Id Nations occame 0n two international prob hit snags. tmsaua f Arab higher committee for Istiiie formally notified Sec -tinnal armaments com- slsn remained deadlocked on m ist tackling the issues. jrmamcnt commission might the aligned task, unless . .... r. JAmnnfl 1 1: Tpiea uc duvicw uvii""" : the atomic control prob- rtu llmltoflnn THE WEATHER Synopsis ;vcr the entire province. . . . ii i nr. ut wiocJy scaucrcu c ti:L mornlne will Increase . 4 i 1 r IT -:'.anon and evening to- . . . a t il .Jm. CAni- . . .,vwtfr1 dav and Sunday. lli.V Ihtljjlli, 1(UVVII - mi wiaeiy stancrca rum ; tod:" Sunday overcast. Rain cvrr n trrnoon ana evening tn4n lirt.. 1tU Inau anH becoming occuiins apartment until after August 1 Such applications must be made by school boards and, If P" ilble, be approved by the In-'Pcctor of Schools for the school "'strict. Each application must include a statement that the board has been unable to obtain a teacher with an Interim or Permanent British Columbia Ifleate" "Antl-Dcniocrallc" Elements Being Cleaned Out BUDAPEST, a- A purge of "anti-Democratic elements" In the Hungarian Army Is announced by Premlei Lajos Din- control of atomic energy UunMrlan Natlonal AMblv. eduction of world arma-1 He outlined plans lor nation-.and two United Nations allzatlon of the major banks aislona 1 investigating 10 nd bauxite mines of the coun-.1. miLv Palestine and the I try. - - -1 1 ... -r irsi 01 an," nc said, "we wish to maintain friendship with the 'great Soviet Union,' " he tola Trvirve Lie that I the assembly,. attnds to boycott the Holy The premier declared 80 per h Inauiry scheduled to get Ii way Monday. . rl V.n,.,.n .1... f,ll yUSO-D'V ttinuoaoauui, I) Kojanovtc. has charged the conduct of Mark Eth - American u mm. Ian Investigation Commls-, his Imperilled" the -work I hat group and the authority Jic United Nations. l the end of a week of new ,., in rnonnruc American u - - . o, n views both the at- . .rt Mmmluinn nnd the mm 01 me army omiccrs nap. fled to the wcrt ONE DEAD AS CAR-TRAIN HIT NEW WESTMINSTER, V Alexander Molnar. GO, of Vancouver, was killed and four other persons injured Friday when their automobile collided with a CP.R. freight train here. A. S. iBcattie of New Westminster, is 'suffering possible skull fracture. The remainder of the passengers escaped with minor abrasions. CHILE HAS EMERGENCY Capital City of Santlato Disturbed by Bus Strike-Four Killed SANTIAGO, (T This capital city of Chile -wa placed under a J thirty day state of emergency yesterday after an ineffective mis strike which culminated In a nun fieht fata' to four persons. President Gabriel Gonazalez, Vidcla declared Santiago a zone of emergency under command of General (Rafael Fernandez Reyes, in the fare ol open pro- tests by a Communist-headed Labor federation One woman -was cmong those killed and another was among three persons wounded severely when several hundred strikers stoned and shot at buses and ex changed unfile with (military Jiiaay moraine, ... . , - Euarus our n: w uisuium , . , !, Crf.i5 th"L ll V, the peak of the n-ening rush. ut wiuiit III nm"" i'5ct 4? Prince Rupert & ;h Sunday: Port Hardy 00, tMPORARY EACHERS Inslnttiom Set Out b.v brpartmcnl nf Education A circular letter Issued by the Mnntu.ul 4 U .. linn rPa tiy received by the Board oi "woi irustces eives lnsirut- .A A . )C vnnAoH n (Via ntwm niTTlPIlL f teachers holding temporary erilflcatcs and has a distinct '"Ml UI lilVUI H.Ul- flic reference nads as ioi- 'Numerous requests for the nn ii Mr.njfi i -r 4.nnM fr, prr i 1 1 Octlnrfmnnt -fmrM lrnrhrrs and shooi Boards. It is pointed out lhat temporary certificates arc valid only for the year of issue !ld lor rmnlnvmnnt iwlth a SPC- eHc School Board and are issued 0"ly when properly certificated chers nrc not available. As It l! impossible at this date- to prc-d, ;t the number "of temporary teacher that will be required, io applications for the issue or rncwal of trirmnrnrv certifi ed will fee considered by the I CROPS NOW LOOK WELL Have Greatly ncnefitted From Rain of Past Week WINNIPEG General rains over all the prairie area with the exception of northern Saskatchewan have improved the general outlook for the 1047 crop. The warm weather of the last couple of days has speeded up growth and conditions arc excellent, according to the weekly prim renort of the Department of Agriculture of the Canadian National Railways. While' the crop Is from ten days to two weeks later than normal, a spell of warm, moist weather will bring it along quickly. Some scattered reports of cutworm damage have been received. Damage due to frost has been much less