4 prince Rupert Daflg i!3clu0 Saturday, March 15, 1947 Savoys Bowl "Big Game" Anyone less meticulous with the King's English than the members of the Men's Ten Pin League would have dipped into the vernacular and came up with the comment that the Savoy team was "on the beam" or. perhaps, "up on" the bit" during their mildly delirious session with the perforated bails this week. The league scribe, how ever, chose to state, conserva tively, that the hotelmen "rolled a big game." Which was quite true. Perhaps General Motors, Savoy's opponents, had received seme advance warning of the exalted mood of Savoy. Because they failed to shew up, which left the hotelmen bowling against a lot of theoretical numbers, a large portion of which they proceeded to mark down on the score board. For Instance, without benefit of handicap, the team rolled a three game aggregate of 2.703 points, built up of game scores of 913, 908 and 837. This far outdistanced any cf their other aspiring league mates. "Scoop" Bury, whose skill is fast becom-ipg proverbial, starred for Savoys, rolling up the highest single game score of 212 and taking the three-game honors with 582. On the less rarified elevation populated by the other teams of th-3 league, 99 Taxi administered a 3-0 defeat to B. A. Oil, and Watts Sc Nlckerson took two games frcsn Imperial 011.- The scoring: SAVOY Spark 187 189 140 Smith 203 106 175 C. Ciecone 167 Slmundson 149 206 170 Bury 207 163 212 V. Ciecone 184 184 Handicap 23 13 13 CEN MOTORS Defautlcd) SHEUirrs SALE In the County Court of Print Kupert, holdrn at Prince Ku-xrt. THE SECRETARY OP STATE OP CANADA in his capacity as Custodian of Enemy Properties, Plaintiff, versus George Taylor, Defendant. By virtue of a Warrant of Execution in the above action to me directed I have seized i of the goods and chattels of the above describee defendant the following, which I shall offer at AUCTION Tor cash, on the premises 225 First Av enue E., Prince Rupert, B.C. on Thursday, March 20, 1947, at 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted: 1 Peerless Player Piano; 1 3-piece Chesterfield Suite; 1 Uesk; 1 McClaty Triumph Range with double oil burners and copper coil connected to a 43-gal. dium; 2 Beds and Springs; 1 Inning Room Table; several smaller tables; Easy Washing Machine; Portable Typewriter, and other articles too numerous to mention. M. M ' STEPHENS, 66 Sheriff. IN THE SUPREME COURT Of BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OP JOHN BALFOUR, DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order 01 Hi Honour W. E. Flshen made on the 7th day or March. A D. 1047, I was Appointed Administrator with Will annexed of the estate of John Balfour, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate arc hereby required to furnish same, prop-rly verified, to me on or before the 21st day of April, A D. 1847. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re-fiulml to pay the amount or their indebtedness to me forthwith. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 7th day of March. A D. 1947. GORDON P. FORBES. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. CO IN THE 8UPREME COURT OP niUTISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" and IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE Or ROHERT WEBSTER, DECEASED TESTATE TAKE NOTICE that by Order of Ills Honour W. E. Fisher, made on the 21st day of February, A.D. 1947, I was appointed Administrator with WU1 annexed or the estate of Robert Webster, deceased, .and all parties naving claims against the said es tate are hereby required to furnish Mime, properly verified, to me on or before tha 28th of April. A.D. 1B47, and all parties Indebted to the es tate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth with. . DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C., this 7 in uay or Marcn, A u. 1H47. GEO ROE II. HAIXETT, Official Administrate, Atlln, B.C. B. A. OIL Wick 99 125 121 Kinslor 203 .173 155 Wlndie ..... 