4 I ..-'5 MlJ rfnrt' Rupert -Daffy J3chif Friday, Xhy 2, 1947 Brantford, Ont, feared waters would pass peak of disastrous flood but they stayed four Inches below previous high". Wilfred Good, shown with his nephew, Bill Good, had to go, by boat from his home in Birkett's Lari?. Brantford, to milk cows which were marooned on a hill, ' CHILD DIES AT HAZELTON SKEENA CROSSING The two-year old sm of Herbert Wesley died recently at Wrinch Memorial Hospital at HazeMon and was buried the following day at the Skeena Crossing cemetery. Predeceased by his mother Iftjfew months a.yo, he Is survived . by .his father and grandparents. Funeral service was conducted fcy Rev. Robert Morris. Pall-' bearers were Arthur McDames, " Arthur Sampare, Peter Mark and Joe Brown. SKAGWAY FOLK HAVE LONG LIFE The population of Skagway is slim enough but, evidently, the Alaskan city must be a pretty fdir! point in which to attain length of days. There are no less -than four who have reached and more than reached the eightieth year. These are Frank Fowler. Mrs. Fannie Ungcrfroren, Bill Sherman and Mrs. Harriet PuJ-len. -The latter wlil be recalled by many Prince Rupert people who have put up at her hotel. All of the five continue healthy and active": ROYALS TAKE HOCKEY LEAD Blanked Galary Stampeders 7 to 0 in Third Game of Series MONTREAL, (f Montreal Royals defeated Calgary Stampeders by a score of 7 to 0 last night. The Royals now lead the best ot seven Allan Cup final series two games to one. Mixed 'A' Bowls May 8 Highway Service vs. Cougars, Zephyrs vs. Sure-shooters. Tornados vs. Sureshooters, Dodgers vs. Cuckoos. May 15 Zephyrs vs. Tornados, Cougars vs. Screwballs. Sureshooters vs. Cuckoos, Dodgers vs. Highway Seivice. May 22Tornados vs. Highway Service, Cougars vs. Cuckops. Dodgers vs. Zephyrs, Sure-shooters vs. Screwballs. May 29 Highway Service vs. Sureshooters, Zephyrs vs. Cougars. Screwballs vs. Dodgers, Cuckoos vs. Tornados. Classified Aawrusmg Pays! BAD WEATHER HOLDS SEEDING WIKMIFEG Seeding Is delayed over the whole prairie area this year, due to unseasonable cold weather and extremely gc d moisture conditions, and wi)' r. i. be.-cmf general lor another ten days to two weeks. Reports indicate that -There will be a slight d?crease h: wheat acreage with a corresponding small increase in the acreage sown to cor. "-a grains, according to the fir--' weekly crop r'port of the de artment of asrrirulture of the Canadian Naticnai Railways. Hvc-:ti -k appears to have wintered well twe the whole area In cpits cf the severe winter Farm labor and machinery are sufficient to put in this year's crop. V;ry little seeding has ben done so far in southern Manitoba and it is expected to be another week to ten days before seeding becomes general. No seeding has bee-i done in northern Manitoba and Indications are that it will be ten days to two weeks before much work is done on the land. In Saskatchewan there are reports of isolated seeding in the southern section but in central Saskatchewan the land is stilV too wet t-j allow sotdinR to become general for another ten days. Seeding will potbecome general in northern Saskatchewan until aboui the middle oi Mayl. Moisture conditions are excellent 'throughout the province. Southern Alberts reports indicate that it will a week to ten day before secainj is general, largely due to wet ground Wet land Is holding up seeding in the Edmonton area and it will be one to i,wo weeks later than last year. Today EIGHT ENTRIES FOR FASTBALL CITY LEAGUE Eight teams five men's and three women's have submitted entries for the city fastball league this summer, according to Rup Rec director Neil Ross who was placed In charse of organizing the league a week a. Although deadline for entries was last night, Mr. Ross said that he intended to make a final survey of prospective teams before closing the entry list, prob ably today. Given authority to appoint commissioners to guide the league. Mr. Ross has appointed J. S. Wilson, R. G. Moore and Walter Landon to fill