than anticipated. Summer fallowing Is well under way over most of the prairies. Cloudy, cool weather wltn showers has been experienced during the past week in the Valley. About five ner cent of the cherry crop has been damaged i Ground crops have benefitted greatly from the rain. Vancouver Man Slushed. Robbed VANCOUVER, W - Two men escaped with hearty $400 Friday when they assarted and robbed Stephen Manilla of Vancouver. Manilla said one slashed him with .a fcnlfe while the other grabbed the money NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER HBbftJt um ot setup KTKhftagSglBB OR IACIWAID BBr HlBllrMMl8BPqoKitfw jdjBLSJMilB llllrllHlK.s lim An Arist's Conception of What the "Bathyscaphe" May Look Like. The first man to penetrate the stratosphere. Prof Auguste Picard, will now attempt to descend farther into the sea than nay other man. The Swiss scientist expects to have all hus equipment ready this autumn, when he will go down in tne oun or uuinca. on me west coast of Africa, and try to reach a depth of 13,120 feet, in his "Bathyscaphe." The professor's invention, now under construction at Antwerp, Belgium, is a steel sphere about two yards wide with walls five inches thick, surmounted by a reservoir seven yards long containing, llghter-than -water gasoline. Two portholes will permit him and a colleague to observe the fish and unknown sea life which live at great depths. The "Bathyscaphe" will sink of Its own weight. In order to risethe occupants will release magnetic ballast by means of an electric switch. They plan to remain submerged for 12 hours. The project is being financed by a Belgian scientific society and the Belgium LAKE ONTARIO LEVEL RISING TORONTO. P Flood conditions extended to several points In the Toronto area today fol lowing heavy rains which sent Lake Ontario to a new high level. Continuing rain indicated that the situation may be further aggravated during the Nearly a thousand home along the two-mile itrip acrojs the mouth of Burlington Bay, near Hamilton, r c p o r t o A .flooding basements. , 1 Local Tides Sunday, June ,15,-1947 ' High .....10:39 ! 16.9 feet 22:46 . 20.2 feet Low -i '4:35 '5.4 feet 16:26 ' 12 feet President Truman Niagara Visitor OTTAWA, G-President Truman left for Washington today aboard his luxurious special train, his Canadian good neigh bor visit ended, and a new link splldly welded in the traditional friendship. Viscount and Vis counte&s Alexander, . the Prime Minister, Mackenzie King and many others were at the railway station to bid the president and party good bye. The president vitltcd Niagara Falls oh the way back to Washington. Baseball Scores American Chicago 3, Boston 5 Cleveland 5, Philadelphia 4 St. Louis 4, New York 3 Detroit - Washington. HJst poned Rain. National ' Brooklyn 0, S.K Louis 3 .. Philadelphia "'3. Chicago 4 Bosijnf6;-Pitf-snrgh ? 0 92 TAXI ;J Blue : phone JJUU l,,u,lc DAr ANO NIOHT 8KB VICE Stand: n.l.l . ThlrA A., f Cabs 5 OldEWPi "ublishcd at Canada's Mo$t Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rnpcrt, the Key to the Great Northwest" UAAAAAAA T.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA s''?o "fr., VVWT xxxvi, Wn No. iq lag TmMT-i7 T?TTTl?nT n f! RATTfttHAY- JTTMR 14. 1947 PRICK FTVR CENTS 0 A re r reaft Dead In U.S. Aircraft Crash :,J klatinnc HIINGAPIAN r aumv u Iritus important Problems Lnt Nf w Troubles 5 SUCCESS, N.V., Two PICARD TO DESCEND 22 MILES TO PRQBE OCEAN'S MYSTERIES UNITED NATIONS GLOBAL POLICE Russia and Other Nations Do Not See Eye to Eye LAKE SUCCESS Oi The United Nations Security Council delegates' marshalled more arguments yesterday against Russia's insistence that every big power supply exactly the same number of men, ships and planes to the proposed United Nations global police force. Britain and China are among those expected w speak in the general debate and both hold views opposed to those of the Soviet Union. Along with the United States and France, they favor comparable contributions. victoriaTross holder visitor 1 II. M. II. McKenrie of Victoria Visitor, in City Yesterday j There arc few civilian holders ; f lie Victoria Cross in the British Empire but one of them -was an interesting visitor in Prince Rupert vssterday. He was H. M. II, McKenzie of Victoria -who never served in any armed force but was awarded the Victoria Cross ,as a result of his work with Sea Scouts In life-saving work off the British coasts. He also, a Companion of the Bri- -h Empire and holds the Albert Cross. During World War I life sav-ig services off thu British Col-'Tribla coast were designated a CONVENTIONS FOR MINAKI Many Galhcrinss Planned for