1 r 7 J Iff I rt I idtiiuc Rupert Diiflp iSeUisf Saturday, Juno 14, 1947 GARDEN Club Notes By l'rinrc Kupcrt Horticultural Society Now that your tulips have finished f flowering, they should be carefully dirs up and planted in an unused bed. A trench dug; four Inches deep, one side straight down and the other sloping, will suffice. Place the ibulbs in hls close together and cover the roots and bulfbs. They should be allowed to grow -until their foliage has withered to brown strips, then be lifted, dried but not sunburned, then cletyicd and stored in a dry place for the summer. Savejeven the tiniest Ibulblets as thVycan be planted In an Inconspicuous spot by themselves in the autumn, and allowed to gnaw Into fulKsized bulbs. is Important that tulips be ripened and thoroughly dried before storing. Local gardeners agree that they, should .be lifted ;ftfr flowering. It Is not so nec-es-tiry to lift daffodils. Often it li desirable to leave them and th$ smaller bulbs such as crocuses, snowdrops!, ttir. undis-yjj!bed year after year. XourV dahlias arc well above the- ground new. Leave only one cr two of the strongest shoots, cutting otf the weakest as low down In the ground as possible. When your sweet peas arc about 5 Inches tall, nip out the .rrowing point cleanly with the finger and thumb to induce side-shoots and stronger plants. Remember the Garden Club meeting on June 17. J. J. Payne will be in charge of the meeting and will give a talk on types of annuals and perennials most suitable for this climate. 25 YEARS AGO June 11. 1!22 Grant Mahood, Portland Canal mining man, announced a scheme to incorporate a company with a capital of $1,503,000 to develop several mining prop erties in the Stewart district. Seventcn days out of Yoko hama, the Canadian Government Merchant Marine freighter Canadian Skirmisher arrived in port here for overhaul at the Prince Rupert Dry Dock. She made the trans-Pacific crossing without cargo. F. L. Buckley oi Vancouver, planned the incorporation of a $10,000,000 company to exploit the lumiber resources of the Queen Charlotte Islands according to ex-Senaiir G. H. Stephens of Montana, who also was interested in the venture. I LIFE d i-t' s V J , H i.n 5 - ,4v V The Beauty Lift That Lasts By GOTHIC Gothic v.ouiic brassieres orassicres arc arc especially especially u designed php.1 i to (1) Lift, (2) Mold, (3) Hold, and (1) Correct. The central reflex insert gives automatic adjustment of the brassiere with every movement of the body. SIZES 30 THRU 42 ALL PRICES Prcshrunk, Gothic brassieres arc washable and hold their shape permanently. Made in varied bust depth: Junior, Medium and Full. rriccs Jjl.UU, $1.25, $l.:j(J in this Prince Rupert by UIDDEli JINKS Won't it be right fine when the people outside of Prince Ru pctrt get educated moout our city to the extent that they give accurate, intelligent replies to intelligent queries? In thinking of this tbcyond the two tourists who arrived in the city this week over a non existent highway, I remember my own arrival by rail. "And where are you bound?" some one was sure to ask Each time I regretted the candor of my reply. "Prince Rupert?" they would say in unbelief, ominously shaking whichever head it was, "You don't know what you are gN? Into. Why, it's rain-rain!" And each time I felt an additional foreboding, as if I had mentioned having het'by- jeebies and everybody had s c Ii e a ni c d : Heebie - jeobies? Don't you know that folks most always die with heeby-Jccibies?" Therefore, neither this city nor the humidity there disappointed me. They couldn't, if you know what 1 mean. Both did impress me, however for strangely, my informers failed to speak of the setting Nature; had given Prince Rupert, of the S width and beautv of Third Av enue, or of the un-to-date shops! INeither did they, nor could they, prepare me for the onslaught of rr.'n end wind. In singles or as a united force. Yet II a H IIIHIIBHIIIHIBBIIimillllgJg B b!"b HBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBB OM B B II a a B Q n a u B B V a B B B n WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT STORE Watch Your Figure! Everybody Else Does... those of us wio make Rupert our home have learned to com pare this whimsical feature to the