Classified Advertising - - AX, lu""" iord pet insertion, minimum charge. 80c. Birth Notices TniiEs. Death Hotlcoa. Funrat Notloei Jdirmze " Thursday f c.iPunB Fong. aged Rev Fiod Antrobu Funeral services Chapel at Sunday Mut 4, Inter-then be made In at ,u' ., n.c. Un- i.tM Cemet.'y in mother charge of ar- TfoBK WANTM .vr"T- urn -IT WANTED (103) plaids for Prince Ru General Hospital, Apply 4aL ! wort. &oaa wages. t. Pmnf f r oanaaian isdrief 0OM AND B1MKH (104)' "bTyout Scrap Metals, prto Pa.aW.stlve Trad-Ccnpany Lui 335 East kmSi . Vau-ouver, ten tl AND DO AR D Table I -it Home wav irom nomc. iprc!crab.' ht fOU KENT 022 Fraser (125) EEST--B dr.:om suitable , nr two gentlemen. Ijs cptiou.'; 2 minutes kvOU Black 905. U0. IffiiT Suif. furnished, cit-an and warm. 1142 it Avenue Phone- Green EKT Suite (3) in Vernon T , , it- (xiupje. rnone (tt) iKIvT Front sleeping l: th ri'die: privileges. lit. Av EiS! Phone Red (100) Three-room suite, IEtT 616 6th West. Phone 1698. (109) PEUSONAL AGED WOMAN will laVr children afternoons W. Phone Green 588. rOIt LEASH - - - (tl IIASE .1) Terminal i rl Newsstand. First r ' lor 2 work- in."--' '2t Terminal of- 'M... ? pce Location t Sirfie is ready rrrade. I J Northern Distributors. FAT, INKS MAriHXEUY (tf) f'UlATE DELIVERY R.1 GAS ENGINES 2-cyl. cutest features. Enelos- Itteh dual ignition, Bosch ?t0 etc Oa Pntrlnn WIAN ENGINE LIMITED., 1100 W. Vancouver. B.C. f ew 1526. M17) ff better lumber more iT use the modern rSK!Kate tvrw NnllnnnV P Sawmill 1 National Machinery rj umited, Vancouver, MIX X-sax (tf) It rrceivea DJ h "tr,l01i;n.n".onth I,,' ior m pur- ceaar and hem- -nuated at Surf h t l.ut " Mlowed tor F-Sff tte.,....'. p.!:,?? of the chief lhC B,E. "the District n.;, Ta "- or "" rrince ituprrt rv-v FOH SALE. FOR SALB-Brand new C.C.M. Bicycle, never usert, areen 103. (1041 FOR SALE20 guage shotgun, 3 shot bolt action Phone Red 668. uo3) FOR SALE Pulleys and shafting, grille work, counter, tables, etc. Apply Dolly ' News. wnce. (tf) (103) FOR SALE Oak dining table and six chairs, In good condition; also bedroom dresser Call at City Rest Rocm. (103, FOR SALE Cabinet radio anil guitar. Apply room 20, Knox Hotel; Phone 71. flOD FOR SALE 36 It boat, fully equipped lor halibut and salmon fishing. Call Black 511. (tl) FOR SALE Five room house, furnished, vicinity of Cold Storage. Seal Cove. Write Box 223, Dairy News. (tf) FOR. SALE Johnny's Snack Bar. Phone Black 889. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture at the lowest prices. Used Kitchen Sets from $14. Slightly used Beds, complete from $20. Hassocks $2. Palls from 50s. Floor Lamps $4. New and Used Wood and Coal Ranges, New Cabin Cook Stoves. Scatter Rugs, lovely designs from $1.05. All kinds of other useful articles. Come In and look them over. B. C. FURNITURE CO. Black 324. FOR SALE Resort site on Lake Lakelse. Price consistent wltli assessed valuation. Write Frances Poe. 147 linden Avenue, Wilmette. Illinois. (104) FOR SALE One cot with mattress, two wicker chairs, one chest cf drawers, one small table and bed head stand, one square linoleum, set of curtains with rod, small mirror, one trunk. AH goods In use but In reasonably good shape. What's offered for lot? .Bargain. Call at former Empire office any time between 12 and 4 or In even- ii3 after 7. ... tf FOR SALE Washing machine, hardwood bed, spring, mat-refs, cot and mattress, chest of drawers, hassock, McClary range. 1840 7th Ave. E. (105) FOR SALE Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Friday. May 9th, for the purchase of the motor vessel, "May." described as a gill net flshlngboat, length 27 6". breadth 8', depth 3', with drum installed, togther with 4 h.p. Easthope engine (dismantled) and belocglng to the above referred to motor vessel. The vessel is moored at Port Ess ing ton. