i ii i &ttuu ttuprrt Dailp jScujs Saturday, June 14. 19-f7 (Authorized M Second Class MU. Post Office Department. Ottawa) , Published erefy nftenwon except Sunaay by Prince Rupert Dally Mews Ltd, 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY. Managing Director. member op Canadian press audit "bureau op circulations canadian daily newspaper association An Independent dally newSJaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comprising northern and central British Columbia. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES B7 City Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 65c: Per Year. 17.00; tjy M&u. rer Month. 40c; Per Year, M.oo. THE FINEST "AURORA" THE FINEST "AURORA" yet may be said of the I annual publication of Booth Memorial High School which has just made its appearance and a copy of which was delivered to the Daily News yesterday. The Journalism Club of Bo-Me-Hi was responsible for the 1947 "Aurora" and it has turned out a job which calls for spontaneous and hearty commendation. Ten-and-a-half by nine inches, with thirty-two pages exclusive of covers, it is the largest "Aurora" to date but its new format is the outstandingly attractive feature. Pictures 'have been used in profusion and most effectively. Activities of school life are delineated thereby in a most interesting manner. If the pictures are good, so are the texts, producing a combination both ingenious and meritorious. Arne Lien, editor-in-chief, and Barbara Flaten, business manager, and their staff are due for hearty congratulations on the production and, if any other should be singled out for special mention, it might well be John Wilson who contributed a great job of photography and, in arranging for the presentation, assisted in a fine achievement of make-up. Typography and mechanical arrangements are also of such excellence as to make it appropriate to point out that Dibb Printing Co. was responsible therefor. SATURDAY SERMON TILL DEATH US DO PART By REV. BASIL S. PROCKTER, St Andrew's Cathedral) Every so often two people approach a clergyman of one of the more ancient branches of the Christian Church and they want to be married. They are asked if either of them has ever been married before and, if the answer is "Yes," the question comes as to whether the other partner to the former marriage is still living and, II the answer Is ft ill "Yes." then the parson is forced sorrowfully to tell them that he Is not be to do anything about It. Usually. In such imtmtfmAl i Via n(mAtVnM is charged with a certain r"uwl 33 J assin oeiore uoo s amoant of tension so it is sel-'aUar unU1 death V3 dem them" The stal granted a possible to say what ought . . divorce Whfeh free the n-rllM DIRECTORY Sernees to all chcrches at 11 an. ud 130 pm. and SaivUr School at 11 IS Tiryr as Oottl .iVCUCtV CATHEDRAL 4 til Ae. W at Dm-.wrnar St. Hoiy Coeravaloa AJ am. Smutty Scboot J -00 pm. RKtcr Bas& & Procfcter. B BIX Btar 7331 FIRST BAPTIST ith A. E. mt Toon St IQ&feter En Frrd Aauot'M (Grtea S1I) FIRST PRESBTTERLLN 4th Atutw EUt Ulalsttr A. P UcSTea. BA. (Ortfn s2) URST UNITED 65 lh Art. Wrrt Senior Sunday School 10 in. Minister: R A. WUton. VA (Green 13) FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE 321 6th Are. West Pastor: Re?. J. Llnney (Preen 830) SALVATION ARMY Fraaer Street CO.: Adjt. P. L. Oorrla (Blact 1BB ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN 6th Are. at McBrtde St. Pastor: A. O. Am Black W3) ST. PETER'S ANGLICAN Beal Core Sunday School. 11 id. Archdeacon E. Ilodaon (Blue 837 FILMS Superpan Press Films Developing, Printing, Enlarging Portraits, Passports, and Photo Supplies Prompt Mail Order Service Chandler and Cowgill 216 4th St. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. to be said or to have It listened to as it ought to be listened to. The plain and simple fact Is that, since somebody said once till death us do part" they concerned but the words which were said at the original marriage cannot be unsaid, provided that at that time the two people were acUng in good faith and Regular Baptist Services I.OJXE. Hall 5th Ave. and McBride St.) We preach Christ . . . CRUCIFIED ROWNED OMINO -Ye MUST be born AGAIN J no 3:7 SUNDAY JUNE 13 ' 12: li pjn. suncay School. 7:30 pjn. Gospel Service. Subject: The New Birth-Speaker: G.R.S. Blackaby WEDNESDAY 8:00 pm. Prayer Meeting. FRIDAY 7:00 pin. Junior Young Peoples - Closing Night. (Phone 369 or Gioen 779) THE WHOLE BIBLE FOR THE WHOLE WORLD WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Mine Hun Bulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE SSI Ormes lid, 7h homer Dmqgists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE ai Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 ajn. till 9 pJn. SUNDAYS Bnd HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 3 pin. 7 pjn.tlU 9 pjn. IMPORTANT EARL SOILAND THEODORE JACOBSON Candidate to be Ordained Info the Holy Mi:;U:r the marriage actuary touk place Now, I personally am disposed to hope and prny that the day may come when the Church will not tacitly excommunicate those who divorce and marry ita for it seems to me that it is so obvious that we are ill grievous sinners and there is oo valid Christian reason for singling . out this particular form of ir- ; regularity. If we go not come io inrist in His Sacrament a sinners In need of His pardon ' and Salvation, we most assuredly approach MWnrthily. Bqk surejy It can"Vver be PQs to say uu ceatti us do part" ; more than once in the nresehee ,cf God and the congregation j unless somebodr dies. It is quite cer.aii that there 'are lots of people jus; m nce a you or I whose domestic Wt has gone on the rocks. Bat for kny of us be? And whilr it may wen De that tne Mghest good woeM be servM bv such Deook- tarrying thetr-cress in atnsieness of heart to the end of the road. we have to admit that none of n are so perfect that we are in any position to lay rach a thing upon another life as a law. I! Ihey do it at all it must t iH free response to ire Heavenly vtskm. Those Chrhtmn people whe feel that In their crcutnstaiieee they can do no other than ask J for a cHvoree and then marry somebody else muM know surely , that they are caught in the fool necessity o doing that for which ' to the end they must plead Divine forgiveness but. if Ui aafc. they win receive jutt as the rest of us do our mani- ' fold sins. An extreme example oi me same sort of thing is the war leaders and the atom bmh They felt they had to do it ni wely nobody In their .vnses Ii could ever think that it was other than a Wdeoos thing in ! the sight of Alrrrthty God. So e una ourseft caught some- S times in circumstances of pecu- ! liar difficulty and we go out! on our own and fcrealc the law I Which gives US SOn-.ethfiur Tir. ! icular as well a? a tot of things ' in general coneerninc wfateh v. I must cry "God be merciful to me, a sinner." And if you know the rest of the story, you will ! o.iiuw iiibv mis is ine road of Justification. We never gf anywhere hy pretending that the laws have been abrogated in oar particular case. Ws murt learn to fling ourselv? on the nvino Charity and Compassion. And right Tiere I suetest in fhis connection that we do not stop going to church. More than ever we will be in need of the support and strcngh which can only be found thpre And le? us honor the Church for her lcyalty to principle In this world of endless compromise. Let us remember that she stands Just as much (and .more than IhU you cannot ask) for God1 Cam. 