1 fashion spreads - dor skirts this 1 s spring . . . spreads t li e in about you in a whirl of pleats. Fashion enhances even further with soft drapes t hat make complimentary conversation-behind your back. From our new spring and Easter series. UJ.wi rule n &f tj i J., - II . " I II 6 lr..itruments spel Tabernacle :iv 7 su n.in. IVifHv nl Jt I) 111. W :me FCTORY ;;l at 1 1 ft in. uiulny Bcliuul W M' 11 III, 111' VI. in: n n.m. 00 i.m (HI i 7:i:l) E ii Youn:: St ' fro Antrobu Orciii 813) mi I'ci.u'mi-ii t fct ill-Oil l.lllilil mi f. ct Mai ween. 11A. ICJrcru 1)82) ItST united ,. Avr writ l:- :.i 10 u.m. It Wil ni: M A. (Cirrrn. 013) in nv Wc;t V- i I 4...... (Gri'en C20) mi) ARMY " irret lUa(k JOB) i' McDrklo Bt. A O An "ii j1rk mi) 1' AMI M CAN ' ivo -" ' n.m. (Ulus U37) dar Baptist ano McUrldc St.) 1 1 IU'l't "unniiD ' U.V UUl WU; JURIST." i Thess. !i:f) '"'1H..1 1U ftUn. uy School. . n , r, , 'V ll'l if, 14 .. - iiiivic 1 1 1 101 SlICIIll l-" S. Wialhcily ('iii wtn sing) 1'UNF.SDAY f"uv. Meeting. MtibrtY .iuii UiUlU. lit- !..! n i v on: r.iiu.i: iou "inn I' U7HII i - OL.Ik.VH Ii' ow Open clnR- Ui;hi Vulcanizlne - "kuii in UMF. Tav - XX "spared see M0UT1MEU Phone 88 H mm BLONDIE "Mm Buy Your COMPLETE OUTFIT Here on tlic Budget Plan HE-EMPLOY FACTORIES EDINBURGH tfcScotland Is to have 13 "Re-employ Factories" to provide sheltered employment for disabled persons. Wooers will be paid full weekly, wages based upon outside trade union rates irrespective of their individual output and goods will be sold at market prices, Tomorrow's Services . First United Church Sixth Ave, W. near Fulton St. Minister; Rev. R. A. Wilson, M.A, ' t "SUNDAY 'SERVICES March 1G, 1917 10:CO a.m. Senior Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. .Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: "God's Garrison." 12 Noon Congregational Meeting. 12:15 Primary Sunday School. 7:30 p.m.--i:vtning Service. A Service of .Music. Led by the Senior Choir Senior Choir Leader. J. S. Wilson Junior Choir Leader, Mrs. Douglas Gushuc Organist, Miss Rose Marie Harlwlg Local News Items . . . Moose Whist Drive and Dance every Saturday, 8:30 pin. (63) Martin Saunders has purchased the residence of J. J. Mul-roncy on Beach Place. Tea. Thursday, March 27, 1224 East 8th Avenue, Mrs. Gomez. Proceeds to Dethune Peace Hospitals. Ingvald Urseth, district supervisor of fisheries, returned on the Camosun Friday afternoon from a business trip to Vancouver. Famous HOLLYWOOD PATTERNS arc now on sale exclusively at Wallace's. Over 800 patterns to meet every need. Prices 15c, 25c and 35c. At WALLACE'S of course. (06) Mrs. A. P. Barber of Queen Charlotte City is paying a brief business visit to, the city. She arrived from the Islands on the Cardcna yesterday afternoon and will be returning there to morrow night. There will be a meeting held on Monday, March 17, at 8 pm., for all Corvette Club members, in II.MCS. "Chatham" Naval Drill Hall canteen. All members please attend. (63) Mr. and Mrs. J. Koning of Houston arrived In the city Friday afternoon on the Camosun enroute to their home after a trip to Vancouver Mr. Koning Is proprietor of a store in the Interior town. Norman C. Nelson, director of Nelson Bros. Fisheries, and John A. Clark, assistant 'manager of the company, arrived In. the city Friday afternoon on the Camo sun from Vancouver on a busi ness trip to the company's plant at Port Edward. Bishop Jordan To Visit Rome llca,(l of Local Jtoman Catholic IDiocesc to "Meet Holy Father To pay a visit with the Holy Father at the Vatican for the first time since his consecration as Vicar-Apostolic of Prince Rupert and to attend a meeting of Oblate Fathers for the purpose of electing a world su-period-gcnjral. Blshcp Anthony Jordan is leaving next week for Rome. He will entrain from here Wednesday night for New York where he will embark aboard the liner Queen Elizabeth. Expecting to be away for three or four months, Bishop Jordan will also visit his native home at Broxburn, 11 miles from Edinburgh, Scotland, as well as olhcr parts or Scotland and England' and Ireland. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SUNDAY, MARCH 1G 11 a.m. - Morning Worship. The Honor Roll will be unveiled. Anthem, Junior Choir: "He Shall Feed Ills Hock." Solo, J. A. Tcng: "In Flanders Field." 12:15 pm. Church School. 7:30 p.niv Evening Worship. Anthem, Dcmor Choir: "Incline Thine Ear." KKV. W. (JOUDON 31ACM5AN, M.A., B.l). lirsl Presbyterian CIiotciI, Winnipeg Moderator of the 72nd General Assembly of tlw Presbyterian Church In Canada, will preach "at both services. ATter the evening service a reception will dc held in the Chinch Hall at which all arc invited to meet Mr. Maclean, A cordial invitation to worship with this congregation is extended to all. Members of the Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. are invited to attend a Church Parade to the FlUST PKKSMYTKKIAN CHUKCH on Sunday Next, March 16th, 1947 "Fall In" at Legion Hall at 10:30 a.m. Forage Caps and Medals to be worn rillLIP M. RAY, Secretary-Manager. Mental Hygiene. A Cash for old gold. Buyer's. Basketball tonight, Civic Centre, Savoy vs. High School. Mrs. W. J. Davlcs and daugh ter, Mrs. Kelly, arrived In the city on the Cardena yesterday afternoon from Queen Charlotte City. Mrs. Davies will spend a couple of weeks here before pro ceeding to Vancouver for a visit. Mrs. Davlcs will be here for a couple of weeks. Announcements All aavcrtivtni nt in mm column will bo chtircca fur a lull month Rt 2Sp n word. Galloway Rapids, I.O.DJ3., Tea March 15, I.O.D.E. Hall. C.W.L. St. Patrick's tea and sale, afternoon; card party, eve ning. Monday, March 17. United Church Tea, Mrs. R. G. Large March 20. S.O.N. Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, March 21, 9:30 p.m. Booth l'.TJV. Tea Muslcalc March 22., . Borden Street School Choir and Rhythm Band present operetta Civic Centre,, March 23. Lutheran Spring Sale, March 29. St. Andrew's W.A. Easter Sale, April 8. Daffodil Tea and Sale, .Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Easter Monday, April 9, at the home of Mrs. Parkin. Juvenile Orange Tea and Sale, April 9, Oddfellows' Hall. Presbyterian Spring Sale, Anrll 1(1 Orange Ladles' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Legion Auxiliary Sale. May 9. TIIKEE YEARS TO IJUILI) KARACHI, India Work on the three-year construction of Karachi airport, which Is to be developed Into one of the world's biggest airfields at a cost of more than $6,000,000, will commence this month. Two new sets of runways more than 6,000 feet long will be constructed. Classified Advertising Pays! 6Q 7 -7 15th Birthday of Cambrai Chapter Cambral Chapter,' Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, is celebrating Its fifteenth-birthday .this month. In vlew-of this, the regent, Mrs. William Noble, opened the regular monthly meeting with a brief and Interesting history of the chapter. The business, of the meeting was far-reaching" and promises another busy year; The fifteenth birthday party, the spring tea on May 1, new committees for the year were some of the highlights. Arisin from the correspondence on the Polish Relief Fund, it was, suggested that emphasis be placed for the coming year on children's clothes rather than on baby garments. Two new members Mrs. R. Montgomery and Miss Frances Thompson were received in the chapter. Nine small quilts and three large ones, each one