the three commissionershlps suggested by the -organizing meeting last week. AdminisUaticn. and judgment of disputes will be la the hands of those three. Final pre-season meeting of the association, consisting of team managers and voting delegates, will be held In the Civic Centre Sunday afternoon, and play is expected to begin Monday night. Just what teams will meet In the first encounter has not yet been decided. Teams whose entries have been received so far are Co-op, ' Gordon Si Anderson, High School, Canadian Legion and C.N. R. Athletic Association among the1 men, while girls' teams are Oor-1 don & Anderson, Khatada Club ; and a third, team which mayl carry either the banner of the Moose Lodge or the High School. RUPERT MOTORS LIMITED Complete automobile repair service by experienced mechanics, assures first class workmanship at the right price. LUBRICATION is vital, be sure your grease job is tigM. We have the best equipment to do your Job and use nothing but first line lubricants, the correct type in each fitting. PHONE 566 in Sports BROWN WOODS LEAD MIXED "B" BOWLING In the "B" div'.slon cf the mixed bowling league, Brown-woods made a clean sweep ot three ctralght games over 65 Cabs, while Bluejr.'v defeated Fijhters 2-1 and Whizbanga downed lUtoeLi and Sharps and Flats overcame Hangovers by iknllar margins. In the league standings, Sharps and Flat cilmbed to the top, -harin first place with Baseball Scores National league Chicaso 2. Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 5, New York . American Leatue Washington 5, Browns 14. Brownwoods with five games won and one lent. Individual coln8 saw Mrs. D. Woods ot Brownw-odi win the high triple with 597 and also the high single with 252. High scorer for the-men was E. Pierce of Rebels with 050 iur the triple and 277 for a single game In the team scoring, Rebels led both the single game with 1,112 and the three-game total with 3,235 , FEW LARUE UTIES There are only 58 cities with a population of more than 100,-COO in all India OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO KNOX HOTEL A QUIET, PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE t COMPLETELY RENOVATED ROOMS REDECORATED SPRING -FILLED MATTRESSES LICENSED PREMISES' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Managers: TOM PESUT STEVE VRKLAKN SAILS IIATCII COVERS SKATE COVERS EDMONDSON AWNING & SAIL WORKS Phone BLUE VM 1C0 East Third Ave. (Next to Shenton's) ttoy Mreshing Sham u,si MINORA BLADE .Fir vnim " k Fo, .oo.yv WUU"BIE.EDGEA2 A tilklAn a m m MINORA BJod Cmoda'i favourite dovbl. dg cttiomv BIqcIm. Titty 'ra lh quality blad IB it low-ptic fitldl mm hub uso mum 4, I Ma v We Suggest . . . Itefore Taking That Holiday Trip You See Our Stock of Accessories FOK YOUR CAR'S SPUING CLEAN.U'KInr, Snonl ' Wax, Soap, Chamois, etc. I ACCESSORIES Foff Lights, Fender Flaps, Midget Vacul Cleaners, unrome (.rill Guards, Wheel Wrenches, I Patches, Jacks, Miscellaneous Tools, Seat Cove and many other Items. Bob Parker Limited FORD AND MONARCH DEALERS "The Home of Friendly Service' P.O. Box 38 Trlnce Rupert, B.C. phone Painting the Interior of your Home? Write or phone for FREE valuable service wh'il will help you choose the right COLOR SCHEME GLIDDEN ;S Paint Distributed by: PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. Serving the North Since 1920 COAL - LUMHER PAINTS - IIARDWAF Phones 651 - 652 ! ' ' " - .1.1 I Men's Trench Coats By CROYDON Sizes 36-44 Loafer Jackets and Coats 36 - 42 Regular $15.50 - $13.50 $5-95 Saturday, Monday & Tuesday Jr' MAY 3rd, 5th, 6th 120 pair Mens Slacks 13 off 5 only Suits 1.-34" - 2 2-35" -1 1-36' Priced at $17-50 Men's Sweaters 36 - 44 12 Price $7-50 Boys' Trench Coats As we are retiring from , the field of Boys' Wear we are offering our Entire Stock at HALF PRICE! The stock includes Pants, short and long, Sweaters and Jackets. THESE ARE REAL VALUE!! Cash ! All Sales are Final ! 30-34 $4.95 MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION ! ! MORGANS MENS WEAR LTD