VETS If) Katun Dial IK I2M Kilocycles, Iject to change) JRSHaY P.M. i the Troubador k Quotations i: Concert ii Texas ai ii Pbyhousc per Serenade the March rv Cmo be announced in News : News Roundup I.! Mil ouvcr Theatre : y 01 MUSIC Review ol Vipw ::. Slu.T'-.L-ie 10 News C Ncw.i nun Guide Biiw:, Orch. lii'-cr and Sln Off. K1DAY A.M. ill Clock News r,m Song ror Moderns '.' Concert !!C New.! mln Devotions " Concert- me fiiTnal ruliiT Visit :!! Encores f-dup Time ! ivian Melodies CURRICULUM SOLVES LIVIN-C oca News Items Thursday, April 17, 1947 Wmim'l u ' u.ii.i. v. n -fiiilppcd hold school In St. Paul PErmitc, ,i . ,.iven the only complete hotel management '(..,, ;t! m Canada. It is operated under a .federal-. pUi, id, Uie exclusive benefit of World War II vet- both ifxc from all pans oi uanaaa. inc noiei mail ed ,. school- features a real noiei sei-up. ,'rtr: und clxss-rooms are on the same premises. ',m, divided Into three main branches: management, Wa pasW Students get practical training 'through wrioui departments, such as. the -front, office upper . il. wnlnl T-ti n raclfUnpa Vinfol nffnrc nil t';. ll)l)D UI LUC IIUKI. H""-- ..utw a X " 1 DRAMA BOOMS OK PRAIRIES: Saskatchewan League Owns Library of 2,000 Nays SASKATOON Oi Drama In Saskatchewan 'has graduated from a casual pastime to a well-organized undertaking. Oruanlzatlon of the score of rural and urban drama groups in the province has been undei-taken by the Saskatchewan Drama League, a voluntary or ganization a f filiated ( with the extension department of the University of Saskatchewan. There are about 1G0 paid-up 11:00 Keyboard and. Console U-.15-Songs ofJToday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Messase Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Ethel and Albert P.M. 12:00 D. C. Farm Broadcast 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 CBC News 12:45 Easy Listening 1:00 The Concert Ilout 1:30 Recital 1:45 Needlcpointers 2: 00 -National School Broadcast 2:30 Songs to Remember 2:45 Mcsser'a Islanders 3:00 Cowboy Troubador 3:15-Scrcnadc to America 3:30 Serenade 3:45 BBC News and Com. 3:55 U.N. Speaker TERRACE face Theatre on Tuculays and I"' Wedneidays id Saturdavs at B n.m. Iv matinee at 2-30 p.m. Pr ami Salnni. I Vil IS nmi in I'AfiAKA I'AI.LS" f Marione WcKidworlh, P''i'n, Ztu'.u Pitts and ''in Summerville 1'iesclay, April 22 "MSOMR THAU " P iimmy Wakely, Lec P1"" John hmr r'lnesOay, April 23 STKANT.F. MR. I" 'UI.C.OHY" Edmund Lowe and -ran Rogers, TERRACE Transfer&Taxi Storage WE MEET ALL TRAINS-SERVICE TO ANY POINT IN THE DISTRICT (II. Smith) P.O. Box 107 Terrace WE'RE GROWING of the height The average human race has Increased two Inches since the stone age. VOLCANIC ISLES The Azores arc volcanic In orifeln. M Vou Get a New Car... Pl'P P nn.l n . . i ntn - .ut or your present can Kcnicimn-i, l,,ay means a higher resale price tomorrow. SKI' US FOR KKniTI.All. SKRVICK I ' ,u una equipped to nanciie an mam"' tf -JiilonaU makes of vehicles. Drive In loday! uv.,ilirsij SlIUl' AIM' miiw" ('I"NF.HAL RIOTOUS DKALKH the comforts of modern living. Teachers and. students, alike may rest in a spacious ard comfortable lounge (upper right) after a studious day. The. school provides, -also a reference library (lower left), where the director, Mn Qerard Frechette, ls-hown here with two students, Miss A. Reynolds, Frederic-ton. N.B., and Miss D, Gregory, of Toronto. In the-pastry course, (lower right), .students learn how to add the finishing touch. to .shanuock-slraped' cakes, and 'traysful, of assorted' pastrjr special ties, under the supervision of chief -Instructor J. Mayano of Montreal. member and various types of; provincial festivals, are operated by the parent body. The senior festival, held throughout the war years, la for experienced groups. A class"B'' senior festival also Is held lor less experienced groups from smaller towns or villages, In addition, there is an Intermediate festival for Junior groups, under 21 years of age, who have left school. t Local, district, zone and finally northern and southern elim ination festivals are held for high school groups, culminating