WED QUIETLY AT ST. PAUL'S At a auict ceremony perform ed by Rev. A. A. Aasen in St. Pauls Lutneran cnurch Tuesday morning, Miss Froydis Hel-rnc Wascnd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wasend, became the bride of Ralston Ron ald Burton Kalimer. The rite was attended by the bride's parents, her four brotners and lici brother-in-law. Witnesses of the marjage were the bride's parents and weddincr music was played by Mrs. Aasen at ths piano. The. newly married couple plan a trip to the home of the bridegroom's parents at. Mount Albert, Ontario, after which they will return to Prince Rupert to take up residence. WEEK OF PRAYER Jan. 5-12 This is a project in which the churches combine. Wed., Jan. 8, at First Baptist Church. Speaker: Adj. Gorrie. Thurs., Jan. 9, at Pentecostal Churdh. Speaker: Rev. B. Prctkter. Fri., Jan. 10, at United Church. Speaker: Rev. F. Antrobus. Please Note This is a week of prayer and not a week of sermons; come to pray. The chairman each evening will be the 'minister of the church in which the gathering Is held. "Lord, teach us to pray." (Clip this for reference) ARNE DAVIDSON LAID AT REST Pioneers of Alice Arm Attended Tilnal Kites Yesterday Afternoon Old timers of Alice Arm formed a large proportion of those who gathered at the Grenville Court Chapel of the B.C. Undertakers yesterday afternoon for the funeral service of the late Arne Davidson, pioneer prospector and mine owner of the up-coast camp. Mr. Davidson had passed away last week in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. Rev. A.. O. Aasen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, officiated at the last rites and Mrs. J. C. Gilker presided at the organ for the accompaniment or the hymn "Abide With Me." Interment followed in Fair-view Cemetery. Paltbcaters were Ed Peterson, David McKcnzie, Norman McLcod, H. F. Kergin, Barney Turbitt and Stephen Dumas. HEARING AID CENTRE HERE Local Firm Brings First Service to Hard of Hearing of Prince Rupert There is good news today for Prince Rupert people who arc hard of hearing. No longer will they have to Journey the long distance to Vancouver to receive aid or await the occasional visit of the hearing aid expert. The local firm of Rupert Radio and Electric has just onened the first fhcaring aid centre for the con venience and service of the people of Prince Rupert and (district, facilities toeing provided iur personal "In thc home;' fit- ings as well as repairing of icaring aids. The local concern announces fthat it Is carrying' in stock nodcls of the famous Telex one- icce hearing aid as well as ac- 'CHorics for hearing aids in- luding thc common types of catteries. Keeping in step with thc lat-' developments in thc field of lectronics, Rupert Radfo and -lectric and its pxocrt staff is '''ell qualified for thc fitting and demonstration of this equip-'ient. A groat convenience is made 'vailable for thc hard of hearing r Prince Runert and Runert puuiu una mectric scores a first 11 local electronic service. id 313 3rd Ave, TWO TEACHERS ARRIVE HERE Two now teachers, replacing those who resigned from the Booth Memorial Hlsh School staff at the mid-term holiday, nave arrived here. R. D. Clcland, former principal of the secondary school at Hcdley, has taken the place of James Clark as vice-principal at Booth Memorial High School. He arrAtd here, accompanied by his wife and small child, last week. Miss Catharine Burnett of Vancouver arrived on thc Prince Rupert today to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Miss E. Peel three weeks ago. Miss Burnett will teach Grade Seven in the Booth junior high. PRAYER FOR NEEDY, WAS SERMON TOPIC "Prayer for the hungry and those in need" was the topic of Rev. R. A. Wilson at the first meeting of the annual Week of Prayer sponsored by the Prince Kupert Ministerial Association which is being observed this week. The meeting was held in the Salvation Army Citadel and the service was led by Adjutant p- L Gorrie, with Mr. Wilson giving the brief address. Mr. Wilson pointed out the fact that people quickly become hardened to familiar things and, that while the plight of the people of Europe and Asia drew a wide sympathetic response a year ago, it is still great in those areas. He quoted Foreign Minister Ernest Bevin's statement that "not only is there a great physical hunger in Europe, but a vast spiritual hunger as well." This spiritual hunger must be satisfied in terms of fellowship and removal of racial barriers, Mr. Wilson said. He concluded by pointing out that in .religion and prayer can people not only become aware of the needs of others but in it they also can find the power to alleviate those needs. Mr. Wilson's talk was preceded by the singing of hynlns and was followed by a poilod of spontaneous prayer by the congregation. - Nick Mazzone of the local B,C. Packers staff returned on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday spent in Van couver. Among the commercial travellers to arrive in the city this morning on the Prince Rupert to make their first calls of the year were Horace Whittaker of II. J. Heinz Co. and Howard Singleton of Smith, Davidson & Wright Paper Co. Relieve RHEUMATIC Pain Arc your joints ami muscle3 Ptiff aiuTroie ....... t...liiiKlliv i" VF. UIV4t BrtlC relief with Tcmjdr.ton's T-k-(J's. Used aim reconimcnue.i oy inousands. 