Popular Ontario Resort WINNIPEG Re-operlng for its second season since the war on June 20, Minckl Lodge In i northwestern Ontario's Lake of , the Woods playground Is heavily j i booked Jor the entire season I j which closes September 2, Prior to the official opening, Minakl Lodge will be host to a number of conventions, commencing with the great West Life headquarters staff annual rarty which wi'l go down on June 14 and the annual outing c.f the Passen,grr Club cf Winnipeg, which will spend the week-end at this holiday resort. Other conventions follow to the end of June. They arc lie Canadian Warehousemen s Association, two groups of the Canadian Medical Association, the Western Canada Fire Underwriters, the Canadian Freight Association, and the Central Life of Dps Moines, la. The Lodge's regular guests remmewee arriving July 1 and no more conventions are booked until September 2 when the Western Canad'an Association c.f Broadcasters melts for three days, following which the Lodge closes Its doors. The sole requirement for a perfect layout at the moment Is for hot. sunny days to bring fairways and greenc up to the Minakl standards. Fishing Is good and anglers have been out for some time In the area. Prince Rupert Port Confirmed J. II. McLeod, collector of cus toms, received word today confirming an announcement made yesterday that Prince Rupert had now been made a port of entry and departure for all foreign aircraft. Wreckage of Airliner Is On Virqinia Mountain passed on seven Japanese, convicted of a Chinese massacre in Singapore. Lt.-Gen. Saburo Kawamura and Lt.- Co, MasayiikL.OisbtjwfrpjjSn ittn and McKenzie was the tenced to be hanged artd live irider of 8ea Scouts or'ations others received life sentences. o connection therewith. He only has one arm, having lost the ier by surgery 40 years ago. McKenzie has liw d In retirement in Victoria for some years. i le was here while making the ound trip north aboard the learner Catala. Nagy Seeking U.S. Support SHANNON, Eire, Oi Fcrenc Nagy, exiled former premier of Hungary, said today that he hopes that all the great democratic powers will open, their ears and lend assistance to his ca,use In Hungary. Nagy later hopped off by plane for the United States to present what he described as the truth of Hungary's case. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL English League F:rst Division Sheffield United 2, Stoke 1 Second Division Manchester City 5, Newport County 1 Mill wall 1, Fulham 1 Nottingham Forest 4, Bradford 0 Other Matches Liverpool 2, Everton 1 Cardiff City 1, Welsh Side 0. FORMER C.CF.'ER TURNS LIBERAL . SASKATOON P; L. C Shear-! man, a Saskatoon salesman, has been chosen ' Liberal candidate for the Saskatoon provincial con stituency. Mr. Shearman formerly was a member of the C.C.F. In accepting nomination, he remarked: "I intend to fight the C.C.F. with all that's in me." ATOM TEST "ILfcOGICAL" OTTAWA A source close to Canada's dcJence program said Friday, that the establishment of any great testing lange for atomic radioactive clouds in the Canadian north was illogical. He was commenting on a London despatch predicting that such a Trange would be set up in frozen northern wastes. George Green, district manager of Imperial OijLtd., returned to the city orijhe Catala yesterday from a trip, to Namu ooa toinpany business TROUBLE IN TIBET Chiang Orders Army to Defend China to Last Man NANKING, ' Trouble in Tiiet cropped vp yesterday as Generallsimo Chiang Kal Shek ordertd his garrison in Northwestern China scene of the outer Mongolian invasion to defend China's border to the last man. Chinese difipatches from Cbunsklns disclosed that Tibet China's northwestern most prov ince, had Ibeen seriously disturb ed by local chshes between monks and no"-monastlc resi dents. China correspondents said the trouble started when military authorities arrested the leader af the Buddlst monks, and put htm to death. IMMIGRATION IS DEPLORED Importation to Canada European European displaced displaced persons persons meeting of "Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council Thursday night and the organization went on record as favoring an immigration policy which would per mit quota groups of these per Sighted Today T.F.F.SmiRfi. Virginia. (CP) The shattered B g I" TP BJtfV wreckage of a Capital Airlines plane, missing since Br iJ iLI-El I BlvO' ast n'lt was ocatec on a mountain top northwest Bern ma sea I I mr i f l... onrl tViPrA nnnpnrprl nn hnnp that anv of AUTO-TRAIN CRASH NEW WESTMINSTEIt Aiex-andcr Molnar, aged CO, of Vancouver was killed and four other persons injured Friday when an automobile