i r ,nnrt Claw Mall, Pout Office Department, Ottawa) Kti ".nSd I every Bftcrnoon except Sunday by rub'w; Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Ituncrt, British Columbia. Li Dully Rriitn. II. a. PERUY. Manaelne nirretnr. Eul(T0. W rKS3 AUDIT BUIIEAU OP CIRCULATIONS jf CrniAN DAILY NEWSPAPER. ASSOCIATION cAJ, newpaprr devoted to the upbulldlnR of Trlncc Rupert int comprising northern and central BrltUh Columbia. jnlUUI'""'" ,r,nu T7ATES i MjVii. rrr Month. IV; Per Year, 17.00: ,r Drt i, 4f)c: Tcr Year. 14.00. uin, rcr v , lenery Is Not Enough FINANCIAL POST points out that during twd week in May government travel bu- iu.s throughout Canada are combining in a 'i niic:itional campaign. The purpose is two-- 'irst to impress on the public the value of our Catering i"u itvuiuwiuuui,iuii nil visum s. .Juts are important but especially the sec- prince Kupert can think of it with appropriate st year, it is estimated, tourists spent wen itiDlied several times if accommodation was ate. oimpiy uuu&tiug infill, uur yiuui, iu- 'CS 111 SCCIlcI j, xi ton an ciuu game 10 Jim h. Unless we are prepared to oroviue our ll'S Willi LJUUU LUbiuiif (uuu iiivuio uiiu beds we mignt as wen iorget aoout tne rest, this business we are competing with experts nme of them, like the northern tier of states Is the line, wc may as well admit, have scenery, rime and even police uniforms remarkably Rur own. That puts almost the whole burden tractinc American visitors nere on me type vice we are prepared to oner, inese visitors 1 111. he most generous spenders in tne world, out ,eir money they expect and deserve something than greasy food, lumpy mattresses and out-iluml)ing. :( s just too bad that good times don't bring good Unit's. i lot less open mouths. Britain's Economy II the hudiri't balanced for the first time in en years and a substantial surplus tin the right up. Hntain. With al its troubles, at least has temal fiscal crisis, it is revealed by the British icellor of the Exchequer.. Britain s crisis, as we nointcd out before, lies not in the lack of wherc- ial to purchase but in the shortage of goods and ccs to purchase. Those goods, including many r food and living essentials and the raw ma-Is for her factories, come from abroad and, tain them, she must nroduce and exnort her- LThcso goods unobtainablcj through 'inability lirchasc them, she goes down economically ort or expire," Air. Dalton nuts it. bo uritam . . . I 1 1 1 . 1... l!.... 1... 41;.. i maintain ner credit ny nur .production, uy uiu :icnl and unselfish application of her labor. 'here is no easy, road. Britain finds, to national hmicsceunty. Tin; Iiahor governnient 01 nru,- mcctirii' 1 lie- s'lnii' old iJrdblema and finds nb ian nio:ins iif nvitri'niniliir them. Hardjwork forbearance austerity1 aru-,still the const - IU of the solution. V Arms Embargoes U'KI) STATES helped to supply the arms and munitions that were shot back at her in two rcatwars. So did Canada and Great l.ritain. President. Tniinnn. in :m historic mcssatre.tf) pess yesterday, calls through revision of neu- ny lor the authority to embargo the snipmeni-istniments of warfare to unfriendly nations. ?'c remembeivs llie hue and cry that certain IK'Uls rnwi.il .iiwl .mii-IiUw un lififfirn t lie hist War c shipments of materials that could be and were 1 against us abroad. Some of us were complace-it enough not to worry much about it then. .We 'Sht of the nnltrv dollars we could make and vlikh we naid for with nrccious blood a few slater. We know who President Truman lias "Hid W icn lwi ni'iiiwiufiu -ii'invj (inbareoeS HOW. isllosc that those who were so loudly in favor '"en embargoes against the likes of Germany 'i'm win lie eiiually as enthusiastic now. C?l m and B !r,""Mnl:ilr,,lMlin-li:.rfn!. K j "''iHKi.i. l.nllrr or lh (tmd fl. 1 B M fJ,lf.,u', ''"" n'1 " l'"1" "'" M V ""' Mnlu'"""' ,t"tn' "''I "Il fl'l"' ""' r B; ""lillk, , f ofr tufm. Sl In "" ' M I """""''i'reii,g.riilihufri.lr.ilt !' RaYALClTY I CM i I FOODS fl WINS $100,000 IN IRISH SWEEPSTAKES-Kermlt Rockmill, 27, army air force veteran, of Long Beach, N.Y., is a mighty happy and lucky guy. He's Just learned that the 100-to-l shot Irish Jumper, Caughoo, pounded through the mud of Aintree to win England's Grand Nationaf steeplechase, a victory that means $100,000 to Rockmill, less whatever is taken in taxes, Rockmill, who is unmarried, and lives with his parents, was revealed as the holder of a ticket on the winner under 'the name of "Lucky Hermit." WOULD REVISE ISLAND LAWS LONDON Qi Absence of a code of civil or criminal procedure in the Channel. Islands is mentioned by the special Privy Council committee appointed to investigate proposed constitutional and judicial reforms in Jersey and Guernsey. i In their report, published as a white paper, the comnilllce declared: "Apart from a recent work on certain aspects of the custom ary law of Jersey, there appears to be no text book on the subject less than 100 years old, and there arc no adequately .report ed decisions of the royal courts! in the sense of the English law reports." The report said, according to the evidence of the solicitor -general of Guernsey, "It is almost impassible to ascertain what Ihcclvit lawiifthislaml is," and added "there is consid erable doubt whether the Eng llsh criminal