with the northern and -southern winners presenting thelr.plays at the festival ror provincial honors. A number of public school festivals are held as well but they are not organized on-a provln cial bals. The league owns and operates larce library of plays with moie than 2,000 different titles. Thcs$ are loaned to members free of cost for tne purpose of reading-and selecting plays. Tvnes of plays preferred vary a great deal. Junior groups usually prefer comedies and mys- irrir5 whereas the senior play ers attempt fantasies, comedies, dramas and tragedies. Thprc is usually good audience Announcements AH Bfivrrtrw.niTiw in ttiM column will Im clinnrprt for full montn lit 25o word. Card Tarty, Catholic. Hall, Anrll 17. 3 n.m. 17. Rotary Tea, Civic Centre. April Orange Ladles' Tea and Sale, Civic Centre, April 18. Minnie Dance. Masonic Tern pie. April 18. Sojourning breth ren Invited. Ron; of Norway Fishermen's Firewell Dance, refreshments, April 24. 1.O.D.E. Hall, tickets at Co-op store. U.F.A.W.U. Dance. Friday, April 25 Oddfellows' Hall, 10-1. Women of the Moose tea and sale, April 30. United Church Spring Sale, May 1. Band Concert, Civic centre, May 2. Plays. United Church, April 30 and May 2. Guide Camp Tea, May 3, Mn Blackaby. Novelties. Baptist Tea, May 8, Mrs. St. Peter's Spring Sale, May 8. Legion Auxiliary Sale. May 0, nri Wo nnv Tea Sale, S.O.N. Ladles." May 10, Lutheran Church 2:00 to 0:00. Camtoral Chapter Spring Tea Mnv 15. Cathedral Chancel Guild Tea, May 22, Mrs. Nora Arnold. Jab's Daughters' Tea, Mrs Beriicr's, May 20. Easter Star tea, Civic Centre Juno 4. United Church W. A. Tea June 12. IIllliGO Rose-iTeaJunejlp; response and full houses are- tha rule rather than the exception However; biggest problem is lack of suitable halls and stages. Although there has been .some talk of building community centres with good hall and stage facilities no. concrete action has yet been lakeiv on Hotel... arrivals Prinee Rupert George Knowles, Vancouver E. O. Devine, Vancouver; M Green, Vancouver; M. Donald, Vancouver; W. Grlsenthwalte, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. D, Searle, Union Bay, Vancouver ltr7and'frXR:-S. 76ne5-,TSweT River. Visitors In town, from up river, include H. L. Smart of Terrace, and W. T. Hickmore of 1 Another Job for MVE-X! Just a lilria Javex remove every trace of stairu from sink and drainboard-akes them snowy white Javex Is a liquid pna; so easy to use. AT YOUR DIALIR S M(ose Lesion Dinner Meeting Thursday April 17. Meet .at 7 pjn. Temple. (90) The widow, and family of the late William. R. Woodman will sail aboard, the SS Prince Rupert this evening. They are to accompany the body of husband and father for burial in Van couver. i Brine vour shouDlne baa; and come to the White Elephant Sale at - Conrad Street School on Sat urday, April 10, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. (91) It Is expected that within an other few weeks, Mr. Charles M. Homer, formerly provincial as-i sessor at Prince Rupert will revisit Northern British. Columblx and this city. He-was stationed here for a good many years, la the early days, and ha3 been living In retirement In the south'. Miss Laura Stephens, ter of Mr. and Mrs. M, M. j Stephens now makes her home I In San Francisco, where she is 1 holding a secreterial post of re sponsibility. San Francisco is generally regarded as one of the mast Interesting, ana ceslrable of cities to live In, in. the United States. Miss Etheline- McKlnnon, who has resided here for the past seven years with her family was the guest of houor at a farewell dinner given for her by her many friends last evening in th Hollywood Cafe. She- left on last evening's, train for Reglna where she plans to take up future- resl dencer after stopping off at Lockwood, Saslo, to visit for a few weeks with her sister. Durr Ing her residence here Miss Mc Klnnon lunnon has nas been oeen well weu known m, wn and am. frTB i iiv FURNITURE REPAIRING Upholsterlnr - Slip Ooven Drapes. Car. and Truck- Cushions Repaired and Recovered Out-of-town orders given special care. 