137 137 129 J. Comadina ... J24 122 153 McMeekln 149 182 154 Handicap 41 41 41 753 780 753 99 TAXI Morrison 1G7 192 144 Stromdahl 163 129 138 Batllie 124 162 171 A. Comadina 151 176 167 S. Comadina 165 156 152 Handicap - 20 20 20 ; 790 835 792 W. Si N. Irving 151 131 99 Anderson 127 154 122 L. Gainer 144 137 191 Pierce 141 107 163 E. Gainer 163 183 118 Handicap 39 39 39 765 751 792 IMPERIAL OIL' Dell 190 156 142 Howe 128 153 136 Currie 176 146 180 Montgomery 155 116 139 Arney 144 136 128 Handicap 23 23 23 816 730 740 Victorious Homecoming The local Senior "A" Satur day night league game was played Instead last night and the Bo-Me-Hi Rainmakers, just back from their trip south, clinched the number one spot in the league by downing B. C. Packers by a very close 54 to 53 margin. Jack Lindsay came out of retirement to go into the B. C. Packers camp but even his 19-point attempt was not enough to beat the high flying lads from .Bo-Me-Hi. Reggie Lavlgne of the Rainmakers found his eye and .swished in 20 beautiful points to lead the scoring parade. Just as the game cam to an end a lively argument got under way but the match was over and no amount of arguing could change the score. Packers got a closer 15-14 lead by the first quarter and, by fighting doggediy, they held on to this one pqint lead right up to the half time whistle. At the half the score stood at 28-27 for the Packers. Working hard and checking even harder Packers managed to move out a little farther in the lead as the third quarter finished up 42-38 with the students beginning to get their second wind. Then the last quarter driving power of the lads of the green and gold be gan to teli and soon they had snatched the lead. But Packers were rtlH In there fighting and with just seconds to eo Hiah School was handed a free throw. The attempt was good and High School was In the lead. That was how hte score stood Just as the game ended In a roar. The High School's win last night gave them the second half of the Ssnior "A" division of the Iscal hoop loop and shattered any hopes Savoy had of ending up in the number one spot. Bo-Me-Hi Hartwig 11, La vlgne 20, Thompson 12, Fonnan 6, Ciecone 4, Skog, Intermela, Davidson, Flaten 1. Total 54. B.C. Packers Gurvich 4, Cal- derone 2, Dominato 9, Fitch 4, Houston 13, Lindsay 19, Ciecone 2. Total 53. Available Again . . . RANGES in full white enamel finish MrUride Street Godtoixl THIS AND THAT Why Kincolhh IVins- (Contlnued from Page 1) only made possible by his fellow teammates, and D. Doolan-Doolau was the playmaker and Guruey was the .shot. Handling -the whistle in this hard fought game was in the capable hands of Jchnny Comadina .and Bobby Houston who dished out a total of '33 fouls. 18 to Aiyansh and the remainder to Klncolith. But the most en joyable part of this game wxs the fine dUplay c.f good sportsmanship shown by the two ri vals when the game was over. Both teams joined in a rousing cheer for their rivals, losers' congratulated winners and winners congratulated losers: It was wonderiul. Aiyansji F. Brown 5, C. Clay ton, G: Guno 19, B. Wright, J. Davis 10. R. Gunp. A. Rush, II. Morven 3", N. Woods 2 D. Guno I. Total 40. Kincolith-D. Venn. M. Hal- dane. 14, D. Doohin 13, J. Stevens, S. Dpolnrt. A. Guruey, S Doolan, R. Calder. 1, T. Venn 3, II. Haldane, J. -Stewart, C. Ar-ton. I'otal &5. POUT SJLMI'SON WINS CONSOLATION YPEA of, Port Simpson battled thiough to a narrow 38-37 win over a hard working Kitlmaat squad to take the top spot in the consolation finals. Once again it was a penalty shot that won the came for Port Simp son. Kitlmaat put on a terrific last period bid for the win but the gap in the score was just a little too big and thev fell short when Just two points from a possible win. YPEA led through all the quarter with the score stand ing at 14-12 at the first stanza finish. In the second Quarter they moved still farther out in the lead, cjosing up the first halt with a coraiiortable 22-16 margin. The pace got faster and closer as the third quarter started but still the Slmipson squad moved on, this