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms; Strictly cash. G. F. Forbes, Administratoi of the Estate of John Lind. Deceased, Prince Rupert, B.C. (103) FOR SALE Buildings at Ste wart, B.C. Apartment block with stores below; garage building. Each on seperate lot, 33x120, right In the centre oT the business district at Stewart. B.C. Apply C. M. Adam. Terrace, B.C. (107) Train Schedule For the East-Monday. Wednesday, Friday 8 pjm. From tbe East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday FOR MORE AUHT JEMIMA PAHCAKESf JANCAKES OR BUCKWHEATS V lUr i iiaii in j orATiV iflr mum: i m Acrw ASM Idr" 1941 WEATHER STARTS WELL Sunshine High So Far and Rainfall Within Bound Prince Rupert is wen on the way to having a very favorable rewrd in respect ta weather in 1943. So. far there have- been 230.9 hours of bright sunshine as ccmpared wl'rh. 169.T hours; la the- first four months of 1944 wmie the precipitation, this, year to date Is but 20.94 laches, as against 33.30 Inches la the. corresponding period at last year. The- sunsrine uf 84 hours recorded In. April of this year compared with 72.6 hours; la the same month last year while this April's, precipitation was- 8.8t Inch as against CM Inches la last year's April. The weather summary this April was as follows: Maximum harcmeter, 30.141 on April, 14. Minimum barometer, 29.243 on April 10. Maximum temperature, SO. on April 10. Minimum temperature, 29.1 on April 4. Mean temperature, 44.7. Maximum wind velocity, .southeast, 42 milts per hour, April-H. Totl sunshine, 84 hours hi 19 days. Precipitation. 6.80 inches in 33 days inckidtog 1.9 inches of snow on April 3. DRY THOSE HANDS Children's wet hands should be dried immediately for chapped, cut hands with deep fissures and cracks can cause pain to active children and also lead to Infection. IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OJP CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHIRSON. OTHERWISE KNOWN AS CHRI3TO. FER CHRISTO PERSON AND CHRIS CHRISTOPHEHSON IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT-TAKE NOTICE that by ordr of His Honour Judge W. E rihr, mad the 24th day of April. AH. 18. I was appointed, administrator of the estate of Christopher Cbrlstophersea. otherwise known as Chrlstofer Chris- toferson and Chris Chrlstopherson. deceased. All parties hating claims against the said estate axe hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to mu on or before the 31st day of May. AD. 1947. after which claims filed may be paid wtthout reference to any claims or which I then had no knowledge And aU parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount or their indebtedness tomo forthwith. DATED this 29th day of AprU. AS. 1947. I GORDON FRASER FORBES, Official Administrate Prince Rupert. B.C. 1 1 stor. (! Social Doings (Contributions to. this section will be welcomed) HONORED BY ROTARY CLUB "It seems like you haw to ga away to find, out how much jou're appreciated." trinaed Rotarlaa Fred Seaddert Thursday afternoon la response to a presentation by ciuh- members prior to his leaving, on an ex tended trip- to England.. The- presentation was made I by ChA President Dr. L, W. Ker- ida who Informed Mr. Scadden that, since he was. leaving his, jpost as sergeant-at-JtmSv it was his duty to appolat a substitute during; his four-months, absence. Fifty faces turned pale as Mr Scadden scanned the assem- 'blase for a prospective successor. Frcm the cringing mass; he chose- Willism Terry, who will take tenroorar; charge of the caernrwood mace and be res-ponsihie fcr arranging the. Hags in the Commodore banquet room before each meeting, NEW MEMBERS ARE INITIATED Four new members, were Initiated into the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion last night and three new applications received. Those Joining last night were Mrs. Carl Strand, Mrs. Geo. Nelson. Mrs. G. R. Freeman and Mrs. W. Denluck. Mrs. W. J. Llneham was in the chair In the