'passion as for Hf? tJaw SERVICES at St. PAUL'S ORDINATION IN MORNING AND INSTALLATION IN AFTERNOON Tw.o ecclesiastical events of outstanding interest will make tomorrow a day of exceptional importance in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. One event is the ord-' ination of Sverre Theodore Jacobson of Saskatchewan son of Mr. and Mrs. Sverre Jacobson of this city, into the holy ministry -of the church. The other is the induction of Rtv. Earl Soiland, .director of the -chSr and Mrs. (vm!n? here from Be'tlinsfham, : s the new pastor ot the- church. To lead In the special services, H1 hop H. L. Fnss o Seattle ar- ved in the city yesterday from he south and also here for the a : jn and to assls In the '.- a?sistln?. pastors are Rev A . ;id Anderson fit Vnouver ..d Rev Raymiir.t1 Hatvorson of i; tihikan Tiic crdinatUn ot Mr. Jaeob-' !be;ng held here instead .it. the Lutheran seminary at r '.a'oon because the mother f i.e new pastor, whose home is .-: in such health that it - r. t. possible for her to make n to attend. The ordlna-se -vice will lake, place in urrutr?. In addition to the p a:d asititlnf. clergy, the cf tc cht'ich Tlll take ar t at par, in the ordlna ervl.-p first of Its klnC b? he!' m a Lutheran :h here. Oberi Hougan is Pfter "Lien Is orjantst. In the afternoon the Installation of the lies' pastor will take place with Bishop Kos leading in the rites. Th's w;Jl be follow ed by a dinner to be erved by the Utiles' Aid ct the Church, Mrs. Thor Solhen. prt sldjent. Climax of ti.e fuiT day's proceedings will come in the eve ning with a young pfonle's, rally at which there will be addresses ty Bl'hon Fuss nnd each of the vLltlnt clerygmen. Followln? his Insutuhilui., Mr Soiland will reL'n to Saskatchewan and will oe back here In Aujust to avsnme his ministry permaneritly. Mr. Jacobson will be remaining here lor a few weeks visiting with his parents and will .preach t St. Paul's, June 22 and 29 following the departure of Rev. A. O. Aasen i who is ?o!ng to New York after two years of relief ministry here j ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 15, H Ordination Into the Holy Ministry of SVERRE THEODORE JACORSON UISHOP 'If. U TOSS, Orainator Assisting Pastors: A. O. AASEN ARNOLD ANDERSON RAYMOND HALVORSON "EARL SOILAND 3 PAI. INSTALLATION OF NEW TASTQR . REV. EARL SOILAND 5 pjn. - Fellowshipblnner 7:30 pm. - Young People's Rally A CORDIAL INVITATION IO "ALL SERVICES An Invitation toU Prince Kupert Church People and s-t "3 Persons Interested Interdenominational IVleetinp; St. Andrew's Cathedral Hall, 'Sunday, June 15, '9 p.m. Featuring: An Illustrated Lecture. "THE ATOMIC BOOK" (By Rev.. J. A. Raymond Tingley, BA.) British Columbia Representative, British and rMrelgn Bible Society Everyone -Invited Sealed tenders marked "TENDER FOR 'GARBAGE COLLECnON" will be received by "the undersigned up to noon Monday, June 23rd. for collection and disposition or City garbage. Collections to be -made, from residential aieas weekly and from business dHtrtcts dally, with both collection and disposition (including maintenance of dump) to be subject to the approval of the dty Engineer. Duties to commence Julr 2nd, 1SH7. Present schedule may be seen and any other particulars obtained on application at the City Hall. Tenders to contain alternate figures for (a) collecting from cans placed adjacent to slrrets. (b) collecting from cans adjacent to houses. Tenderer to state whether or not he will 'be using hit own truck and If he deslies to use City truck or trucks, to state under what 'terms and conditions he will hire them. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. 