time clos- Mv? up the frame with a 33-24 lead. Then Kitlmaat began to make Its' bid! Slowly 'but steadily they battled their way uphill -and iuft rfowlv and steadl'y the score began to nar,-oow down'. Then it was all tied up at 37-37. Both teams had opportunities to move ahead as Referee F. Caldcrone and Um pire V. Ciecone clamroed down when, the play began to get a mue urn-jut. uui i ft; a maele one of their free throws count and that put them In the lead Phone 311 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE - at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUKY CHOW MEIN 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. 1 H gm BAR -R argue? NATIVES FORM HOOPASS'N Success of the- native basket-ba'l tournament which this week filled the Civic Centre gym for three nights during the playdowns, has inspired the visiting teams to make the thing an annual affair. The Native Basketball Association was formed here Friday afternoon for that purpose. Under the mentorship of their local patron, Art Murray, president of the local basketball as sociation, 25 officials cf the visiting teams elected offjeers and directors for the. new association and decided that'the first week in March would be the most suitable time for .the annual tournaments here. The officers of the new native association are: PresidentPaul Price, Port Simpson. Vice-President Frank Calder, Klncolith. Secretary-Treasurer George Robinson, Prince Rupert. t Directors Stanley Shaw. Klti- 33-31. Kltimnnt imt. Urn hMt nnH ! Just as tirby started ihelf xfh attempt to drop In a field basket, the whistle went and: the ' game was over. Kitlmaat had the high scorer In this match A. Walker, whi pounded 19 points of the backboard. He was given a dose run Though by B. Dudoward of the YFEA who netted 17 to lead the scoring on his squad. Kitimaat-W. Bolton 2, R. nith, II. Amos 3, A. Walker 19, F. Williams 12. G. Robinson 1, J. Shaw, A. Walker, T. Robin-fon, A. Hall. Total-37. YPEA-T. McKay 7, H. Ros 9, B. nudoward 17. W, Knott 4, W. Spence, J. McKay. P. Green, V. Dudoward 1. Total 38. HICKS FRASER HOUSE Dalmatian Male Puppies For Sale $25 Phone Black 823 ' "B" BOWL SCORES Ladies' "B" Five Pin competition Thursday night resulted in Whirlwinds taking three games from Atlin and Prices Board wlnulng three from Co-cp. High scoring neiiforonances were turned In by R. Ramsay of Revenuers, who ran up a three-game total of 580, and also won the high single-same score by bowling a 232 In her first game. Game tesultS! Whirlwinds 3, Atlln 0. Prices Board 3, Co-op 0. Watts & Nickerson 2, Dock-ettes L Peoples Store 2, Khaladas 1. Bankers 2, Revenuers 1. CO-OP D. Ruddcrham 177 92 120 J.. Bellis C 138 138 B. Rudderham 121 132 118 J. Clark 151 133 1C5 D. Simonson 88 1G5 115 Handicap 69 69 69 702 729 !25' W.P.T.B. A. Ilolkestad 153 101 149 B. Black. 103 120 79 B. McChesney 148 148 104' M. Johnson 93 12G 117 J. Mullin 169 164 217 Handicap 118 118 118 789 837 781 ATLIN G. McNeill 123 129 151 F. Cramer 136 113 101 L. Schroder 132 186 140 F. Nelson . 132 117 123 Low score 117 156 93 Handicap 68 68 63 708 769 681 maat; Wilfred Jackson, Kltkat-la; Cecil Ryan, Metlakatla; Reg-Inald Perclval, Aiyansh; Johnson Russ, Greenville; R. Sankey. Port Simpson. Classified Advertising Paysl SIIKICIFPS SALF, Tenders will be received until 5:00 o'clock p.m. Thursday, March 27, 1917, addressed to the Sheriff, Court House, Prince Rupert, for the sale for cash of tho following. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted; 1 27 h p. Atlas Marine Gas Engine, 2 cyl. li.I)., as is;l two-wheelrd, hard lire Logging Truck, as is; 1 5 h p., H I). Fairbanks Gas Stationary Engine, as Is. ,M. M, STEPHENS, 60 Sheriff. LING THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while jo wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street SAILS HATCH COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE ICQ East Third Ave, (Next to Shenton's) It Won't Be Long ntil busy 5045011 ,s here - i . and commercial car and truck operators will have to have dependable and trouble-free service from their equipment. We Suggest yu come ln and let make the necessary repairs NOW! This will prevent costly tie-ups later on. OUR MECHANICAL AND BODY REPAIR DEPARTMENTS are well equipped and fully staffed to carry out this work promptly and efficiently. All Work Guaranteed Estimates Gladly Olvcn Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS Phone S,I Prince Rupert, It.C TO THE PEOPLE OF PRINCE RUPERT Who Suffer With Their Feet You will bo interested to know" that there Is a, man ln town who has had a wide experience In the correction of fallen arches, and can make Arclv8upports that will relieve that painful and tired feeling that only foot sufferers can explain. Mr. Bill Terry, with many years of study of foot ailments, is at Hill's Shoe Stort, and will be pleased to take an Impression of your feet and let you know what can be clone in your individual case. Mr. nill Terry Is also ln charge of the Shoe Repairing Dept. where your repairs are executed neatly and promptly. Call around and see him for either reason. i WHIRLWINDS m B. OWglll 245 '166 186 A.' DeMaere 111 165 98 E. Mennell 213 200 162 E. Morse 216 156 151 M. Postuk 206 181 181 Handicap 32 32 32 1029 900 810 DOCTCETTES R. Magner , 152 212 97 R. Chrlitensen 141 187 147 M. Montgomery . 100 134 131 F. HaMgrlmtson 196 119 172 E. Anderson ... 112 125 163 Handicap 61 61 61 822 838 77 W. & N. M. Cross 117 167 190 A. WraUrall 150 154 2C8 A. 'Pierce 123 2-18 193 N. Munthe 172 107 186 V. Wratill 114 203 173 Handicap 21 21 21 702 875 971 BANKERS J. Thornton 93 146 93 B. Uslck 132 148 197 SI Our prices are REASONABLE Our mechanics "KNOW HOW!" You'll save time, .jave money, and save yourself a lot of worry ...IF you have your car "tunnl up," then etrviccl regularly hy our expert mechanics. Ttcy have the "know how" to make repairs quickly, ami at money-saving price. And tlicy ue only factory, engineered part. For ilc-lenlulile, quality work at reasonable cot come in nr 1 phone today t RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Phone 566 An Outstanding Opportunity for a Sound Investmed FOR SALE The Rrookchank Building . . . Ideally situated in the new business trend area ol rrnueiu.r Frontage on Third Avenue CONTAINS Excellent business quarters on main flr liviiyr accommodation. fj. Two handsome upstairs suites, expensively 1 led, electric ranges. , iL'V aii.ll Ail iimmmi Ulli IH'iA 1 I', I J EASY TERMS Apply II. C. PERRY, c.o. Daily News PRINCE RUPERT R00 O IMMNCE Kill BONDED K00FEHS . JM BUILT-UP ROOFS A SPECLJ O Exclusive Agents and Northern DUlribulun l J .tiuiiYiue rrouucis O Brchlert Air-X-llausters. Eliminates Dun J, lleatilalor Fireplace. The lireplare of the (n O We arc also taking ortlt-rs fur a limittd tut i-asu-ni wren riywood. Box 1308 Phone 10 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING K8TIMATF.S OIL IIUKNTK SALES AMI SEKVICK Cor. 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Until You Get a New Cat take good care of vnur present far! tomr today means a hlghrr resale prire tomorwj SEE US FOR KECl'LAK SERVE We are staffed and equipped to handle all nu and repair work on all makes of vehicles. Drink TERRACE MACHINE SIIOI ANDGitl CONSULT GENERAL MOTOKS DEALER NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS GREER & I Builders and Contractor PHONE RED 561 FOR YOUR .... BUILDING REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAID FOUNDATION WORK THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION! Phone 5G3 Estimates given for any type ns,r". JJ .... .. i..inrflH IUIMV II Mil ivi n iv linlUMf I III'"- J AND MORTGAGE AT 5 PERCENT IF REQU! c.o. (Usual courtesy to licensed ngonts) Wewkk.. HI She Metal tH WU open on ilH is located at (next to Bl'H m where tt)H Unie to dobsH the roofinH "Cedarcninr jH finest wood shjtyH burn H side walls. Cut tH the mininmiH more than ordiiu!: NEW Ml H01U A Mom? Away Kx Bates W) Rooms, Hat ii ruiNCE rupkI Phone 281 fil ALTERAM BRIDDE MODERN TUB Or A. IlKOOKSHAi-y