absence of Mrs. J. S. Black who is In Vernon at present attending convention. Arrangements for the spring sale on May 9 were completed. Miss E. Candy's contribution of fine sewing and knitting,, enough to fill one table, were much admired and appreciated. The sick and visiting com mittee reported several mem bers ill Including a war bride, Mrs. Trim,, who Is new to Prince Rupert. Mrs. E. Morrow and Mrs. V. Duncan were appointed to the entertainment committee, re placing Mrs. D. Bean. Members on the tuberculosis commiriee are Mrs. George Nel son, Mrs. Carl Strand and Mrs.' MacMlllan. They will canvass a portion of the town, making BUT, fou 6ttwv. n mmhm auutn G5DJ IT IS HAY When we were a bit younger, "it ain't hay" was a smart way of saying that the money involved was really important. We'll wager the man who coined the phrase was not a farmer. Because a farmer would see that there is a lot of similarity between the hay in his mow and important money . , . money in the bank. For the wise farmer stores hay-not Just enough for a mild winter, hut enough for the longest, roust severe one. And the wise saver provides not . only for the expenditures he plans UNITED CHURCH TEA AND SALE Delightful and Colorful Spring AHatr Yesterday A tea room, newlx decorated !n tones cf yellow, and tea tables enhanced with, golden spring blossoms, gave a glow of warm thi and sunshine to the tea hour yesterday when the ladies of the United Church were hostesses for the afternoon. Mrs. Andrew Thompson, pre sident of the Senior Women's Auxiliary, and general convener lof the tea and sale assisted Mrs. R. A. Wilson to receive the guests. Presiding at the tea tables were- Mrs. nugh Klllin, -Mrs. Hanford Perktnsv Mrs. M. M. Stephens: and Mrs. H. T. Lawes. Serviteurs were Mrs. W. D. McAra, Mrs. D. Dominato, Mrs P. Bond, Mrs. J. Findley. Mrs. E. R. Foster and Mrs. Dan Mac-Donald In charge of the tea room were Mrs. O, Ciecone, Mrs. W. J Holt and Miss n. Sharpe. Mrs. W. Taught and Mrs. Erl- ing Pedersen convened the home cooking booth; the delicatessen table was In charge of Mrs. C. P. Young and Mrs; T. Petroff. At the fancywork stall were Mrs. D. Santerbarte, Mrs. E. Amos and Mrs. E. Ciapp; apron tatole, Mrs. G. A. Johnson, Mrs. R. O. Macauley and Mrs. H. G. Lawes. The Junior Women's Auxuli- ary arranged a booth which in cluded fancywork,, novelties and candy It was, convened by Mrs Cy Kellett, Mrs. Tommy Fraser. Mrs. Ben Dodds and Mrs. Craw ford Moore. BERNARD ALLEN VISITING CITY Bernard Allen, general super intendent of Canadian National Railways, British Columbia, ac companied by St. John Munro, district engineer, and Charles r Stewart, superintendent of motive power and car department, arrived in the ctty on last night's train. Mr. Allen Is making his first, visit here since being promoted to his new posi- Hon, The party will leave at the appointments foe chest X-rays week-end to return by train to when the clinic is here. . (Vancouver. . . ,r mtnty to spend wisely on worthwhile things ... but for the unforeseen emergency the unexpected opportunity During the war years, nearly half a million more Canadians realized that setting aside money in a savings account at the, B of M was sound commonsense like the farmer putting hay in his barn. That makes a million and a half. B of M depositors following a policy that is at once in the best interests of the individual depositor and in the best interests of the nation. For money in the bank doesn't lie idle. It works constantly in two ways. It works for the saver and it works for national prosperity providing, by loans and investment, the capital that creates employment. It helps to produce goods ... to produce prosperity. Bank of Montreal Prince Rupert Branch : G. R. S. BLACK ABY, Manager Stewart Branch: G. J. S. ANDERSON, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE 1117 Fifth Commandment In Final