as nice as the next, were displayed by the quilting committee and gave ample evidence that these members havc.becn very. busy. Steamship Sailings For VaticooTti r Tucsday-ss Coqu'ltlam, 1:30 p.m. Thursday ss Prince Rupert 11:15 pm. Friday s Catala, 10 p.m. Saturday ss Camosun, 9:15 p.m. From Vancouver-Sunday ss, Coquitiam, p.m. Monday ss Princess Adelaide. p.m. Wednesday ss Prince Rupert, 10:00 a.m. -. , .: ' Monday ss Princess Adelaide 10 p.m. Friday ss Camosun, 3 p.m. Friday ss Catala, p.m. For Alaska Friday ss Camosun, midnight Wednesday ss-Prince Rupert, midnight. From Alaska r Thursday ss .Prince Rupert, ' p.m. Saturday ss Camosun.. 7 p.m. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED TO RENT. 4 or 5 room house or suite, close in Phone Green 9G81 . (68) MlUL BY TH E GALLON Sold by Marshall-Wells Dtaltri 7.y l.'.H:H!MIB'.'iJIH By Chic Young I , Ml , 'lljipil'j j li(7EATJ'!lir J BSAT.IT, ' ' In I i 1 ' I , ( THINKING ) ' r DAI37.' I La I I. 1 HEARD )tc Q 300 AT JUNIOR CHAMBER DANCE St. Patrick's Day got advance observance last night when 300 people attended the annual Junior Chamber of Commerce dance in the Civic Centre auditorium, dancing to music by the Esquires orchestra. The alfalr was directed by a committee consisting of A. J. Domlnato (chairman), Hawthorne Graham and Ted Smith. Mr, Domlnato was in charge of ticket sales, while Harold Hampton, Hawthorne Graham and Oscar Havroy were in charge of the door. ORIGIN OF ASSASSIN The word assassin If probably derived from the Arabic "hash-ashln" meaning hemp eaters who committed great excesses under the influence of hashish. IT'S OUT! EATON'S New Spring and Summer Catalogue for 1917 434 Pages of Shopping In. terest. Lavish llluttrationt many in glowing, true. to. life color, Tha New Fashions. The New Furnishings. Topics For Young Canada. Household Helps. Holiday Hints. And all backed by th EATON Guarantee VT. EATON C We Serve You Nothing , But the Best . . . SFECIAL RED I1RANII BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pics and Salads Daily RUPERT BUTCHERS rhonc 21 Third Ave. West Preserve those Baby Memories Something New in Jewelry Service! Our process in silver and gold will save forever those dear little bootees . . . To grace your mantel and be always a fond reminder for you and yours of happy baby days. - THE COST IS SMALL BRING THEM IN TODAY Guaranteed Watch and Jewelry Repairs. Special attention given to mail order work. MANSONS JEWELLERS "The Home of Belter Jewelry" Ptltut Ktipat Dnilp JI3cto SaturdayMarch 15, 1017 ASTORIA CANADA'S FINEST Shoes for Men by Scott and McIIale The CONVOY Full Brogue, brown only. Widtlis C, D, E. Pair The HAIG Double sole Blucher Oxford. Brown Scotch grain. Widths U, E. l'alr $14.50 $12.00 A. MacKenzie Furniture LIMITED "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" SIMMONS BED Complete with felt mattress, nC Cft 3-foot size JU. JU Phone 775 VISIT OUR 327 Third Avcnu Bargain Counter You can't afford to miss the, real values at'HALF PRICE at 518 THIRD AVENUE WEST WAR ASSETS COAL Per Ton Screened Lump, sacked $12 Minc Kun Hulk ... $10 HYDE TRANSFER PHONE 580 PHONE RED 400 JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue Ormesltd. Pioneer DruqgiaU PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 a.m. till 0 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 p.m. 7 pm. till 0 p.m. Having Fish for Dinner? "RUPERT BRAND Will add taste and quality to your meal. For variety try our - Smoked Mack Cod, Salmon and Kippers Sole, Cod and Salmon Fillets Frozen: Halibut and Salmon Remember! Ask for 'RUPERT BRAND' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE PRINCE RUPERT TinTTTRIT Company Limited Columbia II -i. m Jib i I w