law prevails on the Island." Describing the island's criminal law as "nebulous" and "vague," the committee urged thai the time has conic when it should be made "stable." The committee also recommends setting up of a joint court of appeal for the whole of the islands to hear civil and criminal cases, with the. right of appeal in civil cases to the Privy Council in London. KITSEGUKLA CHILD BURIED . SKEENA CROSSING Funeral service for the infant son of Mr. Lazarus Russell of Kltsegukla was conductod by Captain J. H. Johnson of the Salvation Army on Monday. Captain David Wells of Kltwanga assisted and the village band provided 'music. A large attendance was present. NOURISHING , TOO AIIct butterJat, or cream, is removed from whole milk, the KuVtBBmlinllkuqtltnt08. more than Dnep half the weight of the whole milk Prince Rupert's Civic CenlreHeld As ModelJorallParlsof Produce Prince Rupert's advanced position in the- Community Centres picture in British Columbia makes it a model which other communities watch closely, Civic Centre Director. Don Forward said Wednesday on his return from Vancouver where"he attended a conference of community centre leaders. "It's hard to realize Just how much the people in the south hold our Civic Centre aa a model for their own projected centres," he said. AS an illustration of tills interest, Mr. Forward told how he made a 20-minute speech before the conference, and as a result itlic planned program for the rest ;"j the morning was dropped and he was asked to make a detailed explanation of the finapcing, administration and program functionings of the. Prince Rupert Civic Centre. "They kept me talking for an extra hour and a half, explain ing our financing arrangements and administration set-up," He said. Mr. Forward retired from the position of vice-president of the provincial! Community Centres Association which he held last year, and was elected publicity chairman for the group. "Every community in British Columbia, large or small, has plans for building a civic centre," he said. "Vancouver has been zoned into 20 areas and plans arc being made to "build a centre in carcli zone." Among Chores which Mr. For ward completed while In the south were the making of arrangements for the purchase of a complete set of gymnasium aparatus which will be installed in the Civic Centre- in time for the fall season. He also received assurance from Hilker Attractions, Van couver talent agents, to bring to Prince Rupert four major at tractions during the 1947-48 sea son. These will be first-rate at, tractions and will be brought north in conjunction with Ket chikan. A .discussion with Education Minister Wicr at Victoria re vealed that the Civic Centre here is eligible for a government grant for carrying on night classes In crafts and arts. Tins crintiiwould,Jbc30 per. cent pf thecosl of UuTcTasscs. iTlic University of British Co- s i 1 lumbia extension department is also willing to sponsqr two-week classes in home -making or crafts and hobbies, and will send In structors to Prince Rupert for such classes, Mr. Forward said PORTSMOUTH, England The King has decided that the roya'l yacht Victoria and Albert, no longer seaworthy, Is to be usrd in future only for residential purnosps when th Kin.? and Queen visit this naval base where the yacht lies. INCOME TAX Returns Prepared See It. K. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. Phone 88 HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern, QuieV Comfortable 711 FRASER STREET Phone Black 823 -" i. KILLS flics mosquitoes mollis bedbugs roaches ants, elc. List Price $:U)5 Ontains sufficient DDT for inula for 100 applications. )i:A LliltS W ANTED Write to local agency. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Ulcls Oldsmobil $rl "4" (or "681 4-Door Sdon Prince Eupert Daflp Jftetos Thursday, April 17, 1947 M S8J& pre-00 , toupoW- , num0 - Oldsmobils Serbs "?B" 4-Door S4 For That Party . . . PARAMOUNT CAFE at Port Edward, B.C. CHOP SUET CHOW MEIN' 7:00 am. to 11:00 pjn. : General Contractor We do basements, reshingling, build fdncea, sidewalks, remodel your kitchen. Demolish or move buildings, 100 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CALL BLUE 610 and we will give an estimate. THE (flLOOKING, tUttfuANBUNQ 1947 OLDS MOBILE Three full Hues lo choose from, all offering lofial al tulrs The 1947 Oldsniobile is smait iu more ways than one. Smart Btyliug . . . certainly. Hut it's a smait investment, too. An investment iu the dependability and quality for which the Oldsniobile name is famous. Au iuvestment in the riding comfort of Qtiadri-Coil Springing and 4-Way Stabilization. An iuvestment in the matchless driving ease oC GM Hydra-Matic Drive the only drive that 6hifts gears automatically and eliminates the clutch pedal entirely. Choose the low-priced Oldsmobile "60" (either a six or au eight) or the popular-priced "70" (also with a choice of engines) or the luxurious "98" Custom Cruiser. Which, ever it is . . . you'll be making a smart choice! The demand Jor netv var$ is Mill to freat thai it may oc nmt time Moteyou tale the uheel of your new Oldsmobile. Maka ,ure your present car leeps rollings The better ill condition; ' thesuJeryouareir.andtliehiritspotentialtraJe-ln wluei 0-S47 si A 3 LONG MOTORS LIMITED cor, n i mi Ave