1-K-t. are specially made lo relieve Rheumatic Arthritic fltl.1 MmiritlV rviin t,H(V Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia. Get a box today. 50c, SI at druggists. T-38 Three sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesdays, 1:30 p.m. Coquitlam. Fridays, 12:00 Midnight Catala. Saturdays, 9:15 p.m. Camosun. KETCHIKAN Fridays, 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and WAY POINTS Sundays, 12:00 Midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Fortnightly. Further Information, Tickets and Reservations FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave Phone 5G8 A DREAM COME TRUE The New Telex "22" onc-piccc hearing aid now available in Prince Rupert. No sepcrale bntlcry pack Weighs only ('. ounces High Fidelity Hearing , Unmatched Convenience The Telex Model "22" has been designed with litis idea in "tind . . . lo bring you liic very finest onc-piccc aid available '"day ... to excel in all qualities you require in YOUR hearing aid ... to bring you Ihc hearing happiness you csirc and demand. Rupert Radio and Electric t Local News It Mrs. V. L. Chamberlin is sail- inging on the Calala Friday night for Vancouver where she will take up future residence. Don't forget. Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting, Commodore Cafe, 6:30 Thursday night. (7) , OJcf Hanson arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert today from Vancouver. After a few days here on business, he will proceed to Smithers. Prince Rupert Gyro Club was in regular monthly business session today. President C. G. Ham was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. Mrs. Daly of the Miller Bay Hospital staff returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season visiting in Vancouver. A Annual general meeting of the Prince Rupert Vessel Owners Mutual Protection Fund' will be held in the Civic Centre Sunday, January 12, at 3 p.m. All members are earnestly requested to attend. (g) Eric C. Tr'umbell arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver to succeed R. S. Greig as city passenger agent here for Canadian National Railways. Mrs. Trunin bell and child will be arriving later. Mr. Greig leaves on the Prince Rupert tomorrow night for Vancouver enroute to Re-gina to which city he has been transferred. I 'Sea Cadet Orders I R.C.S.C.C. "CAPTAIN COOK1 ' Lieut.-Cmdr. A. S. Mitchell, Commanding Parade Orders, Jan. 8 19:00 Duty Watch to muster. 19:10 Markers Fall In. 19:15-Hands fall in. 19:20 Officers' call. 19:25 Colors. 19:30 Hands to Classes. 20:10 Stand Easy. 20,20 Hands to Classes. 21 :po Secure. 21:10 Sunset. ,21:15 Dismiss". Important 'New training routine to commence tonight. Duty Watch Hood Division. Duty Oflficcr OPO R Mc-Chesney. Duty Petty Officer jPO P. Wilson. 1 V. B. CICCONE, 1st. Lieut., R.C.S.C.C. Announcements All advertisements in una column will bo charged for a lull month p.t 25o a word. Card Party, Catholic, School Hall, January 9, 8 p.m, Burns Banquet, Friday, Jan. 24, at 0 p.m., Presbyterian Church hall. Ski Club Dance, Civic Centre, Friday, January 31. Harmoneer's Dance, every Saturday night, 9 to 12, Oddfellows' Hall. Everybody welcome. ems W. M. Watte is sailing tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. B. Lovin left yesterday on the Coquitlam for Vancou ver, Seattle and Tacoina on a business trip. She will be away ubout two weeks. W. II, Williscroft of Terrace, who has been spending the past few days in the city on business, returns to his home in the interior on tonight's train. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McRae re turned on the Prince Rupert this corning after spending the Christmas holidays in Vancou ver. A Don't miss seeing the moving pictures of B.C. shown by Sergt L. A. N. Potterton in the I.O.D.E Hall, Thursday January 9 at 8:1b p.m.. Musical program. Admission 35c. Proceeds for I.O.D.E. Second War Memorial. Warrant Officer Marcel Girar-det, R.C.E.M.E., is sailing Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria where he will spend, the next two weeks doins tech nical work on the army's coast defence guns at Esquimau. S. J. Meilor, chief operator of Digby Island wireless station, and Mrs. Mellor and family' returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. They were accompanied by Mrs. John Mellor, Mr. Mellor's mother, who will visit here. sfisyottr BARBERS-EYE VIEW? itgf If you're wearing an expression your barber just loves to slap a hot towel tover , . , Fccn-a-mint may Iiclp. It's the modern chewing laxative with a delicious mint flavor that makes laxative-taking a pleasure. Gentle, yet really effective. Won't upset the stomach or interfere with sleep. Millions use Feen-a-mint. Get the handy package at any drug counter. Whether you're building a new homo or renovating your present one, let your plans include adequate wiring facilities, for future as well as present requirements. Thc modem homo should be equipped to handle all types of electric appliances as they become available. 