Rehearsal The cast of the one-act play,. "The Fifth Commandment," had Its final rehearsal, last night under the discerning direction. ! of Mr. Basil Frcckier. George M:Wliinney plays the part of a grandfather who thinks Tie Is 'a law unto himself. Helen Hlbbard Is hU granddaughter, also v;lth.a mind; of her own but unlike her guardian, she 'laves miHc. It is tills feeling for music wn!ch actuallv starts the plot eft m Its way ta a dramatic: climax. The travelling nuslcians enter the scene early in the play. Harry Seamans takes the part of the maestro who ha- slid from the top of hb profession to the bottom. Bert Cameron Is the violinist and unreformed i thief. The role of the pianist Is i taken by Mr. Locke. ! The play will be presented to night In the United Church Hall 'It will be part of an evening's 'entertainment which will alsd 'feature J. S. Wilson slnglrfg, Irish songs of humor and Mrs. !Brlan Higglns, well known for her vocal solo?. Colored films from the Na tional Film Board will be shown by R. E. Moore. OLD THIRST QUENCHER The reservoir at "iaghouan, Tunisia, has been suoulvins drinking water- for more than 1.800 years. 12TH CENTURY SHOES The toes of shoes worn by court dandies In the 12th century were often curled In the -hape of a ram's horn. The Seal of Quality BRITISH COLUMBIA'S FINEST SALMON HAPPY WONG Co. Wholesale and Retail FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 214 Sixth Street Black 289 We Serve You Nothing But the Best . . . SPECIAL RED BRAND BEEF CHOICEST VEGETABLES AND FRUITS COMPLETE LINE OF GROCERIES DELICATESSEN Choicest Cooked Meats Roast Chicken Meat Pies and Salads Pally RUPERT BUTCHERS Phoue 21 Third Ave. West 'Baby Talk' We're always ready to talk about yaur baby and serve lils needs, too. For finest quality products visit our Tender Age Centre WE FEATURE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR BABY McCUTCHEON PHARMACY LIMITED (E. C WALLACE, Manager) Third Avenue at Sixth Street PHONE 71) Vttlntt Httpett DaU 3eta$ Friday, May 2, 1947 The Quality Tea SALADA P ORANGE PEKOE A. MacKenzie Furniture NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Home Away From Home Rates 75c up SO Rooms, Hot and Cold water LIMITED 1f 1 1 "A GOOD PLACE TO BUY" FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION QUALITY AND PRICES RIGHT Phone 775 327 Third Avenue PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1B8 Developing Printing Enlarging Coloring j PORTRAITS and PASSPORTS Chandler & Cowg'ill 210 4th St. P.O. Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. ANSCO PRODUCTS Ormes ltd. Ztfuf Pioneer Druggists PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS The REXALL STORE PHONE 81 Daily Delivery Service STORE HOURS DAILY from 9 am. till 9 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS from 12 Noon till 2 pjn. 7 pjn. till 9 pm. Sanitary Efficient COMMODORE ( AW We Are Most Anxious to Serve You : BREAKFAST MORNING COfAe LUNCH AFTERNOON TEA ; DINNER LATE LUNCH . In a well ordered , ' . Banquet Hall we serve Luncheons, Dinners, Banquetsand cater to parties of all kinds. (Call 17 for full particulars). - j A Constant Supply of Ice ream ' Is Assured at the Commodore GEO. DYBHAVN, Proprietor. V I 4 W. T. COOLER, Manager.- COAL PRICES Due to the withdrawal of government subsidy from the mine operators, also to increased operating costs, we are ' forced to Increase coal prices as follows: EFFECTIVE MAY 1, 1917 ALBERTA LUMP Sacked, per ton . . . $17,25 ALBERTA EGG Sacked, per ton .... 17.00 ALBERTA NUT Sacked, per ton .... 15.00 ALBERTA STOKER Sacked, per ton 12;50 TELKWA LUMP-Sacked, per ton ... 15.75 TELKWA SLACK Sacked, per ton . . . 1L00 All loose bulk deliveries $1.25 per ton less ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. HYDE TRANSFER PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD (1Q4) T 4j. ,nk' It .-it "l.l r4l Si. 4 i