'S CABINET SHOP Phone Green 174 117 Second Avenue: Weet Opposite Civic Centra No wasted time, no extra steps. Full-strength Fleischmann'sacriVe Fresh Yeast goes to work right away. Makes sweet, smooth-textured buns that melt in your mouth. Softball organization meet ing, Civic Centre, 2:30 pjn Sunday, April- 20. (92) J. C. Brady, district engineer In the provincial servce will 'sail this evening enroute to Victoria, where he will attend a general conference of engineers and field operatives from all' parts of the province; to suidy and'eon slder future plans in thewayof construction or expansion. NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that from this date I will not be-responsible-, for any accounts Incurred.' In my name except those Incurred 'by me personally. DATED at Prlncet Rupert j DO., this 17th day of April, 1947. C. W. WARDALE-, A A- "Build n. c, Payrolls" Please, the Children- mm You'll find cocoa made wlth-creamy i Pacific Milk- is hard to-beat, And In all your cooking- requirements you'll find farm fresh Pacific- In the- familiar vacuum packed tin a- real klU chen helper. PACIFIC MltllK: packed highly, popular among Pxlnce Ru-1 "iau a pert's. younger set. ; simpiy uei iuu u? RAISIN BUNS. And makes them last. IF YOU BAKE. AT HOME, be! sure, to get Fleischmann's . acfiVe Fresh Yeast with the familiar; yellow label. You. can: depend on Fleischmann's-Canada's favorite yeast for over 70 years. Always: f resh, ot your grocers CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT TENDERS FOR' BUS FRANCHISE Scaled tenders, marked "Tender for Bus Franchise," will be received by the undersigned up to noon, Monday, May 12th, 1947, for franchise covering exclusive rights to operate buses within the city limits for a period of five (5), years. The successful tenderer will be required to erect' five (51 shelters for passengers at his .own expense at places to be designated by the Council, and. to post a bond covering the fulfillment, of the terms of his contract: Tenders must Include: (a) Routes and Schedules, which must not be less than those now In force In the City. (b) Fares, which must not exceed those now charged In the City. (c) Equipment, to be used. '(d) Fee tendered for the franchise. This must' be based on a percentage of gross receipts. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted, and the acceptance of any tender will be contingent upon approval by the Public Utilities Commission and by the ratepayers of the City. II. D. TIIAIN, City Clerk. A. MacKeniic Furniture - LIMITED "A OOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIOIIT Phone 775 S27) Third Atenue; Rook to for your spring, HAT And be assured . . . : Wide. Variety, iww v wt ...van- jm-. I 1 FORYOUR- .... STETSON Known' Quality. . Export Styling: f R o M $8.00.vo $15.00 BUILDING. REQUIREMENTS GENERAL REPAIRS FOUNDATION WORK. CONSULT, THE NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD; Estimates elven for-any type-construction. Phoner563 Red M3 Steamer, Seryice from ERINCE RUPERX OCEAN FALLS WESTV1EW (Powell RiTer) VANCOUVER Thursday at 11:15 pjn. To KETCHIKAN. Wednesday Midnight r For reservations call or write City, or. Depot- Ticket Offices, ' PRINCE RUPERT JOHKH. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Jbhn Bulger Ltd Third Atenue 'Baby Talk . We're always ready to talk about jaiir baby and serve his needs, too. For finest quality products visit our Tender; Age Centre WD FEATURE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR nAHVj McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED (E. C. WALLACE, Manager) Third, Sixth Street PHONE 7I IT Be Sure of the Best lM.IHt ft! I J. WE DELIVER, DAILY BulMey Market d A,PM ' Mortar, PaeHnr, Cratlnr, WAR ASSETS COAL Shipptnr- and- General- per Ton Cartace and Storage ( Forcomplete..Reurtie.nd Screened Lump, Efficient Service,. Call. . sacked ... ........ . ?1- t j Lindsay's Cartage jMinc Ran Biilk . . . $10 ' corSpfrktue HYDE TRANSFER -! Established 1910 pnONE 589 ' Phones.' 60 and 6 IT'S SPRINGr-Timevto repair and recondition your home CALL GREER & BRIDDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Fhiine RED J61 P.O. nox.71 1H