little girl who had the curl in the middle of her forehead for when she is good, she is very very good, but when she is bad, is she horrid or Is she! But to come hack to our two tourists is to find tooth cars hall us from San Diego,' California and their occupants knowing certainly the things by popular opinion. Otherwise we should never lxuc seen them. Setting out toother, they drove to the border Inquiring futl'ely along the way "concerning the highway to Prince Rupert. There wasn't one, they were told. But they had met folks from Rupert the year before whj had driven out so there must be a highway they maintained stoutly There. couldn't be, camo as stout a reply! Must have come down to Vancouver by 'boat and driven down the coast from there. Leaving Blaine Ibehind, they began to perk up In Canada people would know. And they hastened to stop at the first likely looking place to Inquire again. Amazed, they drove on no wiser for in New Westminster there was equal emphasis in the reiteration. There was definitely no highway to' Prince RuDert. Having got here, our heroes might expect all and sundry to U I believe the facts on their say so. And they may be disappointed. This Is an age when the common man seme of them is no longer .gullible but must investigate before swallowing. Sometimes they will not bother with ?o much as a preliminary investigation. So I found some time ago when on holiday in Alberta. Wishing to bock a return passage before proceeding to Vancouver, I went to a great depot with no qualms. I went several times during the next few days. I was sent upstairs, and back down; from one office to the next. I saw more of that building than I had during the years I lived in Calgary and to no avail. Each was as certain as the la.n that their company had no boats in service 'between Vancouver and Prince Rupert. "But I came down on one of them!" l ! S Xlxk, Also Also By By Gothic Gothic . s LESS i f Ul . si i i l v f-. i ooriic ijirtllcs - t ft M II S V. V I - l IH. I m Jff J i- . L(v u liirrllnc - III .1! ? S f Nu Back Corsclcttcs AHL ' ViIl n tvs. w av axn m m m s cb . tmv . g i m iinoi N i'. V V sftm mm aWI JL M. UJB f Vlll I ,11; . p " " B BBS SIJIII B III BBalalBlHp f"Vg"1; CENTRAL HOTEI all " I 1 NEWLY DECORATED , 1 I 1 transient Rootn. (f22 South Africa Calls For Civil Servants CAPETOWN, South Africa's civil service badly needs recruits and the Fubllc Service Commission says it has not received a single application for 82 positions declared vacant during the year. The public works department is hiring civil engineers, surveyors r.nd architects on. a part-time bu.s and other departments have tlso felt the shortage. On the commission's recom mendation, the government has agreed to meet the cost of bring ing qualified persons to the country with their, families on a three-year contract basis. Efforts are also being made to employ blind and disabled war veterans and civilians. Fastball Schedule (Men's First Half) June 16 Hi S:hcol vs. Gordon & Anderson. June 18 Navy vs. Ocneral Motors. June 26 Gordon & Anderson vs. High School. I exclaimed, presenting my stub. lorry, lady, but there was a mistake somewhere. There had been a boat or two on that run some years before but they were no longer in operation. In desperation. I wired a friend of mine who was keeping the heme fires burning. "If ycu want to see me before Christmas, book passage please!" And he must have been missing me allrlght. He must have been. Going further East, It gets worse. A neighbor cf mine who keeps up iii world affairs, read an interesting article about Prince Rupert in a Canadian magazine. It was most unusual. It said that in that far western city, a common wash-house was in operation. Described beautifully, it sounded so beautiful that a short time later when this friend prepared unexpectedly to com to that very soot, she sold her washing machine, and arrived to find that women here was much the same as elsewhere. All exespt herself. She used the board until such time as -washing machines were again available. Train Schedule (Pacific Standard Time) For the East ' 'Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8 p.m. tie MAN POWER CHAIN SAW LESS WEIGHT Cal magnesium used for light wclplit wc'e"i