II tmm , . i:rii()i-STi:i:iNr. H'KMTUKi: REPAIRS Trutk and Auto Cushions Kepairrd and Rccovc red Drapes a Specially New ITpliolstery Materials Available NOW! L . Tuwn Orders Given it iul Attention LOVIN'S CABINET SHOP riECOND AVENUE Next to CFPR) riiosn blue sik we Ccrve You Nothing B:t toe Best . . . LriCIAI. KF.H BRAND BEEF (HOICnST VEr.CTABEES AND FRUITS COMI'I.ITTE LINE OF GROCERIES I DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Koast Chicken Meat 1'ies and Salads Dally RUPERT BUTCHERS Plume 21 - Third Ave. West SAVOY HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. riiune 37 P.O. Box 541 PHASER STREET Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK IAND SHIPYARD CIIIPBU1LDERS AND ENGINEERS Iran a ;d Brass Castings K.r-r - and Acetylene Welding ErKciAusrs on sawmill and MINING MACHINERY COTTAGE CHEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE mv"Amiltihlol LOOK FOIt THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL CFPR -)HrH I Ha3ioDlal j 1240 Kilocycles : (Subject to change) ' SATURDAY P.M. 4:00 Hawaii Calls 4:30 Songs In Sweet Style 4:45 Swlngtlme 5:00 Tonight at Timber Lodge 5:30 South American Way 5:45-Sports College 6:00 Scotland Yard at Work BBC 0:30 Charlie 8pivnk's Orch. 0:45 Recorded Int. 0:50 Fish Arrivals and Int. 7:00CBC News 7: 10-Ed McCurdy 7:30 Hayloft Hoedown, ABC 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Old Time Rhythm 9.00 Bud Henderson I 9:15-This Week 9:30 Chamber Music 10:00 CBC News , 1Q:10-B.C. News j 10:15 Holly House, MBS 10:30 Hollywood Barn Dance, I CBS 1 11:00 Weather Forecast and j Sign Off ' SUNDAY-AM. 8:30-Concert Album 9:00-BBC News and Commentary 9:15 Song and Singers 9:30 The Man of Property it: 59 Time Signal . 10:00-B.C. Gardner 10:15 Just Mary Tor. 10:30 The Man of Ood, BBC 11:00 CBC News 11:03 Capitol Reports 11:30 Religious Period, Ottawa PM. 12:00 Columbia Symphony Orch., CBS 1: S0-Church of the Air 2:00 CBC News 2:03 John Fisher Reports 2:15 Week-end Review 2:30 Musical Program 3:00 Music for Sunday 3:30 CBC News 3:33 Weather Forecast 3 45 CanacHan Short Stories 4:00 Readers Take Over 4:30 Music for a Summer Eve 5:00 Record Album 5:30 Stage 47 Toronto 0:30 Familiar Music 7:00 CBC News 7:10 The Old Songs 7:30 First Piano Quartet, NBC 8:00 Anthology 8 30 Sunday Serenade 9:00 Music for Strings 9:30 Vesper Hour ' 10:00 CBC News 10:10--BC News 10 15- They Came to Canada Social Doings (Contributions to this section will be welcomed) Business and Professional Women's Meet The Business anil Professional Women's Club held Its regular mcctjng at the 'home of Mrs. H. S. Parker, Seventh Avenue East, on Thursdny evening with the president, "Miss Frances Orom, In the chair. Business was of routine nature. The club de-elded to cancel the July and August meetings. The members enjoyed several rounds of bridge luring the evening, the winners being Miss Lillian Barton, Mrs. Nora Arnold Miss Audrey Wrathall. and Miss Florence Parker. Delicions refreshments were served by the hostess. I0;30 Prelude to Midnight 11:00 Weather and sign off ann MONDAY A.M. 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Concert 8:45 Music for Modcrts 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions. 9:30 Little Concert 9:45 Morning Melodies 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Organ Encores 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Keyboard and Console 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Easy Listening P.M. 12:00 B.C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:40 Recorded Int. 12:45 Ethel and Albert 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Afternoon Recital 1 :45 Commentary and Cooking School 2:00 Feature Concert 2.15 Family Favorites 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Messer's Islanders 3:00 Cowboy Troubador 3:15 Mirror for Women 3:30 Serenade, Toronto 3:45 BBC News You saw It tn The News! Expansion MRS. GEO. HOWE IS ACCLAIMED Welcomed Home After Being Elected B. C. Grand Mistress of Orange hod ft At the regular meeting of the Ladies Orange Benevolent Asso ciation In the Oddfellows' Hall Thursday evenln.3, Mrs. J. P. Moller. the worthy mistress, read an interesting report of the Orand Lodge session held in Victoria last month. Mrs. George TIowe, who was elected Grand Mistress cf British Columbia at these sessions, was warmly welcomed by the lodge end Ibresent-ed with a lovely bouquet. Mrs F. Barber was appointed 'onvener of the July 12 celebration committee and Mrs. E. A, Evans, convener for the fall sale. The twenty-fifth annual ban-on et will be held In the Commodore Cafe Monday evening and he annual church parade July 1 to the Salvation Army. MPirhers will Assist at the t'n of the Civic Centre annual carnival. Ah Orange tkwe Initiation will tx held next meeting hl?ht. June 26. HOVE, Eng., F A protest petition against an order forbidding nrployment of children to de liver newspapers collected 38,000 signatures. Be I.AXP W.niSTkY ACT Certificate of Title No. 9156-1 to Lots Twenty - three (23) ana; Twenty-four (24), Block Potty- j three (43). Section Seren; Lots Twenty-one (21) and Twenty-i two (22), Block Eighteen (18) J and Lota Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), Block Nineteen (19), Section Eight (8), City of Prince 1 