'N'' If. D. THA1N, City Clerk Sheriffs Sale TENDERS are Invited for the purchase of the following goods separately, now at TELKWA or at the property recently operated by TELKOAL COMPANY LIMITED near Telkwa, until noon, June 35th, 1947. All tenders to be sealed In envelopes plainly marked "TENDER.'' Terms, cash on acceptance of tender. The highest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. 1 KELVINATOR FREEZINO PLANT with l Hi. Wagner motor, door. This has not been used since it was purchased by Telkoal Company for $300.00 1 Large two oven Gurney hotel or camp range. 1 300 gal. galv. hot water tank (used In connection with the above, described range). 1 Ramp, at Telkwa elation containing more than 6000 ft. BM. of 4" x 12" x 14' sawn Umber, and more than 1000 lineal feet of peeled Jackpine, in lengths of 12 to 28 ft, and about 1 foot diameter. Can be loaded on trucks or railway cars on the spot. 1 Piece. 300 ft l- new wire 'cable. inquiries are Invited for the following mining machinery: 2 Rand Air Compressors, ;Air Receivers, Steam Hoists, 2 Mine Fans, TrayUr Vibrator.Oal Sorting and Screen- ' ing Plant, Air Drills, Jack-Hammers, .Mine Cars and other Mining equipment. M. M. STEPHENS, Sheriff, p"jO. box en, prince rupert, b.c. First United Church Rev. R. A. Wilson, MA. Minister Sixth Ave. W. near Fulton St. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Guest Speaker Reverend J. A. Raymond Tlngley, 1LA. British Columbia Representative of the British and Foreign Bible Society 12:15r-Sunday School. 7:30 pm. P.M. Evening Worship. I ING THE TAILOR We are taking rleamnr inl prrwlng and team prenslnr, while you wait PHONE 649 220 81111 Stree Tliree sailings Per Veek for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE (A LI TIMES SHOWN OAYLir.irr savino Tuesdays, 1:30 pm. Coquitlam. Fridays, 5 pjn Catala. Saturdays, 10:15 Camaran. KETCHIKAN FVldayi. 12:00 Midnight. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 8 pjn. IJUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSLTT AND PORT CLEMENTS June 13-27 July 11-25 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS June 15-29 July 13-27 Midnight. . FRANK J. SKINNKK Prince Rupert Aeent Third Ave Phone 5M Steamer Service from PRINCE RUPERT to OCEAN FALLS WESTVIEW (Powell River) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN Wednesday Midnleht (All Times Pacific SUndard) For reservations call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices.' PRINCR RUPERT LUTHERAN I " mm h'U 3 iM wmBikJk$i ilflU COAL Progressive (leo. Dybhavn Prop O mt OI ..A CHUR Phones G51 - 052 PHONE 17 (OSS iS'ri T"K C1K on"tT i,0t MEMBERS Jeanne Uu,.,, W'o'i KnuJ Hazel Tweed 1 Hlchar.1 ((lstr rent anson fnice Mosiaj Jonn Currie mchard For Your Eating Pleasure . . uiiisog lliehard fiKke Knar Valde.h.J Lunne If-tt is available Now . . . BUT .....v .t .-,!, vuu oiioruige. riay safl . . . order early . . . l)e warm next winteJ There is no better coal than our Foothills Alberta LUMP - EGG - NUT For Better Quality, Better Service PEA Phone PMLPOTT, EVITT & CO. UMITE Serving the North Since 19J0 Coal Lumber Paint Iluilding Suppll (ourttii COMMODORE m (;hhI as the Best Better Than the llest Fountain Service lianquct HaI SUNDAES i LlNCIItON SODAS MILK SHAKES Ice Cream Specials DlN'NEKS BAMH'FfS PAKTII'S WBSKDAYS OPEN 7 A.M. TILL J3 PM SUNDAYS OPEN 8 A.M. TILL 1" V'm Official Appointment W T Cooprt M. ' roadway Cafe (Formerly IJoslon Cafe) THE BEST FOOD FINEST COOKINO TOP SERVICE BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEON. DINNERS AN" AFTERNOON TEW Chinese Dishes Chow Mcin Chop SnOl -TAKE - OUT" ORDERS ANY TIME Hours: 7 AM. to 1:30 A-M. PHONE J For That Party ... PARAMOUNT CAFE at rort Edward, B.C. CHOP SUEY CHOW M Elf 7:00 an, to 11:00 run. ROYAL CAFE (Mrs. C. C. Swanson) SPECIALIZING IN FRIED CHICKEN AND WORKWOMEN'S MEALS (lOOU HOME COOKINO Third Avenue 7 a m. to P Icvei Tin1 Ibc i rig pi; lt