in all mi r.islincH rcrpt nirfacm rn rere.iu.re.l. required. It's It's -ay curry and use light nml perfectly Iol-uureil. Cuts log, IiiIimixhI, mine, )riilge I'rUiuc ami and eon- eon-Mrucliun tint-lrrc, lire, pulrs, )iilen, jxisls and cord euruwuod. wood. LABOR - - A&zrttii- Htf- BBikrm; Single-cylinder, 2-cyclc air-cooled motor given ample power, lligli-erailc magneto assures easy starling. All important parti fully eneaed. Kepairs easily made ly any mechanic. Wright wily 33 to 37 U.S., with culler lar lengths 11, 20 and 26 inches. SOLD EXCLUSIVELY IN THIS AREA BY: G. H. STANBRIDGE EQUIPMENT CO. PMNCE RUPERT, B.C. For full Information and price contact above dealer or CUV and MAIL this COUPON l - I Diamond Eneavcmnnt Rlnv 1 CAFE IVCT- 1 ?m.' h t .. a. i Tfv, , , , . WW connection li 'i We carry a large variety iii slock and uur priecs ! M. Products (19f7) 1,1.1. I'ept. 19C) 815 Kasl Hastings St., Vancouver, II. C Pirns feml intr full ,i liculart about the F.M, tine-Man OncUan I'ouer roucr Chain Chain, Sau. Son, !R tlQU : I ,,,,, standard value all over Canada. . (Renovated) THfiMlBEB j (' .1 I rilONE II ' Several nationally-advertised makes of rings j ADOHESS -I u.tB I ' a3mBm3SB "' U: , 'I in stock from $23.00 to HUBO.OO. lfi Is,.., I LONDIE Starting From Scratch otiaiui. 1$. Also we have a variety of fancy designs such K K ciFi ' il U 1 OTTO SMITH IS RESTING To Continue Canoe Trip by Easier States Otto Smith fonmily of Prince Rupert, started out from Vancouver to go to the Atlantic coast by canoe. His destination Is iNew York. Haying .failed to complete the trip last year he started out again this spring and latest word says he arrived at Fort William, Ontario, on June 3. Since then, he's lust been resting. Mr. Smith is 67 and he says ttic's feeling pretty well played out. So he will give more thought to easy stages. His canoe weighs 115 pounds. To date, he has Journeyed over at least 2,000 miles of Western Canada. One of the most strenuous parts of the whole effort, to date, has been the long portage at Pigeon River and Fort Charlotte. This meant a nine le portage and was exhausting work. He had to pack his canoe, and then pack his other beloglngs which meant another 100 pounds. Tills was covering the ground once util ized by the old fur traders. CHRONIC BRONCHITIS Does stubborn bronchial couth, (rither phleimy or dry and hacking) make yo choke, gaip.. whetie, keep you awaU aifhta? RtlitTt It now I Do as thousand!', have done let Trmplrtoo'a RAZ-MAH and atop that couth I RAZ. IA hai Btlped othert let It Help you. 10c tl at druiilits (vtrrabeie. R-U Hi t as 'slers-three stone rings and combinations W l!ll!l!pWil . UWmmi .mau V this ISJUST I Didn't have yilii7 1 I v'',! ' . . ITT ""(WMATSJ N CAN'T VOU ( SEE IF YOU ) , ( A PIECE OF A PENCIL AND """ I; :5' f ruby, emerald, pearl and saffhlre with diamonds. dagwOOQ thepes J the (LET'S SEE-) ( READ your CAN 1 V Burnt papem, so r J A PHOE NUMBER f( number? 1 CAN'T V, OWN r ( READ IT ) ItOAST J SCRATdHEO IT v I Saturday Shows 2;00 G;18 4:20 9:10 L Cnpif Mul- toThim Fcat"fe Stark I " p.m. La-t Shu ! SUNDAY MIDNITE ONLY WAKKEN I)()U(ilS KAMSF.V AMES "BELOYV THE DEADLINE" "DEVIL BAT'S PAUGHTER Tl' inaat wslVWBBv I I fW af r ETT h.s. T.tf kt ui bT Johnny's Snack Har (Under New Management) NOW OPEN EVENINGS Coffee Waffles Lunches "A Pleasure to Serve You" Classified Advertising Paysl By Chic Young For y our Convenience FAST air to and from Vancou DAILY KXCKPT SUNDAY Flying Time 4 hrs. 30 mins. $39.00 (Plus Tax) ONE WAY Air Express 19" per lb. inti:ksii;i)iati: srors at SANDSPIT - PORT HARDY Canso Aircraft from Trlnec Itupcrl to Sandtpil where pavsensen and eargo arc transferred to ll-passenser lodestars or 28-passen scr Douslas I)C-3's with stewardess service for the final leg ot the.trlp. For further information and reservations J. M. Ferris, Canadian Pacific Air Lines Kepresentativc 3rd Ave. W HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, Quiet, Comfortablo 714 FIIASER STREET Phone Black 823 Ml nHBBBBfeL' ' A. MacKenzie Furniture Phone 775 LIMITED "A CtOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PK1CE3 IUQIIT MM 0 327 TlilM ATf REMEMBER DAD on FATHER'S DAY Gee ii.'. for uretul lovely gift iir;c -ulli are sure to plca;o