf of the leg. If she has her way, women are heading toward dressier evenings In the future, typified by her theatre-length gown of black lace and crepe. Tills delight of the designers in again handling great quantities of lovely fabrtes also showed up in the evening gowns presented by Tailored Wcmen where one portrait gown of narrow black French lace used no less than 224 yards. KOWS ON KOWS OF LAoj: i i:ai nici-D TJils dress Is fashioned of row nn row of lace, applied over white net, with a red velvet rose at the neckline. Rich vivid vel- !ow appeared in a Chantilly lace own with bouffant skirt and matching pe-plin jacket highlighted with gold paillettes. Pasllllo of Elizabeth Arden presented a collectinnwith many cf the double effects this, designer U fond of. There were double bolerp effects, double reyers. double peaked lapels and frequently double curved pock ets. With curved hlplines and ! small waisU his costumes were I utterly feminine. Castillo has de- ! signed all trie hats tp go with j his plqthes, many of them in-sflired by Pjcarsp paintings. He liked the straight, wide sailor. ! qften of rough straw, and also introduced high, soaring felts, bicornes ... the season's high fashion, flower-crowned hats and sophisticated black straws with feather trimmings. Walter FJorell sot into the springtime spirit with a collection Of hnt fMtllrlnrr llnctlnlr - - v........ j and white straws in various ! shapes. They were swathed In coarse while mesh veiling for skin flattery. "Little Quys," ils trim, head- 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Weekend Reyiew Mont. 2:30 T.B.A. 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3 ;33 Weather Forecast 3:38 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra 4:3Q Record Album 5:00 Miisic In Time. 5:30 Stage 47 Toronto 0:30 Familiar Music 7:00 CBC News 7:10 The Old Songs 7:30 Winning Compositions of Capac Music Contest 8:00 The Readers Take Over 8:30 Sunday Serenade 9:00 Classics For Today q:3Q Vesper Hour 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15-Canadian Yarns 10:30-Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and sign off ann. MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music For Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC News 9 : 15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10;15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00: The Concert Hour 1:30 Afternoon Recital 1:45 Commentary and Novel Chapter .2:00 B.C. School Broadcast THIS AND THAT "Lets try on some hats my hugging cloches, made a peat showing with their flatterin. f jiinall brims. Some were orna men ted with prr-sed bl(.'.some t keep their line trim. -'Eih-; pink kivm ui. ,i ,-, i: .:-ti,.n , 1 A &im) the Russian iM " ycphalt shingles. If wo tried to pronounce it, we'd probably give up and call them "Duroid" for short Here in British Columbia, Genuine Duroid Shingles are so popular for good value, that nearly everyone has come to think of all asphalt shingles as being "Duroid." Actually, "Duroid" i3 an exclu$lve tradename, and appears only on asphalt shingles made by Sidney. Because of their good reputation for dependability, U is only natural that you should want Genuine Duroid Shingles for your own home. But to be sure you get Genuine Duroid Shingles whon you ask for them look for Ihe Sidney Seal of Quality on every bundle. It's there for your protection. SIDNEY ROOFING & VICTOmn AND Yes, but your You lira 1'IIONISS 110 and 117 don't Courtesy and Service Jeet are killing me " uscious pastel tulle In the fonr halos. forward toques anr "eat nichi;? hats, ecnestiet- rh Onvrrs One beauty was of tulle with mray.s of Mar -aej Ui the brim. & saying PAPER CO. LTD. VANCOUVER SR-2N the worst is over it is no time to let coal bin run low get speediest possible delivery of your favorite known nth of coal from 11s. But leave ordering too long. ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. FUEL AND BUILDING MATERIALS LADIES "B-" BOWLS Mareh 30 Co-op vs. Dockettc-s. Bankers vs Peoples, Whirlwinds vs. W.P.T.B., Watts & Ntekerson vs. Revenuers, iKhatadas vs. At-lin. March 37-Sankers ys Atlin. Whirlwinds vs. Co-00, Wutu ft Ntakenonvs. Ptopks. KhaUdas vs. W.P.T.B., Revenuers vs. Dock-ettes. April 3 Whirlwinds vs. Revenuers. Watts & Niokeraon vs. Bankers, Kbatadaa vs. On-op. Peoples vs. Docfcettes, Atlin vs. W.P.T.D. wai: Assins coal Ver Ton Screened Lump, sacked ... $12 Mine Run Hulk . . . $10 HYDE TRANSFER 1'IIONi: 5X0 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMKTHIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 esn $seiMy 7omef I'alnlnl rotima mr ntor Mttftary ml itiMljil mmrri Itmm ret llit rlitrful rulcra Imt curatit taluv. AIjL ybur bom li)Ihir( Prince I'.upcrt Dealers fiurdon & Anderson Federal Block Phone 4C Steamer Service rrKMWWtfrl m trom mm m PRINCE Dl 1DCDT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell Iiivcr) VANCOUVER Thursilay at 11:15 p.m. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday iMidnicht For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PIIINCE RUPERT nmnii uiiiii mil hum"! Geo. awes THE AUCTIONEER Sales Every Saturday WE SELL EVERYTHING Qood3 Sold On Commission Household Sales Conducted at" Your 'Convenience FURNITURE AND HOUSE-. HOLD GOODS WRAPPED, PACKED AND CRATED Estimates Given Free PRINCE RUPERT AUCTION MART (Opposite Civic Centre llldr.) PHONES: Ilus. nine Mr Res. Red 1H7 Ask for George truck operators will have w Lvc "riLmn,n,i?i1 free service from ihr L. dEP.t .""l We Suggest That you " 1,10 neor-.-ar f.. " r i J prevent cotly .tie-up later on .fcj Ui: MKCIIANICAI, AM) ,!()V are well equipped and full promptly and efficiently. All U'orb- !,,. tit .....1 Boh Parker Um prin SAILS HATCH COVERS LUMUNLOT AWNING & SJIILl JUST ARRIVED Severn! ua in l:itv: . . 1 1 inn vAxiorns See them while aizr are to . GEORGE HILL & SOUS 11 ari:nts rni: slaiiu shoes 0 1111I1U AVIiNUK N(.,t c,sat4fl It It's Korl; Work CALL . . . M. SAUNDERS BLACK :tl!H CO NC BETE sidlwalks uAsmi-vis Your house and yourself fully insured while I do the work Pri nnce n iuoert ru 12" to H" DRY WOOD CQ Per A. :rtcd M tptCorc! (:- Vvl IMIONK HLUK 971! Ilclwrcn 7:00 to 9:00 Any Fvfnint OFFICE 8P WE3T Itox 1308 l'honr 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING ESTIMATES OIL UUUNMt SALMS AND SEUVICE Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. IT'S SPRING Time to repair recondition your home CALL GREER I MULDERS AND CONTlUCTOfc Repairs .Construction - AUcratwj Phone UK!) flfil FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENT GENERAL REPAIR FOUNDATION WORN CONSULT THE I NORTHWEST CONSTROCH? I'honc RCt . . i-.u. fonsim'"" ivsiiinairs rivcii mr .mj -jr Good New To our customers who ha" been wnitinp for DONNACONA WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A CAN NOW FILL YOUR will V It Phone at V once nine as " PHILPOTT, EVITIS"" i.i r.- . fiS- I'limic iii u '"""HtnrL.' SKATR mi ""UATMNciti,.! TERRA Transfer Storau WE MEKT UlVi RHIYIIK TO U in 'hie imi (IL SmHU P.O. Uox 167 . r NEW RI A Home AwJ 1 RattsW 50 KoonnHolC utfl PRINCE RCTC! Ml Phnno 231 BRIDD ORDER3 fist rn it