collided with a CP.R. freight train here. A. S. Rcaltie of New Westminster, suffered a possible skull fracture. The rest escaped with minor abrasions. VIOLENT ROBBERY VANCOUVER Two men escaped with nearly $400 Fiiday when they assaulted -and robbed Slephan Manilla in Vancouver. He said one slashed him with a knife, while the other grabbed his money. TWO PLANES MISSING ANCHORAGE, Alaska-Vrmy officials reported yesterday that two United States pursuit planes have been missing since yesterday morning when they took off on a practice mission. SENTENCES CONFIRMED SINGAPORE General Sir Neil Ritchie, British Commander in southeast Asia, today confirmed the sentences tne ou persons aDoara naa survivea. The wreckace was sichted from a search plane, tary was Instructed to send a letter of protest to the Quebec government against the conduct of the Quebec provincial police in handling strike situations. The council also will endeavour to obtain a list of all goods made in Quebec under what are considered unfair labor conditions. The meeting, under chairman ship of August Wallln, council nresldent, received encouraging reports of labor organization In the city and several new deie m(m were welcomed to the b"V council. IOWA CITY AWAITING MORE FLOODS OTTUMWA, Iowa. This sandbanned southeastern Iowa city, sections of it still desolate from high waters of the ues Moines River, waited tensely today for its second flood within a week. Preparations are nearly complete for protecting the 32,000 residents, many of them still homeless. Volunteers have erected a mile long barricade. The only public meals being served are being provided by the Red Cross and Salvation Army. EDUCATOR DIES PULLMAN, Wash, J. N-Emerson of Pullman, president of the Kiwanis International, died Thursday of a heart attack. rl area since the plane disappear ed last night. "It looks as though it exploded and was all torn to pieces," said James Franklin, maintenance director for the airlines. He said he could not see how there would. bo any survivors. Rescuers are making their way through the rusged country to the scene, but it is expected that it may be many hours beiore they could com?1ete the Journey. The plane was Ilylng from Chicago to Washington on a murky, rain-swept course. There were 41 passengers one a ID-month old infant, aboard, and the pilot, co-pltot 8nd stewardess. Among the passengers was Dr, Courteney Smith, medical director of the American lied Cross. Police and civilians are heading doggedly to the place where, the wreckage -was spotted after hours of combing the Virginia hillsides In search of It. Ths Diane was last heard from last night at a position 65 miles south ot'Washlnglcn. There are believed to be no Canadians aboard. ori Highways In the Hlllsboro- 1 uivv'im. uii-M v " . "un- j- . .u LJLZ. Ii der bondage" vfas"tleplorea by a lM f-hcnstUflrfr.ll.l -- ..-mi. . . . cars. sons to enter Canada as "free people." The group struck specifically at an order-ln-councll which al lowed Quebec mill owner Luder Dionne to "import" a number of Polish women for work in his textile mill. It requested immediate formulation of proper immigration policy. . Letters from the United Tex tile Workers' Union In Quebec brought to the notice of the council working conditions WOULD EAT MORE FISH Educational Campaign Proposed in Federal Legislation OTTAWA, 0 An educational program to swell the amount of fish consumed by Canadians from the present eight and a half pounds to eleven or twelve pounds was urged In the House of Commons Thursday nigh1;, as members considered a bill to amend thp Fisheries Research whirh wpre described as denlor- i Board, and bring it more direct- able and as a result the secre- ly under the Federal Fisheries Department control. Thomrt? Reld (Llbcrai-Ncw Westminster) 'estimated that no Canadian city sirved the wrong kind of fish "with more Impun ity" than Montreal. Malor-General Ptarkes urged the study of methods to keep fish fresh at all distribution points. ON FLIGHT TO ISLANDS Preview of Scheduled Air Service Between Vancouver , and Prince Rupert Preview flight or the Canadian Pacific Airlines Canso am phibian to connect with the Douglas transport in the new scheduled air service between Prince Rupert and Vancouver 13 being made today. Take-off was during the noor, hour and return is expected about midafternoon. Making the flight are representatives of the city. Chambers of Commerce and" certain other officials. The regular service will be started with the fllirht from here to Sandspit next Monday. "UGANDA Welcome Dance CIVIC CENTRE Monday 10 p.m. -1 a.m; ADMISSION 50c (140) 1