7-47 Frank" Stratford of the War Assets' staff returned from a trip to Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Steamship Sailings For VancouYCi Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Tuesday ss Coquitlam, 1:30 p.m. i Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 pm. Friday ss Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday-ss Camosun, 9:5 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss Coquitlam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska-Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, midnleht. Friday ss Camosun, midnight O H) 9 9 C ll MRS. NICHOL PASSES AWAY Mrs. Alice Nichol, well known in Vancouver and pioneer of the prairies, passed away at 4:30 yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. F. Mc Carthy, Graham Avenue, West-view, after a lengthy Illness. The widower and daughter will leave tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert, taking thc remains to Vancouver for interment. In addition to the widower, W. Nichol, and daughter, deceased leave to mourn her loss a son in Eastern Canada. COLDSsa FIGHT MISERY where you feel lt-rub 1 throat, chest and back with time-tested f Check your circuits, wiring and outlets I Superior Grocers, "COURTEOUS SERVICE TO- ALL" Thursday, Friday and Saturday JANUARY 9-10-11 FREE DELIVERY PHONE I H FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES GRAPEFRUIT Thin-skinned, Juicy, 4 for 25c ORANGES Navels, szie 200's doz. 59c BROCCILI Fresh, Green lb. 27c LETTUCE Fresh, Large Heads .... each 15c CARROTS Bulk, Medium Size 2 lbs. 9c ONIONS No. 1 Cooking lb. 7c SWEET POTATOES California lb. 15c QUALITY GROCERIES GRAPE JUICE Jordan's, A Pure Natural. Grape Juice, 32-oz. bottle each 07 (! LIME JUICE Montserrat, 32-oz. bottle each 75i POPCORN Flreglow, Ready Popped, large tin, each iWf i CRUSHED PINEAPPLE (No, Coupons) 105-oz. tint reactf..::.U............. '$2. 1 5 PARD DOG FOOD A Swift Product, 8-oz., each I ." DOG KRUNCIION Gaines, ,2-lb,ipkg each 27 GLOVES Cotton, pair 25 BLEACH Javcx, each .. 21 SALT Iodized, 2-lb. pkg. 10 FURNITURE POLISH Old English, 4-oz., each 25 FLOUR PASTRY FLOUR TEATIME 7-lb. sack 35c ROBIN HOOD OATS Quick-Cooking NON-PREMIUM 48-OZ. pkg. each 21c FLOUR Robin Hood, 7-lb. sack 24-lb. sack 49-lb.-sack ,. $1.75 ISA KING SODA Cow Brand, 2-lb..pkg :.. each (id lib. pkg each 12 SCOTCH OATCAKES Dishcr's, 12 in pkg., each 15 HOLLAND KUSKS Christie's, 5-oz. pkg., . each 20 ORANGE JUICE Florida, Apte Brand, 48-oz. tin 1 1 f SUN-DUIED APRICOTS Clara vel, 11 -oz. pkg., each 5S MIXED FRUITS Large, Whole Fruits, Claravcl, 11 -oz. pkg 52 MAKER'S CHOCOLATE Unsweetened, 2 lb- 20 COCOA Fry's, 1-lb. tin, each :$ I MiiSW For Complete ELECTRIC LIVING thai is tprlntc Unpen Daily rncits Wednesday, January 8, 1017 SEASONAL CLOTHING SMART COMFORTABLE DURABLE m Transient Rooms CAFE In Connection LICENSED PREMISES (Renovated) rilONE 51 REPAIRS INDIAN SWEATERS Made from hand-carded and hand-spun yarn. Figured Pull-over style. Sizes 30 to 48 .... $18.00 to $2:5.00 ZIPPER JACKETS Red check in good weight, all-wool mackinaw cloth. 3 pockets .... $8.75 KNITTED JACKETS O. V. Carlcton cloth. Shades of Green, Navy, Brown, Tan. Knitted collar and cuffs. Two styles. Price $0.00 and $0.25 Reliable Prescriptions When your prescription is compounded by us you are assured of getting exactly what the Doctor specifies. You are assured of having the prescription compounded properly by an experienced and fully qualified pharmacist. We use only the very best grade materials available. ' Ormes Ltd. ZTim Pioneer Druqcjiats Prince Rupert Bottle Collector ALSO MESSENGER SERVICE PllOllC lilllC 737 We buy . . . all sizes Pcrfcx liter Whiskey, Gin and Bottles Hollies Wine IJoltlcs PROMPT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE CENTRAL HOTEL Weekly and Monthly Rates for your convenience . . . NEWLY DECORATED KWONG SANG IIING HOP KEE CHOP SUEY HOUSE . C12 Seventh Avenue West 3 (next to King Tal) will be closed until further notice For outside orders phone the HOLLYWOOD CAFE i'.i'.i Complete Automobile Repair Service O Fast Battery Charging Specialized Lubrication Collision Repairs and Rel'inishing RUPERT MOTORS LTD. Phone 5GG Corner Second and Park Ave. NEW CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS GREER & BRIDDEN Builders and Contractors PHONE RED 501 P.O. UOX 721 LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE Established 10l6 LIMITED FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS PACKED, CRATED, STORED AND SHIPPED TO ALL PARTS OF CANADA AND U.S.A. FOR QUICK, EFFICIENT, CAREFUL AND RELIABLE SERVICE Phone 644 Phone LINDSAY'S 60 oc 68