Rupert, in the Province of Brit- i lsh Columbia (Map 923). I WHEREAS satisfactory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of The B. P. Bturtevant Company of Canada Limited has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, at the expiration of one month from the -date of the first publication hereof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title tn lieu of aald lost Certificate, unless in the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C. this 5th day of May, J947. AD. ANDREW THOMPSON. : , Deputy Registrar of Titles: (141) Sale Enlarging the Store A LOT OF PRESENT STOCK MUST GO TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW MERCHANDISE. m io 50 off on Mosl all Goods Sale Starts Monday at 10 a.m. Manson's Jewellers r- I DPDAiD a Kin RF. CONDITION YOUR HOME THIS SUMMER! CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND Repairs - Construction - Alterations BX "V Phone RED 5GI 518 Third Avenue West FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK CONSULT THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTp. Estimates given for any type construction, mono CCS Night-Red 03 PRINCESS STEPS OUT Prin cess Elizabeth, making her first pubui appearance alone since the Royal Family's return from South Africa, visits the Drapers' Hall in London to receive the freedom of the Drapers" Company. The freedom is conferred by patrimony. King George VI himself being a Freeman. Clara Toczak and Spiro Gurvich to Marry Next Week A marriage of considerate Interest has teen set for next Wednesday evening in St. Andrew's Cathedral when Miss Clara Teresa Toczak of Wood-Town. Saskatchewan, and Spiro Gurvich, memter of a well known pioneer family 'of this city, will -be united in marriage. Officiating clerygman will be Rev Canon W. F. 'Rushbrook. Ladies' Fastball First Hall June 17 Cordon & Anderson i Khatada Club. June 19 High School vs. Moce KNOW YOUR TREES (Tivga heterophylla) A coniferous Ire which oeeuti In the wet belt region el the Inferior, but has I wide range on ihe coast Prefer! lower ilopei, flats and stream bettoms. Best growth In deep, porous, moist soils. Grows from 1 25 to 1 60 feet high and from 2 to 5 leel In diameter. Of primary importance for pulp, lumber and plywood. Valuable lor tannin horn cark. No. 1 in a series of Informative advertisements. Paste theminyourscrap-bookfoi future reference. PULP & PAPER INDUSTRY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA National No. S comet completely tquipitrd with rath, inset pant, tannin bur et and canning guide. IS BETTER, SAFER HOME CANNING ALWAYS - - Mcllride Street with a ram w mm tfff ii PRESSURE COOKER For safety and economy in your lioma canning (and cooking, loo) uao the scientifically denigniHl, pcrf.! ly o Btructed National rBKSBURK Cookkb. Leading food aullioritica Bay that preuauro cooking U the only safe way to preserve non-acid foods, including vegetables, meats, fish and foul. A National 1'bkssukb Cooker makes food safrr to eat Ui-auiie high heat under pressure kills spoilage agent! and bacteria. Em VK HAVE OBTAINED THE AGENCY FOR II. C. LITTLE VAPORIZING TYPE OIL BURNERS CIRCULATING HEATERS AND OIL BURNERS ON HAND ARE IDEAL FOR YOUR HOME SAANICH PLUMBING & HEATING P.O. Box 1158 (Slatlon ID Vhont MACK 9C2 t-Jrfncc Rupert Dafte J3k Saturday. June 14, 1947 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving. Beauty Culture in all Its branches. 200 4th Street : Phone 655 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners PHONES:. Green 486 Red' 894 BOAT CONSTRUCTION DESIGNING REPAIRS Fine Workmanship Estimates COW BAY BOAT WORKS A. P. Crawley Green 391 PAINTING and PAPERHANQINQ Phone Black 823 II. J. LUND SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 If It's Rock Work ' CALL BLUE 939 M. SAUNDERS CONCRETE SIDEWALKS BASEMENTS Your house and yourself fully insured while I do tne worn. TOPPER -WHGPPERNK li . ... . for in-between seasons. Complementary to your skirt or underneath frock, this shortie has a flare at the front and back, two perky practical pockets and free and easy sleeves. USE THE CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN Nolnterest - No CarryjngChargcs Clothi erne lotnmg 633 3rd Ave. W. C 4 mm tit luiteii of out uutiia t mi FATHER'S UH1...)UM11S :ore Acme has what Dad Phone wants' 359 SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone I!LUi: 1U(J 1C0 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) Business and Professional J. P. MOLLER PHONE BLUE 153 121 4th Ave. East PAPER HANGING AND PAINTING PRINCE RUPERT BOTTLE COLLECTOR and MESSENGER PHONE RED 416 Agent for Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block - Phone 387 P. N. Kllborn W. Pearson BERT'S TRANSFp. AND MESSENGll Lumber - Coal - Wood - Hal Freight - Express fi Phone Blue 810 Night Calls Oreen, 071 Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT FLORIST A. R. LOCK Wedding Bouquets Corsages Designs Potted Plants Bulbs Seeds MnriEHATE PRICES Prompt attention to mail orders. Box sio, rnone nt, ouu ora avo JONES NEWS STAND Eastern and Western Papers Magazines SUBSCRIPTIONS TAKEN Sbtth Street Red 80S Serving the. Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelllnc. Weighing BLUE 992 MMnHTaa EFFICIENT Mil jir ajUat W ( I M 'H a i I 7 ms&L